Saturday, August 23, 2008

Credentials in short supply

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

Everybody wants in to the Pepsi Center:

With the Democratic National Convention opening on Monday, some lawmakers and senior party officials said their offices and political operations were receiving significantly fewer of the passes that will allow entry to the Pepsi Center and access to the floor than they have received for past conventions.

Grousing by politicians about a shortage of credentials, convenient hotel rooms and party invitations is as much a convention tradition as the balloon drop. But top aides and others in Democratic circles said the problem was more pronounced than usual this year and could be potentially serious because they typically use credentials to reward top contributors and campaign supporters who want a taste of the political moment. Those people are clamoring for access to the nomination of Senator Barack Obama, eager to be on hand as the Democratic Party taps its first African-American presidential nominee.- NY Times