WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
Denver officially submitted its bid for the 2008 Democratic National Convention today. From the Denver Post:
Denver officials submitted a formal bid to attract the 2008 Democratic National Convention on Thursday, while labor leaders vowed to continue to fight the effort unless Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper meets their demands.
Steve Farber, a lawyer who is co-chairman of the committee that submitted the formal bid Thursday, said he doubts labor's opposition will harm Denver's chances. "I think our chances our fantastic," Farber said. "We're out front and in the lead, and it's ours to lose. I've been told that by some folks at the DNC."...
Denver is one of six U.S. cities in the running to host the August 2008 convention, which would draw an estimated 35,000 people to town and would have an estimated economic impact of at least $160 million. Also vying for the 2008 convention are Detroit, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, New Orleans and New York City. [Detroit has since dropped out - Matt]Denver was one of three finalists for the 2000 convention. The city bid again in 2004, but then- Mayor Wellington Webb pulled Denver out of contention because of security concerns. The Democratic National Committee will pick the finalists, and then Howard Dean, the DNC chairman, will make a final choice after the November mid-term elections.
Much of the article was focused on Denver labor leaders' concern about the bid, and I'll focus on that in another post.
The West and Rocky Mountain West in particular are opportunities for the Democratic party. Denver is a natural choice.
Colorado is 1/3 Republican, 1/3 Democrat, 1/3 Independant. Immigration is a huge issue here.
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