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Obama leads so far today with 5 superdelegates:
Washington State Democratic Party Chairman Dwight Pelz endorsed Obama overnight:
"I will be supporting Barack Obama for many reasons," Pelz continued. "Over the last few years, I have gained a profound respect for Sen. Obama. I have read his books, listened to his speeches, and watched the campaign he has run on the grueling modern presidential playing-field for nearly two years. And I have spoken with literally hundreds of friends and colleagues -- both in and out of politics -- regarding their opinions and observations of this man. I have concluded that Barack Obama is ready to be a great American President." - PolitickerWA.com
West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd has endorsed Obama.
Kansas Democratic Party Chair Larry Gates has endorsed Obama.Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., endorsed Barack Obama for president shortly after noon today, focusing on his hope to end the Iraq War.
"As people all across this great nation know, I have been one of the most outspoken opponents of the Bush administration's misguided war in Iraq and its saber rattling around the globe," Byrd said.
"Barack Obama is a noble-hearted patriot and humble Christian, and he has my full faith and support," Byrd concluded.
Obama now has 300.5 superdelegate votes."Kansans can unite behind Sen. Obama and his positive campaign, and that is why I have chosen to endorse him," Gates said. "He has proven his ability to bring Democrats, Republicans and Independents together, and holds the same commitment to working across party lines as Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius.
"Senator Obama inspired record numbers of voters to turn out to the Kansas caucuses, which not only strengthens our Party but also the whole political process. He is the best candidate for Democrats to stand behind as we work to take on John McCain - who supports the war in Iraq and Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans - in November.
"While I have decided to endorse Sen. Obama, I think it is important to note that Sen. Clinton is a strong leader who ran a passionate campaign. Her contribution to the national discussion has been invaluable and will continue to be important as we're working together to elect Sen. Obama to the White House," Gates said.
Alaska DNC members Cindy Spanyers and Blake Johnson endorse Obama.
Alaska superdelegates Cindy Spanyers and Blake Johnson announced their support today for Barack Obama, citing his ability to move the country in a new direction and his understanding of Alaskan issues:"Senator Obama is committed to Alaskans and establishing important ties to the state. He recognizes Alaska's role in our future in energy and is sensitive to the challenges we face due to high-energy costs across the state, from Juneau to Fairbanks and across rural Alaska".
Obama has now overtaken Clinton with DNC member endorsements.
Late update: Iowa State Party Chair Scott Brennan to endorse Obama on Tuesday.
I think that Clinton is making it difficult to pick her as a running mate. She continues to campain on the platform that she is better positioned to win, when Sen Obama is leading in every catagory. she continues to bring up FL and MI when she agreed that they would not count. And how would you fill if you were Pres. Obama and Bill and Hillary were walking around the White House with thier supporters there.
Cant you see where they would spend the last 18 months of the 4 year term looking for things to use against him as apposed to working for another 4 years of Obama and Clinton
The Obama campaign announces that Alaska superdelegates Cindy Spanyers and Blake Johnson are with Obama
Clinton campaign's newest mem will be "DPL's are the only ones that should count!"
Hey guys, the "with Michigan and Florida" table it appears as though you subtracted two instead of adding two to the total (for Obama)
Obama now leads in every SD category except DPL. I don't expect that to change until June 3rd.
Shouldn't the intro read: "Obama leads so far today with 5 superdelegates"?
Heads up for tomorrow: Iowa DNC Scott Brennan to endorse Obama
already added to the post
I just heard on our local station KPTV12 in Oregon, that 2026 delegates are needed for the nomination. The reporter said that it used to be 2025, but that one was added (I didn't catch the whole explanation) due to a "special election" in a state (I didn't catch which one). Sorry for not being more specific, but has anyone heard about this?
By their count it should be 2025.5. We removed Al Wynn as he is resigning before the convention.
We've been keeping track of superdelegate and total delegate totals here
Thanks Oreo. I'll post another question over on the other page.
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