WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
One of the reasons people have cited for not holding the 2008 Democratic National Convention in New Orleans is "What happens if a hurricane hits"? Well, with Tampa Bay being a major contender for the GOP convention, lets not forget that the following cities have hosted conventions in the past: Houston - 1992, New Orleans - 1988, Miami Beach: 1968 and 1972 (both Dem and Rep). The fact is, the odds of a specific city being hit with a hurricane during a specific week is fairly low, and I don't think we can expect all Gulf Coast cities to just shut down their tourism business during hurricane season. The Tampa Bay bid for the 2008 GOP convention says:
the chance of a hurricane directly hitting the area while the convention is in town in early September 2008 is too small to affect the decision.There are good reasons for the Democrats to pick a site other than New Orleans in 2008, but chances of a hurricane should not be one of them. (And neither is the state of New Orlean's tourism infrastructure, a point I will re-address in the future).
The Democratic party is above that. The RNC would do something that scummy, but not us. Matt, don't you agree?
Anon- When you say the "Democratic party is above that", I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to. Please explain. - Matt
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