Sunday, March 02, 2008

Open Thread

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

Who's going to win, who has a better chance against McCain, or whatever else is on your mind.

Update: We have decided to stop allowing anonymous comments. Not because we don't like reading what people have to say but because Blogger has introduced a new "feature" that makes you go to a second page when the number of comments go over 200.

It's very easy to set up a Google account so that you can continue commenting.



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Judy Bienvenu said...

Anyone see this link?

It's amazing how many people Bill pardoned during his last 60 days in office. Once it's been fully vetted by bloggers, there could be some interesting names under the Dec 22 and Jan 20 dates.

Yamaka said...

Oh Folks,

BHO has just clinched the 2208.

Bring the champaign! Time to Party!!!

Coronation Celebration has started in the Hyde Park!!!

Who is the MC of the Joyous Party?

Wright, Rezko and who else, Ayers!!! Lol.


BHO is nursing the wounds of the last night bout! Rumble in the Jungle!!

"Rocky" Big Girl gave the "skinny kid with a funny name" a knock-out punch!!

His face got jammed in the ropes!!!

dwit said...

Nice one yamakarl!

Finally a nice well defined pile of stinking excrement. Much better than your usual meandering hate-filled puddle of incoherent stool juice.

Your "Townhall" buddies would be so proud!

Mike in Maryland said...

Headline from the April 18, 2008 edition of the New York Times:

"Superdelegates Unswayed by Clinton’s Attacks"

The first two paragraphs read:

"Throughout their contentious debate on Wednesday, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton tried again and again to put Senator Barack Obama on the defensive in a pointed attempt, her advisers say, to raise doubts about his electability among a small but powerful audience: the uncommitted superdelegates who will most likely determine the nomination.

"Yet despite giving it her best shot in what might have been their final debate, interviews on Thursday with a cross-section of these superdelegates — members of Congress, elected officials and party leaders — showed that none had been persuaded much by her attacks on Mr. Obama’s strength as a potential Democratic nominee, his recent gaffes and his relationships with his former pastor and with a onetime member of the Weather Underground."

The four key words I see are "none had been persuaded"

The article is at the Times web site, or in the Friday print edition.


Mike in Maryland said...


Here's someone to keep an eye on for your "leaners" list:

Joe Turnham, an uncommitted superdelegate who is chairman of the Alabama Democratic Party.

From the NY Times article on superdelegates' reaction to the PA debate, Turnham sounds like he's leaning towards Clinton:

" 'Obama argues that he will put more states in play, but I haven’t seen him put the coalitions together as strongly as we need to.

" 'You have to put together blue-collar workers, veterans, seniors and swing evangelical voters and compete in states like West Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania,' he added. 'I feel like Hillary has shown more strength there.' "


Leah Texas4Obama said...

Hi everybody-

It is after midnight and now it is my birthday. I've been sitting here this evening sipping on my rum and coke and thinking about my life.

I am writing this post to appease myself and not to sway anyone to my point of view - so if you are an anti-Obama person please do not respond with unkind remarks - and please NO happy birthday wishes either because that would distract from what I would like to say.

I remember when I was a little girl (four years old) I sat at the feet of my sobbing grandmother on the floor as we watched the funeral procession of John F. Kennedy on the television. Of course at that age I didn't understand the totality of the importance of that day but that was the first day of my life that I can remember feeling a 'real sadness' and felt a void in my world.

I know that some people criticize us Obama supporters and also some of the Obama supporters that support Obama who don't have a factual reason or have words to express their strong support and to those people out there that don't understand I would like to say that some things in life cannot be expressed in words but can only be felt in the heart and in the soul.

I have not 'blindly' decided to support Senator Obama - I have researched his life, character, and deeds. But I must say that the first time I heard him speak at the 2004 Democratic Convention something within me knew that he was special and in my lifetime (as an adult) I have never experienced that sort of connection and feeling towards a public leader before.

So basically I just wanted to say to those that don't understand where some of us Obama folks are coming from please at least be understanding in your opinions of us because it is not only an intellectual debate that is going on here in America it is also a heartfelt emotional movement that is taking place all over America, at least that is the way that I see it.

Anonymous said...

:) :)

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at last nights debate!

and for more Obama

Leah Texas4Obama said...

"But It Ain't About How Hard You Hit, It's About How Hard You Can Get Hit, And Keep Moving Forward... That's How Winning Is Done."

Vote - Obama '08

UUbuntu said...

Yamaka -- are you reading or only writing? I asked a couple of questions but you haven't responded.

Ed -- Thanks for reading my entry and posting. We basically agree that Clinton's campaign has reflected poorly on her ability to govern. I don't think it disqualifies her, but I can see how you (and others) would have your doubts after watching her campaign fall apart.

Everyone -- I'll have no problem supporting the Democratic nominee. Clinton and Obama have pretty much the same positions on issues that matter to me. This goofball stuff -- snipergate, bittergate, flaggate, and so on, is just meaningless entertainment, designed to reduce the importance of the issues at hand.

Few people -- especially on this blog -- talk about the candidates' stances on America's practicing of torture and rendition, or the fact that we continue to remain in Iraq in an unwinnable war, costing thousands of American lives, a million Iraqi lives and over half a trillion dollars. Or the fact that our economy and health care system continues to be mismanaged to the point of crisis, or ...

ed iglehart said...

"a man who is incendiary, anti-american, anti-semitic."

In the immortal words of Aunt Judy,

Salaam, etc.

ed iglehart said...


Half a trillion? You must be joking!
It's more like 5 billion a week, or $720 every day! What could we buy for our children or sick folks with that kind of money?

And, here's Ike's warning from 1961 (and I'm old enough to remember it all too well, and to marvel at his wisdom and prescience.


RobH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RobH said...

Follow on to Tyler:

I completely agree that the goofball stuff is distracting us - is designed to distract us - from the monumental issues at hand.

We need to remain focussed on problem solving. That's why I recommended "Freedom From Oil" yesterday. It's a "here's how we fix it" book, not a "this is why it's broken" book.

Please read it and share it.

RobH said...


Don't know what your "half a trillion" reference is to Tyler. If it's annual Iraq spending by US gov't, that would be $10B/week, not the $5B you follow with. And of course we have estimates all over the board.

But there are some really staggering comparisons you can do to simply demonstrate the magnitude of the numbers.

Here are a few, using the LOW END of these estimates ($5B/week, 1/4Trillion/yr.)and some outrageously conservative assumptions:

New college enrollees in US = 2M/yr
Avg college cost in US = $30K
Total college costs in US = $60B

We could make college FREE in the US and have 3/4 of the money left over. Health care anyone?

Avg construction cost elementary/secondary school = $10M.
We could build 24,000 new schools.

Avg teacher salary and benefits $100,000. We could hire 2.4 Million teachers.

Of course my estimates could be on half LOW, because I'm using the conservative estimates of spending.

Clearly, we could build 6,000 new schools, hire 240,000 new teachers, make college free, and still have money left over....

Again, health care anyone?

Just some examples....

MSMWatch2008 said...

Leah -
I hope you do not perceive this as an unkind remark, because that is the farthest thing from my mind. I’ve always believed that a birthday is a good day to learn something new. In that spirit, I just want you to know that many of us who support Hillary Clinton cannot be automatically morphed into "anti-Obama" people.

I do believe that one of the major problems in this process is this inability to accept another's opinion - a different opinion - as a positive element. In the same way that pro-choice morphs into pro-abortion = anti-life (yet, conversely, anti-abortion morphs into pro-life, but whatever happened to anti-choice?), there is a way to be pro-something without being necessarily anti-something. Both sides of this aisle could learn something about that.

aunt judy -
it's only amazing to me that you never knew about those pardons in 2000. It was grist for the Republican mill, and all the media, for months.

tyler -
did you know that Mike in Maryland, jpsedona, and robh also “all have newly created blogger accounts” -- is that a sign?

robh –
(whoever you are ;-) I appreciate that analysis, and believe a Democratic President will take us down that road to better and relatively free education, which my generation had the good fortune to obtain. I just hope we get one (Dem Pres)!

This blogging is addictive, isn't it? Gotta shake this off!

RobH said...


I noticed the same thing about Yamaka. I asked him a question sincerely, and followed up, and he has chosen to not reply. That means he probably treats this forum differently from most; for him it's a monologue, not a dialogue. But, here, I'll try again....


I wonder about the derivation of your name. In the context of Passover about to begin, is it a clever play on yarmulke? Or is does it reflect an oriental (I hope not to offend with a generalization, but I presume Japanese) familail background? While recognizing that Texas is a big and welcoming state, either of these backgrounds would prabably find you in a minority. Knowing that you're a delegate there what was that experience like, gaining your delegate hood?

Thanks, looking forward to a happy dialogue.

countjellybean said...

I've always suspected that Yamaka was some high school kid looking for attention. His post last night confirmed that for me.

Mike in Maryland, thanks for the input.

MSMwatch, I ask you again for your opinion of Yamaka's use of the phrase "his blackness".

ed iglehart said...


Tyler's words from 7(ish) this morning:"the fact that we continue to remain in Iraq in an unwinnable war, costing thousands of American lives, a million Iraqi lives and over half a trillion dollars."

I wasn't doing a 'per annum', just presuming that, what with special additions, private contractors (incl Halliburton, Blackwater and offshoots), and other costs, "half a trillion" is definitely on the "conservative" side.

AND IT'S ALL BORROWED MONEY which we'll be repaying to the Chinese and all thwe other fools who buy our debt. The only 'positive' in this is that we'll repay with devalued dollars.....Inflation is the borrower's friend.

Salaam, etc. ed

RobH said...


loved the tone of your post. thanks.

I'm a 50yr old caucasian male, suburbs of NYC. Three teenage sons, one entering college in the autumn, thus my significant interest. Face high local property taxes, generated by big local school budgets, thus the continued interest in education, generally. Believe that education is the only way off what I see as a downward trajectory for our society as I have known it (global competitativeness, environmental stewardship, etc.)

Grew up in a Rebublican household, voted Ford, Anderson, Reagan, Dukakis, Clinton, Clinton, Gore, Kerry.

You're right this blogging is killin'. Thought that when I started posting about two weeks ago - after reading this thread without posting for about two months - that I was a relatively level-headed, open-minded guy.
Have re-read my own posts and have seen the snark creep in. (How'd I get to "this GOTCHA stuff is cool" yesterday?)

You know, I just read Gore's "The Assualt on Reason" and really bought into his premise. My question: what is it about this forum - blogging - that seperates "reasoned" and "informed" from "discourse"? Is it the anonymity? Is it the impersonalization?

Well, I've just tried to personalize myself somewhat for y'all. Asked for some of the same from Yamaka. We'll see what we get. Hopeful to change the tone.

RobH said...

OK, so I'm an Obama guy - obviously - and am pleased by the upcoming endorsement today by Robert Reich. Fine article in NYMag reporting an interview with Reich as to how and why he came to endose when he had not intended to (owing to his long association/friendship/respect for HRC) even though his support for Obama has been widely known.

I see this endorsement as a lot like Richardson's both in the struggle that the individual went through in making his choice, but more importantly, the significance it holds due to a truly, deeply connected insider leaving the camp. That is a really big deal IMHO.

But here's a thing that I have not ever 'gotten' about the HRC supporters who are screamers (not the reasooned ones, but the 'haters' if you know what I mean)? With Obama now leading in every form of elected DNC superdelagate - do these screamers believe the majority of our entire elected representatives are blind and imbecilic, too? Have they all drunk the Kool-Aid, too? With tightly bound, committed insiders like Richardson and Reich chosing to leave camp, after an agonizing chice process, are they blind, Kool-Aid drinkers, too?

I wish somebody could help me with that.

RobH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ed iglehart said...


The 'screamers' have got too much invested to let go. Perhaps they reckon America's feminist credentials are on the line. There's also the refrain of "it's her turn", and "She's earned it". Barack is the new kid on the block who's risen like a rocket (Thank G-d America makes that possible), and naturally resented by the former kings/queens of the hill.

Here's the lady with the flag-pin question, and here's some feminism to be going on with.

I still recall some columnist's comment that HRC was going to be beaten by someone more in touch with their feminine side than she was....But I'm American and don't understand irony


Amot said...

HRC has every right to keep the fight going on. I would be glad to know that there is plan B in case something happens with Obama before GE. I agree she must compete, I agree she must not drop out, but if all this comes not at the cost of party divided for decades. Most Obama backers say they would support HRC if she is the nominee, but no one asked if they will still support her if she is trailing by 100 pledged but wins. I think last debate was not positive for either of the candidates because most of it was not constructive at all. I want them talking about issues, about change and prosperity, about plans...

UUbuntu said...

To MSMWatch2008 -- I apologize if I misidentified you as a sock puppet for another poster on this board. Your initial post appeared (to my eyes anyway) remarkably similar in tone and content to those of subodh/Tony/Nancy/etc. With a newly created account, my suspicions were raised. Please note that my post content indicated suspicion, not accusation. The reason I don't suspect MnM, jpsedona and RobH of being sock puppets is that their posts differ significantly in vocabulary, tone and (somewhat) in content. The date of blogger account creation might be corroborative evidence of disingenuity, but it's rarely sufficient for suspicion. Hope this helps.

However, as a fellow Clinton supporter on this board, I am more curious of your reaction to my "in support of Clinton's candidacy" article than in your reaction to the degenerative tone of many of the posts here.

I'm glad we agree on the following: Clinton is our first choice for Democratic candidate, and that both Clinton and Obama are infinitely more preferable than McCain in the general election. I'm glad to hear that, once Obama secures the nomination, you will endorse and promote his candidacy with the same vigor that you've promoted Hillary Clinton's.

Yamaka said...

Good Morning, Fellow Democrats:

Last night, I was looking at the Electoral Map that Bill Clinton won in 1992 and 1996. What an awesome achievement:

In 1992 he bagged 370 Electoral Votes!
In 1996 he topped it with 379 Electoral Votes!

During his tenure, he created 22 million jobs, economy grew at a whopping 3.75%, millionaires were minted every week of every year (I was one!). SP500 Index was 1550, and there was budget Surplus, which belonged to the SS Fund. He saved the Social Security, there were talks of "Lock Box". In short, he demonstrated to the amazement of the whole world how to govern and bring prosperity to the world.

And even, at the height of the Sex Scandal created by Starr/Newt Ginger, he had an approval rating of more than 60%. Grateful Nation was Behind Bill.

That was the Golden Era in American Politics/Policy. Brand America was reigning supreme. I want that Golden Era to come back. I am a FOB - A Friend of Bill.

Who can bring it back?

HRC, who was there shoulder to shoulder working 24 h non-stop behind the towering Bill.

She was the Brain Behind Bill, so said Robert Bartley, the late Editor of Wall Street Journal. They also said she was the Co-President.

That's the point I want to reiterate here:

She has been the Co-President for 8 years to the utter consternation of most of the Republican Attack Machine. Before Clintons, Rovian RAM was utterly useless. Before them their political enemies like Newt G and Livingston lost their entire career overnight! Where are they now?

Clintons are God's Gift to America.

Now to the Primary:

Who is this Manchurian Candidate from Hyde Park?

A 46 year old Black politician without the Civil Right Heritage.

He can deliver prepared speeches with teleprompter: rhetorical eloquence of pompous poetry. Fuzzy talk, nothing more. Talk is cheap.

He is a bleeding liberal of "Tax and Spend" - Kerry/Kennedy ilk.

Who is supporting him?

The liberal moneybags of Hollywood, Soros, immature White males, the anti-women crowd and the whole of Black population.

These are the perennial losers of our Society.

HRC is passionately supported by most Women, Latinos, matured, experienced White males and Asians.

These are the backbones of our Society.

Oh, Respected Super Delegates: You are the King Makers of this Nomination Process. There are 38 million Left-leaning Americans watching what you will do. Would you Nominate an experienced HRC or the Manchurian Candidate of Total Lies Deceit and Deception BHO?

If you Nominate HRC they will vote for Democrats and we will have 379 Electoral Votes! Paradise Regained.

If not, they will go to McCain - a War Hero with enormous experience in public policy and public service.

Oh SDs, yes we can... bring back the Paradise Lost!!

Think hard, and act fast!


A Delegate Standing Up for HRC.

Cheers. Good Day.

UUbuntu said...

To Ed -- My use of the "half a trillion" figure comes from The National Priorities Project, which keeps a running tally of our Iraq War expenditures. I agree that it's on the conservative side (like the conservative counts from The Iraq Body Count as opposed to the Lancet Study from 2 years ago). The real monetary costs of this war will be anywhere from 3 to 10 times that half-a-trillion figure, and that cost will never be truly assessed. And the human suffering that this administration has provoked is immeasurable. I hope that someday we have an International Criminal Court and that Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld get charged with war crimes for this invasion. I don't hold my breath though.

To Rob --
I haven't read "Freedom from Oil" yet. I'm about halfway through "Dreams From My Father", which I highly recommend. It provides a unique understanding of who Obama was and how his experiences shaped his persona. The funny part is where Yamaka uses a quote from his book in an earlier post as the primary reason he dislikes Obama, but completely misses the point that that quote represents a view that Obama considers counterproductive to personal growth and no longer holds.

WendyPrince said...

I would like the leaners to comment this immature act!

jpsedona said...

Yesterday, commenting on the debates you said:

"I say BRAVO to Charlie and George for a job well done and for finally asking the right questions."

Just for the record, the questions about Ayers came fropm Sean Hannity on his radio program where George was a guest before the debate. George indicated that he was "taking notes".

The reason that Obama got that tough question is because Hannity gave it to George. So, when you commend George, you are also commending Hannity indirectly.

I think tough questions to any candidate is good (Dem or Rep).

Yamaka said...

Oh, the Left-Leaning 38 million Americans who are silently watching this Primary Circus: Please listen,

Here is what BHO writes in his Dreams From My Father:

"That hate hadn't gone away, blaming White people - some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives"

Oh BHO! This is yet another "mangled thoughts" from your confused soul!!

You cannot have logically that hate for your White mother, and her parents. They sacrificed plenty to give you everything. Their sacrifice made you a millionaire at a tender age of 40.

In return what did you do to your White Grandmother in your Philly Speech on Race?

You threw her under the bus so mercilessly carelessly in order to save your own skin, and the scalp of the anti-American bigot Wright! Ungrateful grandson!!

Do your forefathers have the scars of slavery, segregation and discrimination? No, Can't have.

Your father Barack Hussein Obama Sr was a Kenyan of a dominant Luo tribe, which never suffered of slave trade, which was rampant in West Africa some 300 years ago.

Last time I checked, Kenya is in East Africa!!!

Anyway, did you anytime ask your biological father (to whom you entitled your Book!) why he abandoned you and your teenage-mother?

Is this not what happening in many of the Black families even today, which is the main reason for the economic backwardness inflicting most of your community? Then, why do you blame Whites?

Another "mangled view" of your world!

SDs, please make a note of this. Cheers.

UUbuntu said...

Christine --
1. You have not posted here before.
2. You have a private profile.
3. You did not indicate that you have read any posts by others here.
4. You did not post any opinion about the war, the economy, health care or our policy on torture.

Why on earth do you consider that link to be significant, and why should we react to it?

Please share some information about yourself and why you support the candidate of your choice. Please do not refer to that candidate's opponent in your response. Thank you.

jpsedona said...


The Robert Reich endorsement comes as no great surprise. he had a big fallout with the Clintons back in the 1990's. He's never been in Hillary's boat, so an endorsement for Obaam is no significant impact. Reich is far to the left of Bill or Hillary, and politically very far left in the spectrum. He is very liberal and was upset about the shift to a moderate stance that Bill took in the 1996 election (which prompted his departure after Clinton's reelection).

UUbuntu said...

Yamaka -- We've asked questions. Please answer them.

Yamaka said...

Bob Reich and Richardson both, although worked in Bill's Administration, are bona-fide bleeding liberals of the type of Kerry and Kennedy. I am not surprised that BHO gets them.

I will not be surprised even Edwards joining the fry-pan of BHO.

They all will be fried alive, again, during the GE if their kid gets the nomination! What happened to Kerry in 2004?

Vast majority of Americans (60%) stay near the middle of the political ideology.

Dhaaaa.... Don't preach Catholicism to the Pope!

SDs, please make a note of this. Cheers.

jpsedona said...


Since you are looking at the middle of the road Dems, how about Sam Nunn and David Boren coming out for support of Obama?

Nunn is well respected on both sides of the aisle. He is a moderate Southern Dem who's experience and opinion is respected by mainstream Dems. He's even been mentioned as a potential VP choice for Obama.

On foreign policy and intelligence matters, these two endorsements are much more in line with your comments.

Anonymous said...

Many individuals read this blog and never make a comment. Some post comments and gleefully watch the stirring comments the elicit.
Others prefer to fully participate,
and that is good.
Yamaka, seems to get some peoples goats. They can't get your goat if they don't know where it is tied.
I guess Yamaka is not fully vetted
and may choose not to "enter the kitchen" as it does get HOT sometimes.

UUbuntu said...

Yamaka -- We've asked questions. Please answer them.

Unknown said...

According to this post

one of the Ohio pledged delegates has changed from Clinton to Obama. Can you verify that this is correct?

Also, do your pledged delegate counts reflect the recent change in Mississippi where Obama gained an additional pledged delegate?

Thanks for any info, and thanks for the GREAT work you do here!

Anonymous said...

Does the latest Gallop tracking poll mean anything. It came after the debate

Yamaka said...



Just say whatever you want to say. There is no Rules and Regulations here!

For, we are Americans. We want to hear everyones view of the world.

We are listening.

The Democratic Party is on the one hand pulled by the bleeding liberals and the other hand by the centrist (like me).

Although I am a social liberal, I am more of a fiscal conservative.

I am sending my kids to Cornell and Stanford, paying $5000 a week, yes.. a week. I want to get back to the booming economy of the 1992-2000, the Golden Era.

I hate this "Tax and Spend" BHO who wants to Redistribute the Wealth. But where is the Wealth?

I want someone who can Create Wealth. Remember, Bill Clinton told us, "Increase the Size of the Pie before cutting the Pie".


Yousri said...


Click on the Ultimate Delegate Tracker in the sidebar at left, you will find a lot of the information that you are asking about.

jpsedona said...

Yesterday, in an interview with CNN, DNC Chairman Dean, said that superdelegates should decide now:

"We cannot give up two or three months of active campaigning and healing time. We’ve got to know who our nominee is."

I don't think that he has the power / sway to make this happen, but it sure sounds like he's on the Obama bandwagon if he wants a decision before PA, NC & IN. So, how will he approach things if Hillary & Obama split the delegates from these three contests? I would think that he will say that based on the rules, that there is a presumptive nominee and that it's time too move forward toward the general election.

Yamaka said...

For those who want to see the mood of the Americans, please visit the Straw Poll of AOL (America On every week.

More than 250,000 IPs log in and vote. You cannot manipulate it. Each IP gets only one vote a week. You can see the State Leader also simultaneously.

I like this because of the sample size, nearly more than quarter million a week!

Past three weeks, Hillary Rodham Clinton has been leading by 8-15%!

Good for America!

SDs, please visit AOL Straw Poll for a change. Cheers.

Yamaka said...

I thought Dean meant that by end of June ALL undeclared SDs must make up their mind!

By July 1 ALL super delegates MUST be declared, which will unofficially give us the presumptive Nominee, well before the Convention in Aug.

Then the SDs can work diligently about convincing and comforting the loser. The winner will have humongous task of uniting the Party.

Do you remember what Ted Kennedy did to Carter in 1980?

In my view of the world, if BHO gets the nod, we will follow the fate of Kerry 2004; if HRC gets the nod, we will go back to Clinton 1996. What do we want?

SDs, please think hard and act fast! Cheers.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

MSMWatch2008 said...

"......In that spirit, I just want you to know that many of us who support Hillary Clinton cannot be automatically morphed into "anti-Obama" people....."

I agree and I do not think in anyway I morphed anyone. And by reading your remarks I do not think that you said I did so, but that you were only pointing out how it is.
I realize that there are pro-Hillary/anti-no one
pro-Obama/anti-no one
pro-McCain/anti-no one
folks out there as well as the fervent anti-Obama and anti-Hillary folks and also anti-Mcain'ers. I was just trying to avoid the 'anti-Obama' remarks ;)

Bottom line it is time for America to unite and become one :)

jpsedona said...


In his comments and broadcasted on other networks in addition to CNN, this is the first time I've heard him say "NOW". That doesn't sound to me like it means July 1.

btw, Hillary is NOT running as a 'co-president' in the primaries becasue she would be saddled with policies unpopular with Dem primary voters (e.g. NAFTA, pardons, etc.). But if she does eek out the nomination, don't worry, she'll change her positions to appear more moderate for the GE.

RobH said...

Hey gang,

To Tyler and MSMwatch, I must say it feels really peculiar to be referred to as a subject of speculation (as to whether I'm a multi-poster w/ MinM and jpsedona)
with no ability really to interact. The analogy it brings to mind is if you're at your own funeral, but concious somehow, all the people there are talking about you, and you want to say "hey, over here", and you can't get through. Powerless.

I'm not complaining, and everybody is entitled to speculate. it's just, as Mike Myers/Dr. Evil said: "kinda creepy, yeah."

Anyway, I am who I said I am, just one guy. I admit to liking Maryland crabs a lot, and think Sedona is a nice town based on two all to brief drive throughs. But I'm neither MinM nor jp. Here's something funny. I can guarantee there are precisely two posters on this thread (besides me) who know with certainty I'm not Mike and jp.
And that would be Mike and jp.

Here's another way you know. If I was really multiple, would I write to myself at 12:38? That would be going to way too great lengths....

Tyler, I appreciate the really positive tone of your post to msmwatch at 11:17. It elevates the conversation here, back to the tone and place it ought to be. And to msmwatch, when we first exchanged a few days ago, I too, like Tyler, had a not so good feeling. But our exchange this AM has put these feelings to rest. Sorry if I originally offended. That's the snark I referred to earlier.

We really all are on the same team - or at I hope so.

RobH said...

Oh Yamaka,

I asked you a couple of nice sincere questions trying to get a civil exchange going, and you won't answer. Then you "Welcome, Christine" with effusiveness when she arrives with her, um, approach.

I feel cheap.


RobH said...


just read your 1:54 post. Got a question: if Obama gets the nod, do you support him, or go for McCain?

RobH said...


You've got some of the best colloquialisms. Last night it was shoes stores and today it "where your goat's tied." I love it. I may not support your candidate, but I love your style.

Yamaka said...

My Two Cents on NAFTA and global FREE Trade:

As a FOB, I like Maestro Bill's view:

They are on balance good for America.

We have to Mend It, Not End It.

We Texans are happy with it.

But I can empathize with problems in OH, PA and upstate NY.

This tells me we need an experienced hand to be the President who can MEND it right!

Not a novice like BHO; he does not have the clear understanding of the total issue.

He is just a kid learning the rope very slowly.

HRC is ready to lead from Day One.

SDs, please make a note of this. Cheers.

Judy Bienvenu said...


I do remember hearing about those pardon's but frankly, I was just a young lass back then and spent much more time in bars on 6th Street than I did focusing on issues....hic-cup!


I did spend enough time watchng the news 'back in the day' to remember all the endless Clinton scandles. It's interesting how lots of people witnessing the same events remember it differently. You must still be enjoying the prosperity of the Clinton era if you're still able to afford $5K a week-yes a week-for your kids college tuition. Congrats for not losing your a** like the rest of us during the Bush years. Do I sense an elitest tone in your blog postings?

Judy Bienvenu said...

And another thing -

(I don't know if the links will carry over from my original blog posting on this subject but here's a link in case it doesn't:

There's something to be said for calling it like you see it, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that.

As such, I beleive it’s time to turn the corner and start a new chapter. It’s time to begin a new day, in a new direction and with renewed spirit.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” -George Santayana (1863-1952), The Life of Reason,Vol 1, 1905.

o 1993 White House Travel Office Scandal Surrounding First Lady
o 1994 Whitewater Scandal Begins & Continues for 5 More Years
o 1995 President Clinton & Lewinsky Initiate a Sexual Relationship
o 1996 Improper Collecting of FBI Files Revealed
o 1997 White House ‘Sleepovers’ for $5.2M in Campaign Contributions
o 1998 First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton Under Oath & Questioned for 6th Time by Federal Prosecutors
o 1999 President Clinton Impeachment Trial for Lying Under Oath

What was the estimated cost to the American tax payers for the Clinton’s Scandals while in the employment of the United States Government?** I did the math!

$80 Million Independent Counsel Investigations
$1.2 Million Congressional Impeachment Proceedings
$ 4 Million Bill Clinton’s Salary ($250K x 8 yrs)
$1.3 Million Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Salary ($162,100/yr x 8 yrs)
$86.5 Million Total!!

What would $86.5 million buy these days anyhow?

In deed, in 2008 it’s the same amount of money it would take to provide health insurance to approximated 179,160 uninsured children under the comprehensive health care plan reform package pushed by Senator Barack Obama in Illinois. This amount doesn’t even take into account the millions and millions of dollars that the Clinton’s have made from their book deals; books that recap all of these scandals from their own points of view.

Can the average tax payer (who’s struggling with a slowing economy, soaring gasoline prices and increasing unemployment figures) really afford to keep the Clinton’s on the payroll for yet another 4 years? Enough already. We should all be crying “Uncle! Uncle!”

Yamaka said...

"You must still be enjoying the prosperity of the Clinton era if you're still able to afford $5K a week-yes a week-for your kids college tuition. Congrats for not losing your a** like the rest of us during the Bush years. Do I sense an elitest tone in your blog postings?" aj

Dear AJ:

When Maestro Bill was in charge long time ago SP500 Index was about 1550. Now it is near 1390. That tells you how much I lost mostly to the time value of money and inflationary corrosion!

About the Scandals: I don't care much about Sex Scandals. For, Sex, God and Religion are private matters. I don't take any interest in anybody's or Clinton's private matters!

Sorry, if I sounded elitist. Maybe, an unintended afterthought!

I did not go to Columbia/Yale or Harvard. I just went to UT Austin!

I am afraid my kids may grow up to be condescending elitists like Obamas!! They are very lucky ones.

Qn: Will they be thankful to America, the bountiful?

UUbuntu said...

Hey, RobH -- No fair! You're not allowed to ask Yamaka questions. I want Yamaka to answer MY questions. If Yamaka answers your questions first, I'm gonna get jealous and feel ignored.

Right now, I think Yamaka is in "write-only" mode anyway, so we both may be out of luck with our requests. I once owned a hard disk that turned into "write-only" mode. It wasn't fun.

Judy Bienvenu said...


These links are for you:

Your welcome.

jpsedona said...


There are a slew of Hillary related stories, intrigues and suspicions that will emerge if she's the candidate. Some that you didn't mention include:

= accepting $$ from a Chinese Agent
= her investments in cattle futures
= removing items from the white house at the end of Bill's term
= her appointment of a bar bouncer as head of white house security (rumors about her & the young man persist)
= the rumors surrounding the death of vince foster and the nature of the friendship with willary

Hillary stated the other night that everyone had rummaged through her past. Very true. The fact is that the GE is where you will hear all of the issues come up in one fashion or another.

Judy Bienvenu said...


You are correct - all very valid issues that will be smeared all over the TV if she steels the Nom. I only focused on the scandals the tax payers had to foot the bill for. Thanks for your input!

Yamaka said...

Robert Bartley, the late political editor of Wall Street Journal wrote for several years about "problems" and "scandals" of the Co-Presidency of Bill and Hill. He compiled volumes and volumes.

But vast majority (65%) of Americans just ignored him.

Alas, he died as a big loser!

History will repeat.

HRC will bring back the Golden Era for the prosperity of ALL Americans, including the Anti-Women Crowd.

I am just watching the mood of the non-partisan but Left-leaning Americans (about 38 million) who are watching this Primary Circus - participated by mere 28 million activists.

They will instruct me as to how to vote in the GE!!

I hate to be among the traditionally losing crowd!!! In the past 30 years no bleeding liberal has won the Presidency. Cheers.

jpsedona said...


"HRC will bring back the Golden Era for the prosperity of ALL Americans."

If Hillary is the nominee and plans to bring back the Internet Stock Bubble, let us know. Some of the prosperity that you describe was the "new economy". It was during the Clinton administration that the outsourcing of white collar jobs (IT, call centers, etc.) to India and other countries really took hold. Do you think Hillary will address that issue? With her close ties to Walmart, is she in favor of sending all our manufacturing jobs overseas?

'All Americans' may not have shared in the 'prosperity' during the Clinton years, but they will feel it in the wallet if Hillary is ever elected.

RobH said...

I'm trying to figure out what it was in Aunt Judy's post that elicited a response from Yamaka, when he has been ignoring other equally civil approachess.

And I think I got it. It's her reference to the "prosperity of the Clinton years" which indpired him to a quick reply referencing "Maestro Bill." Then I went and re-read his previous posts. She touched hois soft spot for Bill. Here's the secret: He wants Bill Clinton to be President again.

Hint to Yakama: Bill Clinton is not the candidate.

Look, I remember the Clinton years with great fondness, too. But just 'cause he was effective, does not mean she will be also. This campaign has made painfully clear that his gifts did not transfer to her.

She's done. Your done.
Like my kids say: "Yamaka = pwned."
See ya' Yamaka - as I said "you're a hoot". As in funny - clown-like.

RobH said...

Man, my typing stinks. I spell really well, honest, just don't type too cleanly.......

dwit said...


I hope you are being ironic.

ed iglehart said...

"I hate to be among the traditionally losing crowd!!!"

So why cling to Hillary?


dwit said...
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dwit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dwit said...


Of course Yamakarl has been ignoring those who post FACTS. As with most Republicans, reality has no place in his universe.

Amot said...

Bonus point:
I think it was Yamaka, who pretended Bill has the highest approval rating ever even during Monika gate! And that means Hillary as former First Lady is the best candidate!
I would like to hear explanation why is Hillary so low in approval charts? She is not involved in sex scandal; she is not hit by either GOP or Barack (at least not seriously); she has glorious Bill behind her and SHE HAS THE LOWEST APPROVAL RATING OF ALL CANDIDATES (even those withdrawn)! Please, comment...

jpsedona said...


Yakama is just bitter. And bitter Hillary supporters stick to their candidate, 3am phone calls and beer chasers.

There is no turning back the clock. Bobby Kennedy wouldn't have returned the country to the JFK years. HW Bush couldn't bring back the Reagan years. And Hillary can't bring back the Bill Clinton years.

People have moved on. The campaign theme this year is "Change". Is putting Hillary (& Bill) back in the WH the type of change that people want? Whether it's Obama, Hillary or McCain, it will be change. But to be sure, the Bill Clinton and GW Bush years are going to be behind us.

dwit said...

Well said JP! You have encapsulated the national mood perfectly.

RobH said...

OK, here's my proposal for really great political theater, giving the cable outlets all they want and need up to 6/3. (PS this is the way I really think it's gonna go.)Then I gotta get out of here 'cause this is killing my productivity.

Hill wins PA by low single digits (maybe 3 pts) with only a net gain of 100K votes (so the pop vote argument dies), but due to the district specific results Obama GAINS a few delegates.

Hill drops the confetti, calls it a game changer. But the media and SD's say "wait a minute, we saw this movie in Texas, and we're not going through this again. A loss is not a win."

For two weeks between PA and Ind/NC her negatives soar as people really begin to comprehend her mandacity and willingnes - no, desire - to obfuscate. SD's move to him to the tune of about 100.

He crushes her in NC and even wins Indiana (see those polls tightening even now?) putting him @ 1930, her @ 1650 (incl SD's).

Hill says she's gotta stay in ('cause every votes gotta be counted), and she should stay in.
But her high level 'talent' starts to abandon, her campaign is dispirited, and her margins are way smaller in Kentucky and WVa, though she wins.

He wins Oregon, she takes PR, and -GET THIS - on Tues June 3 MONTANA and SD put him over the top. Two of the least likely states to influence a Democratic nomination process are HEROES. Who would thought? The rest of the SD's migrate to him, and he announces he will seat FL and Michigan in full at the convention.

Whaddya think?

Yamaka said...

Folks, good afternoon:

I just checked my AOL Straw Poll: 142,840 people have voted, 56% favored HRC; last week 325K voted, 54% for HRC. I make my point.

All other polls have very small sample size. AOL cannot be manipulated either.

As of this minute:

HRC has 1699 delegates to BHO's 1717 - a lead of 18 for BHO. This is when you believe in total democracy where ALL votes are counted, including FL, MI and SDs declared.

PA and IN will change this to her favor very soon.

My Magic Number is 2208, not 2024, which is for "Partial Democracy".

Folks, the SDs are the King Makers.

Let us wait for them to declare by July 1.

Most of the Obamamaniacs are anti-Women losers!

I love ALL women in my life. They are wonderful people, I adore them, respect them.

Time is now to break the glass ceiling erected on their heads by the macho men. Cheers.

Yamaka said...

I am a Texan - a delegate standing up for HRC.

What happened in TX Caucus was a clear "Obamination" fraught with fraud and manipulation.

Ask someone who attended the Senatorial District 13 Convention at Texas Southern University. This has 80% Obas and 20% HRC delegates. This SD 13 is vastly Black.

No Rule was followed, there was Tyranny of the Majority in full glare. Non-delegate visitors were allowed to vote in most of the deliberations! Chaos was an understatement. Caucuses are mostly frauds.

The Inwardly Ignorant and the Outwardly Arrogant ruled the Floor.

We are meeting in Austin in June 6th. Only then the real picture - the legal picture will emerge.

Till then, TX is HRC's State because she won the Primary outright clearly by 4%!

SDs, please make a note of this.


Judy Bienvenu said...

RobH.... Eeeeww!!

I did not touch Yamaka's soft spot! That was Monica Lewisky and it was Bill Clinton's soft spot that got touched!

Cigar anyone?

RobH said...

Newsweek - Obama by 19 nationally.
Apr 16 - 17 - all post bitter-gate.

Spin that for me, Yams.

My scenario is at risk.......

jpsedona said...


If you want to use internet polling to show support. I would suggest comparing the number of contributors. THOSE people have put their money where their mouth is. You must be one of those people that thought Ron Paul really won all the Rep debates because the online post-debate polls showed him with 50-60% of the vote.

Mike in Maryland said...


Is the AOL poll a legitimate poll, that is conducted on recognized polling principles?

Don't think so. It's a voluntary poll that people can manipulate. I know of ways I could use to vote several times a day, not that I'm going to tell YOU how to do that.

AOL is being disingenuous. If you take the CNN poll, it states, "This is not a scientific poll."

Other sites are even more explicit with their disclaimers. One I found has this disclaimer:

"Please keep in mind that our polls are for entertainment and are not conducted in a scientific fashion.

"We make no guarantees about the accuracy of the results other than that they reflect the choices of the users who participated.

"If you have questions or comments about our polls, please e-mail us."

Since you are so hell-bent on pushing the AOL poll now, does that mean you are giving up on the 'popular vote' idea, the blue state/red state idea, the Electoral College method idea, and all the other male bovine dropping 'move the goal posts' ideas the Clinton campaign has been throwing recklessly?

I really thought that there might be some intelligence in your head. But since you are now on the AOL poll kick, and don't even know that such polls are UNSCIENTIFIC, I now realize that you are either a very young juvenile, of have the mentality of one, no matter the chronological age you might have attained.


Yamaka said...

AOL Straw Poll never gave good numbers for Ron Paul.

Yes, I agree, CNBC, CNN showed. Not AOL Straw Poll.

AOL has broad subscription base coast to coast.

My only concern is how many of that are "the 38 million Americans not voted in the Primary" and how many are the "28 million Activists" who already showed their cards.

I want to get as accurate as possible! I don't want to be maniacal about any position!! Cheers.

Yamaka said...


Good humor. But I don't smoke Cigar!!

Have Fun and Smile. Cheers.

UUbuntu said...

Guys, Yakama's a funny person. I wouldn't take anything he says very seriously. We should read his posts in the spirit he sends them, smiling and shaking our heads.

I gotta hand it to you, Yakama, you're making this open thread a very entertaining place to visit. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Was that a nasty comment? Should you not have preceeded it with bless you little pea-pickin heart

Judy Bienvenu said...

Yamaka: Hook 'em!

jpsedona said...


Relative to the TX State Convention, it will all be over before then. It won't matter at that point if she reverses the Obama results. With the add-ons, likely splits in the remaining contests, and current trend in SD's joining Obama's bandwagon, he will reach 2024 by 5/15.

Once Hillary drops out (and I suspect that she will do that after 5/6 primaries), then an agreement on seating FL and MI will happen. It will be 50-50 in Michigan; and 55%/45% for Hillary in FL. But it will be over at that point.

If she doesn't drop out before 6/15, Obama will quickly jump to 75% or more of the SD's with mass defections from her supporters to send the message that it's all over. If she goes that route, her presidential aspirations are not just over this year but also for the future.

Yamaka said...


I understand why AOL Straw Poll drives you nuts.

Don't go there. Just stay in your echo chambers!! Believe in your own wisdom.

What color is your parachute anyway?

Have fun, ladies and gentlemen. No hard feelings.

All are honorable people in America, my lovable America. Cheers. :) :) :)

Judy Bienvenu said...

Tyler: Ditto on Yamaka's entertainment sentiment for this blog. Luckily, the Obama coalition has room for everyone and soon, Yamaka will see the light!

jpsedona said...


I am sure there's validity to the AOL polls for some segment of the electorate. I wonder if the demographics is similar to the over 50, white women that are her core base. Those people represent some portion of the electorate.

Unfortunately for Hillary, the DNC didn't include the AOL poll into the delegate allocation model for the convention. Maybe this is something you could address as the next DNC chairman?

Yamaka said...

"if she doesn't drop out before 6/15, Obama will quickly jump to 75% or more of the SD's with mass defections from her supporters to send the message that it's all over".

Assuming this happens, then take this:

BHO's Electoral Vote is less than 168 what GHWBush got in the GE!

Will you be happy?

Of course, McCain will be dancing in the WH! Cheers, Smiles :)

UUbuntu said...

RobH -- your scenario is a possibility, but (IMO) a pretty long shot. Using current polls, PA looks like a 5-10 point win for Clinton (down a couple of points over the past couple of days). She'll claim a win in PA, bit that won't change momentum significantly in either direction.

But NC will. Once NC (and IN) vote, the race will be effectively over. A week later, a few more states will vote and then the supers will start weighing in with their preferences.

Clinton won't concede (and -- IMO -- shouldn't concede) until after the last primary on June 3, but she'll probably concede within a week or two after that, and that's when it'll "be official".

At that point, I'll root for Obama. Until then -- or at least for the next couple of weeks though, I'm rooting for Clinton

jpsedona said...


"BHO's Electoral Vote is less than 168 what GHWBush got in the GE!"

Oh, you are saying that the general election won't matter?

If you are using the outcome of the primaries as determining the electoral college vote in the Fall, I would point out that rationale means McCain wins about 40 states since he won those in the Rep primaries.

RobH said...

I agree w/ recent posts here.
Yamaka is the comedic relief, nothing more. Let's egg him on.

PS, he's not a juvenile, some of his vocab is not that of a kid.

Anybody recon he/it could be software? Ya' know; a random sentence generator based on reading text that has/its name in the salutation?

RobH said...

Or how about this one:

Bizpub reports that Mark Penn's secretary at Burston-Marstellar is named H. Yamaka.

So this poster is actually Mark Penn in drag. Make sense?

Bring it Yams, you're keeping us entertained with your inanity and irrelevance.

RobH said...

Last pile on Yamaka for now:

"What color is you parachute anyway?"

What a hoot...again.
This book sits right next to my computer here. Do you have any idea what it's about? What, in God's name, does it have to do with you arguments or any of this dialogue/monologue. Your posts are devolving into pure gibberish.

But funny.

See ya' soon, I hope.

RobH said...


I'm for Obama, but respect your support for your candidate, all the way. I'd like to have made a scenario where it's May 6. But somehow there seems to me some kind of, I don't know.... symmetry? ... or something in having two ridiculously red states do the deed for him/to her. Makes better theater.

Though you know, with Dean's 50 state strategy (vis her 10 state strategy) who knows about November.......

Amot said...

Please, let it not be March 6th! I have several big family holidays coming starting Sunday and ending May 6th and I will not be able to follow the news(at least not as much as I want to). However I totally agress Monatana and SD will make it over 2025.
BTW in that scenario - 99% true IMHO, Hilarry will claim her greatest victories in WV and KY, after saying all the time such states don't matter at all! I want to see how she will twist it this time!

Yamaka said...

Folks, Good Evening:

I just finished my 5-mile power walk!

I met a Jewish friend on the way; he was ecstatic that Rocky Big Girl pummeled the Kid in the Philly Rumble in the Jungle!

But, he also revealed something very interesting. He showed me an e-mail from The AIPAC:

It seems here is what BHO has written in his other Book, The Audacity of Hope,

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction".

This is a bombshell, indeed.

I know the pervasive power of AIPAC in American Politics.

They will turn earth and heaven to expose the true color of BHO.

Poor BHO, he is finished either before the Nomination or after.

AIPAC will run 529 Ads to destroy him. Pastor Wright knows it for sure.

BTW, I am not Jewish.

Esteemed SDs, The King Makers, please make a note of this.

Smile and Cheer. :)

dwit said...


I don't think anyone could care what religion you subscribe to, but choosing the name "Yamaka" and claiming to be a non-jew only adds to our distrust of any comment you might make.

Another factor, causing most to simply dismiss you is your penchant for posting quotes without attribution. Let's see some page numbers. I am currently reading the book and I don't recall that rhetoric. You kind of remind me of our old friend Anon ny dem. Oddly enough, she has been suspiciously absent since you showed up.


Yamaka said...

Wait for the 529 Ads to know the truth! Stay tuned, for more!

I may have about 1/16 of Japanese ancestry! Are you happy now?
"What Color Is Your Parachute"

You have to ideate outside the box to understand the meaning of your Color.

Cheers. :)

dwit said...

I think you mean "527" ads. And, yeah its going to be pathetic when they start dredging up senseless non-issues like gay marriage, guns and Islam.

Fortunately for our children, Americans have become numb to such attacks, as you will see in the upcoming Pennsylvania Primary.

Super Dels are already feeling the winds of change sweeping the electorate. Obama's rise in the polls after the Hillary Rove attacks have given them all the evidence they need to fall in behind him.

Let's also keep in mind that has already endorsed Obama. That group is quite possibly the wealthiest 527 out there.

The politics of division are over. TIME TO MOVE ON!

Yamaka said...


I am hoping that some of the SDs who come to will automatically come to this site to read my posts!

Also, maybe by shear luck, some of the "38 million Left-leaning non-partisan voters" will see my posts before they make up their minds!!

That's where I want to make an impression.

Not with the already converted ideologues.

I know for a fact BHO/his sidekicks cannot take a punch!

They will whine miserably. We knew it since the Debates started!!!

Smile :)

Yamaka said...

Is MoveOn not a FAR LEFT Liberal Gang?

Yes, 527 Ads between MoveOn and the AIPAC will be very interesting.

We are warming up for the GE.

All issues matter including Islam: we are at war with the backward looking fundamentalist Islam.

Our candidates view is very important on this issue.

I am happy this week: Things went very well; the Equity Market is inching up; perhaps we may escape a recession this year. I am one of those 100 million 401 K / 403 b investors in the US Economy. The SP500 Index companies are making good profits! Good for America.

My vested interest in this GE is:

Who can make this economy grow at 3-4% rate?

My opinion is Sen Clinton, not BHO, that's all.

:) :) :)

Howard Dean said...


Good work! I have seen you thwart these ignorant Obama supporters time and again with your superior intellect and judgment.

Trust me, I will do everything in my power to persuade the remaining Super delegates to get behind Hillary.

Keep up the good fight!

The last thing we need right now is a bunch of do-gooder, middle class populists mucking up the cushy blue blood establishment we have taken great pains and MUCH corporate offshore money to build here in Washington.

Rest assured, these Obama-loving upstarts will never see their candidate in the White House!

UUbuntu said...

"I am hoping that some of the SDs who come to will automatically come to this site to read my posts!"

Now THAT'S entertainment.

But Yamaka, why only some of the SDs, let's hope that ALL of the SDs come here. Heck, Let's hope that Barack himself comes here and realizes that his game is up. He'll read your posts and he'll KNOW that he can't beat Hillary.

Our hopes are coming together!

Yes We Can! (Obama stole that line from the Clinton campaign, you know. Soon he'll give it back!)

Judy Bienvenu said...

Yamka & Dwit - What's wrong with being Islam? What' wrong with being jewish? There's room in the Obama coalition for everyone, of all faiths. Y'all are commenting on the small 'distracting' issues. We need to get back to the meat of the issues -- like what's Karl Rove got up his sleeve for McCain in the GE!?

By the way, good one on the "Yamakarl". LMFAO!

Hillary Clinton said...

Dear Yamaka, Howard & Tyler,

I really appreciate all your support. But I have a secret that makes me feel guilty that you're wasting all this time talking about me. Please don't tell anyone, but I'll be ending my run for POTUS very soon. Probably after Pennsylvania. Please do not share my secret with anyone, or the press will dog me from PA to NC.

Last night I got a chance to visit with my dear old friend Senator Edwards, when we appeared on the Colbert report together. He shared a secret with me too. It seems he's going to be endorsing Barack very soon. Once that happens, and his Super Delegates crossover to Obama, I'm done for.

It's been a good run. But trust me, I'm not going away quietly. I plan to make as many distractions and gaffe's as I can before I concede to Senator Obama-some time in the next few weeks.

And, you know, I sure do thank you for your support. By the way, even though I'm stepping aside soon, I'm still be accepting campaign contributions on my website ( After all, I have many, many bills to pay and I sure could use more financial support from people like you! Feel free to liquidate your 401K's and 403b's to help me out.

Thank you, good night, and God Bless America.

Yamaka said...

HD and HC Imitators.... funny beautiful!

I predicted that Ed will go for BHO fry-pan already!!

Fun and very funny. Keep doing!!!



Islam or being Jewish are some of the hundred important items sorted out during GE campaign.

AIPAC and MoveOn are important activist groups in American politics.

I don't think this Election Season is any different from any other Season in the past 200 years.

Americans are passionate about their politics. We are not naive people like many of the BHO supporters are.

We are ideologically distinct in our view of the politics: We are FAR LEFT, CENTER-LEFT, CENTER-RIGHT and FAR RIGHT.

What Color is Your Parachute, anyway?

Yamaka said...

HRC: I am sending you $1000 today to congratulate you for the wonderful fight at the Rumble in the Jungle.

Good, k/o punch!

:) :)

Judy Bienvenu said...

Yamaka - I like my parachutes the color of US currency. And you?

Hillary - Sounds like you're jumping on the Obama band wagon too. After all, you did promise to do what ever it takes to put a Dem in the White House! A promise is a promise! Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to.

Yamaka said...

Gov Ho Dean:

I will send you a fat check of contribution if you declare

1. The Date Rule was badly implemented by the Officials.

2. Therefore, FL and MI votes will count and we will seat ALL their delegates at the Convention.

3. DNC will treat ALL voters fairly w/o any discrimination. Amen. Amen.

Cheers. Smile.

Yamaka said...

Folks: In Newsweek (4-21-08)

Page 22-25: "Obama says he knows the globe better than his rivals. Does he know it too well?"

"He played hide-and-seek in the local mosque, dueled with bamboo sticks, learned dirty words in Indonesian" -R Wolffe and M. Hirsh.

Folks, BHO had this foreign policy experience when he was age 6-10 raised by his Muslim step-father Lolo in a Muslim country in Indonesia!!!

Can you believe this Trojan Horse and give the Nuclear Button to him?

Very very naive; extremely playful and deadly dangerous!

Stop this Manchurian Candidate now!

ed iglehart said...


"Who can make this economy grow at 3-4% rate?"

"Growth for its own sake is the ideology of the cancer cell." - Ed Abbey

ed iglehart said...

Some time ago I asked a Muslim friend the meaning of Islam. "Submission to the will of Allah" was his response.

Namaste -ed

ed iglehart said...

Another time, my friend told me a proverb, "Trust in Allah, but tie your camel."


ed iglehart said...


Is this you?


ed iglehart said...

Now, THAT'S what I call balanced debate!


ed iglehart said...

For a laugh, some good cartoons.

(It's a bright suynny late morning in Scotland, och aye!)

Amot said...

It is nice sunny afternoon here too :)
I wonder will Edwars himself post something too?
Ed, you made my day !

ed iglehart said...


We aim to please!

Judy Bienvenu said...

Mr. Inglehart – I enjoy a good Hillary-bashing video as much as the next gal. But you should be careful to check out the poster of such videos on YouTube, before you link to said video. A quick click on the owner of that video (PopularHypocrisy) and you could’ve scrolled down to the bottom of his page to see what sort of comments he leaves for others.


All these ignorant monkeys can do is smoke drugs, drink and fuck shit up wherever they go. they are the shit of americas ass someone should flush these little brown turds!

All these ignorant monkeys can do is smoke drugs, drink and fuck shit up wherever they go. They are the shit of americas ass someone should flush these little brown turds!

They are the shit of americas ass! Flush these monkey turds!"

Do you share in his beliefs? Is that why you’re linking to his videos? Yamaka likes to post inflammatory comments about Muslims, most of which are so ridiculous they crack me up. I wonder, are you planning to start harping on blacks now? These things are ugly and out dated. A spirited debate on politics is one thing, but I’m to narrow-minded to have a conversation with a bigot.

Yamaka said...

Good Morning Fellow Democrats, Our Esteemed Super Delegates - The King Makers of this Nomination Process:

This is a beautiful day in Houston: Sunny and cool, my green front lawn is greener, and the blue waters of my pool in the backyard is crystal clear. Thanks to God for this day.

Also, our Nation has a Woman knocking the Halls of Power. Our daughters are ecstatic that finally the glass ceiling erected on their heads for 50,000 years finally going to be broken.

Yes, I mean Hillary Rodham Clinton.

A person of enormous experience, knowledge and best judgment. She has the nerve of steel and is tough as a nail. She has traveled far and wide, and respected all over the world. The Brand Clinton has world wide acceptance and admiration.

The Primary is hopelessly dead-locked. We need you the SDs to do the right thing and create the new history in America. You pave the way for the First Madam President of USA.

Her opponent BHO is very young, inexperienced and terribly naive with his fuzzy talk and a messy character, judgment and credibility. He says he is Black. But he does not have the Black Civil Right Heritage. Therefore, he does NOT deserve any sympathy.

Oh our Esteemed SDs, nominate HRC and bring America in par with other thriving democracies where women Presidents/Prime Ministers have already come. It is our turn.

Break the Glass Ceiling on our women, now.



A Delegate from TX. Cheers.

Yamaka said...


As of this minute: When ALL votes are counted,

HRC has 1699 delegates to BHO's 1718; barely he is leading 19 delegates, as per, a site for comprehensive coverage.

AOL Straw Poll of 154K people all across USA gives HRC 56% to BHO's 44%. Last week a poll of 325K people gave her 54%.

PA is important. She will win big with atleast 8-10% margin.

How could someone ask for the Nomination of Democratic Party, when he says, "Republican Party is the Party of ideas", and has not won most of the large Primaries of MUST win Blue States? It is BHO's lunacy and the ignorance of his supporters.

Oh all the anti-Women crowd, Gods' Wrath will find you and punish you.

Stay tuned.

Cheers. :) :) :)

jpsedona said...


"Esteemed SDs, The King Makers, please make a note of this"

Let's assume for a second that some SD's checkout DCW. What are the chances that some checkout the open thread? Probably pretty thin.

What are the chances that YOU could convince them of anything? Not a chance. You need to use logic, rational clear thinking and fact.

But let's assume you've convinced some SD's & some voters in remaining primary states. Let's speculate on the impact of your statements. So far, you have:

1) alienated SD's from all the caucus states
2) dissed voters in all of the small population states (some yet to vote and leaning toward Hillary)
3) you've established that you're anti-Muslim
4) you've classified Hillary as a co-president (even though she needs to distance herself from Nafta & other unpopular items in the primary states)
5) You've promoted using the 'popular vote' strategy that marginalizes the voters in small states and caucus states.

So, if you've convinced SD's of anything, you've convinced them that you're irrational and demonstrate a level of desperation that is not uncommon in a zealot of a candidate and not the party.

Your ramblings would have a better chance of being persuasive if you laid out the rationale (logic/facts) why a SD should go for Hillary. When you use a line like "I know the pervasive power of AIPAC in American Politics", it sounds like BS because it's not backed up by fact, logic, personal experience, etc.

Most of the criticism that you're receiving from posters is because you make statements as being factual when in fact many of them are just opinion. You might want to preface opinion with "IMO" or "I believe". If you want to convince SD's of the error of their ways, try using a persuasive argument. Try debating some of the issues that are impediments to Hillary gaining the nomination. Identify a strategy for her to reverse the SD slide (down 5-7 delegates since Super Tuesday / Obama up 50+).

jpsedona said...


"HRC has 1699 delegates to BHO's 1718; barely he is leading 19 delegates, as per, a site for comprehensive coverage"

This is the type of twisting of facts that got Hillary into trouble. DCW's numbers show a number of scenarios for including MI & FL. You've chosen one that is obviously of most advantage to Hillary, that's fine. But to characterize it as authoratative is just plain dishonest.

If the Dems decide on a different scenario, like 1/2 vote per FL pledged & super delegate, and split MI 50-50, then Obama would still lead by 119. Other scenarios might give him a 130 lead.

But to characterize Obama as leading by 19 without context is just plain dishonest.

jpsedona said...


"PA is important. She will win big with at least 8-10% margin."

I think she will win by 8-10%. Unfortunately, that's not winning big. If she wins by only 10%, she will win a margin of about 10-12 delegates in total. Because of the awarding of delegates at the district level, she will pick up about 3 delagates at the district level and maybe 7 delegates from the statewide totals.

Looking at just the PA contest, it wlll be a good victory for her. Unfortunately, it will do little to narrow the delegate totals going into IN / NC.

countjellybean said...

Well spoken there, Aunt Judy. It is important to speak out against hatred and racism. The fact that you and ed are both Obama supporters makes your criticism even more credible. That's a lesson I wish the Clinton supporters had learned with regard to Yamaka.

Anonymous said...

guess what Obama did?

Anonymous said...

I have been busy reading all the Blogs and the consensus by Obama supporters seems to be "If He holds Clinton to less than 10, it is a victory, and he wins."
My personal opinion is some what Different. If after spending about $2.2 million a week, the Candidate Obama who is supposedly Sooo popular and the true hope of the Democratic Party can't win PA Then how does he win the GE?

Anonymous said...

The other theme I picked up in the Pro Obama blogs was that if somehow they "steal" this nomination, the Obamanation,Move On and others will shred the party.
The pro Clinton bloggers seem to have this same type sentiment.

jpsedona said...


"My personal opinion is some what Different. If after spending about $2.2 million a week, the Candidate Obama who is supposedly Sooo popular and the true hope of the Democratic Party can't win PA Then how does he win the GE? "

I think it's a valid concern. It might be offset by who he would choose for VP.

However, the primaries are significantly different than the GE. As far as PA is concerned, if Obama is the nominee, I think Rendell will work just as hard in the GE as he has for Hillary in the primary.

I think everyopne would agree that although Obama won Utah and some other traditional Rep states, it's extremely unlikely that he could carry those states in the GE.

But the electoral math for Obama is signififcantly different than Hillary. As an example, Obama's popularity in CO puts that state in play for him, whereas it's a real long shot if Hillary's the nominee.

Hillary blew Obama away in NY. Do you think it's remotely possible that McCain could carry NY if Obama is the candidate?

I think that states like VA are a likely more competitive with Obama than Hillary. I think Hillary would be better in FL, OH & PA. I think she fairs worse in WI. If McCain chooses Tom Ridge as a running mate, I think he carries PA. In FL, I think Hillary would do better but I don't think she would carry it. If McCain chooses Charlie Crist, he definitely carries FL due to the Gov's popularity across party lines.

I think neither has a chance in TX. MI may be a toss-up this year. In OH, the question will be how Hillary is tagged with supporting NAFTA (and subsequent flip flops). In CA, IL, NY, NJ, there's not much chance of McCain carrying those states independeent of the Dem nominee.

The real problem that Hillary has isn't with winning the 'big states' in the primaries, it's what happens with the independent vote and cross-over republicans. Her negatives are so high that her appeal to those voters may be lower than Obama. There is a reason why the Republicans want to run against Hillary. It will polarize their base. Obama represents a potential to compete with the same independents that also like McCain's maverick style and ability to work across party lines. Obama may not win and would be tested in the GE; but he has upside. Hillary may respond better in a GE but brings a lot of excess baggage and has minimal upside support in the middle.

Anonymous said...

on Kieth OberDumbs's Countdown last night, Rachel "MadCow" Maddow said " If they the Supers take this from Obama " there will be pitchforks in the street in Denver

jpsedona said...


"on Kieth OberDumbs's Countdown last night, Rachel "MadCow" Maddow said " If they the Supers take this from Obama " there will be pitchforks in the street in Denver"

Does the term "pitchforks" show a previously unidentified level of support in rural America?

Anonymous said...

Clinton-Obama Delegate Fight: A Repeat of 1968 Convention?

As the Clinton and Obama campaigns hit the homestretch in their neck-and-neck race for the Democratic nomination, it's becoming increasingly likely that, barring compromise, the party's superdelegates—elected officials and party leaders who aren't bound by the choices of primary voters—will decide the winner. Not surprisingly, this has caused an epidemic of hand-wringing among political experts, who worry that this state of affairs is dangerously similar to 1968, when a furious battle within the Democratic Party over two popular candidates, Eugene McCarthy and Hubert Humphrey, spilled from the Democratic National Convention onto the streets of Chicago.

RobH said...

Good afternoon, Yamaka,

Has it occured to you the impact you might be having for your beloved candidate (and his wife, ha ha.)?

As you're aware, you are the laughing stock of this thread. Not a soul here values your input for anything other than comic relief - except for your alternate personalities.

Do you know what people are, who are willing to do anything it takes, to secure the attention they need, including marginalizing themselves? Amon other things more medical, they are sad.

So here's the impact you're having. You're, of course, reducing her support. I, for one, am turning all my friends (equal HRC and BO supporters) on to this site. Their reaction has been most interesting, when they contrast the nature and tone of these posts, as a reflection of the candidates they support. You might guess in what direction they've moved, and the enthusiasm with which they intend to share this with their friends.

Yes, Yamaka, the people are listening all right. But you may not be delighted with their reaction. Will you call THEM names, too, when they don't agree with you, particularly after reading you?

Anonymous said...

"Good afternoon, Yamaka,

Has it occured to you the impact you might be having for your beloved candidate (and his wife, ha ha.)?

As you're aware, you are the laughing stock of this thread. Not a soul here values your input for anything other than comic relief - except for your alternate personalities."
I value Yamaka's input, as well as yours and all who disagree with me.
Free thought is after all a product of "FREE SPEECH"

RobH said...

Jim, ya said you "Never get mean and nasty, I leave that to the candidates" and then this:

Rachel "MadCow" Maddow ????

C'mon. Besides showing hypocrisy, it simply lessens the conversation.

If I employ the same sarcasm you used re "pitchforks", should I invite the audience to see your techniques of belittling and dismissiveness as reflective of YOUR candidate?

Judy Bienvenu said...

Hey y'all, don't gang up on Yakama too much. Hillblazers like him are a dime a dozen. It's my belief, in the end, Yakama will jump on the Obama band wagon once he gets the nom. By contrast though, a quick check of AnonymousNYDemocrat's YouTube blog clearly demonstrats that he'd rather see McCain as Prez than Obama. That's the type of Hillblazer we REALLY need to focus our attention on. We can save him from self-distruction and convert him, just like Bill Clinton was converted:

Yamaka said...

"you've established that you're anti-Muslim"

No. Please re-read my post.

I said I am against the backward looking fundamentalist Islam, which we have been fighting for the past 10 years. Most people of this faction are anarchists and mostly anti-American. That's my point.

BHO wants to support Muslims during periods of their distress, as per his writing, according to AIPAC.

Let us see this plays out in the GE.

There is a world of difference here.

My intent is to give alternate view points than the herds here. I know there are about 38 million people who may be leaning Left, who have NOT participated in the Primary Circus, but would go to polls in the Fall.

If I can get their ear, I will be grateful.

I am NOT worried much about the BHO supporters who are

1. Anti-Clinton FAR LEFT Ideology
2. Anti-Clinton Anti-Women Crowd
3. Blacks.

About Blacks:

I admire Jesse Jackson, who walked the walk with Dr. King, whose sacrifice made this country better and nobler.

BHO is eating Jesse's lunch!

Oh Black Americans of Civil Right Heritage, BHO is NOT your Boy. He is a Master Cameleon: In MS, NC and SC he is a Black, but in KS he is a White. He is a Man of Double Talk.
Your Man is Jesse. God Bless Jesse and the People of Dr. King's Heritage. BHO is the son of a Kenyan, a East African, not West.
Think hard and act right.

Cheers. :) :)

Anonymous said...

OK, I apologize to Rachel. It was a little tacky.
As for you, I think maybe you can dish it out, but maybe have a hard time taking it. Your comments about Yamaka are not nice.
I have to admit I am shallow, wordy,inexperienced,condescending and more.
If I were Black and 30 years younger, I could run for President.

Yamaka said...

To the Anti-Women Crowd who are Anti-Clinton:

Please reconsider your Anti-Women Animosity.

Is this not time now to break open the Glass Ceiling erected by macho men against them in the past 50,000 years?

Women have come a long way, baby!

They have been the back-bone of our families and our society.

If not now, then when?

If not HRC, then who else?

She was the Brain Behind Bill (the Maestro who won with 370/379 electoral votes in 1992 and 1996 Elections which led to the Golden Era of America).

Democrats, McCain may take a woman as VP and broad-side us in the GE.

If the Democratic Party is of Progressive Ideas (which BHO disputes, anyway!) the first woman President should be a Democrat.

Break Open the Glass Ceiling Now.

If not HRC who else?

IMO, it is Hillary Rodham Clinton, a mature, experienced diplomat of distinction and honor.

SDs, please make a note of this, if you read this.

:) :) :)

Yamaka said...

A nightmare in the Democratic Land:

By some cruel twist of fate, SDs nominate the "Skinny Guy with the Funny Name" - a naive dubious ignoble personality, a fuzzy talker with a messy character, judgment and credibility.

McCain brings in an experienced woman as VP.

In GE, McCain/Woman ticket trounces the Kid with 379 Electoral Votes-IMO.

Congress and White House will be with Republicans for at least another 8 years. Pelosi and Reed can as well hit the retirement homes!

Democrats, this nightmare could very well happen.

Are you ready to wander in the Jordanian Desert of Opposition for the rest of your useful lives?

I am NOT ready, for sure, though.

Cheers. :)

ed iglehart said...


"according to AIPAC."

A source I wouldn't give diddley for credibility.

The imbalance of violence in Palestine, as compiled by B'Tselem:
and innocent children killed:

11 Israeli civilians, including four children, have died since 2004, from the 2,696 Qassam rockets fired by Palestinian armed groups from the Gaza Strip into nearby Israeli towns, particularly Sderot.

In the same period, Israeli forces have killed some 473 Palestinian minors:

"total number of Israelis,both civilians and Israeli Defence Force (IDF) combatants, killed by Palestinian armed groups and individuals, is declining.
In contrast the total number of Palestinians, both civilians and combatants killed by the Israeli security forces or Israeli individuals, remains relatively high. In 2007, for example, for every one Israeli death there were 25 Palestinian deaths compared to 2002 when the ratio was 1:2.5."
(from the UN)

So, I wouldn't get me started on AIPAC.

Aunt Judy (I had a much-loved Aunt Judy, R.I.P.), The material I linked to originated from Fox News, not my favourites, but not the KKK. Like Obama, I don't accept guilt by association, but I'm sorry if you (or anyone) was offended. Again, like Obama, I think we must see/listen to what the opposition has to say. I have sufficient faith in my own judgement not to be afraid of being corrupted by the rantings of anyone.

I'm sorry Obama has found it necessary to censure Jimmy Carter, (the best ex-president we've ever had, and the nearest thing to an honest man to be within a mile of the White House in a century) for meeting with the democratically-elected leadership of the Palestinian people.

Peace, God's medrcy and blessings be upon you (and all of us)
Assalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatulla wa Barakaatuhu


Yamaka said...

"Assalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatulla wa Barakaatuhu"--Ed

Alaikkum Assalam wa Rahmatullah.

Did I say it right?

A Muslim friend taught me.

Peace Be With You.

I have a lot of things to say about Palestinians and Israel.

As I said I am not Jewish. But, I live in a mixed neigborhood of high tolerance and understanding.

Carter used the words "Apartheid in the Occupied Land" which I after lots of thinking agreed with bitterness!

Can BHO understand the meaning/source of Carter's anguish?

He is a Master Cameleon! He may say anything and do anything to grab power and abuse it!!

:) :) :)

Hillary Clinton said...

My fellow Americans,

Since announcing my concession earlier this evening, on the national renowned open thread blog from, you may have noticed that the 24-hour news stations have been going crazy, recapping the Popes activities of the day-who endorsed me by the way. But, if you watched the ticker crawl along the bottom of the television screen, you probably saw my recent concession statement referenced.

The pundits on all the GOP-owned AM Radio stations have been grasping at AOL straw polls in an attempt to explain my decision. It’s quite obvious they missed today’s ‘Hillary Talking Points Memo”. Perhaps my flock of currier pigeons was shot down by a Dick Cheney safari.

As such, I come before you today to outline my 6,349-point plan for explaining why I’m a quitter. In an effort to save time, I’ll just hit the top 10 reasons:

1. The White House travel office formed a union since Bill left office, so now I’ll never be able to get rid of those spies.

2. To this day, I still don’t know what the meaning of the word is is.

3. There’s a vast right-wing conspiracy to expose my ties to the Ayatollah Khomeini, who created the Islamic Republic that still governs Iran to this day, since I share a birthday with the Shaw of Iran, who’s government was overthrown by Khomeini.

4. It turns out that I really do prefer to stay home and make cookies.

5. Just like Bill Richardson, another person from my husband’s administration defected to Obama: Robert B. Reich - the mastermind of the Family & Medical Leave Act.

6. Bill and I are already arguing about who gets to wear the pantsuits during formal White House occasion

7. My campaign cash has dwindled down to it’s last $1000, which I just received yesterday from #1 fan Ms. Yamaka, bio tech research scientist of Houston, TX.

8. Nobody likes me, except my previously pardoned brothers.

9. Fox News offered me a million dollar deal to co-host a new show their developing called: How to Elect McCain in November. My co-host will be none other than my secret lover, Karl Rove.

10. Let’s face it, I’m pretty sure I’m voting for Barack too.

Thank you for your support. And remember, together we can get McCain into the White House in November.

All my love,

jpsedona said...


"He may say anything and do anything to grab power and abuse it!!"

We know this is true of Bill & Hillary for sure. As for Obama, time will tell. He joined a church in Chicago because it was expedient to his political ambitions. Will he say anything or do anything to "grab" power. I don't think so. But we'll see during the GE.

RobH said...


I'll bet we could be friends. I mean it. Can you share with me what in my posts lead you to conclude I "can't take it"?

Being able to dish but not take would imply one would have responded poorly to an offense percived. So far there have been none.

Yeah, I've gone after Yamaka, but not because anything he's said about me.

Give it a close read if you would. I'm not really as thin-skinned as you'd want to believe I am.

RobH said...


You said: "But, I live in a mixed neigborhood of high tolerance and understanding."

How do you get along there?

Also, I think you may have been replaced on the funny meter by the poster using Howard Dean this AM, and, in particular, Hillary Clinton this PM. VERY VERY, FUNNY.

So long.

RobH said...


Twice in this thread you've shown me very good will by amending your position after I called you on something ("just 'cause you're offended, why shoud must everybody be" - Apr 12, and "MadCow" today.)
I appreciate that. I'd be less than I should be if I didn't emulate that.

This morning I said to Yamaka "Not a soul here values your opinion.."
You advised me that's not true.
I stand corrected and should have said: "Very few souls here...."

PS: are you really 76 (46 plus 20)?
That must be where your great colloguilisms come from - a lifetime of experience.

ed iglehart said...

Namaste, Yamaka,

Some time ago, the mayor of Galveston was a signatory to a
very prescient document.

Alaikum Salaam

Yamaka said...

"We know this is true of Bill & Hillary for sure".

Please bring your sense of proportion.

Bill&Hill created 22 million jobs and the economy was growing at a whopping 3.75% a year. Millionaires were minted every week of every year (I was one!). Dollar was powerful (On Dollar Index 120) and all nice things of a Golden Era.

Yes, there were a few problems. Travelgate, Whitewater, Monicagate etc. There will be always some minor infractions anytime. But the proportion of good vs bad matters.

IMO they were all minor issues. The big picture was very good. That only matters.

Would you throw the baby with the bathwater? Bathwater was bit dirty. But the baby was awesome, very beautiful!!

Nostalgia of the Ninetees!

Who can bring the Economy back, the dollar back !


BHO has no clue, no experience. He has not run any Administration. He is just a kid in the candy shop! A fuzzy talker, with a messy character, judgment and credibility.

Vote for Hillary for REAL POSITIVE CHANGE.


Yamaka said...

"7. My campaign cash has dwindled down to it’s last $1000, which I just received yesterday from #1 fan Ms. Yamaka, bio tech research scientist of Houston, TX."

Hilarious HC Imiti... Keep writing.

Your writings are funny and indeed conveying your wrath and anger!

But a correction: "Dr. Yamaka, Research Scientist, Houston, TX".
He is a man of compassion and patience!

One thing I want to tell you Our Good Lord will chase all these Anti-Women bigots to the gates of Hell to dance with Satan in the burning table of Sulphur!!

Just kidding. I am not cursing!

:) :) :)

Anonymous said...

"I'll bet we could be friends. I mean it. Can you share with me what in my posts lead you to conclude I "can't take it"?

Being able to dish but not take would imply one would have responded poorly to an offense percived. So far there have been none."

Could be Friends? Quite possible, my current friends and Family cut me no slack.
Most of them are Texas Blue Dog Democrats or Republican. None of them I might add care for McCain.They are roughly split down the middle for Obama and is Texas.
Strangely for the most part, the Blue Dogs are for Clinton and the Republicans (my Sons included) are Obama converts.
As for My age, I guess I "Mis-Spoke". I am only 68.
As for your alleged thin skin,
just a dig. Not really personal
My old friend used to say,"Poke it with a stick and see if it wiggles.

Anonymous said...

I look at all posts for true logic and go to all links they contain. And I must admit that I suffer from the delusion that my posts are logical.

I know the primaries aren't the General, but many questions carry over and must be explored even if they go against your favorite.

jpsedona said...


You claimed that Obama would do or say anything to "grab power". I responded that it's certainly true of the Clintons. You've now said:

"Please bring your sense of proportion"

You went on to explain Bill's years in the White House. My point was (is) that the Clintons would will do anything and have proved it.

If we go back to 1992. The infamous 60 minute interview. Hillary knew at the time that Bill cheated on her multiple times. She hired detectives to track down all of the women. She didn't do this because she was angry at Bill, she did it to make sure that they didn't open their mouths during the election.

In 1994, Bill began consulting with Dick Morris secretly. As Leon Panetta said, "I always had the feeling that the president wanted to listen to the dark side." He hired Morris in 1995 and Morris went on to become Clinton's campaign manager. Setting aside his personal beliefs, he followed Morris's advice to trounce his opponent in 1996.

Knowing that they wanted Hillary to run for President as early as 2004, their active support in getting Al Gore elected in 2000 was almost invisible. That same scenario played out in 2004 after Kerry overlooked Hillary for the VP position.

In this election she has flip-flopped on so many issues that she's ruined her credability. (e.g. being for & against the war; Being for & against Nafta). And how has Bill behaved? He's been the attack machine. His comments in SC turned the electorate against her.

When it comes to winning by the rules, she was fine with that in the Fall when she was the heavy favorite. After a disappointing Super Tuesday, and then loosing 10 contests in a row, we had all the excuses why having the most pledged delegates was not the most important factor. They tried to float every possible idea for why they were entitled to the nomination (popular vote, biggest states, electoral states, etc.). In the Fall, MI doesn't count; now, every vote should count.

Clintons - they will do absolutely anything to win. They've proven it in the past. They've proven it in this election year.

UUbuntu said...

To RobH -- don't let Yamaka know he's not taken seriously. His posts have been some of the most entertaining on this board.

To Jim -- Your posts are (for the most part) logical and reasonable. However, I'm curious as to how you see the numbers breaking for Clinton. At the present time, her campaign's down by some 130 delegates overall (160 pledged), and a 10 point win in PA will only cut some 10-15 delegates off of this lead. There are no other states where she's likely to be able to cut into his lead, and no indication that superdelegates will defect en-mass to her unless there's some dramatic change. I'm pro-Clinton, but I'm even more pro-mathematics, and I don't see the numbers working for her. Keep in mind that MI/FL are not in the picture at the present time, and as things stand now, I don't see that changing.

The Democratic nominating process, as convoluted as it is, is not a simple popularity contest. It's a delegate chase, and delegate numbers are everything.

Can you show me how the numbers will work for her? Thanks.

jpsedona said...


I think you have it correct that on the pledged delegate front, the numbers are definitely against her. Your range of 10-15 is reasonable. If you believe the spin out of the Clinton campaign this morning, they are trying to lower expectations (3-4 point win) and saying that they never expected a blowout in PA. I think they are playing coy and looking for a 10% margin so they can say that they greatly exceeded expectation. But you're correct the delegate margin even at 15% is in the 10-15 delegate range.

The net result even if she wins IN & PA, the delegates won by Obama in NC are likely to be a wash.

I think that she is going to win big in KY and WV. It won't make a tremendous difference in the delegate totals. Maybe she picks up 10-15 advantage there. But gives back a few in OR, SD, MT. I also think that she could win in PR with a 66%-33% margin and could possibly pick up 20 delegates on his leaf. Of course, that is 6 weeks out and the calls for her to resign if she doesn' cut his pledged delegate lead between PA, NC & IN will be lous and continuous.

But at the end of the day, I don't see how she can significantly cut his pledged delegate lead in the remaining contests. I actually see a possibility that Obama breaks even or nets a few additional pledged delegates in the remaining contest.

I think the popular vote total scenario will ultimately fall on deaf ears. Her only hope will be to score such a significant series of victories that she can claim that he's unelectable. That might also require additional gaffe's on his part.


Anonymous said...

Don't think I have much to offer as to delegate count or popular vote and I sure can't predict what Supers will do.
I do think Florida will be seated as per the results and Michigan will be subject some kind of formula.
IMO, Obama goes into the convention with more elected delegates and Clinton with the popular.
Then it is up to the Supers.
I think Clinton feels that if Obama gets it he will get whipped in the General by the right wing "*" boaters for truth and she will succeed in 2012.
I think Obama feels that if Clinton gets it she will be deserted by half the party in the General and he will succeed in 2012.
I don't see anything good for either unless the tone of the rhetoric and thier supporters change.
It is starting to look like a replay of 1968.

Yamaka said...

In TX, the Manchurian Candidate spent 3 to 1.

The media even suspected that he was going to win by 10% margin.

Alas! the Primary voters were prudent, not yielding to the Liberal Media Hype.

Most of the polls have been wrong many times before. Remember NH.

During Super Tuesday, because of the Hoopla in CA with Oprah and Kennedys, Media thought the Kid will run away with the Trophy!

Money is helpful. But more than that the Message, the Experience, the Character and the Credibility matter most.

BHO's sponsors have deep pockets. A consortium of moneybags of Hollywood, Soros, Corporate Titans and Tycoons all conspire to steal the Presidency! He will be their puppet. Puppet Masters are mostly anti-Americans in their hearts.

What happened finally?

Do Not under estimate HRC.

She strikes terror in the hearts of the RAM (Republican Attack Machine).

Bill & Hill are God's Gift to America.

She is a Genuine American Classic.

Yes, Nostalgia of the Ninetees!

The Fight could go on to the Convention to test the mettle of the Democratic Party.

Unless, Bill Clinton wants to bring the Candidates Together:

HRC at the Top and BHO as VP.

(because she won most of the MUST win STATES for any Democrat)

Maestro Bill can pull any magic!

Again, the Good Lord may have different Designs for the Democrats. He may punish the Party for disenfranchising FL and MI!!!

Cheers. :) :)

Yamaka said...

To ALL the big money sponsors of BHO, the Manchurian Candidate:

Assume the Democratic Party successfully disenfranchised the MI and FL..

Assume, because of it, BHO gets a very small numerical edge in Number over HRC....

Assume, his is the Nominee of the hapless Dems.....FAR LEFT Liberals.

Then, please tell me How are you going to kill the King Cobras stuck around BHO's pretty neck:

Rezko, Wright, Ayers and Michelle (the $200K salary quid-pro-quo)?

These Cobras came to him because of HIS own poor judgment and character.

Not because of Rove or Hillary.

You ultra genius, Mega Manipulators, do you have any solution?

Maybe, Raila Odinga, BHO's Kenyan cousin will have some answer!!!Lol

He is trained in killing Cobras!

For sure, Cindy and McCain will be having the Last Laugh!!

Maybe, you can settle with a VP for the Kid. Just a thought......


jpsedona said...


it's unfortunate that you're intellectually dishonest in your arguments and in stating your case for Clinton.

First, with all the connections that the Clinton machine were supposed to have, she should have out raised him in contributions by a wide margin.

Obama on the other hand raised most of his campaign funds with the 1.5 million small donors. So, any argument about big money donors just doesn't ring true.

As far as 'small numerical edge', he's likely to have a margin of 5% more TOTAL delegates than she will. If Al Gore had 5% more votes in every state, he'd have been President. So, would have John Kerry.

I agree that he's a far left liberal. The same territory Hillary has been campaigning in for the last 4 months. She tried to win the nomination by appealing to the middle since whe was just waiting for her coronation. She found that didn't work and shifted strategies after her poor showing in Iowa. She appealed to her base with traditional liberal philosophies. Changed her position on many issues and got caught in deceptions. We can expect more of that should she get the nomination; but first, she'll reverse direction and pander to the middle.

For someone who wants to convince SD's with your cool intellect, your Obama name calling, racial baiting and whinning aren't going to do it. You need to work harder on the facts & logic. Your telling stories (without regard to the truth) is much like your candidate.

Anonymous said...

"Obama on the other hand raised most of his campaign funds with the 1.5 million small donors. So, any argument about big money donors just doesn't ring true. "
Where do you get your 1.5 million donors?

Under federal election law, every single donor MUST be reported, including internet donors.
If you are a internet contributor, which I am, then you know this.
Here is Obama Filing.

Presented by the Federal Election Commission - 2007-2008 Cycle

P80003338 OBAMA, BARACK President
Presidential Candidate PRES Democratic Party Challenger

Total Receipts: $197,342,946
Transfers From Authorized Committees: $0
Individual Contributions: $193,656,226
Non-Party (e.g. PACs) or Other Committees: $8,190
Contributions from Party Committees $0
Candidate Contribution: $0
Candidate Loans: $0
Other Loans: $0

Total Disbursements: $158,509,856
Transfers to Authorized Committees: $0
Individual Refunds: $898,755
Non-Party (e.g. PACs) or Other Refunds: $7,940
Candidate Loan Repayments: $0
Other Loan Repayments: $0

Beginning Cash: $0
Latest Cash On Hand: $38,833,089
Debts Owed By: $625,058


The query you have chosen matched 166943 individual contributions.

RobH said...


Thx for your two posts of 3:24 and 3:36. Reaffirmed my belief in the proximity of the words "civil" and "reasoned" and "discourse."

I agree with your assessment of what HRC thinks will happen if BO gets it, but only half of your assessment of what BO thinks if HRC gets it. Yes, he thinks half the party will desert, but no that he will succeed in 2012. IMHO if he doesn't get it he may be forever nonviable - "hope and change" dismissed as an electable theme, has no sequel.

Also, I don't believe we'll get to (and certinly hope we don't) a replay of '68. I'm old enough to remember that, and while I think the youth may be passionate enough to go there if they have to, I don;t think they'll have to.


god bless you for carrying the load against Yamaka. I admit, I gave up. I'm tellin' ya - it's software.

RobH said...

Oh God, I didn't capitalize the "G" in God in my previous post to jp. Will Yamaka think I love God any less than he loves all the women in his life??

Quick, someone get me my lapel pin.......

Yamaka said...

"If Al Gore had 5% more votes in every state, he'd have been President. So, would have John Kerry"-JP.

Good Evening Dear Democrats:

I just finished my speed-walk; and had a good swim in my sparkling pool! Thank God for the good life.

My working hypothesis about BHO is he is a Manchurian Candidate sponsored by big moneybags under the disguise of "small donations from 1.5 M voters". I just don't believe it. It is an "Obamination".

Gore's loss was a Shakesperian tragedy because he did not win his own State TN., and Renquist Court usurped the legal power from the FL Supreme Court just to deny him the State under the "Safe Harbor" clause which is inferior to the other doctrine they invoked, "Equal Protection" clause. Renquist was a life long Federalist, but on this issue he denied the State Court its due authority. That was the payback to the Republicans who appointed him! That's how Washington works for the past 200 years. BHO, probably does not know.

He is just a Kid hired by the Sponsors. He says he wants to change Washington. But, funny - all his sponsors are living in the K Street! lol He does NOT have the understanding, knowledge and skill to change ANY thing in Washington DC.

Ask the veterans Bill&Hillary, how tough it is to get anything done there. It needs lots and lots of skill and experience. Believe me.

Kerry lost it because he allowed himself to be "Swift Boated". He was a Nam Vet, but could not articulate what he did in Nam during certain period. It went to the character issue.

Your Manchurian Candidate has plenty of character, judgment and credibility issues. Like the Indian Cobra Imagery I invoked before:

Rezko, Wright, Ayers and Michelle.

What an audacity to seek the nomination of Democratic Party, when he said "Republican Party is the Party of Ideas", and he did not win most of the large Primaries of MUST WIN Blue States?

Yes, his Puppet Master's are pulling the strings. He talks some poetry; but the prose is rubbish. He has some music, but the lyrics is vulgar, like Gangster Music! This is an idiom, by the way.

Cindy McCain and John are laughing in their Mansion!

Cheers. :) :)

RobH said...

I just read Yamaka's 5:27 post. I'm tellin' ya', he's got a man-crush on Bill:

"Unless Bill wants to bring the Candidate Together" ??

- not within his sphere of influence.

"Maestro Bill can pull any magic" ??

- in the old days.

This stuff is the best. C'mon Y, give us more.

RobH said...

Thx Yamaka, I appreciate your rapid response....

My opinion might be changing, you actually have "mad skills" as my kids say. It's endlessly entertaining. Do you write for a living, or are perhaps in the PR field?

This from today's CBS news (a known bastion of Kool-Aid drinkers):

"Clinton spoke to a crowd of about 400 supporters a day after Barak Obama drew a crowd of over 30,000 at his rally in Philadelphia."


Anonymous said...

here is the link please find the 1,500,000 donors and point me to the link.

Anonymous said...


Yamaka said...


The Snow is Melting - the facade is coming down!

I just spoke with my son in Stanford.

He told me something very thought provoking:

He abandoned BHO. No..., Why?

When he read is Audacity of Hope (which my son used in his Valedictory Address as a graduating school senior 8 months ago) he thought BHO was a "Messiah".

But, alas now he says BHO is just a Chicago Politician! He panders to everybody under the Sun!!!

What a quantum change! He is just very young 19 year old!!!

Young crowds come to see the "Messiah".

But they abandon him before voting!!!! lol

dwit said...

Your son lives IN Stanford? Stanford Montana? He MUST be an expert.

Nice one Karl.

Yamaka said...

Funny, Good humor.

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.

He says many of his friends also abandoning BHO!!

An Empty Suit.

dwit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dwit said...


"Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, said that the U.S. "should be looking to create an umbrella of deterrence that goes much further than just Israel. Of course I would make it clear to the Iranians that an attack on Israel would incur massive retaliation from the United States, but I would do the same with other countries in the region."

Now, how is she going to pay for her health care plan again?

Sounds a little like Baghdad Johnny to me.

Independent Voter said...

Jim, you wrote: "Under federal election law, every single donor MUST be reported, including internet donors."

That statement is NOT accurate. FEC laws state: "(1) all contributions received by or on behalf of such po litical
(2) the name and address of any person who makes any
contribution in excess of $50, together with the date and amount of
such contribution by any person;
(3) the identifi cation of any person who makes a con tribution
or contributions aggregating more than $200 during a calendar year,
together with the date and amount of any such contribution;"

To sum this up, anyone who has donated $50 (in ONE single payment) must be reported as such and anyone who has donated over $200 in a single calendar year must be reported as such.

If someone donates $10 per month to a political candidate, their name, address and the amount does NOT have to be reported to the FEC unless the TOTAL amount reaches the $200 mark for the year (which won't happen since there are only 12 months per year = $120).

Leah Texas4Obama said...

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Senator Obama had great rallies in Pennsylvania today. I just finished watching the one in Harrisburg,PA at the Capitol building on C-Span (should be uploaded online on C-span tomorrow for anyone that missed it). The crowd was going wild! I think there are many more supporters of Obama in PA than the polls show because the polls poll via land lines and many people nowadays only have cell-phones. Looks like Obama has a very good chance of winning the PA primary Tuesday - I am praying every day.

Obama - our next POTUS!

Yamaka said...

People think money can buy anything and everything!

Maybe, but maybe not!!

:) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Independent voter
Ok, If that is the case, a candidate can hide tens of millions in contributions from unsavory donors simply by claiming it came from millions of small donors.
Now I am concerned.

Independent Voter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Independent Voter said...

"Ok, If that is the case, a candidate can hide tens of millions in contributions from unsavory donors simply by claiming it came from millions of small donors."

That TOO is false. The campaign has to keep track of all individual donors and their campaign contribution amounts (for auditing purposes) but they do not have to report the individuals unless there is an audit. (This is provided it fell UNDER the amounts I listed in my previous post)

Yamaka said...

"Judge a person NOT by the color of the skin, but the strength of the character"-MLK Jr.

Qn for John Lewis and most of the Black Caucus SDs and Blacks:

Why did you all disobey Dr. King?

Many Whites obeyed him.

Did the Moneybags buy you out? lol

PA is the battle-ground for

Rhetoric Vs Reality
Money Vs Message
Inexperience Vs Experience
Men Vs Women
Young Vs Old
Blacks Vs Latinos

Let's wait and see who triumphs?

BHO keeps blathering about he being the Uniter, Problem-Solver and Savior of People. Just Words....?

Why can't he show it in action?

BHO, Where is the beef?

Your Puppet Masters are talking about
"Half the Loaf is better than No Loaf"

You will be better of with VP. All the money your Puppet Masters spent is not in vain, down the drain!

Join the Dream Ticket, and save the Democratic Party from the impending disaster!

Cheers. Good Night, Folks.

Judy Bienvenu said...

My goodness, I leave for a few hours and y'all bloggers go nuts, drawing your lines in the sand and all.

Let's all take a deep breath now. This is the "open thread on the 2008 Democratic Convention Watch dot come" blog. It's not the swift boat blog.

We're all supposed to be anti-McSame, remember? Can't we just take a shot of Crown Royal and a deep breath?

dwit said...

"Did the Moneybags buy you out? lol"

I'm pretty sure most of the Saudi money went to the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton said...

Yamaka, 'ol pal, turns out I'm running a little short 'til pay day. If you could spot me another G, I'd owe ya one.

ed iglehart said...


Reagrding the "Dream Ticket"

And, as for taking on
, has anyone looked at the place on Giggle Earth? We can't manage Iraq, less than half the size and with loads of flat land. The only way we could tackle Iran is with nukes, and even then, we don't have a very good record of success with bombing folks "back to the stone age".

Get real, Hillary.


ed iglehart said...

Some cartoons to make us smile....
Back to the stone age?

Videos and more

Enjoy your pretzels

ed iglehart said...

Interesting Foreign policy questions

It's well-known that the USA is by far the
biggest maker and seller of weapons
, but, of course, if we curtailed that, there would be more jobs lost.....

Namaste -ed

Yamaka said...

Hello Dear Democrats:

Good Morning, a little cloudy day in Houston.

As of this morning:

As per left last box "with FL and MI"

HRC 1700 BHO 1718 Just 18 behind

Another 345 undeclared SDs, uncommitted 55 and Edwards 31.

For sure PA will give HRC the lead.

SDs: You have a clear choice, cannot be clearer than this:

Experience, Message and Proven Record


Naive , Fuzzy Talk and Messy Character, Judgment and Credibility.

Yes, it is HRC who should be the Nominee.

Remember, the Four King Cobras wrapped around BHO:

Rezko, Wright, Ayers and Micelle.

All HIS own making not Hillary's or Rove's or McCains.

Please do NOT underestimate the lethality of the King Cobras. They will destroy not only BHO but also the Democratic Party at least for another 8 years.

Do you want to wander in the West Texas Desert? or Nominate HRC and make history of the First Woman POTUS.

Make History, Please. Our daughters will be enthralled that they can do anything because there is NO Glass Ceiling that macho MEN erected on them for the past 50,000 years.

Cheers. :)

Yamaka said...

HC Imiti.....


Who are you really? Can you be man/woman enough to show your real face?

:) :)

RobH said...

HC Imiti:

I love the photo on your profile.
Excellent work.


I'll reveal myself, if you reveal yourself....know what I mean?

Yamaka said...

I watched the ABC Interview with John McCain.

He talked about Ayers and BHO!!!

One of the King Cobras is taking a virulent strike at the Kid!

SDs: A Perfect Storm is brewing in the Bermuda Triangle! The Boat caught is the Democratic Party.

Think fast about the Dream Ticket:

HRC at the Top and BHO as VP

(Rationale: She is experienced and has won most of the large MUST WIN Primaries for any Democrat!)

When the Storms hit the Boat will surely sink to the bottom of the turbulent merciless Sea!!


RobH said...


If Obama is so cursed aqnd evil, why would you want him as VP, one heartbeat from the Presidency?

Man/woman enough to reveal yourself, indeed.

Hillary Clinton said...

Looks like I'm losing another Super Delegate.

jpsedona said...


You've again determined to count MI & FL "as is". FL might be seated based on the outcome. But MI will never be seated with Clinton getting pledged delegates and Obama getting Zero.

"Experience, Message and Proven Record"

Hillary's experience is what exactly?

Her message is "I'm a fighter". I agree with her. She is the dirtiest fighter in the race.

Proven record. I agree, she's proven on the record that she will flip-flop, lie and do anything to win.

jpsedona said...


"Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, said that the U.S. "should be looking to create an umbrella of deterrence that goes much further than just Israel. Of course I would make it clear to the Iranians that an attack on Israel would incur massive retaliation from the United States, but I would do the same with other countries in the region."

Should Hillary somehow get the nomination, this is a HUGE issue for the GE. It's far more right wing than McCain. It shows a real lack of understanding on her part of the Middle East. Can you see her trying to explain inserting troops into Saudi Arabia or Egypt if a conflict occurs? If she's going to withdraw troops from Iraq and turn around and insert them into some other conflict, it's going to reflect on her lack of credability.

jpsedona said...

Here's something interesting!

Richard Mellon Scaife, the billionaire bankroller of conservative causes, has come out in endorsing Hillary in PA. Amongst other businesses, he owns the Pitt Tribune-Review.

This is the same Richard Mellon Scaife of VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY fame! Yes, the same man that exposed Bill Clinton's State Trooper scandal.

He's stated that he was impressed by Hillary's "political courage" to sit down with the PTR editors.

Politics makes for strange bedfellows, indeed. If you need any reason why the Reps want to run against Hillary, here's an example.

whim said...

Have a Secret Ballot for Superdelegates - Soon!

Many people (including Chairman Dean) have been calling for the superdelegates to make up their minds, but more superdelegates are still designated as uncommitted than have committed to either candidate. Perhaps many uncommitted superdelegates have made up their minds, but are afraid to publicly commit because they might anger some of their constituents or even other politicians, or may even be accused of being undemocratic. Some people (including Nancy Pelosi) say the superdelegates should vote as their states voted, but that would be an undemocratic "winner take all" solution that goes against the one-person-one-vote foundation of the Democratic party. And if the superdelegates bind themselves in this way, what is the purpose of having superdelegates at all?

I humbly offer a solution: have the superdelegates vote as soon as possible in a secret ballot. Announce the results of this vote, but not individual votes. Let the superdelegates vote their conscience, with confidence and confidentiality, without political pressure.

The right to a secret ballot is one of the foundations of democracy -- it allows people to vote without fear. Shouldn't superdelegates have the same right?

jpsedona said...


I agree that many of the SD's would decide now if their votes weren't made public.

Secret ballots are a right of the voter.

Unfortunately, the spin by the loser (and the media) to a secret ballot would be the equivalent to the smoke filled backroom politics. When you're talking about party leaders deciding who's the best candidate (independent of who you are for), any secretive measure will inflame the loser's suppporters.

I think the backlash for whoever wins would be immense. The Dems are stuck with superdelegates in this election year. I think voters of Hillary & Obama will want an open accounting of each superdelegate's vote. Anything that smacks of a backroom deal among 'kingmakers' is going to hurt the ultimate candidate.

Yamaka said...


Wonderful idea. Well said.Amen.

Yamaka said...

I give credit to Robert Bartley (WSJ) who coined the word Co-Presidency for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

He wanted her to just dinners in the VIP Parties. But she was into policies working shoulder to shoulder to Maestro Bill Clinton.

She earned the experience. Give her the credit.

jpsedona said...


Hillary tried to run on her record as "co-president". That's one of the areas where she hurt her credability.

NAFTA. Flip-flopping, speaking for it before she began her run. Speaking against it.

She claimed to bring peace in Northern Ireland. Her level of involvement has been repudiated by all the US principals involved including Ireland. George Mitchell in his book never mentioned Hillary.

Bosnia. We all know her sniper fire claims.

Healthcare circa 1992. She is clearly responsible for directing the effort and deserves credit for the failure.

Opening the borders of Macedonia. Hillary claimed that she negotiated the opening of the borders of Macedonia. In reality, she arrived the day after that had been achieved.

Role in Intelligence matters. Hillary didn't even hold a secret clearance during her white house years. So, how could she provide input on security related matters without someone disclosing secret intelligence.

I do think we can give her credit for the WH travel office.

Can you name anything of substance that she did during her WH years that would qualify her to be President? How do those compare to other active first ladies?

Yamaka said...

"This is the same Richard Mellon Scaife of VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY fame! Yes, the same man that exposed Bill Clinton's State Trooper scandal".

Good News.

It tells me that the former enemy is repentant of the past sins, and is coming around!

What's wrong with this? Scaife is seeking redemption.

I want all the FAR LEFT liberals who give low blows to Maestro Bill Clinton be repentant and seek salvation for their sins!

In MI, BHO voluntarily removed his name as a global tactics to pander to the voters of IA, NH etc. It is his right to do so. Now, don't cry over the spilled milk! It shows again his inexperience!!

In FL he violated the pledge and ran cable Campaign Ads. This is the dishonesty of the confused soul. He must be punished by giving no delegates for him - or atleast 50% penalty.

But, no one on this God's Earth can punish the voters of FL and MI who just obeyed their State Law and went to the polls. They voted - so, count ALL votes, and seat their delegates, period.

Long Live HRC, the Genuine American Classic.

Yamaka said...

HRC was prophetic in placing the Universal Healthcare in the front burner of American Consciousness in 1992.

Big Business did not fully appreciate her prophecy. They fought her tooth and nail spending 200 million dollars in anti-UHC Ads. She was indeed defeated by the BigMoneyBags.

Now, after 15 long years, the BB realizes their ineptness, and they WANT UHC!

The entire country is longing for HillaryCare now. She has the passion to deliver to ALL the people. Not for a few - not a voluntary program, as the inept BHO crows.

Anyway, BHO stole most of his policies from either John or Hillary. He is a Jewel Thief!! A Pathological Liar and A Master Cameleon.

As he did in TX, he is spending 3 times more in PA than HRC.

Let us see whether Money triumphs over Message. It didn't work in TX.

Stay tuned. Keep the Coronation for another month.


Anonymous said...

All you numbers experts please help me out. On Meet the press David Axelrod,
Obama surrogate states Obama has over 1.3 million contributors
with the average contribution being $96 .
I checked his website and it shows 1,363,299 contributors and multiplied by $96.00
equals only $130,876,704.
According to reliable sources, he has raised more than twice that.
Are they hiding something, or is it just "fuzzy math"/

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