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This page has been frozen as of June 6, 2008.
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Endorsements Dates
Here's a list of superdelegates to the 2008 Democratic Convention that have officially announced who they plan to nominate.
We have also created a list of superdelegates that have not committed to a candidate.
There are 823.5 total Democratic super delegate votes that the nominees are trying to be endorsed by. This consists of 792 superdelegates with full votes and 63 superdelegates with 1/2 votes (29 from MI, 26 from FL, 8 from DA), for 31.5 votes. We will continue to add the unpledged add-ons as soon as they are named by each state. (Note: Florida, Michigan and Democrats Abroad superdelegates get 1/2 vote each, so there are actually 855 superdelegates casting 823.5 votes).
From the Democratic Party Delegate Selection Rules:
- The procedure to be used for certifying unpledged party leader and elected official delegates is as follows:
Not later than March 1, 2008, the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee shall officially confirm to each State Democratic Chair the names of the following unpledged delegates who legally reside in their respective state and who shall be recognized as part of their state’s delegation unless any such member has publicly expressed support for the election of, or has endorsed, a presidential candidate of another political party;- The individuals recognized as members of the DNC (as set forth in Article Three, Sections 2 and 3 of the Charter of the Democratic Party of the United States); and,
- The Democratic President and the Democratic Vice President of the United States, if applicable; and,
- All Democratic members of the United States House of Representatives and all Democratic members of the United States Senate; and,
- The Democratic Governor, if applicable; and,
- All former Democratic Presidents, all former Democratic Vice Presidents, all former Democratic Leaders of the U.S. Senate, all former Democratic Speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives and Democratic Minority Leaders, as applicable, and all former Chairs of the Democratic National Committee.
Superdelegates highlighted in green have committed to voting for the delegate leader at the end of the primaries.
The official list of superdelegates as of May 15 can be found here.
Totals for each candidate can be seen in the Delegate Tracker in the left sidebar.
* Superdelegates from Florida, Michigan and Democrats Abroad only count as 1/2 of a vote.
# Add-on Superdelegates
Notes: All notes and endorsement dates can be found here.
Stay tuned... we'll update this list as we find out more.
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Love this site good work!!
Folks, we really appreciate all the tips here - you've made our jobs much easier. However, we're only tracking endorsements by superdelegates here. If the person you're telling us about is not a superdelegate (check the list of supers who haven't endorsed), there's really no need to post it here. Thanks!
Finally, CNN update partial numbers of the super delegate, but still not as superb job as the folks, Oreo an Matt, are doing here.
Great site you are running here, and I think tonight you will be super budy updating the numbers :-)
You guys are phenomenal! Just want to clarify: there are two Johnsons endorsing Obama in Texas - Eddie Bernice Johnson, Congresswoman, and Denise Johnson, DNC.
Keep up the good work!
You guys are doing an absolutely fantastic job. The internet owes you a hug.
Matt/Oreo in 2016
Sorry for the second post, but I forgot to give my highest praise to the other Matt and Oreo. I check this blog daily and greatly appreciate your time and effort.
Our policy is not to add endorsements based on newspaper lists, as we've seen mistakes in them, and we have no way of verifying their source. Many of these people on the list have not made their endorsement public, and one could question as to why that is.
Our numbers are pretty much in line with CNN, CBS and AP, so we feel we've got a good set of standards.
We have decided to grandfather in all endorsements regardless of whether they meet our current standards. We made this decision in order to keep the lists as accurate as possible - almost all of the superdelegates whose endorsements don't meet our current standards are clearly slotted correctly - it make no sense to take them off the list only to add them back on in a few days when we have a better reference. We will, of course, try to replace the links with better ones as we go along.
Given the above statement, we will, however, consider removing any superdelegate endorsement that has a questionable reference if any of the following conditions are met: 1) A major media source of superdelegate endorsements (Politico, NY Times, WSJ, PBS, etc) lists the superdelegate as uncommitted. 2)There is a recent news article listing or showing the superdelegate to be uncommitted.
We will go through all the comments of the last few days (no, we weren't ignoring them) and make a decision on each one based on the policy above.
Thanks for all the tips, and helping us to keep the list the most accurate and transparent list on the web. - The DCW team.
We created a widget that we'll be updating along with our regular trackers.
Click here to get it. We've also added a link on the left sidebar
Now that Primary Season has restarted after a break that was way too long we will probably start seeing more endorsements and more comments.
Blogger only allows 200 comments per page. Even with less than 200 posts the page loads much more slowly.
I have deleted a large number of comments due to these facts. If your comment was deleted please don't feel bad (or complain) as it's only to allow easier reading of what this post is here for.
If you're going to write anything that's not telling us about a new endorsement or the rumor of one do it on the Open Thread or a more pertinent post.
Finally, for those of you who have still not discovered that we do a lot more here than track supers, you may want to check out our front page tonight for the latest delegate counts and results from the Primary (and MS-01 Special Election that could add a new super)
Thanks everybody!
As far as I am concerned this is the DemCon team's site and they can set any rules they want for superdelegate endorsements. I reserve the right to change my own secret totals if I disagree.
All - thanks for all the links today. Please don't repost links that have already been posted. Remember, Oreo and I have real lives, and real jobs, and we can't always respond within a minute. (Although we try) We'll go through everything in the next 2-3 hours and get everything updated. - Matt
One more thing, comments on this thread should be focused on superdelegate endorsements. Comments on pledged delegates or other unrelated information should be put on an appropriate post or on the Open Thread. They are subject to deletion on this thread at any time.
When the election is over, are you guys going to come out and take well-deserved bows?
Please only post about superdelegate endorsements here.
All other comments will be deleted.
You can talk about whatever you want on the Open Thread on the top left.
We have moved all of the superdelegate change notes to our notes page and ordered it newest to oldest so it's easier to read.
We will only keep a couple of days of notes on the superdelegate list from now on. All notes can be found on the notes page
We just opened a 2008 Democratic Convention Watch Store over at CafePress.
As we just announced on the front page anybody brave enough to be caught wearing any DCW merchandise at the convention will be featured on the site with their own post.
We will make updates ASAP for now we have a post on the front page regarding the latest superdelegate endorsements and the fact that Obama has taken the lead.
I'm from Vancouver, BC Canada and am following the democratic primary with great interest.
Thanks for your work- I appreciate the change you made today making the two columns. Keep up the good work.
I must say- a fine site you guys run...it is amazing that in a short time this website has become the most trusted source for superdelegate endorsements...It is only the most important decision of our political lifetime, and the mainstream media can't even agree on a score....We have the AP reporting that O'bama gained 2 delegates- 1 month after the fact....I like the strict rules, like the Soup Nazi....no link, No quote, No Endorsement for you!
The Mainstream media has been a complete embarrasment in the reporting of this...reporting Sam Nunn and Boren as Supers...or George McGovern....I doubt a single one of these outlets understands that Democrats abroad are counted as 1/2....
Any word on the add-on supers picked today in Colorado, Kansas, and Nevada?
The final tally: Obama won 14 national delegates and Clinton won 11 national delegates. Under the caucus results, Obama was expected to win 13 national delegates to Clinton's 12. Although Clinton won the caucuses, Obama out-performed her in rural Nevada and Washoe County.
The convention has one more delegate to name, although that person goes to the national convention unpledge
New Superdelegate for Obama. KS Add-on Lt. Gov. Mark Parkinson.
Obama picks up delegates in Kan., Md., Nev
Obama Steal NV Add-on Delegate
New Kansas add-on Mark Parkinson (KS)# added for Obama.
shouldn't the side bar be updated to reflect the extra Obama super that has been added.
On the latest endorsements page, why is the name of DNC Eric Coleman (MI) not in red like DNC Virgie Rollins (MI), since they're both from Michigan? Is he being counted for another reason even though Michigan hasn't been recognized yet?
U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle (PA), leans to Obama: Here is what he said (about Hillary);
"She's got a rough road ahead of her, but she deserves a shot to see if she can change the numbers," said U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle, a superdelegate from Pittsburgh. "My vote is going to be in the Obama corner unless Hillary can win the (overall) popular vote."
sidebar updated for Parkinson. (widget had already been updated) Coleman changed to red on endorsement page.
Mike Doyle belongs uncommitted- he is clearly a Clinton supporter- as popular vote speak is very much a part of the Clinton talking pts...Obama just updated his website and now claims to only need 14.5 pledged delegates- as he added .5 for DA, 1 from Edwards and the 1 from Nevada...he is now +3 ahead of DCW in supers- I suspect he knows something about the Nevada and Colorado add on that we don't yet know or can't confirm- I know the CO add on is suspected of being Obama...his super count was stubbornly 1 ahead of DCW...for the longest time...so he somehow must have added 2 more...that have not yet been picked up here
Also, the Washington Post says the DC guy was a super....
As expected, Frederico Pena was chosen as the Colorado add-on superdelegate.
Pena added for Obama
I think there should only be 227 uncommitted superdelegates left after Pena was added.
jcaesar91 - the Washington Post has updated their article. it now says:
"An earlier version incorrectly referred to Evans as a superdelegate."
The NV add-on super is Rusty McAllister, who is undeclared.
Posted on front-page as you were commenting. Thanks.
Hi America, I have been following the primaries since day 1. You're all doing a great job. Keep up the good work. Think there are a lot of Aussies watching with bated breath. Me I for Obama. Go Obama Go.
Golfman - The difference is due to the Democrats Aboard which have only 1/2 vote each. Clinton has 3 for 1-1/2 votes, Obama has 5 for 2-1/2 votes. So Obama has 2 extra names, but 1 extra vote
Gklass - Pecoraro was added yesterday. Please check the list before submitting new super links.
Also, if you get an error when submitting a comment, it was very likely submitted. Please recheck the comments to see if it was submitted before posting the comment again. We have contacted blogger on this, but have not received any response.
suggest a "FAQ" section, since some questions seem to get asked more than once.
GREAT JOB! I come here daily, you guys are more up-to-date and provide a better explanation for additions/changes than any other source that I can find.
Dina Titus should be removed as a superdelegate and replaced by Erin Bilbray-Kohn. Titus was for Clinton, I don`t know where Kohn stands
"Other party business conducted Saturday included the election of a new Democratic National Committeewoman to replace state Sen. Dina Titus, who is running for Congress.
The winner of the contested election was party activist Erin Bilbray-Kohn, daughter of former Rep. Jim Bilbray. State Sen. Steven Horsford was re-elected national committeeman."
Peter-I think this is replacing her for the 2008-2012 term. The RE-election of the other leads me this conclusion. she'll still stay as DNC member until AFTER the convention.
You are probably rigt, I couldn`t find any details about this but what you say make sense.
Alex is correct. We got confirmation from the Nevada Democratic Party that Titus will be a superdelegate in Denver.
"Dina is the committee person for this presidential cycle. Erin will be the committee person to the 2012 convention."
The 5 California add-ons have been named.
Carolyn Doggett
Assemblyman Dario Frommer
Dora Rubio
William Quay Hays
Lou Paulson
We are working on getting them added
CA add-ons added.
3 for Clinton
2 for Obama
Sidebar and widget updated
I just received an email from Dwight Peltz, Washington State Democrats Chair, announcing his endorsement of Senator Barack Obama. Who would I forward the email to for validation? The email was sent to a broad distribution list with the heading "Washington State Democrats".
Thank you,
Kim Kealoha
WASHINGTON State DNC Chair, Dwight Pelz, endorses Obama...
...I will be supporting Barack Obama for many reasons. Over the last few years, I have gained a profound respect for Sen. Obama. I have read his books, listened to his speeches, and watched the campaign he has run on the grueling modern presidential playing-field for nearly two years.
Link for Pelz endorsement:
Pelz posted on front page. We will get the numbers updated, but not immediately.
Pelz added
Widget and sidebar updated.
The DNC has posted a new list of superdelegates as of May 15th here. A link is also provided in the post.
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