Thursday, August 21, 2008

Convention News

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

- There are 4 days left until the opening gavel.

- The Secret Service is on the job and ready to go.

- Clinton doesn't want her supporters to make a scene.

In an unusual move, Hillary Clinton's staff is creating a 40-member "whip team" at the Denver Democratic convention to ensure that her supporters don't engage in embarrassing anti-Obama demonstrations during the floor vote on her nomination, according to people familiar with the planning. - Politico
- The Governator may turn down his invite to speak at the Republican Convention.

- Georgia Politics Unfiltered reports that the Attorney General of Georgia has sent a letter to delegates telling them they can't change their vote unless a candidate releases them to do so.

- Pepsi Center construction is moving along
The unassigned filing center is really taking shape. It still resembles a practice basketball court, but there are a few major differences. The hardwood floor has been covered up to protect the surface, and the court is filled with tables and TVs to accommodate members of the media. Power sockets and Internet connections are also being put in place so the press can file their stories. Adjacent to the basketball court, the Blogger Lounge is coming together with it’s own supply of tables, couches, TVs, and connectivity. - DNCC
- A little off topic but Howard Wolfson starts a music blog. His first post:
Relax, Democrats. Given their successes so far, hasn’t the team running the Obama campaign earned the benefit of the doubt?
- Public Enemy will be playing in Civic Center Park on August 26th. That should go well. Correction: Public Enemy will play at a Service Employees International Union sponsored event at the Sunken Gardens.

- Howard Dean on the loss of Stephanie Tubbs Jones

"We are greatly saddened about the passing of Congresswoman Tubbs Jones. Stephanie was a true American hero and inspiring leader, having spent a lifetime breaking barriers and standing up for her values. Just last week I was honored to have Stephanie join me on the campaign trail in Ohio where, as always, her infectious energy, enthusiasm and passion uplifted the crowd. Her voice will be greatly missed.

"This is a great loss for our Party and our nation. On behalf of the Democratic Party, we extend our thoughts and prayers to Congresswoman Tubbs Jones' friends and family during this difficult time."

- Hick thinks there will be less protesters than previously estimated
He explained, "All the information we have suggests it's not going to be a serious problem at all. The most recent numbers suggest less and less and less protestors. There are some folks out there that want to cause a disturbance. There'll be a few of them; we'll take care of it. I don't see it as being a significant problem. We have planned for any eventuality, no matter what happens I think we have contingencies plans in place but we don't expect it to serious at all." - 9News
- McCain doesn't know how many houses he owns. And he calls Obama elitist? The Obama campaign is jumping on this bigtime. One of the homes McCain can't count is worth $12 million.

- The wife of Arkansas' Democratic State Party Chair who was murdered on August 13th, will attend the convention.

- Sean Hannity has been pledging to cause problems at the convention on his radio show. Here's a nice little tip sheet to use if you're confronted by him and his minions. It's sure to drive him even crazier than he already is.