Monday, March 31, 2008

Texas State Convention Day

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Maybe we'll actually find out what's going to happen to all of those extra delegates.
The place to go to get the latest info is Burnt Orange Report where you'll see up to the minute news on what takes place today.

Sixty-seven of the state's 228 Democratic delegates are at stake in a delegate-selection process that started with the caucuses. Selections will wrap up at the Democrats' state convention in June.

The state party has no plans to publicize regional results, though a Democrat-oriented blog, the Burnt Orange Report, announced this week that it intends to partner with the Clinton and Obama campaigns to post results online.

Chris Elliott, chairman of the Travis County Democrats, is expected to chair the party's conventions for state Senate Districts 14 and 25. At least 7,000 delegates and alternates are expected to attend.

Flippin and Elrod each said about 65 percent of the caucus delegates chosen on primary night in the county went to Obama.

Elliott said Friday that the county party focused on compiling delegate lists and didn't add up how many delegates each candidate won at the caucuses. Obama carried 63 percent of the primary vote in Travis County. Obama also won Hays and Williamson counties, with 56 percent tallies. - Statesman
We love Texas. You know why? Texas has state superdelegates!

For those who want to follow along at home, the break points are approximately as follows:

Obama Vote %: 53%-54.5% Obama will get 36 delegates, Clinton 31
54.5%-55.97% Delegates will be 37-30
55.97%-57.46% Delegates will be 38-29 (projection from March 4).
57.46%-58.96% Delegates will be 39-28
56.96%-60.4% Delegates will be 40-27
60.4%-61.9% Delegates will be 41-26

Update 8:30 PM: Early returns have been up and down, but with 31% of the state delegates picked, Obama has 54.8%, and leads in national delegates 37-30, a net loss of one delegate vs the March 4 precinct caucus projection of 38-29.

Update 9:20 PM: 36% in, Obama has 58.4%, projection is Obama 39-28, Obama +1 over March 4.

Update 9:35 PM: 38% in, Obama has 57.48%, projection is Obama 39-28, Obama +1 over March 4, but its right on the edge of falling to 38-29.

Update 10:00 PM: 42% in, Obama has 56.9%, projection is Obama 38-29, even with March 4. We're hoping the pace will start to pick up at some point.

Update 10:50 PM: 57% in, Obama has 59.6%, projection is Obama 40-27, Obama +2 over March 4. Some Dallas districts came in 70-80% for Obama, pushing up his lead.

Update 11:10 PM: 58% in, Obama has 59.06%, projection is still Obama 40-27, but breakpoint is 58.96%, so could easily go back to 39-28 with next update.

Update 11:40 PM: 64% in, Obama has 57.2%, right back to 38-29. El Paso for Clinton.

Update 12:10 PM: 69% in, Obama has 56.3%, still at 38-29.

Update 12:40 PM: 70% in, Obama has 56.06%, still at 38-29, but on the edge of 37-30. But Burnt Orange suggests outstanding counties are pro-Obama, so 38-29 may be final number, which, again, would be no change from March 4.

Update 1:05 AM: 72% in, Obama has 56.03%, still barely at 38-29.

Update Sunday 10 AM: 76% in, Obama has 55.4%, delegates at 37-30.

Update Sunday 1 PM: 82% in, Obama has 56.08%, delegates back to 38-29.
There are about 1300 delegates left. 285 are state superdelegates (here's a list), and because of the way they are distributed, they may favor Clinton more than the statewide results would indicate. Funny how that parallels the counts at the national level!

Update Sunday 4:30 PM: 87% in, Obama has 55.91%, delegates at 37-30, just under 38-29.

Update Monday 10:30AM: With 90% of the caucus results in BOR is reporting that Obama 55.22% to Clinton's 44.78%. This would give Obama 37 delegates to Clinton's 30. Obama's campaign is projecting a 38-29 split in favor of Obama. Whatever happens Obama will come away with the most pledged delegates from Texas when the primary and caucus are combined. The final delegate count will be close to Obama 98 and Clinton 95.

Update Wednesday 11:00 PM: Burnt Orange Report is projecting a 37-30 split, with the potential to go to 38-29, depending on a number of factors. However, be sure to read the comments below, with reasonable cases being made that it could drop to 36-31 or even 35-32. Because of the superdelegates, we will not have a final result until June 6.

Also, the breakpoints we had above were not correct, because the PLEO and at-large delegates are determined independently. The correct breakpoints are:

53.57% - 54% - 36:31
54.00% - 55.97% - 37:30
55.95% - 58% - 38:29

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Pelosi Club - Superdelegates who will support the pledged delegate winner

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(See bottom of post for May 20 and May 22 updates)

This is a list of superdelegates who have specifically committed to vote for the leader in pledged delegates. It is named the "Pelosi Club", in honor of its first two members:

Nancy Pelosi:

And, the speaker said again in an interview Friday that was aired today, the decisions of the party’s “super-delegates’’ to the Democratic National Convention should “reflect’’ which candidate has claimed the most pledged delegates in a contest which she believes will end well before the convention in Denver. - Baltimore Sun
Christine Pelosi:
"Many of us are elected by the grassroots of the party," she said, "And I cannot imagine going home in November to those people and try to phone bank for someone who did not capture the [pledged delegate] vote" - Huffington Post
Roy Romer is also onboard with backing the delegate leader: (Removed on 5/13 - endorsed Obama)
Romer, while reiterating that he hasn't taken a side, said the key should be the delegate count -- a standard that is likely to favor Illinois Sen. Barack Obama. He didn't pick up on a reporter's suggestion that the overall popular vote should matter, too. That's probably a disappointment to New York Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign. Romer was a national co-chairman of her husband's presidential re-election campaign in 1996 and became general chairman of the DNC in January 1997, while Bill Clinton was president and the nation's leading Democrat. -USA Today
Update 5/1: Former President Jimmy Carter joins the Pelosi Club:
"And I think that many super-delegates who have not yet declared their preference have the same feeling that I do, including the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. She’s said over and over that whoever gets the most [pledged] delegates by June 3rd ought to be the nominee. - UK Telegraph
Clinton endorsers:
Sen. Maria Cantwell (WA) - most pledged delegates, most states won

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA)
(added 3/30)
Christine Pelosi (CA) (added 3/30) (endorsed Obama 6/3)
Gov. Roy Romer (CO) (added 3/30) (removed 5/13 - endorsed Obama)
Former President Jimmy Carter (GA) (added 5/1) (endorsed Obama 6/3)
Betty Richie (TX) (added 3/30) (removed 5/29 - endorsed Obama)
Denise Johnson (TX) (added 4/6)
Chris Van Hollen (MD) (added 5/24) (endorsed 6/4)

Obama endorsers:
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA)
Sen. Tom Daschle (SD)
(added 3/30)

We also have 1 additional member from Florida:
Obama endorsers:
Rep. Robert Wexler (FL)
(added 4/8)

One person who won't be in the Pelosi Club: DNC Chair Howard Dean:
Citing Democratic rules, national committee Chairman Howard Dean on Tuesday said that the superdelegates who are poised to select the party's presidential nominee are free to back whomever they wish at the end of the primaries, regardless of who leads in the popular vote or pledged delegates. "They should use whatever yardstick they want," Dean said in an interview at party headquarters. "That's what the rules provide for."
A majority of the pledged delegates is 1627.

If Obama wins a majority of the pledged delegates, he will gain 7 supers and Clinton will lose 1.
If Clinton wins a majority of the pledged delegates (this is considered unlikely), she will gain 8 supers and Obama will lose 2.

Update: Any superdelegate who uses the leader in "popular vote" as a basis for their vote is not eligible for membership in the Pelosi Club. Counting the popular vote this year has turned out to be a subjective measure, not an objective measure, and is therefore worthless for definitively determining how a superdelegate will vote.

Update May 20: Please note that we will not be moving the Pelosi Club members to Obama's column should he clinch the pledged delegate majority today. It has always been our policy not to move superdelegates based on conditional endorsements when those endorsements come true. If these supers want to endorse Obama once he clinches the pledged delegate majority, they need to say so themselves.

Also note: Given that it is likely that the Florida and Michigan delegates will be seated in some fashion, 1,627 will probably not be the final number for a majority of the pledged delegates anyway, and it's therefore up to the members of the Pelosi Club, not us, to decide when Obama has reached that point.

Update May 22: We have removed all Obama endorsers (Lofgren, Daschle and Wexler) from the Pelosi Club. With Obama clinching the Pledged Delegate Majority (non MI/FL version), it's clear they will stay with Obama no matter what.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

New support for alternative Florida delegate plan

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The Ledger in Lakeland, FL is reporting that Jon Ausman, the head of Florida's DNC delegation, has two proposals for allocating Florida's delegates that will honor the spirit of the election results while not seating them entirely as is.

Ausman, who is also the DNC member appealing the DNC's decision to strip Florida of it's superdelegates and its 100% delegate penalty, has devised two different approaches for how the delegates can be allocated.

From the Ledger's article:

Ausman's first equation, resulting in a six-delegate net for Clinton, involves halving the state's number of unpledged delegates and then applying the state's primary results by congressional district as called for in the party's own rules.

The second formula, resulting in a 19-delegate net for Clinton, reverses the math, applying the state's primary results by congressional district to the state's unpledged delegates and then halving that number. Obama's campaign has all but rejected the second formula, Ausman said.

Apparently the proposals are under review by DNC staff and could be in front of the Rules and Bylaws Committee by next week. However, Ausman wants a ruling on his two pending appeals of the earlier committee decisions regarding Florida's delegates before they consider these new proposals.

It seems like there may be some possibility of a resolution to Florida's delegation before the convention. As always we'll keep you apprised.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Texas County Conventions Q&A

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The Dallas Morning News has a helpful Q&A on the Texas County Conventions being held tomorrow:

We already had caucuses. What gives?

The county conventions are the second step in determining delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Denver. On March 4, 126 delegates were selected during the primary process.

On Saturday, 7,298 delegates will be selected from a pool of about 88,000 to move on to the June state convention in Austin. The June convention will determine the 67 delegates who will be sent to Denver via the caucus and convention process.


Can pledged delegates change their minds at the county conventions?

Yes. Supporters of both candidates say they have heard tales of people being lured from one camp to the next. But don't expect any big shifts.

After Saturday, will we know who has the most pledged caucus delegates?

We hope so. Both campaigns are expected to keep count. The results could also be given out at the conventions, though someone must take a canvass to get a statewide total.

We'll try to have results here tomorrow.

Update: Burnt Orange Report is planning major coverage this weekend.

Dean calls for supers to decide by July 1

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DNC Chairman Howard Dean is calling on all superdelegates to make a decision by July 1:

A potential game-changer from CBS News and "The Early Show." Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean says he wants superdelegates to make a decision by JULY 1 -- the most specific he has been in his effort to prod the party to decide between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton before the Democratic National Convention in late August.

Harry Smith asked if after the nominating contests end with the South Dakota and Montana primaries on June 3, "Do you want the superdelegates to have some sort of vote immediately so that you'll know months in advance of the convention what the outcome is?”

Dean replied: “Well, I think the superdelegates have already been weighing in. I think that there's 800 of them and 450 of them have already said who they're for. I'd like the other 350 to say who they're at some point between now and the first of July so we don't have to take this into the convention.”

This comes on the heels of Gov. Bredesen's call for a superdelegate convention, and DNC Representative Ed Espinoza's call for decisions by Memorial Day. Note that Dean has not been in favor of the superdelegate convention idea. He just wants each superdelegate to announce a decision either way, so we have a nominee as soon as possible and can turn our attention to the fall election.

2008 Democratic Convention Watch agrees with Governor Dean. For the good of the party, and to allow our nominee to turn our attention to the General Election, we call on all our superdelegate friends to announce their choice as soon as possible after the last primaries, or, of course, earlier if they choose, as Sen. Casey did today.

Update: The commenter raises a good point: Will Chairman Dean take his own advice and endorse someone by July 1?

Life as a Super

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'Morning all - Mr Super here from Me and the boys at DCW thought it might be fun to give you a glimpse of life as a Super.

For starters, it used to be a dull existence. My life is very routine. Wake up, coffee, read the papers. Get dressed, get to work. I asked a friend who house sat for me last year if they had learned anything about me while living in my house. "Yeah," this person said. "That you're boring." Then this Super Delegate thing came along.

This Super Delegate part of our duties, it's always been there - it's just never meant much. Like the tonsils of our job description.

So you could say life is different now. Whereas I used to read the morning dailies, I now speak to the writers of the morning dailies. I used to listen to radio, now I speak to the radio reporters. There's been some cable TV inquires, foreign press and Internet folks, too (ironically, I don't read that many blogs). I'm not always quoted, which is fine by me. No photoshoots for Esquire.

But I bring this up to echo what I say to reporters - that Supers are normal people. We're not Washington "fat cats." We don't dine on caviar and drive Cadillacs. My neighbor was talking to me about the election the other day, and he made a comment about the Supers. He knew I was on the DNC, but didn't connect that to me also being a Super.

But I will admit - it is a little fun. :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Representative Al Wynn Resigns

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Representative (and Obama Superdelegate) Al Wynn announced his resignation this afternoon. He will leave office in June to allow Donna Edwards to go into the November election as an incumbent.

U.S. Rep. Albert R. Wynn (D-Md.), defeated in a Democratic primary for reelection to his seat in February, announced this afternoon that he will resign from Congress to take a job a local law firm.

Wynn, who spent 16 years in Congress representing a district including most of Prince George's County and part of Montgomery County, was defeated by insurgent Democratic candidate Donna F. Edwards in February. However, his eighth term was not to have concluded until January 2009. - Washington Post

Donna Edwards has already endorsed Obama but in order to become a superdelegate she will need to win in a special election. And until a special election is held, the superdelegate number drops by 1 to 793.

Our very own Charlie Anthe did a little investigating and found Maryland's Special Election rules.

The governor shall issue a proclamation within 10 days the vacancy becomes known to the Governor, declaring that a special election shall be held.
There must be at least 36 days from the date of the proclomation to the date of the primary election and at least another 36 days from the date of the primary election to the date of the general election.
However, there are some caveats to this:
(i) If the vacancy occurs within a window of 60 days before the general primary election and the last day of the congressional term, the Governor can choose to not issue a proclamation allow the office to remain vacant.
The window is in effect for (i), as Maryland's primary election was Feb 12th. Therefore, it's up to Maryland's Democratic governor Martin O'Malley to decide whether to hold the special election. It should be possible to schedule a special election to be finished prior to the Democratic convention, but it doesn't necessarily have to work out that way. And note that nothing will happen until Wynn actually resigns in June.

Update: One possibility for the Special Election is that it's set for the same day as the General Election. Assuming Donna Edwards wins both, she would get a 2-month leg up on seniority over her fellow incoming freshmen. This was most recently done in TX-22 and NJ-13 in 2006.

Update 2: Because the primary and general special election must be held on Tuesdays, its actually 36+42 = 78 days from the Governor's proclamation to the earliest a replacement can be elected. The last Tuesday before the convention is August 19, and 78 days before that is June 2. If Wynn's resigning in June, than he had better resign on June 1 if his replacement is to have any chance at being a superdelegate.

Connecticut names Obama supporter as add-on

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Wednesday was Connecticut's turn to name it's add-on superdelegate:

The Connecticut Democratic superdelegate ranks are complete with the selection of State Senate President Pro Tem Donald E. Williams, D-Brooklyn....he is a leader of the Obama campaign in Connecticut.
More specifically, Williams is co-chair of Barack Obama's Connecticut Leadership Council along with Ned Lamont, and we will be adding him to the Obama column.

Puerto Rico Governor Indicted

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Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila is among several people named in a sealed indictment, officials said Thursday, as U.S. authorities made the first arrests in a long-running probe into his party's finances.

An Associated Press reporter saw at least five officials from the Popular Democratic Party as they were led in handcuffs into the U.S. federal building in San Juan. - AP

Gov. Acevedo is a superdelegate who has endorsed Barack Obama.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

College Democrats also coming to Denver

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The College Democrats of America have their convention every 4 years in the DNCC host city just before the big show, and this time is no exception:

With the youth vote surging this year, we are expecting a very large attendance at the annual College Democrats of America Convention. So if you want to go to Denver, start planning now! Here are the details: The CDA Convention begins Friday, August 22nd. Most of the CDA portion of the programming will be over by Sunday, August 24th but lots of events will continue through the Democratic National Convention. Both events will officially end on Thursday, August 28th.

Everyone is encouraged to stay for the College Democrats of America Convention (which will have most of its events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and for the Democratic National Convention (which begins Monday and ends on Thursday). For those who were at our 2004 CDA Convention which overlapped the Democratic Convention in Boston, this year will be exactly the same. During the Democratic National Convention we will host all sorts of panels, parties, and events.

Registration is limited and housing is even more limited. If you have housing options available to you in Denver, secure them now. Know a friends couch you can stay on? Great. Otherwise CDA has dorms that will be available for students from Friday, August 22 to Thursday, August 28th. Prices and registration will be up on on shortly.
And an invitation from CDA President and Superdelegate Lauren Wolfe:

Judge rules Michigan's primary law unconstitutional

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This is yet another hit for any chance of Michigan's January primary results counting

A federal judge on Wednesday ruled Michigan's presidential primary law unconstitutional and blocked the state from giving voter lists from the Jan. 15 election to the state's major political parties.

U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds in Detroit ruled that the law's provision giving the list of voters' partisan preference only to the Democratic and Republican parties violated the rights of several small parties, who argued that the information should be distributed to all who wanted it or to no one.


But the ruling likely further damages the already small hope that the Democratic Party would honor the Jan. 15 results. It is unlikely that national Democratic officials would relent in their opposition to seating delegates based on a disputed vote that has now been declared flawed under the constitution. - Detroit News

You can see what the outcome would be of several MI and FL scenarios in our FL and MI By The Numbers page

Update: Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic has posted a PDF of the ruling
Ambinder's take on the ruling:

I see this is as a small political victory for Clinton and a larger one for Obama; the ruling today means nothing more than a chance for her to make the case again for a re-vote, as campaign manager Maggie Williams does in an e-mail to reporters:

"In the wake of today's court ruling regarding Michigan’s January 15th primary, we urge Senator Obama to join our call for a party-run primary and demonstrate his commitment to counting Michigan's votes."

An Obama aide said the ruling speaks for itself. They avoided the worst: where the Clinton campaign had hoped that the judge would order a revote as the remedy, she simply ordered the state party to share its lists. Since the legislature is no longer in session, the notion of a re-vote is moot at this point, anyway.
David Plouffe, Barack Obama's campaign chairman, weighed in on the MI ruling in a statement released by the campaign ... “As we’ve said consistently, we think there should be a fair seating of the Michigan delegates. The Clinton campaign has stubbornly said they see no need to negotiate, but we believe that their Washington, my-way-or-the-highway approach is something voters are tired of." - The Page

Florida DNC appeal may bring back FL superdelegates

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Starting to percolate on the newswire is an appeal by DNC Floridian Jon Ausman. He is stating that DNC rules prohibit the Rules Committee from:

a.) stripping Florida's superdelegates of being seated at the national convention and
b.) stripping Florida of all of its pledged delegates. He states that the penalty called for is a penalty of 1/2 of delegates (similar to what the RNC did to Florida and Michigan).

The early conventional wisdom is that argument A has validity, argument B less so. The DNC Rules Committee staff is apparently currently reviewing the appeal, and expects that to be done in about two weeks, after which the Committee would re-convene to review it.

It would be very weird if after all the arguing of disenfranchising Florida's voters if the superdelegates were able to be seated but not the regular delegates. We'll keep you up to date of how this progresses.

Upcoming Texas County/District Conventions

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This Saturday Texas will perform its second level of delegate selection - its county and Senate District Conventions. Unlike most states, Texas does not apportion precinct delegates from its primary and caucuses according to its US Congressional Districts, but rather from its State Senate Districts.

A lot of confusion has reigned about how the first level delegates were determined on March 4th. Most folks are now familiar with the famous "Texas 2-Step", where first a primary was held, then caucuses immediately afterward.

Texas has a total of 228 delegates attending the national convention. 126 are allocated according to the results of the primary, and another 67 from the caucuses (the remainder are superdelegates and add-ons). However, the delegates from the caucuses most go through several levels - first precinct level delegates were elected to attend Senate District conventions (the ones occurring this Saturday). From there, state convention delegates will be elected, who will determine the final remaining national convention delegates.

Based on the results from the dual primary/caucus event on March 4th, the district delegates will meet and determine the delegates to the Texas Democratic State Convention on Friday, June 6. At the State Convention the final 67 pledged national delegates will be selected (along with 3 elected "unpledged add-on" delegates). The 32 Texas superdelegates are obviously already determined.

So what will the upcoming district conventions tell us? Mainly they'll provide insight into just what the heck happened in the precinct caucuses on March 9th. Due to how the caucus results were reported back to the state office, there was never a final set of results reported to the media. Michell Tsai at Slate has a good explanation as to what happened: The state party never anticipated the demand for results (most races have had a clear nominee by now), and had no system in place for reporting. Precinct chairs were only required to mail in their results within three days. There was an optional reporting mechanism to phone in final delegate totals, but its usage was optional and so there was no clear picture. The party finally decided to just stop worrying about reporting the precinct results and just focused on making sure they had the information out to the district conventions in time for their start this Saturday. Therefore, the last update only had 41% of precinct results, and there won't be any further updates. From the Texas Democrats website:

The Texas Democratic Party is no longer updating the unofficial results from the precinct conventions. We are now shifting our efforts to collecting the official results from the precinct conventions to make sure they are available at Senatorial District/County Conventions on March 29, where delegates will be elected to the State Convention. Ultimately, those state conventions delegates will determine the allocation of 67 national delegates.
But with the next round of conventions coming up, why hasn't the Texas Democratic Party updated the statewide precinct caucus results? There's no clear answer; if I had to hazard a guess I'd say politics in Texas are pretty low-key, local affairs, and all this is handled at a level lower than the statewide party headquarters. A quick read through the Texas Democratic Party Rules provides the most likely explanation (emphasis in italics are mine):
Rule IV-B-7:
7. Submission of Records. The record and a copy shall be signed officially by the Permanent Convention Chair, sealed, and transmitted safely in person, no later than the third day after the convention, or by certified mail, return receipt requested, no later than the second day after the Convention, by the Permanent Chair to the County Chair or County Executive Committee Secretary, who shall send a copy of
the delegate and alternate list to State Party headquarters. Copies shall be retained on file at both the county and state office until the end of the primary election year. (Texas Election Code §174.027)

Rule IV-C-4:
4. Temporary Roll. The County or Senatorial District Chair shall deliver the lists of all such Delegates and Alternates to the Convention, and these lists shall constitute the Temporary Roll. Only those Delegates listed thereon, or their alternates who assume Delegate status, may vote on the temporary organization of the Convention. Proxy voting shall not be permitted. (Texas Election Code §174.068)
So, we see that the precinct results were submitted to the County Chairs, who then forwarded that information on to the state party headquarters. Furthermore, the County Chairs are the ones responsible for determining the roll of eligible delegates to the County/District Conventions. Therefore I think that the County Chairs are the ones with the list of precinct caucus results, and the total list of statewide precinct delegate results is sitting in a filing cabinet in the Texas state Democratic office somewhere since no one has ever been asked to pull that information together before.

Currently the projected results are as follows:
  • Clinton - 50.9% - 65 delegates
  • Obama - 47.4% - 61 delegates
Caucuses (incomplete - based on 41% reporting)
  • Clinton - 29 delegates
  • Obama - 38 delegates

Therefore, look for potential movement in the delegate allocations for Texas based on the results of the district/county conventions this Saturday. (One last shameless plug: If you'd like insight into the different types of delegates (add-ons, PLEOs, etc.) I broke down the Washington state delegation last month).

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

NFL likely moves up season opener to avoid McCain speech conflict

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We were the first to break the story that there was a conflict between the NFL season opener and John McCain's acceptance speech. We were ridiculed in the comments, and our good friend, Neil Best of Newsday, called some of the options "ludicrous". Well one of those ludicrous options is likely going to happen:

The National Football League and NBC will likely move up the time of the league's September season opener so it won't conflict with presidential nominee John McCain's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.

Since 2002, the NFL has held its season opener on the first Thursday night after Labor Day. This year, the game runs smack into the final night of the convention, when McCain will officially accept the nomination and give a nationally televised speech from Minneapolis.

While the NFL has yet to announce its schedule for the 2008 season, it's apparently not going to shy away from having its season opener on the scheduled day, with the game likely featuring the Super Bowl champion New York Giants.

So, the NFL and NBC have agreed in principle to have the kickoff at 7 p.m. ET instead of the traditional 8:30 p.m. That would mean, except in the event of an overtime, that the game would end before NBC's expected one hour of convention coverage for the night.

The move comes with several risks, including a loss of audience since the game would start so early on the West Coast. Also, it could impact any pregame special or entertainment that the NFL or NBC could schedule. It would, though, give NBC News a strong lead-in to its convention coverage.
The Republican National Convention has been on the NFL radar since it was announced for early September. "We've been talking with NBC Sports about this," an NFL spokesman said. - Reuters
I'll be rooting for lots of instant replays, a few time-consuming but ultimately minor injuries, and as much as I love the NY Giants, a tie game that goes the full overtime. If that happens, McCains audience would be unmeasurably small.

And if that happens, Democrats all over should thank the one man who ultimately caused this to happen.

Michigan and Florida Update

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First, let me introduce myself. My name is Charlie Anthe, and I'm excited to be the newest contributing member to DCW! I've been blogging about both national politics and more regional issues of the Pacific Northwest from my blog The Foghorn, and I've been a long time listener, first time poster of DCW up until today. Please feel free to send me any feedback/ideas, of either my posts here or on my regular blog.

The current situation: Both state delegations remain ineligible to be seated at the national convention. Earlier attempts to broker some kind of "re-do" primary in both states have fallen through, mostly over two main issues: 1. Who would pay for a new election? and 2. Would a state election funded by out-of-state parties even be legal, and how could the results be validated as fair?

In Florida, legislative solutions were dim from the start. Both the Legislature and the Governor's mansion are controlled by Republicans, and they seem more than eager to watch the Democratic mess in their state continue while they sit back and share the popcorn. The Florida House Speaker was pretty emphatic about the issue:
"The state of Florida should not be involved in certifying or mediating intraparty squabbles," said House Speaker Marco Rubio. "The state did what its job is. We held a presidential preferential primary Jan. 29. It was legal, it was accurate, it was fair, it was open."
Further attempts to force the Florida delegation to be seated through the judiciary have also been nixed. Recently a federal appeals court upheld an earlier decision to not get involved.

In Michigan, while Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm had expressed interest in a re-do primary on June 3rd, the Michigan legislature recently adjourned without taking up the issue, making it impossible to implement. Most of the objections revolved around logistical concerns of setting up a new election in such a short period of time, as well as funding when the state is facing a $250 million shortfall it its upcoming FY 2009 budget forecast.

Earlier discussions of holding a caucus to apportion Michigan's delegates seem to be dead as well, or at least not mentioned at all by the governor in her statement after the legislature adjourned without approving the primary:
“I believe Senator Levin, Congresswoman Kilpatrick, National Committeewoman Debbie Dingell and U.A.W. President Ron Gettelfinger identified the fairest way for Michigan voters to have a voice in seating a delegation in Denver. They recommended to the Democratic National Committee (D.N.C.) that Michigan hold a state-run, privately funded primary.

I supported their recommendation, as did the D.N.C., and I am deeply disappointed that it is no longer a possibility. Now that the Legislature has decided not to act, we will turn our attention to other options. There is no road to the White House that does not go through Michigan, so it is essential that Michigan voters have a voice in who will be our party’s nominee and, ultimately, the next president of the United States.”

DNC Chairman Howard Dean has repeatedly stated that any solution would have to come with the agreement of both candidates:
"When you change the rules in the middle of the game, which is what's being proposed here, you've got to do it in a way that both campaigns agree is fair," he said.
Given that a re-do now looks increasingly impossible, the possibility of any negotiated solution also seems unlikely. Several solutions have been proposed by the various candidates, depending on how it favors them:
  • Split the delegations 50/50 between Clinton and Obama. This solution is favored by the Obama camp, since it maintains their current delegate lead. As Clinton believes she would gain ground in these states (and based on the results in Florida is probably correct, Michigan is unknown given that Obama's name wasn't on the ballot), she is against this solution.

  • Seat the delegations based on the existing primary results. Obviously, the Clinton campaign favors this solution as it would greatly benefit her, and the Obama campaign is heavily against it, stating that to do so would render the DNC rules useless.

  • Some other solution as proposed by the state Democratic parties to the DNC Rules Committee (as permitted in the bylaws) that can be approved.
In Michigan, where Obama removed his name from the ballot after the state was stripped of their delegates, Clinton won 80 of 128 potential delegates. "Uncommitted", which Obama supporters encouraged voters to vote for in lieu of Obama's name won 55 delegates, but could support either candidate at the convention.

In Florida, Clinton beat Obama in pledged delegates by 113-71 (with 13 Edwards delegates) of 211 available.

All told, if Michigan and Florida were seated as-is, Clinton would receive a net gain of 122 pledged delegates (with 55 uncommitted and 13 Edwards). Also, each state's superdelegates would come into play, allowing Clinton to push her and Bill's connections through the party to gain more ground.

One other effect of adding both states back into the delegate picture would be to push the total number of delegates back up to 4,415, requiring 2,208 to win the nomination.

So where does this leave everything? Generally in one big royal mess. The do-over option now appears to be DOA in both states. Unless a brokered compromise can be agreed upon between the campaigns and submitted to the DNC in time, there are only a couple more possible options:
  • A solution imposed through the judiciary. This is highly unlikely as Supreme Court decisions in the past have granted wide leeway to the parties to determine on their own how to select their own candidates.

  • The issue continues up until the convention and lands in the hands of the Convention Credentials Committee. The Committee is the final authority in the seating of delegates and can establish its own solution as it sees fit that fall within the Call to Convention and the Rules and Bylaws of the Democratic Party.

  • One of the remaining candidates drops out prior to the convention. In this case, most likely the presumptive nominee will drop their objection to the delegations being seated so the party can unite behind the nominee with all 50 states included.
It's unfortunate that this issue is distracting the party and is being used as a political hot potato between the two candidates' campaigns. (I posted my thoughts on this topic a week ago.) Unless we see a clear nominee prior to the convention, expect this issue to survive and turn up the heat up until August in Denver.

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Tale of Two California Congresswomen

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The blogosphere, or at least the Daily Kos part of it, was all aflutter today with the rumor that California Representative Lynn Woolsey was about to pull back her endorsement of Clinton, and instead, endorse the winner of her district, or just endorse the winner of the national pledged delegates. The diarist at Kos said she had talked to someone in Woolsey's office, who said the news release would be out shortly. Other callers, including ourselves, were told the same thing.

So we had a post all ready to go with the news. We just waited for the announcement. And waited. And finally, we contacted Woolsey's office again. (We don't claim to be journalists here, but sometimes we can't help ourselves). And, lo and behold, we found out that the information was false, and that Congresswoman Woolsey was not changing her endorsement.

A communication mistake? A call from the Clinton campaign? Don't know at this point.

But now, the flip side. It turns out another California congresswoman did pull her endorsement of a Democratic presidential candidate today. But it wasn't Woolsey, and the candidate losing the endorsement was not Clinton:

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a San Jose Democrat who will attend the state convention, says superdelegates should back the leader in delegates and popular votes. Lofgren has endorsed Obama, but said she would back Clinton if she took the lead in June.
That statement is no different than Nancy Pelosi has made, and therefore Lofgren will be moved from Obama back to Uncommitted. Tomorrow. Just in case this gets walked back also.

And lets be clear about the reality. While our tracking numbers for Obama will go down by 1, all analyses of the pledged delegate situation show that it is very difficult to come up with a reasonable scenario that shows Clinton catching up to Obama in pledged delegates. So a Woolsey move from Clinton to "pledged delegate leader" would actually be more significant.

But Woolsey didn't move, and Lofgren did. So Obama's numbers will go down by 1, and Lofgren becomes the 4th superdelegate to commit to support the national pledged delegate leader.

Puerto Rico primary change approved

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We broke the news over 2 weeks ago that Puerto Rico was moving their date from June 7 to June 1, and changing from a caucus to a primary. Today the DNC approved the change. The change in date was just a clerical error - The primary was supposed to be on the first Sunday in June, and someone must have used the wrong calendar.

But why the change from a caucus to a primary?

A primary will give more voters a chance to take part in the nominating process, said Puerto Rico Democratic Chairman Roberto Prats. He said caucuses were fine in previous years, when the party nominee was already settled and the only task was to choose delegates to attend the party's national convention.

"Now it's different," Prats told the Democratic National Committee's rules panel in a conference call. "This is the first time in decades that Puerto Rico will be participating in an event of this magnitude."

Update: The changes in both date and voting method were unanimously endorsed by all
PR State Democratic Committee members, which included pro-Clinton and pro-Obama backers. This was a logistical change, not one intended to give either side an advantage.

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We know we've come a long way from the early days in January when we started our Superdelegate Lists. Back then most people didn't know what a superdelegate was. Now it's hard to go anywhere without hearing about them.

Today we received a press release from a mystery DNC member announcing the start of

DNC Member Launches Website Exclusively Covering Superdelegates” Debunks Myths, Answers User Questions and
Provides Insight on Nomination Process
For Immediate Release
March 24, 2008 ( Washington , DC ) – is a site authored by an undeclared Superdelegate, and seeks to debunk urban myths about who Superdelegates are and how they are engaging in the nomination.
People have lots of questions about Superdelegates, and on has a complete series on debunking myths - popular yet incorrect notions about the process.
they can ask and receive unfiltered answers. – which redirects to the more concise “” domain – also provides links to news stories and data to support claims made on the site.
Current blog posts address Florida & Michigan elections and the non-viable ideas of a primary or convention just for Superdelegates. The site claims that “There are no undecided Superdelegates – only undeclared ones.”
The site is well worth a visit.

There Are No Undecided Super Delegates

DecisionOr at least, there are very few of them. The majority of undeclared Supers are just that - undeclared. It doesn't mean they don't have a clear preference. Keep that in mind when people are talking about the need for the candidates to lobby or not lobby the Supers more often. Because the truth is, it's really not that necessary.

You say Superdelegate, I say Super Delegate

Potato_tomato Pet Peeve: the spelling of Super Delegate. I wonder what William Strunk would have to say? I prefer the two-word phrasing "Super Delegate" as opposed to the invented one-word "Superdelegate," because I don't think it's a real word. If anyone knows a reference tool that can verify the appropriate term that would be helpful.

Maybe we should trademark the word superdelegate? We've used it enough as one word... and lots of people consider our blog a reference tool.

And to answer the questions that will inevitably be raised:
1. Yes this is from an actual DNC member
2. No... we will not tell you who it is.

Detroit Mayor (and superdelegate) Kwame Kilpatrick Charged with 12 Counts

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Kilpatrick is refusing to step down.

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy is charging Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his former top aide, Christine Beatty, with 12 counts of crimes in the text-messaging scandal, including perjury, conspiracy to obstruct justice and willful misconduct in office.

She said she expects the two to turn themselves in no later than 7 a.m. Tuesday.

Worthy announced the charges Monday morning at a news conference that began with a 15-minute preamble that blasted the city's lawyer for what she called "deliberate obstruction" of her investigation and on the importance of telling the truth under oath. - ClickOnDetroit
As Kilpatrick (who has not yet committed to a candidate) is part of the Michigan Delegation his seat does not count toward the 794 superdelegate total.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Michigan postpones its District Caucuses

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For those of us curious how Michigan's 55 Uncommitted delegates would survive the post-primary process, if the Michigan delegation in its current form is ever seated, we'll have to wait a few more weeks:

Acknowledging that Michigan's delegate selection mess is unlikely to be resolved in the coming week, the state Democratic Party decided to postpone its congressional district conventions. The 15 district gatherings, at which more than half of the Democratic delegates are elected to the Democratic National Convention in August, had been slated for March 29. The state party's executive committee late Friday postponed the conventions until April 19.

An early February article had noted plans to make sure the Uncommitted delegates didn't get poached:
Local activists and Sen. Barack Obama supporters are involved in a grassroots campaign to protect and escort that uncommitted vote all the way to the national Democratic Convention in Denver, Colorado, in August.

Maurice Badgett is one of several Detroit-area political activists who are determined to keep the uncommitted vote in the public eye. Like many others, Badgett is an organizer for Michiganders for Obama and considers it an injustice that many Detroiters were unable to cast a vote for their preferred candidate.

If citizens had a particular candidate in mind when voting uncommitted, vigilance and close observation of the party protocol will guarantee those candidates receive the appropriate number of delegates at the district, and then the national convention.

Michigan had 83 district-level and 45 state-level pledged candidates. The state-level delegates are still scheduled to be chosen on May 17.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

DC add-on confusion

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Over a month ago we noted:

Which leads us to Mike Panetta, who is the elected U.S. Statehood Representative, or Shadow Representative, for the District of Columbia. He is not a normal superdelegate. However, the Call for the 2008 Democratic National Convention, section I(I), Footnote 5, states:
The District of Columbia shall select its Statehood Representative, if a Democrat, as one of its two (2) unpledged add-on delegates.
So Mike Panetta is the first known add-on superdelegate to the convention. He has endorsed Obama, and we have added him to our list of superdelegate endorsements.
Well, it turns out that Panetta is not (yet) a superdelegate. Here's what we know:

The DC Delegate Selection Plan, which I'm told has been approved by the DNC, does not call for the Statehood Representative to be automatically be given one of the 2 add-on positions.

In fact, Mike Panetta writes at the DC Democratic Party website, and he put out this notice calling for candidates for the add-on spots:
In accordance with the Democratic National Committee and the District of Columbia Delegate Selection Plan for the 2008 Democratic National Convention, the DC Democratic State Committee will be electing Add on Delegates to the August 25-28, 2008 National Convention in Denver, CO. The DC Democratic Party is seeking candidates for 2 Unpledged Add-Delegates

An individual can qualify as a candidate for Unpledged Add-On ... by filing a statement of candidacy with the DC Democratic State Committee, 1341 G Street, NW Suite 720, Washington, DC 20005 no later than 5:00 PM March 7, 2008.
So how is DC implementing a delegate selection plan the violates the National Call to the Convention? Here's what the DNC has told us:
If the DC State Party fails to select the Statehood Representative as one of its 2 unpledged add-on delegates, then an implementation challenge can be filed against the State Party for violating the Call.
Which means the selection can be challenged before the Rules and Bylaws Committee or the Convention Credentials Committee. Could that happen? The DNC hopes it doesn't get to that point, and has said they "expect the person will indeed be selected".

And yes, we've learned that Panetta has applied for an add-on spot. (We haven't been able to determine the names of any other candidates). The DC add-ons are picked on April 3, so Panetta may only be off the superdelegate list for a couple of weeks. But as of now, he's not a superdelegate, so he will be taken off the lists (and Obama will lose 1 superdelegate).

Friday, March 21, 2008

Convention preparations: On track, but fundraising lags

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Two different takes on the preparations for the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. First, from the Roll Call, via the DNCC:

"'The nuts and bolts, the logistics of the convention are the logistics, regardless of the nominee,' said Leah Daughtry, chief executive officer for the Democratic National Convention. 'On Aug. 25, we have to be ready. We don't get another day. We're planning to be ready in that hall when that gavel drops.'

"Daughtry said organizers got off to 'an early start' with the selection of the convention dates and location. Also, she said party officials continue to be 'on pace or ahead of pace in terms of planning and logistics.'

"Much of the preparation has been under way for months, with national Democrats working to make available lodging, transportation and convention space for the thousands of visitors to Denver. Most of that work can be done without the presidential nominee in place, but the candidate typically teams with national party players well in advance to put his or her stamp on the overall message, framework and program for the four-day event.
But raising money is proving to be difficult:
The long and winding fight for the Democratic presidential nomination is giving a fundraising migraine to the Mile High City.

As the host city, Denver must raise $40.6 million by June 16 for the party's Aug. 25-28 convention. This week, the host committee missed its second fundraising deadline, and Mayor John W. Hickenlooper said he believed the drawn-out battle between Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois had distracted potential donors.

"I think there's still so much focus around who the candidate will be that it is hard for people" to focus on the convention, he said.
Denver's host committee fell $5 million short of its goal to raise $28 million by March 17.

Conventions always have problems raising money, and the tight nomination race is going to continue to draw money away from the convention. We'll keep an eye on this.

Park Permit Lottery a success - Unless you're Recreate 68

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The on-going saga of Denver's park permit plan for the convention took a big step yesterday when the permits were decided on by a lottery. A previous attempt at the lottery on Tuesday was halted after a Recreate 68 member realized they weren't on the list even though they had applied multiple times. Problem solved? Hardly! Recreate 68 didn't get the permit they wanted for Civic Center Park.

"We're having our protest at Civic Center," said a livid Glenn Spagnuolo, a lead organizer for the group Re-create 68. "We're not going to give up Civic Center park to the Democrats. . . . They are creating a very dangerous situation."

Re-create 68 and its affiliates packed the random lottery with applications to better its chances, but the single entry by Jenny Anderson for the host committee won for Sunday, Aug. 24. The convention will be held Aug. 25-28 at the Pepsi Center.

Spagnuolo has been meeting monthly with city officials for a year, hoping to win the right to use Civic Center throughout the convention. He says 50,000 war protesters are coming for a march from Civic Center to the Pepsi Center on Aug. 24.

He said Thursday that he would not respect the host committee's permit and would occupy the park, even if it forced police to intervene. - Denver Post

Yesterday we received the following statement from Mayor Hickenlooper's office regarding the lottery

We worked to hard to develop a process that is fair, equitable, open and transparent – with built-in safeguards (including the public’s participation) to catch any errors. That system worked on Tuesday – enabling discrepancies to be detected and addressed without impacting the integrity of this process.

In our analysis on Wednesday, we identified the source of the problem. The data itself was accurate, but had been incorrectly sorted by the spreadsheet, creating errors in the lottery cards. Because of that, the lottery process started over from the beginning on Thursday.

City staff went through an exhaustive process on Wednesday to identify the source of the problem, create a new database, and cross-check all of the data, lists and lottery cards multiple times – with observers present. An hour before today’s lottery started, individuals and organizations requesting permits had the opportunity to review all of the lists and cards themselves, ensuring everything was correct. The process – involving more than 200 requests for more than 200 available slots in 12 venues – went smoothly.

Looks like it may be an interesting start to the convention.

Gov. Richardson endorses Obama

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Obama picked up a potentially big endorsement overnight from Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico:

"I believe he is the kind of once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America's moral leadership in the world," Richardson said in a statement obtained by the AP.

"As a presidential candidate, I know full well Sen. Obama's unique moral ability to inspire the American people to confront our urgent challenges at home and abroad in a spirit of bipartisanship and reconciliation."

Although, as Chris Bowers notes:
Seems like a big story, but at this point the real question is whether Richardson brings any superdelegates with him. Right now, there isn't much voting left, and at least six former Richardson supers are now with Clinton (all from New Mexico).
In New Mexico, it's Clinton 6, Obama 2, Undecided 3.

We should also note, that while it's gone back and forth this week, Obama has taken the lead in the delegate tracker in the left sidebar that assumes the Michigan and Florida delegations will be seated as is, without Obama getting any of the Michigan uncommitted votes. We understand that this is a scenario that is probably not likely to happen, but we've kept it as a "worst-case" scenario for Obama/"best-case" for Clinton, as well as just for historical reasons. See Florida and Michigan: By the Numbers for a number of scenarios, and we'll be adding more there in the next few days.

Update: Bill Richardson in February, on how superdelegates should vote:
“It should reflect the vote of my state, it should represent the vote of my constituency,” he said. ... Superdelegates should reflect their state or constituency.
Who won New Mexico? That would be Sen. Clinton.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Denver to try Park Permit Lottery again today

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If you saw our story yesterday about the Park Permit Lottery Mess you may be interested to know they're going to try again today

A lottery to determine which groups will receive permits to use Denver parks around the time of the Democratic National Convention in August is scheduled to take place Thursday.

The process was halted Tuesday as city officials responded to complaints that members of a protest group were left out of the process.

A member of Denver-based Recreate 68 says her name was left off applications for four of the five days she sought a permit for Civic Center Park in downtown Denver. City officials then suspended the lottery while they verified their lists.

The dispute added another hitch to the contentious race for access to public areas near the convention, which will be held at the Pepsi Center west of downtown August 25 through 28. - KKTV

One thing that hasn't been brought up is that the same protest group complaining of being left off the list admitted last week to applying multiple times for permits which is against the rules. Is that why they were originally left off the list?
A group that has promised a lively street scene of "old hippies," anarchists and others during the Democratic National Convention may have doubled its chances of getting a permit to protest in city parks.

Mark Cohen and his wife, Barbara, organizers for the Recreate 68 Alliance, have filed separate applications under different organizational names.

"I don't see anything unfair about it," Mark Cohen said Tuesday. "If (other organizations applying for permits) wanted to submit more than one application, they could, since the form allows people to submit as individuals."

But Erin Trapp, director of the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs, which is accepting the applications, said the city has told organizations to submit one request per event. - RMN

Superdelegate Endorsement List

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Endorsements Dates

Here's a list of superdelegates to the 2008 Democratic Convention that have officially announced who they plan to nominate.

We have also created a list of superdelegates that have not committed to a candidate.

There are 823.5 total Democratic super delegate votes that the nominees are trying to be endorsed by. This consists of 792 superdelegates with full votes and 63 superdelegates with 1/2 votes (29 from MI, 26 from FL, 8 from DA), for 31.5 votes. We will continue to add the unpledged add-ons as soon as they are named by each state. (Note: Florida, Michigan and Democrats Abroad superdelegates get 1/2 vote each, so there are actually 855 superdelegates casting 823.5 votes).

From the Democratic Party Delegate Selection Rules:


  1. The procedure to be used for certifying unpledged party leader and elected official delegates is as follows:
    Not later than March 1, 2008, the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee shall officially confirm to each State Democratic Chair the names of the following unpledged delegates who legally reside in their respective state and who shall be recognized as part of their state’s delegation unless any such member has publicly expressed support for the election of, or has endorsed, a presidential candidate of another political party;
    1. The individuals recognized as members of the DNC (as set forth in Article Three, Sections 2 and 3 of the Charter of the Democratic Party of the United States); and,

    2. The Democratic President and the Democratic Vice President of the United States, if applicable; and,

    3. All Democratic members of the United States House of Representatives and all Democratic members of the United States Senate; and,

    4. The Democratic Governor, if applicable; and,

    5. All former Democratic Presidents, all former Democratic Vice Presidents, all former Democratic Leaders of the U.S. Senate, all former Democratic Speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives and Democratic Minority Leaders, as applicable, and all former Chairs of the Democratic National Committee.
Note: While superdelegates must be certified by March 1, changes can be made up until the convention starts.

Super-delegates highlighted in red are from Michigan or Florida and do not count toward the nomination at this time.

Superdelegates highlighted in green have committed to voting for the delegate leader at the end of the primaries.

The official list of superdelegates as of May 15 can be found here.

Totals for each candidate can be seen in the Delegate Tracker in the left sidebar.
DNC Patti Higgins (AK)
DNC Joe Reed (AL)
DNC Randy Kelley (AL)
DNC Yvonne Kennedy (AL)
Gov. Togiola Tulafono (AS)
DNC Fagafaga Langkilde (AS)

DNC Deanna Fuimaono (AS)

DNC Nathaniel Savali (AS)
Rep. Ed Pastor (AZ)
DNC Joe Rios (AZ)
DNC Janice C. Brunson (AZ)
DNC Carolyn Warner (AZ)

Gov. Mike Beebe (AR)

Sen. Mark Pryor (AR)

Sen. Blanche Lincoln (AR)
Rep. Marion Berry (AR)
Rep. Mike Ross (AR)
Rep. Vic Snyder (AR)

DNC Don Beavers (AR)

DNC Martha Dixon (AR)

DNC Karla Bradley (AR)
DNC Bill Gwatney (AR)
Mark Wilcox (AR)#
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA)
Rep. Joe Baca (CA)
Rep. Doris Matsui (CA)
Rep. Mike Thompson (CA)
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (CA)
Rep. Jane Harman (CA)

Rep. Grace Napolitano (CA)
Rep. Laura Richardson (CA)

Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA)
Rep. Brad Sherman (CA)
Rep. Hilda Solis (CA)
Rep. Ellen Tauscher (CA)
Rep. Diane Watson (CA)

Rep. Loretta Sanchez (CA)
Rep. Jackie Speier (CA)
DNC Alice Huffman (CA)
DNC Alicia Wang (CA)
DNC Rosalind Wyman (CA)
DNC Charles Manatt (CA)
DNC Mona Pasquil (CA)
DNC Mirian Saez (CA)
DNC Hon. Maria Echaveste (CA)
DNC Christopher Stampolis (CA)

DNC Aleita Huguenin (CA)
DNC Keith Umemoto (CA)
Carolyn Doggett (CA)#
Dario Frommer (CA)#
Dora Rubio (CA)#

DNC Manny Rodriguez (CO)
DNC Maria Handley (CO)
DNC Ramona Martinez (CO)
DNC Ellen Camhi (CT)
DNC John Olsen (CT)
DNC Robert Bell (DA)*
DNC Leo Perez Minaya (DA)*
DNC Theresa Morelli (DA)*
Gov. Ruth Ann Minner (DE)
DNC Karen Valentine (DE)

DNC Mary Eva Candon (DC)
DNC Hartina Flournoy (DC)
DNC Harold Ickes (DC)
DNC Eric Kleinfeld (DC)
DNC Minyon Moore (DC)
DNC Elizabeth Smith (DC)
DNC Marilyn Tyler Brown (DC)

DNC Mona Mohib (DC)
Sen. Bill Nelson (FL)*

DNC Raul Martinez (FL)*
DNC Chuck Mohlke (FL)*
DNC Ken Curtis (FL)*
DNC Jon Ausman (FL)*
DNC Carole Dabbs (GA)
DNC Lonnie Plott (GA)
Verna Cleveland (GA)#
DNC Taling Taitano (GU)
DNC Pilar Lujan (GU)
Sen. Daniel Inouye (HI)
DNC Richard Port (HI)
Sen. Evan Bayh (IN)
Rep. Brad Ellsworth (IN)
DNC Dan Parker (IN)
DNC Phoebe Crane (IN)
DNC Bob Pastrick (IN)

Rep. Leonard Boswell (IA)
DNC Sandy Opstvedt (IA)
DNC Mike Gronstal (IA)
DNC Teresa Krusor (KS)
DNC Terry McBrayer (KY)
DNC Jo Etta Wickliffe (KY)

DNC Moretta Bosley (KY)

DNC Renee Gill-Pratt (LA)
DNC Chris Whittington (LA)
Gov. John Baldacci (ME)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (MD)
Gov. Martin O'Malley (MD)
Rep. CA Dutch Ruppersberger (MD)
DNC Nancy Kopp (MD)
DNC Glenard Middleton (MD)
DNC Alvaro Cifuentes (MD)
DNC Richard Michalski (MD)
DNC Michael Steed (MD)
DNC Maria Cordone (MD)
DNC Carol Pensky (MD)
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (MD)#
Rep. Richard Neal (MA)
Rep. Jim McGovern (MA)
Rep. Barney Frank (MA)
Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA)
DNC Steven Grossman (MA)
DNC Debra DeLee (MA)
DNC Gus Bickford (MA)
DNC Dr. Elaine Kamarck (MA)
DNC Diane Saxe (MA)
Martha Coakley (MA)#
Arthur Powell (MA)#
Gov. Jennifer Granholm (MI)*
Hon. John Cherry (MI)*
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (MI)*
Rep. Sander Levin (MI)*
DNC Joel Ferguson (MI)*
Rep. Dale Kildee (MI)*
Rep. John Dingell (MI)*

DNC Jackie Stevenson (MN)
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (MO)
Rep. Ike Skelton (MO)
Fmr. Rep. Dick Gephardt (MO)
DNC Doug Brooks (MO)
DNC Sandy Querry (MO)

Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV)
DNC Dina Titus (NV)
DNC Gaeten DiGangi (NH)
DNC Anita Freedman (NH)

Kathy Sullivan (NH)#

Gov. Jon Corzine (NJ)
Sen. Robert Menendez (NJ)
Rep. Robert Andrews (NJ)
Rep. Frank Pallone (NJ)

Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ)
Rep. Albio Sires (NJ)
DNC Joseph DeCotiis (NJ)
DNC Joe Cryan (NJ)
DNC Tonio Burgos (NJ)
DNC June Fisher (NJ)

Jim Florio (NJ)#
Brendan Byrne (NJ)#
DNC Diane Denish (NM)
DNC Martin Chavez (NM)
DNC Mary Gail Gwaltney (NM)
DNC Raymond Sanchez (NM)
DNC Annadelle Sanchez (NM)

DNC Christine Trujillo (NM)
President Bill Clinton (NY)
Sen. Hillary Clinton (NY)

Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY)
Gov. David Paterson (NY)
DNC June O'Neill (NY)
DNC Reginald LaFayette (NY)
DNC Randi Weingarten (NY)
DNC Vivian Cook (NY)
DNC Emily Giske (NY)
DNC Judith Hope (NY)
DNC Maria Luna (NY)
DNC Sylvia Tokasz (NY)
DNC Dennis Mehiel (NY)
DNC Sheldon Silver (NY)
DNC Irene Stein (NY)
Carmen Arroyo (NY)#
Virginia Fields (NY)#
Tom DiNapoli (NY)#
Andrew Cuomo (NY)#
Richard Schaffer (NY)
DNC Robert Zimmerman (NY)
DNC Roberto Ramirez (NY)
DNC Herman Farrell Jr. (NY)
Gov. Mike Easley (NC)
Rep. Heath Shuler (NC)
DNC Susan Burgess (NC)
Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH)
DNC William Burga (OH)
William Bashein (OH)#
DNC Betty McElderry (OK)
Gov. Ted Kulongoski (OR)
Rep. Darlene Hooley (OR)
Gov. Ed Rendell (PA)
Rep. Chris Carney (PA)
Rep. John Murtha (PA)
Rep. Joe Sestak (PA)
Rep. Allyson Schwartz (PA)
Rep. Paul Kanjorski (PA)
DNC Hon. TJ Rooney (PA)
DNC Rena Baumgartner (PA)
DNC Marcel Groen (PA)
DNC Jean Milko (PA)
DNC Evelyn Richardson (PA)
DNC Gerald McEntee (PA)
DNC Ruth Rudy (PA)
DNC Sophie Masloff (PA)
DNC Ronald Donatucci (PA)
DNC William George (PA)
DNC Roberto Prats (PR)
DNC Kenneth McClintock (PR)
DNC Francisco Domenech (PR)
DNC Luisette Cabanas (PR)
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)
Rep. Jim Langevin (RI)
DNC Grace Diaz (RI)
DNC David Cicilline (RI)
DNC William Lynch (RI)
DNC Mark Weiner (RI)
Edna O'Neill Mattson (RI)
Hon. Frank Montanaro (RI)
DNC Don Fowler (SC)
DNC Marva Smalls (SC)
DNC Cheryl Chapman (SD)
Sen. Tim Johnson (SD)

Rep. John Tanner (TN)
DNC Bill Owen (TN)
DNC Elisa Parker (TN)
DNC Hon. Myron Lowery (TN)

DNC Jimmie Farris (TN)
Vicky Harwell (TN)#
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX)
Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX)
DNC Sue Lovell (TX)
Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (TX)
Rep. Silvestre Reyes (TX)
Rep. Gene Green (TX)
Rep. Solomon Ortiz (TX)

Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (TX)
Former Speaker Jim Wright (TX)
DNC Norma Fisher Flores (TX)

DNC David Holmes (TX)

DNC Bob Slagle (TX)
DNC Jaime Gonzalez Jr. (TX)
DNC Robert Martinez (TX)
DNC Terry McAuliffe (VA)
DNC Lionel Spruill Sr. (VA)
DNC Mame Reiley (VA)
DNC Susan Swecker (VA)

Barbara Easterling (VA)
Del. Donna M Christensen (VI)
DNC Kevin Rodriquez (VI)

Sen. Patty Murray (WA)
Sen. Maria Cantwell (WA)
DNC Eileen Macoll (WA)
Rep. Tammy Baldwin (WI)
DNC Tim Sullivan (WI)
DNC Marie Prezioso (WV)
DNC Pat Maroney (WV)
DNC Belinda Biafore (WV)
DNC Cynthia Nunley (WY)

DNC John Davies (AK)
DNC Blake Johnson (AK)
DNC Cindy Spanyers (AK)
Tony Knowles (AK)#
Rep. Artur Davis (AL)
Stewart Burkhalter (AL)#
Del. Eni FH Faleomavaga (AS)
Theresa Hunkin (AS)
Gov. Janet Napolitano (AZ)
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (AZ)
Rep. Harry Mitchell (AZ)
Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ)
DNC Charlene Fernandez (AZ)
Terry Goddard (AZ)#
DNC Don Bivens (AZ)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (CA)
Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA)
Rep. Xavier Becerra (CA)
Rep. Barbara Lee (CA)
Rep. Adam Schiff (CA)
Rep. George Miller (CA)
Rep. Henry Waxman (CA)
Rep. Howard Berman (CA)
Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA)
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA)
Rep. Lois Capps (CA)
Rep. Pete Stark (CA)
Rep. Jim Costa (CA)
Rep. Dennis Cardoza (CA)

Rep. Jerry McNerney (CA)
Rep. Sam Farr (CA)
Rep. Bob Filner (CA)
Rep. Maxine Waters (CA)
Rep. Susan Davis (CA)
DNC Hon. Eric Garcetti (CA)
DNC Norma Torres (CA)
DNC Jeremy Bernard (CA)

DNC Mary Ellen Early (CA)
DNC Alexandra Gallardo-Rooker (CA)
DNC Steven Alari (CA)
DNC Inola Henry (CA)
DNC Edward Espinoza (CA)
DNC Vernon Watkins (CA)
DNC Crystal Strait (CA)
DNC John Perez (CA)
DNC Kamil Hasan (CA)
DNC Garry Shay (CA)
DNC Rachel Binah (CA)
DNC Christine Pelosi (CA)
DNC Robert Rankin (CA)
William Quay Hays (CA)#
Lou Paulson (CA)#
Gov. Bill Ritter (CO)
Sen. Ken Salazar (CO)
Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO)
Rep. John Salazar (CO)
Mark Udall (CO)
Rep. Diana DeGette (CO)

DNC Pat Waak (CO)
DNC Dan Slater (CO)
DNC Debbie Marquez (CO)
DNC JW Postal (CO)
DPL Roy Romer (CO)
Federico Pena (CO)#
Sen. Chris Dodd (CT)
Rep. Chris Murphy (CT)
Rep. John Larson (CT)

Rep. Joe Courtney (CT)
DNC Stephen Fontana (CT)
DNC Martin Dunleavy (CT)

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT)
Anthony Avallone (CT)

DNC Nancy DiNardo (CT)
Don Williams (CT)#
Sen. Tom Carper (DE)
DNC John Daniello (DE)
DNC Harriet Smith-Windsor (DE)
DNC Rhett Ruggerio (DE)

Rob Carver (DE)#
Toby Condliffe (DA)*
DNC Liv Gibbons (DA)*
DNC Brent O'Leary (DA)*
DNC Connie Borde (DA)*
DNC Christine Marques (DA)*
Mayor Adrian Fenty (DC)
Sen. Michael Brown (DC)
Sen. Paul Strauss (DC)
Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC)
DNC Dr. James Zogby (DC)
DNC Arrington Dixon (DC)
Jeffrey Richardson (DC)

Anna Burger (DC)
DNC Ben Johnson (DC)
DNC Yolanda Caraway (DC)

Yvette Alexander(DC)#
Harry Thomas Jr.(DC)#
DNC Anita Bonds (DC)
DNC Larry Cohen (DC)
Rep. Robert Wexler (FL)*
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL)*
Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (FL)*
Rep. Corrine Brown (FL)*
Rep. Kendrick B. Meek (FL)*
Rep. Ron Klein (FL)*
DNC Allan Katz (FL)*
DNC Joyce Cusack (FL)*
Rep. Kathy Castor (FL)*
DNC Janee Murphy (FL)*
DNC Diane Glasser (FL)*
DNC Mitchell Ceasar (FL)*
Dan Gelber (FL)#*
Pres. Jimmy Carter (GA)

Rep. Sanford Bishop (GA)
Rep. Hank Johnson (GA)
Rep. John Lewis (GA)
Rep. David Scott (GA)
Rep. John Barrow (GA)
DNC Richard Ray (GA)

DNC Michael Thurmond (GA)
DNC Mary Long (GA)
DNC Jane Kidd (GA)
Stephen Leeds (GA)#
Jaime Paulino (GU)
DNC Ben Pangelinan (GU)
Rep. Madeleine Bordallo (GU)
Sen. Daniel Akaka (HI)
Rep. Neil Abercrombie (HI)
Rep. Mazie Hirono (HI)
DNC Dolly Strazar (HI)
DNC Brian Schatz (HI)
DNC Kari Luna (HI)
James Burns (HI)#

DNC R. Keith Roark (ID)
DNC Hon. Gail Bray (ID)
DNC Grant Burgoyne (ID)
Jeanne Buell (ID)
Gov. Rod Blagojevich (IL)
Sen. Barack Obama (IL)
Sen. Dick Durbin (IL)
Rep. Melissa Bean (IL)
Rep. Jerry Costello (IL)
Rep. Danny Davis (IL)
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (IL)
Rep. Phil Hare (IL)
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (IL)
Rep. Bobby Rush (IL)
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL)
Rep. Bill Foster (IL)
Rep. Dan Lipinski (IL)
Rep. Rahm Emanuel (IL)
DNC Constance Howard (IL)
DNC Margaret Blackshere (IL)
DNC Hon. Emil Jones Jr. (IL)
DNC Hon. Iris Martinez (IL)
DNC Tom Hynes (IL)
DNC Willie Barrow (IL)
DNC Michael Madigan (IL)
DNC John Rednour (IL)
DNC Steve Powell (IL)
DNC Darlena Williams-Burnett
DNC Margie Woods (IL)
DNC Carol Ronen (IL)
Richard Daley (IL)#
Barbara Flynn Currie (IL)#
Todd Stroger (IL)#
Rep. Andre Carson (IN)
Rep. Baron Hill (IN)
Rep. Joe Donnelly (IN)
Rep. Peter Visclosky (IN)
DNC Cordelia Lewis Burks (IN)
DNC Connie Thurman (IN)
DNC Joe Andrew (IN)
Gov. Chet Culver (IA)
Sen. Tom Harkin (IA)
Rep. Bruce Braley (IA)
Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA)
DNC Michael Fitzgerald (IA)
DNC Sarah Swisher (IA)
DNC Richard Machacek (IA)
DNC Scott Brennan (IA)
Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (KS)
Rep. Dennis Moore (KS)
DNC Larry Gates (KS)
DNC E. Lee Kinch (KS)
DNC Randy Roy (KS)
Mark Parkinson (KS)#
Steve Beshear (KY)
Rep. John Yarmuth (KY)
Rep. Ben Chandler (KY)
DNC Helen Knetzer (KS)
Sen. Mary Landrieu (LA)
Rep. William Jefferson (LA)
DNC Claude "Buddy" Leach (LA)
DNC Patsy Arcenaux (LA)
DNC Ben Jeffers (LA)
Ray Nagin (LA)#
Rep. Tom Allen (ME)
Rep. Michael Michaud (ME)
DNC John Knutson (ME)
DNC Marianne Stevens (ME)
DNC Jennifer DeChant (ME)
DNC Sam Spencer (ME)
Gwethalyn Phillips (ME)#
Sen. Ben Cardin (MD)
Rep. Elijah Cummings (MD)
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (MD)

Rep. John Sarbanes (MD)

DNC Michael Cryor (MD)
DNC Lauren Glover (MD)
DNC Karren Pope-Onwukwe (MD)
DNC Janice Griffin (MD)
DNC Mary Jo Neville (MD)
DNC John Gage (MD)
DNC Greg Pecoraro (MD)
Belkis Leong-Hong (MD)
DNC Heather Mizeur (MD)

Parris Glendening (MD)#
Gov. Deval Patrick (MA)
Sen. John Kerry (MA)
Sen. Ted Kennedy (MA)
Rep. William Delahunt (MA)
Rep. Michael Capuano (MA)
Rep. John Olver (MA)
Rep. Nikki Tsongas (MA)

DNC John Walsh (MA)
DNC Margaret Xifaras (MA)
DNC Raymond Jordan (MA)
DNC David O'Brien (MA)
DNC Alan Solomont (MA)
DNC Paul Kirk (MA)
DNC Debra Kozikowski (MA)
Rep. Bart Stupak (MI)*
Rep. John Conyers (MI)*
Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (MI)*
DNC Lauren Wolfe (MI)*
DNC Robert Ficano
DNC Eric Coleman (MI)*
DNC Virgie Rollins (MI)*
DNC Brenda Lawrence (MI)*
DNC Lu Battaglieri (MI)*
DNC Joyce Lalonde (MI)*
DNC Debbie Dingell (MI)*
DNC Richard Wiener (MI)*
DNC Kwame Kilpatrick (MI)*
DNC Tina Abbott (MI)*
DNC Michael Tardiff (MI)*
Jim Hoffa (MI)#
VP Walter Mondale (MN)
Sen. Amy Klobuchar(MN)
Rep. Jim Oberstar (MN)
Rep. Keith Ellison (MN)
Rep. Tim Walz (MN)
Rep. Betty McCollum (MN)
DNC Rick Stafford (MN)
DNC Mee Moua (MN)
DNC Ken Foxworth (MN)
DNC Brian Melendez (MN)
DNC Donna Cassutt (MN)
DNC Nancy Larson (MN)

Rep. Bennie Thompson (MS)
DNC Johnnie Patton (MS)
DNC Everett Sanders (MS)
DNC Carnelia Fondren (MS)
DNC Wayne Dowdy (MS)
Sen. Claire McCaskill (MO)
Rep. Russ Carnahan (MO)
Rep. Lacy Clay (MO)
Mark Bryant (MO)

DNC Maria Chappelle-Nadal (MO)
DNC Yolanda Wheat (MO)
DNC John Temporiti (MO)
DNC Robin Carnahan (MO)
Jay Nixon (MO)#

Susan Montee (MO)#
Gov. Brian Schweitzer (MT)
Sen. Max Baucus (MT)
Sen. Jon Tester (MT)

DNC Margarett Campbell (MT)
DNC Ed Tinsley (MT)
DNC John Melcher (MT)
DNC Jean Lemire Dahlman (MT)
DNC Dennis McDonald (MT)
Sen. Ben Nelson (NE)
DNC Vince Powers (NE)
DNC Steven Achelpohl (NE)
DNC Frank LaMere (NE)
DNC Kathleen Fahey (NE)
DNC Audra Ostergard (NE)
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (NJ)
Rep. Steve Rothman (NJ)
Rep. Rush Holt (NJ)
Rep. Donald Payne (NJ)
DNC Christine "Roz" Samuels (NJ)
DNC Donald Norcross (NJ)
DNC Dana Redd (NJ)
Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV)
DNC Steven Horsford (NV)
DNC Teresa Benitez-Thompson (NV)
DNC Yvonne Gates (NV)
DNC Catherine Cortez Masto (NV)
DNC Sam Lieberman (NV)
Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (NH)
Rep. Paul Hodes (NH)
DNC Raymond Buckley (NH)
DNC Hon. Martha Fuller Clark (NH)
Gov. Bill Richardson (NM)
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (NM)
Fmr DNC Chair Fred Harris (NM)
Rep. Tom Udall (NM)
DNC Brian Colon (NM)
Laurie Weahkee (NM)#
Rep. Gary Ackerman (NY)
Rep. Michael Arcuri (NY)
Rep. Timothy Bishop (NY)
Rep. Joseph Crowley (NY)
Rep. Eliot Engel (NY)
Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)
Rep. John Hall (NY)
Rep. Brian Higgins (NY)
Rep. Maurice Hinchey (NY)
Rep. Steve Israel (NY)
Rep. Nita Lowey (NY)
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY)
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY)
Rep. Michael McNulty (NY)
Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY)
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY)
Rep. Charles Rangel (NY)
Rep. Jose Serrano (NY)
Rep. Louise Slaughter (NY)
Rep. Edolphus Towns (NY)
Rep. Nydia Velazquez (NY)
Rep. Anthony Weiner (NY)
Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (NY)

DNC Marianne Spraggins (NY)
Rep. Mike McIntyre (NC)
Rep. Bob Etheridge (NC)

Rep. G.K. Butterfield (NC)
Rep. David Price (NC)
Rep. Mel Watt (NC)
Rep. Brad Miller (NC)
DNC Everett Ward (NC)
DNC Dannie Montgomery (NC)
DNC Joyce Brayboy (NC)
DNC Jeanette Council (NC)
DNC Jerry Meek (NC)
DNC David Parker (NC)
DNC Muriel Offerman (NC)

Sen. Kent Conrad (ND)
Sen. Byron Dorgan (ND)
Rep. Earl Pomeroy (ND)
DNC David Strauss (ND)
DNC Jim Maxson (ND)
DNC Renee Pfenning (ND)
DNC Mary Wakefield (ND)
Dan Hannaher (ND)#
Gov. Ted Strickland (OH)

Sen. Sherrod Brown (OH)
Rep. Betty Sutton (OH)
Rep. Zach Space (OH)
Rep. Tim Ryan (OH)

DNC Chris Redfern (OH)
DNC David Wilhelm (OH)
DNC Sonni Nardi (OH)
DNC Mark Mallory (OH)
DNC Rhine McLin (OH)
DNC Enid Goubeaux (OH)
DNC Joyce Beatty (OH)
Dave Regan (OH)#
Gov. Brad Henry (OK)
DNC Kitti Asberry - (OK)
DNC Mike Morgan (OK)
DNC Kalyn Free (OK)
Jay Parmley (OK)
DNC Ivan Holmes (OK)
Reggie Whitten (OK)#
Sen. Ron Wyden (OR)
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR)
Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR)
Rep. David Wu (OR)
DNC Jenny Greenleaf (OR)
DNC Meredith Woods-Smith (OR)
DNC Wayne Kinney (OR)
DNC Gail Rasmussen (OR)
DNC Frank Dixon (OR)
DNC Bill Bradbury (OR)

Sen. Bob Casey (PA)
Rep. Mike Doyle (PA)
Rep. Patrick Murphy (PA)
Rep. Chaka Fattah (PA)
Rep. Bob Brady (PA)
Rep. Jason Altmire (PA)
DNC Carol Ann Campbell (PA)
DNC Leon Lynch (PA)
DNC Ian Murray (PA)

Gov. Aníbal Acevedo Vilá (PR)
Dr. Celita Arroyo de Roques (PR)
Sen. Jack Reed (RI)
Rep. Patrick Kennedy (RI)
DNC Patrick Lynch (RI)
Rep. James Clyburn (SC)
Rep. John Spratt (SC)
DNC Waring Howe Jr. (SC)
DNC Carol Fowler (SC)
DNC Wilbur Lee Jeffcoat (SC)
Inez Tenenbaum (SC)#
Fmr Sen. Tom Daschle (SD)
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD)
DNC Jack Billion (SD)
DNC Sharon Stroschein (SD)
DNC Nicholas Nemec (SD)
Gov. Phil Bredesen (TN)
Rep. Jim Cooper (TN)
Rep. Steve Cohen (TN)
DNC Lois DeBerry (TN)
DNC Will Cheek (TN)
DNC Gray Sasser (TN)
DNC Inez Crutchfield (TN)

DNC (Rep.) Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX)
Rep. Chet Edwards (TX)
Rep. Al Green (TX)
Rep. Lloyd Doggett (TX)
Rep. Charlie Gonzalez (TX)
DNC Al Edwards (TX)
DNC Rep. Hon. Yvonne Davis (TX)
DNC Moses Mercado (TX)
DNC Senfronia Thompson (TX)
DNC Roy LaVerne Brooks (TX)
DNC John Patrick (TX)
DNC Boyd Richie (TX)
DNC Betty Richie (TX)
Rep. Jim Matheson (UT)
DNC Wayne Holland Jr. (UT)
DNC Karen Hale (UT)

DNC Bill Orton (UT)
DNC Helen Langan (UT)
Kristi Cumming (UT)#
Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT)
Rep. Peter Welch (VT)
DNC Ian Carleton (VT)
DNC Chuck Ross Jr. (VT)
DNC Judy Bevans (VT)
DNC Billi Gosh (VT)
Gov. Tim Kaine (VA)
Sen. Jim Webb (VA)
Rep. Bobby Scott (VA)
Rep. Jim Moran (VA)
DNC Jennifer McClellan (VA)
DNC Dick Cranwell (VA)

DNC Joe Johnson (VA)
Rick Boucher (VA)
DNC Jerome Wiley Segovia (VA)
DNC Jim Leaman (VA)

Gov. John P. deJongh, Jr. (VI)
Cecil Benjamin (VI)
DNC Carol Burke (VI)
Former House Speaker Tom Foley (WA)

Rep. Jay Inslee (WA)
Rep. Adam Smith (WA)
Rep. Brian Baird (WA)
Rep. Rick Larsen (WA)
DNC Pat Notter (WA)
Gov. Christine Gregoire (WA)
Rep. Norm Dicks (WA)
Rep. Jim McDermott (WA)
DNC Dwight Pelz (WA)
DNC David McDonald (WA)
DNC Ron Sims (WA)
DNC Ed Cote (WA)
DNC Sharon Mast (WA)
Gov. Joe Manchin (WV)
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (WV)
Sen. Robert Byrd (WV)
Rep. Nick Rahall (WV)
Rep. Alan Mollohan (WV)
DNC Nick Casey (WV)
Gov. Jim Doyle (WI)
Sen. Russ Feingold (WI)
Sen. Herb Kohl (WI)
Rep. Gwen Moore (WI)
Rep. David Obey (WI)
Rep. Ron Kind (WI)
Rep. Steve Kagen (WI)
DNC Stan Gruszynski (WI)
Jason Rae (WI)
DNC Joe Wineke (WI)
DNC Melissa Schroeder (WI)
DNC Awais Khaleel (WI)
DNC Lena Taylor (WI)
DNC Paula Zellner (WI)
Gov. Dave Freudenthal (WY)
DNC Peter Jorgenson (WY)
DNC John Millin (WY)
DNC Nancy Drummond (WY)
W. Patrick Goggles (WY)#
* Superdelegates from Florida, Michigan and Democrats Abroad only count as 1/2 of a vote.
# Add-on Superdelegates

Notes: All notes and endorsement dates can be found here.

Stay tuned... we'll update this list as we find out more.

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