Thursday, August 07, 2008

Bill Clinton to speak on Wednesday

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NBC News has learned that the Obama campaign, in an effort to quiet talk of the Obama-Clinton drama, has offered Bill Clinton a speaking role on Wednesday night at the Democratic convention -- before the vice presidential running mate speaks. - MSNBC
Update: The Washington Post, in a front-page article on Friday, has the latest in the Hillary Clinton roll-call negotiations.
The Obama and Clinton camps said this week that they agree on a central point: They would like to avoid an embarrassing display of discord from Clinton's most ardent backers when the national convention begins in just over two weeks. Conversations about how to achieve that have increasingly focused on the question of whether Clinton's name will be offered in a roll-call vote by delegates to determine the nominee, even though she has said she is not challenging Obama's claim as the party's standard-bearer
Other speaker possibilities from the Post:
  • Michelle Obama on Monday
  • Sen. Kennedy tribute on Monday
  • VP speech on Wednesday
  • Possibly a Keynote Speaker on Wednesday (Hillary Clinton is not the keynote speaker)