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Obama picks up two superdelegates overnight and leads today 3 to 0:
Oregon Democratic Chair Meredith Wood Smith has endorsed Obama
Colorado Democratic Chair Pat Waak has endorsed ObamaI have decided to support Sen. Barack Obama.
Why Obama? Because he received the majority of the votes in the Oregon primary, and he demonstrates the leadership needed to get us out of Iraq, restore our economy, begin the tough job of providing health care for all Americans and, most of all, heal the divisions in our nation. His commitment to grass-roots organizing, similar to Howard Dean's "Fifty State Strategy," will help Democrats win our down-ticket races. His deep understanding of our Constitution ensures that he will appoint judges, to both the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, who will truly defend our constitutional rights and freedoms.
In 1960, I was too young to vote, but I was so inspired by John F. Kennedy that I worked on his campaign and continue to be motivated by his legacy of social and civic responsibility. He is one of the reasons I became chairwoman of Oregon's Democratic Party. I believe that Obama is providing that same inspiration for our next generation of leaders.
Finally, the contrast between Obama and Sen. John McCain could not be clearer. On bringing troops home from Iraq. On commitment to our Constitution. On telling the American people the truth. Obama has the ability to build -- not just talk about -- a governing majority to actually solve the major challenges facing America.
Oregon DNC Member Wayne Kinney has endorsed Obama“Today I am proud to announce my endorsement of Senator Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. I have maintained my neutrality throughout Colorado’s selection process but feel compelled today to announce my support for several important reasons:
First, as Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party, I am influenced by the voters of Colorado who have turned out in historic numbers over the past four months. Senator Obama won the precinct caucuses, county conventions, Congressional District conventions and the Colorado State Democratic Convention with over 60% of the vote and has brought thousands of new voters into the process.
Second, I believe that Sen. Obama and his message of change is what Colorado wants and that he will defeat John McCain in November. In fact, the most recent Rasmussen poll on May 19, 2008 shows a Sen. Obama with a 6-point lead in a head-to-head race and I think that margin will only increase as voters see the clear difference.
Finally, I believe that our country needs the type of visionary, uplifting leadership that Senator Obama has shown during this long campaign. In the state of Colorado his message of hope has attracted young people, new Democrats and Independent voters who will make up a winning coalition this fall.
Senator Obama wasn’t supposed to be able to get this far. One member of Congress from Illinois said that for Sen. Obama to win the nomination, he’d have to be perfect. He’s been pretty damned good. The fact that this nomination is still inches from being decided is a testament to the abilities of both Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton.
While there are a few primaries left to go, it’s now over for Oregon. Sen. Obama won our state by almost 18 points. He is very close to winning a majority of the delegates he needs to be our nominee for President.
But there should be more to my decision than that. After all, we automatic, “super” delegates are not automatons. We are not here to ratify. We’re expected to use our judgment. Here’s mine: After watching Sen. Obama for more than a year, it’s clear that he offers an ability to lead and inspire that’s been sorely lacking in this country.
Senator Obama will win our nomination, and will be our President. It felt good to write that sentence.
Thank you SDs. Keep 'em comin' before the 31st of May. Yohoooo! Virgin Islands gon' crazy man!
Did y'all figure out what the deal was with Rodriguez -- hey maybe pinoy knows --, he is the Virgin Islands SD who switched to Obama a couple of weeks ago and supposedly, according to Mark Halperin citing a Clinton press release, switched back to Clinton yesterday. Did y'all hear anything more about this?
I've read it from the blogs and some news links last night but I was surprised not to hear it from our local radio here in St. Croix. Even the online news paper at http://stx.onepaper.com didn't make any mention of the switch. But if it's true,it is really unfortunate and sad. Virgin Islands is Obama-crazy nation.
So, who will put Obama 200 ahead of what's her name?
Do you see something common in both endorsements? Two white women, party chairs, both talking about the potential of Obama, both emphasizing the contrast with McCain, both not mentioning Clinton...
I just looked at Clinton's website, under press releases, and I do see releases regarding a Georgia Superdelegate, and a Guam Superdelegate, I don't see anything about Mr. Rodriguez from the Virgin Islands. Something is weird there.
I also checked out the sites and found nothing about Rodriguez. I am sure that the DCW members will found out the truth. This is going to be a very interesting week in the nomination process.
Claudia in Canada
Folks should also know that one factor perhaps pushing Meredith Wood Smith (OR) to go Obama was that her husband and son are both running to be delegates for Obama.
What happened with Mr. Rodriguez from the Virgin Islands? He was in red this morning, now he's gone. Is he OK?
Guam Superdelegate
Pangelinan's already present and accounted for on Latest page.
Welcome to the winning team.
SDs added since 5/5/08:
Obama +75.5
Clinton +12
Hey, guys, after a really show superdelegate day, it looks like another Oregon Super, Wayne Kinnery, has backed Barack!
sorry, I have a typo, Wayne Kinney
Kinney added to this post and tthe lists and the sidebar.
Ultimate tables and MI/FL tables will be updated shortly
You guys are fast! I think I got the word about the same time you published; took me a few minutes to get the post up on Kos about it.
One thing to respond about Meredith's endorsement--she does in fact mention Clinton, talking about her deep respect. (Whatever!)
The other thing is that I believe it's her stepson running for delegate, if you mean Rep-elect Jefferson Smith. That's Joe's son from a previous marriage. (and a friend of mine!)
Kayne's statement sums it up...
..pretty damned good..
..will be POTUS. Feels good to write that sentence.
I am a selfish guy and for my selfish intent, I would want McCain to win and bring down taxes, but even I believe in Obama for the greater good.
I loved Wayne Kinney's remarks -- so honest and heartfelt and plainspoken. Yes, I'll bet it did feel good to write that last sentence. It sure felt good to read it. Thanks, Wayne!
Here's an article about the Virgin Island delegate: I wonder what Billary had on him!
The bitter comments of you Obama supporters is only further alienating Hillary supporters whom you will need for your man to win in November. I thought you guys were "smarter".
-From a premed college grad at the world's second top university next to Harvard.
Keep an eye out for 11 a.m. this coming Tuesday -- word is there will be a number of endorsements from Congressional leaders rolling out around that time.
I may not teach at "the world's second top university next to Harvard," but at my school plural nouns ("comments") still take plural verbs (in this case, "are").
Am I also right in assuming that you are confusing the word "world" with the United States?
No, Stephen. I am referring to "world" in the possessive form "world's". There's only one that includes the human race. But, thank you for your futile attempt at belittling my comment. My point is made; continue putting down Hillary supporters by calling them "uneducated", and Obama will have NO chance of winning in November. That's just a piece of unsolicited, but much needed, advice.
Where does that word come from ?
Your argument is the same as people who, upon hearing someone is an atheist ask "So you think you're smarter than (insert intellectual here)." Its a fallacy. Just because someone is smarter in certain metrics, doesn't mean they are smarter in every metric. Quite frankly, being a premed grad at "the world's second top university next to Harvard," bears little on political knowledge. I'm not saying you don't have political knowledge, but saying you're a premed major from a major school matters little to the relevant data.
Bush graduated from Yale and Harvard Business school.
Puts things in perspective, doesn't it ?
Oh, and yes, it is "are" rather than "is" because "comments" is stated in the plural form. But, I didn't realize that I was submitting an essay paper. I never received less than an "A" grade on a paper, so I guess my proofread English is quite intact. Thanks again, but please don't get caught up on these petty and insignificant logistics, because you will miss the point. You evidently found my comments offensive, and that IS exactly how some Obama supporters are making Hillary supporters feel. That was precisely my point in phrasing my comments in this fashion - it doesn't feel good does it?
Internationally, Harvard's #4. Just saying. MKS has left the building.
I think that the issue that most people are having is not the overall context of your statement, but the fact that you felt the need to add in that you are a premed student at the world's 2nd top university behind Harvard (Which would actually make it 5th, but who's keeping track?). That statement does not give your argument any extra weight.
I do agree with your argument that Obama needs the votes of Hillary's supporters, but many of those that say that they will NOT vote for Obama no matter what are just insane. Their platforms are very similar, with just small differences in methods. Those that argue that Hillary should run as an independent are just plain stupid. Either way, many of Hillary supporters (Over 60% in WV and KY) fall into one of those two categories.
Fidelus21, rankings vary depending on the source. I obtained mine from my school just before being admitted. Regardless, that is hardly the point. Honestly, in my opinion, what matters most is how fulfilling life is to an individual (and what defines that can also vary depending on the source).
Insane it may seem to vote for McCain out resentment and anger; however, when addressing a sector of our population that, more likely than not, has had very few opportunities in life, it is extremely offensive to make the kind of lude remarks SOME, BUT NOT ALL, Obama supporters have made throughout this primary election. I am sure you have come across a few of these statements in various blogs. And the purpose of adding some extraneous points to my original comment was to, in fact, highlight how some lude remarks can feel like a thorn on someone's side. That is it. Nothing more.
I sincerely appreciate your insight and input, and only hope that fellow Democratic supporters realize that reconciliation begins with an apology, followed by forgiveness. Moreover, it is important to recognize that supporters of both candidates are very passionate about their position. And had the situation been reversed, I am certain many Obama supporters would have claimed foul play. Arrogance will get us no where, but understanding will lead us forward. The Republicans' realize this; the old motto of "divide and conquer".
has anybody ever considered that those posters that leave quite insulting posts here (either towards clinton or obama supporters) might in fact be mccain fans?
Lude??? Premed students can spell "lewd" Marsbar is just trolling and should be ignored.
Marsbar, what is your intent here? Curious. Your comments are very narcissistic, perhaps as a premed student you've heard of this? Tensions are high at the end of this contest, and you should know that, comments from both Hillary and Obama supporters are emotional now. So why condemn with such uneducated generalizations? This is a great site! Go elsewhere if you're dissatisfied, but spewing your arrogance here is ridiculous.
From an M.D., at a great academic center.
is trolling the word? I was thinking 'predatory' to describe mars' postings.
Per Wikipedia, a troll is someone who makes a controversial post to disrupt a discussion by baiting others into an emotional response. Marsbar walks like a troll, quacks like a troll--must be a troll, so best to ignore comments and keep the discussion on-topic.
Spoke with Majority Whip Clyburn at a joint presser for our local Congressional challenger. The way he phrased it was that the leadership isn't undecided -- they all already voted in their home states -- but they decided that they'd prefer to run the legislative branch than get embroiled in the primary. And to look for an announcement Tuesday at 11.
Oh, and here's a print source from the same press conference:
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