Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Open Thread

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com

What is McCain's latest "senior moment", what does Obama need to do to win in November or whatever else is on your mind.

And please be excellent to one another. We do not accept name calling or any attacks on our commenters. Any objectionable comments will be deleted. Try to be civil.


Previous Open Thread is here


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Independent Voter said...

Jean - Ya and tonight we are going out with another friend of ours that is moving to Chicago tomorrow. I WON'T be making the same mistake.


I can't believe she is meeting with Karzai either. I can see it now, she gets laugh out of the room by Karzai himself.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Hi ya'll :)

Just popping in a for a minute.
I've been trying to catch up on some of the news and polls.

Came across this interesting page with tons of projection websites all in one place


Hurricane update:

Still no electricity here at my house. The estimate for my zip code area on the computer says possibly Thursday they might have it on - but I am not sure if they will at my house because they have it in their computer that my electric wire is under the tree on the roof... so I'll just have to wait and see what they do.

Running the generator a few more hours per day now because gasoline is becoming easier to find - ice is also much easier to find now. Have three big coolers of ice, drinks and food on the patio. Using the outdoor gas grill to cook most meals and even found a pizza place open two days ago. In my area we no longer have to boil water as of two days ago, so things are getting better.

Good to see that AJ is okay too ;)

Later folks,


Independent Voter said...

WOW! The presidential debates will be "free-flowing" as we suggested earlier in the week! ;)

HOWEVER!, McCain seems to be worried that Palin CAN'T keep up with Biden.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

Vicki in Seattle said...

Leah! take care, sounds like things are getting better all the time for you.

Independent Voter said...


Thanks for checking in. I hope they get your power up and running soon. Glad to hear that you have clean water again ;)

Vicki in Seattle said...

*am I the only one who is watching last night's Bill Maher?*

Independent Voter said...

Vicki, I LOVED Bill Maher last night. Andrew Sullivan, who is a conservative and is a member of the "Log Cabin Republicans" (or at least used to be) is now staunchly ANTI-McShrub/Stalin. He HATES McCain's pseudo-choice in VP picks.

Vicki in Seattle said...

when members of your OWN party come out AGAINST your VP pick, PUBLICLY -- tell me again what that means? I think I could kiss Andy Sullivan now. In a strictly platonic way.

oh, a gf of mine suggests that we all donate to Planned Parenthood, and ask that it be in the name of Palin.

suzihussein22 said...

aunt jean and leah-Hey y'all. ;) I'm glad to hear the recovery is "progress"ing.

Have you checked out the Anchorage Daily News? They are really reporting, period, linked from HuffPo.

iv dave-Shame on you. You are skewing your life/politics balance. Just because I went to a fundraiser at a Catholic bazaar and visited with a friend doesn't mean anybody else can leave. ;)

A "Palin and McCain" administration sounds like it would reach ludicrous speed. Who wants to go plaid because of Presidents Screwus?

Independent Voter said...

Suzi - LOL! I do have the tendency to overdue the personal life on occasion. But it'll be slowing down again here soon.


It looks like the "straight talk" express has once again been derailed. The campaign is still claiming that they can balance the budget by 2013.

suzihussein22 said...

iv dave-Maybe I took too much math in high school. That doesn't make any sense to me, an uppity intellectual Obamamamaite with only one house, and one spouse, so I must be unpatriotic to question the one who knows best.

Aunt Jean said...

Hi Everyone

been helping my nephew and his family move all day. They got a foot of water in their house.


I'm glad your headache is better. I think that is what I need to do is go out and have a few drinks. LOL


Aunt Jean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aunt Jean said...

To all the well wishers

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU. I't's very much appreciated more so than you"ll will know.

Jean how are things going for you. Sounds like you have some good kids!


hang in there I hope you get your lights on soon. They told us Oct the 5th but we got ours yesterday evening. Right now they are just doing simple repairs and then going back and doing the bigger jobs. AJ

Aunt Jean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aunt Jean said...

Well everyone

I'm headed for the sack my butt is dragging. So goodnight and pleasant dreams. I will talk to you"ll tomorrow God willing. AJ

Minnesota For Obama said...

Now I get it!
I'm a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight.....
• If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're "exotic, different."
• Grow up in Alaska eating moose burgers, a quintessential American story.
• If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
• Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.
• Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
• Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.
• If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years a s a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
• If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive.
• If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.
• If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.
• If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America's.
• If you're husband is nicknamed "First Dude", with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.
OK, much clearer now.

Aunt Jean said...

Minnesota For Obama

Haven't you figured out some people have no taste. All McLame is running on is what's between her legs because there not much upstairs in both of them [McLame or Sarahcuda] if you know what I mean LOL AJ

Vicki in Seattle said...

MN for Obama: yep, I think you have the concepts down.

is she really so good looking? it's not like she's Betty Page or anything.

Karen Anne said...


I am baffled that people think she is good looking.

Vicki in Seattle said...

must be the whistle that only dogs can hear.

Aunt Jean said...


I love your version of the whistle by dogs. LOL LOL even more so because you are right!!!! LOL LOL AJ

Aunt Jean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beryl said...

"Haven't you figured out some people have no taste. All McLame is running on is what's between her legs because there not much upstairs in both of them [McLame or Sarahcuda] if you know what I mean LOL AJ "

OMG, AJ! You are back -- with a vengeance! We need you on the campaign trail.

This stuff is so serious and a lot of people just don't realize it. How do we get people to vote based on THEIR BEST INTEREST and not on old biases/prejudices?

I am only a tad younger than you. I've followed all of the "rules":

-- worked hard paying into SS since I was 13 years old and been on the same job for almost 27 years.

-- studied hard, got an education based on scholarships and student loans.

-- paid all of my student loans and all of other bills so have a FICO score over 800.

-- never bought anything above my ability to pay. I kept each of my cars until they fall apart - an average of 10 years. I have no furs and not a lot of jewelry.

-- saved money, gave to charities, and maxed out my 401K

My plan to "retire" in a couple of years may not be possible because my 401K lost $31,000 since the beginning of this year.

Whose fault is it? The RepubLIEcans! They've squandered my tax dollar in a lie-based war and deregulated to the point where we have to bail out Wall Street. McCain/Palyin will just keep the CORPORATISTS fat and skinny down the middle class.

AJ - I know you don't like Donna Brazille but she was on point today on "This Week".

Again - what do we do to WAKE UP EVERYONE? This election is the most serious one we've had in many decades. It is certainly more serious than any in my lifetime.

Aunt Jean said...


you are so wrong about me not liking Donna Brazille I think she's one hell of a lady. I have a lot of respect for her, one reason she tells it like she see's it and she is so unbias. AJ

Aunt Jean said...


Some of my family not all [thank god] are foolish enough to think that Sarahcuda has domething upstairs. We have gotten into a lot of arguements about it. I just don't get it that they think she is so smart. Now I'm talking about very smart here. I quess their dumb cells are working when it comes to Sarahcuda and McLame.Every chance I talk to people about why they want Obama/Biden in there and if not reg. to vote I tell them it's so important to vote this time unless they like getting poorer and poorer. That's exactly what they will get if the rep. win. OMG help this country if they do!!!!!!! AJ

Vicki in Seattle said...

still an hour before This Week is on here - that's ABC, right?

Aunt Jean said...

Hey folks will be gone for a couple of hours will get back to you'll. In the mean time have a nice day.Have to go help my nephew finish moveing out of the hell hole. AJ

Beryl said...

My bad, AJ. I thought you didn't like her. You set me straight.

Have a terrific day!

Ruby in Kansas said...

Interesting article in regards to the reason behind Troopergate.


Beryl said...

Check this out!


We don't have anything scheduled in my area but they show how to start one here:


Beryl said...

Sign The Troopergate Petition - no email address required.


Beryl said...

The Push to ‘Otherize’ Obama


Here’s a sad monument to the sleaziness of this presidential campaign: Almost one-third of voters “know” that Barack Obama is a Muslim or believe that he could be.

In short, the political campaign to transform Mr. Obama into a Muslim is succeeding. The real loser as that happens isn’t just Mr. Obama, but our entire political process.

A Pew Research Center survey released a few days ago found that only half of Americans correctly know that Mr. Obama is a Christian. Meanwhile, 13 percent of registered voters say that he is a Muslim, compared with 12 percent in June and 10 percent in March.

More ominously, a rising share — now 16 percent — say they aren’t sure about his religion because they’ve heard “different things” about it.

When I’ve traveled around the country, particularly to my childhood home in rural Oregon, I’ve been struck by the number of people who ask something like: That Obama — is he really a Christian? Isn’t he a Muslim or something? Didn’t he take his oath of office on the Koran?

In conservative Christian circles and on Christian radio stations, there are even widespread theories that Mr. Obama just may be the Antichrist. Seriously.

John Green, of the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, says that about 10 percent of Americans believe we may be in the Book of Revelation’s “end times” and are on the lookout for the Antichrist. A constant barrage of e-mail and broadcasts suggest that Mr. Obama just may be it.

The online Red State Shop sells T-shirts, mugs and stickers exploiting the idea. Some shirts and stickers portray a large “O” with horns, above a caption: “The Anti-Christ.”

To his credit, Mr. McCain himself has never raised doubts about Mr. Obama’s religion. But a McCain commercial last month mimicked the words and imagery of the best-selling Christian “Left Behind” book series in ways that would have set off alarm bells among evangelicals nervous about the Antichrist.

Mr. McCain himself is not popular with evangelicals. But they will vote for him if they think the other guy may be on Satan’s side.

In fact, of course, Mr. Obama took his oath on the Bible, not — as the rumors have it — on the Koran. He is far more active in church than John McCain is.

(Just imagine for a moment if it were the black candidate in this election, rather than the white candidate, who was born in Central America, was an indifferent churchgoer, had graduated near the bottom of his university class, had dumped his first wife, had regularly displayed an explosive and profane temper, and had referred to the Pakistani-Iraqi border ...)

What is happening, I think, is this: religious prejudice is becoming a proxy for racial prejudice. In public at least, it’s not acceptable to express reservations about a candidate’s skin color, so discomfort about race is sublimated into concerns about whether Mr. Obama is sufficiently Christian.

The result is this campaign to “otherize” Mr. Obama. Nobody needs to point out that he is black, but there’s a persistent effort to exaggerate other differences, to de-Americanize him.

Raising doubts about a candidate based on the religion of his grandfather is toxic and profoundly un-American, cracking the melting pot we emerged from. Someday people will look back at the innuendoes about Mr. Obama with the same disgust with which we regard the smears of Al Smith as a Catholic candidate in 1928.

I’m writing in part out of a sense of personal responsibility. Those who suggest that Mr. Obama is a Muslim — as if that in itself were wrong — regularly cite my own columns, especially an interview last year in which I asked him about Islam and his boyhood in Indonesia. In that interview, Mr. Obama praised the Arabic call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset,” and he repeated the opening of it.

This should surprise no one: the call to prayer blasts from mosque loudspeakers five times a day, and Mr. Obama would have had to have been deaf not to learn the words as a child. But critics, like Jerome Corsi, whose book denouncing Mr. Obama, “The Obama Nation,” is No. 2 on the New York Times best-seller list, quote from that column to argue that Mr. Obama has mysterious ties to Islam. I feel a particular obligation not to let my own writing be twisted so as to inflame bigotry and xenophobia.

Journalists need to do more than call the play-by-play this election cycle. We also need to blow the whistle on such egregious fouls calculated to undermine the political process and magnify the ugliest prejudices that our nation has done so much to overcome.

I invite you to comment on this column on my blog, www.nytimes.com/ontheground, and to join me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/kristof.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

The following is a cut and paste from somewhere on the net...

With America facing historic debt, 2 wars, stumbling
health care, a weakened dollar, all-time high prison
population, mortgage crises, bank foreclosures, etc.
Let's examine the real qualifications of our Presidential
Candidates and their chosen running mates.

Educational Background:

Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a
Specialization in International Relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

& Biden:
University of Delaware - B.A. in history and B.A. in
political science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 of 899
(legacy appointment)

& Palin:
Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in journalism

Now, which team are you going to hire ?

Independent Voter said...

Come on Leah. LOGIC has NO place in this election. Besides, the first two (Obama/Biden) are "Liberal" Arts and ANTI-American degrees (Political Science/History), and the last (McShrub/Stalin) are "Patriotic" degrees (Flight School/Journalism - ok journalism is a "Liberal" Arts degree too, but in this election cycle it is a patriotic AMERICAN degree).

Can't you just hear the extreme SARCASM in my voice?

Vicki in Seattle said...

oh, c'mon! people! PEOPLE!

everyone knows that the name of the Beast starts with a "P".

tmess2 said...

Not only does logic have no place in this election, facts don't have a place either. The Republican koolaid drinkers don't care about either.

On another site, have a couple of hardcore Republicans in my extended contact list -- friends of friends, etc. Sometimes, they will post something political and I will reply to correct their eggregious factual misstatements.

As an example, one of them yesterday repeated the false comment that Obama's tax plan would increase everyone's taxes. I responded with the fact that neutral experts showed that Obama's proposal would lower taxes more than McCain's for most people. The response: "Well Democrats put taxes on Social Security so you can't trust them to tell the truth about taxes."

There are just some folks so deep into Republican camp that the Democrats could nominate Steve Forbes and these folks would quickly conclude that he was just a tax and spend liberal.

jean said...

Just a grin.

Hey Aunt Jean,
Yeh, my kids are cool BUT I am still looking for 1-3 days reprieve.

Independent Voter said...

Jean, how cool is that! Unfortunately there is no picture of the sign! Talking about SHOTTY journalism! LOL

jean said...

How was last night;0

Independent Voter said...


It was okay. I hate to see another friend leave, but he had to do it. He's been unemployed since April and forced to file for bankruptcy (sub-prime lending industry). He took a job with Wachovia (I'm still scratching my head on this one - they hired someone whose BK was discharged 45 days ago). But hey, it's a job and a pretty good paying one. He said it pays $45K/year while in training and will be going up to $70K after training and all the testing requirements.

Mike in Maryland said...

One of my cousins sent me this:

Eve Ensler, the American playwright, performer, feminist and activist best known for 'The Vagina Monologues', wrote the following about Sarah Palin:

Drill, Drill, Drill

I am having Sarah Palin nightmares. I dreamt last night that she was a member of a club where they rode snowmobiles and wore the claws of drowned and starved polar bears around their necks. I have a particular thing for Polar Bears. Maybe it's their snowy whiteness or their bigness or the fact that they live in the arctic or that I have never seen one in person or touched one. Maybe it is the fact that they live so comfortably on ice. Whatever it is, I need the polar bears.

I don't like raging at women. I am a Feminist and have spent my life trying to build community, help empower women and stop violence against them. It is hard to write about Sarah Palin. This is why the Sarah Palin choice was all the more insidious and cynical. The people who made this choice count on the goodness and solidarity of Feminists.

But everything Sarah Palin believes in and practices is antithetical to Feminism which for me is part of one story -- connected to saving the earth, ending racism, empowering women, giving young girls options, opening our minds, deepening tolerance, and ending violence and war.

I believe that the McCain/Palin ticket is one of the most dangerous choices of my lifetime, and should this country chose those candidates the fall-out may be so great, the destruction so vast in so many areas that America may never recover. But what is equally disturbing is the impact that duo would have on the rest of the world. Unfortunately, this is not a joke. In my lifetime I have seen the clownish, the inept, the bizarre be elected to the presidency with regularity.

Sarah Palin does not believe in evolution. I take this as a metaphor. In her world and the world of Fundamentalists nothing changes or gets better or evolves. She does not believe in global warming. The melting of the arctic, the storms that are destroying our cities, the pollution and rise of cancers, are all part of God's plan. She is fighting to take the polar bears off the endangered species list. The earth, in Palin's view, is here to be taken and plundered. The wolves and the bears are here to be shot and plundered. The oil is here to be taken and plundered. Iraq is here to be taken and plundered. As she said herself of the Iraqi war, 'It was a task from God.'

Sarah Palin does not believe in abortion. She does not believe women who are raped and incested and ripped open against their will should have a right to determine whether they have their rapist's baby or not.

She obviously does not believe in sex education or birth control. I imagine her daughter was practicing abstinence and we know how many babies that makes.

Sarah Palin does not much believe in thinking. From what I gather she has tried to ban books from the library, has a tendency to dispense with people who think independently. She cannot tolerate an environment of ambiguity and difference. This is a woman who could and might very well be the next president of the United States. She would govern one of the most diverse populations on the earth.

Sarah believes in guns. She has her own custom Austrian hunting rifle. She has been known to kill 40 caribou at a clip. She has shot hundreds of wolves from the air.

Sarah believes in God. That is of course her right, her private right. But when God and Guns come together in the public sector, when war is declared in God's name, when the rights of women are denied in his name, that is the end of separation of church and state and the undoing of everything America has ever tried to be.

I write to my sisters. I write because I believe we hold this election in our hands. This vote is a vote that will determine the future not just of the U.S. , but of the planet. It will determine whether we create policies to save the earth or make it forever uninhabitable for humans. It will determine whether we move towards dialogue and diplomacy in the world or whether we escalate violence through invasion, undermining and attack. It will determine whether we go for oil, strip mining, coal burning or invest our money in alternatives that will free us from dependency and destruction. It will determine if money gets spent on education and healthcare or whether we build more and more methods of killing. It will determine whether America is a free open tolerant society or a closed place of fear, fundamentalism and aggression.

If the Polar Bears don't move you to go and do everything in your power to get Obama elected then consider the chant that filled the hall after Palin spoke at the RNC, 'Drill Drill Drill.' I think of teeth when I think of drills. I think of rape. I think of destruction. I think of domination. I think of military exercises that force mindless repetition, emptying the brain of analysis, doubt, ambiguity or dissent. I think of pain.

Do we want a future of drilling? More holes in the ozone, in the floor of the sea, more holes in our thinking, in the trust between nations and peoples, more holes in the fabric of this precious thing we call life?

Eve Ensler
September 5, 2008

jean said...

Wow, Wachovia. Where is he moving too?
Wachovia is on the bubble in reference to sub-prime but of course the feds are doing the bail-out.
If he does well there, I can tell you now, he will be back because Southern CA will rebound pretty hard. Unfortunately it will be a couple of years and you need to eat during that time.
Sunshine will always be expensive;)

Vicki in Seattle said...

HEY. this is prob a repig LIE, but someone I know says that Biden had surgery yesterday? another aneurism?

NOTHING on the internet about it except this one woman who insists it's true.

anyone? anyone? bueller? where IS Biden today?

Mike in Maryland said...

We all know that McLame(brain) has a 'house problem'. Now it appears that he has a 'car problem'.

From the Washington Post (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/09/21/13_cars_for_the_mccains--and_n.html?hpid=topnews):

"13 Cars for the McCains--and not all American"

According to a Newsweek item published online today, McCain and his wife, Cindy, own more than a dozen cars, including three electric bubble-shaped cars, called GEM's that the magazine says are popular in retirement communities.

But the ones getting him into trouble are the foreign-made cars. According to the magazine, the McCains own a Honda sedan and a Volkswagen convertible -- despite having once claimed to always buy American-made cars.

In an interview with Detroit station WXYZ-TV, McCain bragged that "I've bought American literally all my life and I'm proud." That was after explaining to the anchor that his daughter, Meghan, bought her own Toyota Prius.

UAW President Ron Gettelfinger, in a conference call organized by the Democratic party, blasted McCain on Sunday for not being truthful with voters.

"When he's in the midwest, he tells voters he supports the industry," Gettelfinger told reporters. "That's really a nice campaign line. But it turns out that John McCain wasn't being straight with the people of Detroit."


Kujo said...

Ike affected more then Texas.

I live in N.W. Indiana in a town called Munster. We had so much rain from Ike that Munster was called a National Disaster Area. Kids were out of school all last week as some of the schools were completely underwater (no basement, first floor) and the available schools were used to house the people who had to abandon there homes. While our home did not get any flooding, we still could not drive out of our community as all exits were covered with water. My parents were stuck in there home for 3 days.

Things are starting to get back to normal for some of us this week, but most of the homes have extensive damage.

Kujo said...

"Hillery Sent Me"

This was a great idea for Hillery and Obama. For Hillery supporters it keeps her core people together and with her. It also tells them that a vote for Obama does not mean you abandoning "me" (Hillery). It is also a slogan that keeps on giving. Yes Hillery can make a great speach, but it might not even get talked about on the news. This is something that sticks.

Karen Anne said...


I'm sure if Biden had had surgery, it would be all over the news. Just another Repig lie.

By the way, my understanding is that he gets checkups to detect any aneurysms before they would get serious, and I read that his doctor said he has a normal life expectancy, so he is not in any danger of any significance, and the two he had were, what, twenty years ago?

Meanwhile, on the McCain malignant melanoma front...

Karen Anne said...

p.s. Ask her for something that confirms it, and wait for the hemming and hawwing.

Also, the McCain camp appears to be monkeying with the VP debate to AnimalKiller's advantage:

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Vicki- If Biden had surgery he must have had had it on stage ... he was on the stump yesterday and today campaigning.

Kujo- My aunt in Illinois told me that our Texas Ike left 300,000 people in OHIO without electricity.

I watched 60 minutes tonight with the help of the generator and a set of $10 rabbit ears from Walmart hooked up to a tiny TV - Obama was great and looked presidential as usual and McCain just looked OLD.

Now I am ready for the first debate!!!

O and Joe '08

apissedant said...

Glad you're ok, welcome back. No time to play, just thought I'd say hello.

The polls are beautiful everyone! I told you the tides were on the brink of shifting back. ;)

Richard said...

Hey, folks! Sorry I've been so absent. School started and the first two weeks were, as usual, crazy. Plus we put a new roof on my mom's house last weekend and my wife declared this weekend fall cleaning.

Anyway, I am back and glad to have returned on a wave of rising Obama numbers. It seems to me that the race is pretty much where it's been for months: about 80% for Obama, with Colorado, Ohio, Virginia, Florida or New Hampshire + Nevada all being winning combos for Obama and McCain only able to afford to lose either New Hampshire or Nevada. In other words, things are looking pretty good.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Here is a GREAT image...



jean said...

Holy Moly.
McCain answers to the question "Are we in a recession?"
His answer. (I am dying here.)
Just had to get it off my chest.

Aunt Jean said...


glad to see that you are ok. Do you have any idea when you will be getting electric. I really liked the image. There is no contest! Obama is our man. AJ

Aunt Jean said...


that sounds like something McLame would say.

Oh yea anytime you want to loan your sons out for a few days I'll take them. There is plenty of things for them to do and that way there's nothing that they can get into. LOL AJ

Aunt Jean said...

Heyyyy AP

what's up glad to hear from you. I see that you haven't been on much. A lot of school? AJ

Aunt Jean said...

Rich (vtslayer

since you have become an expert on roofing I sure could use you here in Texas. My mother is going to have to have one put on her house because of Ick.

You are a good son to have done that for your mother. AJ

Aunt Jean said...


sorry about all the flooding and that your parents were stuck in their home for three days. AJ

Leah Texas4Obama said...


According to the Centerpoint electric company website (by zip code) my electric should be on Thursday... BUT I am not so sure about that because they haven't sent out a tree crew yet to take the tree off of the electric line that is on the roof!

I am hoping that they don't turn on the electric before taking the wire out from under the tree -- I am not looking forward to having the house burn down!

They know about the tree on the wire on the roof - it is in their computer but that don't mean much!

I've been in heaven yesterday and today - we ran the generator for 7 hours yesterday and 8 hours today. It's nice to have some computer access and the TV and a couple of light on :)

I still don't have cable so no Olberman, Matthews, or Maddow here this week and I sure do miss those shows!

I'm not complaining though because there are tons of people worse off than I am. I am very happy that I have clean water and ice and food and a dry bed to sleep in. All of the rest really doesn't matter that much.

Goodnight everyone :)

Vicki in Seattle said...

never mind about the biden rumor, just found out that the person who posted it is unstable/liable to make stuff up just to upset people.

@@ <-- eye rolling emoticon

Independent Voter said...

Goodnight Leah - nice to hear things are looking up.

AJ, I would send Bill, but the hand still isn't healed :(

I'm watching the 60 minutes interviews now. I was able to pick it up when he was talking to the woman who just lost her husband of 70 years and he gave her a hug.

Independent Voter said...

Vicki - I like that emoticon

Aunt Jean said...

have a great night. AJ

Aunt Jean said...


you're a special person that you would even think about sending Bill. I like you too!!!! AJ

Independent Voter said...

AJ - I would come out too, but I can't afford to take the time off from school :(

As part of our old business in AZ we used to do some roofing in addition to A/C, Heating, Electrical, plumbing, etc. ;)

If his hand was doing better I would have put his butt on a plane out there tomorrow. :)

Aunt Jean said...


this is a hug instead of eye rolling @. LOL


I loved your eye roll!!! AJ

Independent Voter said...

By the way, we were able to get him off of having to smoke weed and the narcotic pain killers. He's down to just needing ibuprofen. Granted he's taking 800 mg at a time, but it's only every 8 hours or so.

Independent Voter said...


Aunt Jean said...


how is his hand doing is it giving him much pain? I sure hope not!Ok I was wrong you are a great guy!!!!!!!!!! AJ

Independent Voter said...

UGH! McShrub is on now.......by the way, did I mention he was a "POW"?

OH YAY! "His religious faith" blah blah blah....I guess it was his religious faith that forced him to cheat on and leave his disfigured first wife for a $100 million heiress. Right?

Aunt Jean said...


has he had any therapy on it yet? AJ

Independent Voter said...

LOL! I tell him all about our conversations on here. He's not really into politics like I am. I think he is ready for this election cycle to being over, even more than me.

OH PLEASE - where's the longest place you've ever lived? "Hanoi".

UGH! I hope this man falls over!

Aunt Jean said...

Dave it has nothing to do with religion it's your morals and McLame has none!!! AJ

Independent Voter said...

AJ, no he hasn't yet. We will be taking him to the doctor on Wednesday to get X-rays done. To make sure the pins are keeping things in the right place.

He definitely has some pain, but for the most part it is subsiding. It hurts him mostly at night because we are both toss and turn sleepers. I've been sleeping in the other room so that I don't hit it, and the cats are sleeping with me so they don't bother him either.

Aunt Jean said...


he's always pushing the POW it gets very very OLD!!!!! He just wants for people to feel sorry for him and vote ffooor himmm

I had trouble typing those works just the thought of it scares the crap out of me!!!!!!!! AJ

Aunt Jean said...


give Bill my best and hope everything is great with the dr. AJ

Aunt Jean said...

Karen Anne

where are you tonight just wanted to say hello!!!! AJ

Independent Voter said...

AJ - I know that, I'm just disgusted that this man claims to be a "true Christian". That is NOT the "Christian" that I have always heard about. Of course, I could be wrong, being an Atheist and all, but I don't think I am. He's nothing more than a thug.

After Friday night's Real Time with Bill Maher, I am REALLY feeling sorry for Bristol, MORE SO for Levi. He was railroaded by that family and the McShrub campaign. He needs to move to a blue state so he doesn't have to listen to either one of those jerks (McShrub OR Stalin...er...I mean Palin).

Karen Anne said...


Hope you see this tomorrow - checkout this post, great photo:


I broke my foot in February and the doc sent me for physical therapy at the two week mark. I was shocked that just two weeks of it being immobile, and my toes were not responding, etc. It is fine now, but it is amazing how quickly stuff stops working.

The phys therapists knew good stuff to do that I would not have thought of.

Independent Voter said...

AJ - he (McShrub) scares the hell out of me. Stalin....er....Palin scares the living shit out of me. They both want to try to bring about the "Rapture" all by their lonesome. Unfortunately the rest of us would get tied up in their bullshit!

Karen Anne said...

Hi, AJ!

So glad you and Leah are okay.

I'm signing off now for tonight.

Aunt Jean said...

it makes me wonder if any money passed any hands? AJ

Aunt Jean said...

Karen Anne goodnight talk to you later!!! AJ

Independent Voter said...

KA - I hear ya. Same thing for me when I broke a finger a few years back. But remember he nearly cut 3 fingers completely off......he's getting some feeling back in them now, but the nerves had been severed so they had to surgically reattach everything. I'm not sure when they will be sending him to physical therapy. We'll know more on Wednesday. :)

Independent Voter said...

HOW rude - Amy Poehler didn't get the emmy for her role on SNL :(

Independent Voter said...

AJ - I totally agree. Somebody was suggesting that Levi should have asked for $500K just for posing as fiance and that if McShrub and Stalin won, then he should demand at least $20K+ per month for EVERY month that he has to keep up the charade of being married to Bristol.

I think it was Bill Maher who said that last week.

Is it possible that the kid isn't Levi's? From my understanding incest runs rampant up in those neck of the woods.

Aunt Jean said...


anything is possible with that group. WEIRDOS!!! AJ

Independent Voter said...

AJ - but then again I've never watched "Samantha Who?" but Jean Smart (I've always liked her in all of her roles) got the "Best Supporting Actress" award, which was the category Amy Poehler was nominated.

Independent Voter said...

Ok, does anyone really believe that the "Colbert Report" is better than the "Daily Show"?

Is anyone else watching the Emmy's? But Steven Colbert looks like he has gained some wait since Tuesday.

Aunt Jean said...


I like the daily show myself. AJ

Bob in Vancouver said...

Here is my two bits worth for tonight. What distrubed me after I found out that Bristol was pregnant, I realized that the McCain campaign and her mother must have more or less forced her to be on stage with the anouncement of Palin being picked as McCain's VP candidate.

But they made that poor girl walk out there on stage, in front of millions of people (TV), holding a baby and covering her "terrible sins" with a baby blanket.

She spent the whole episode continually ensuring that the corners of the blanket were covering up her tummy.

That's what really made me sick to my stomach. When that wasn't enough to hide the facts, the McCain campaign comes out with the announcement, as if nobody was going to notice.

What a bunch of bastards.

Independent Voter said...

Bob - Agreed! I hate the fact that these people are using her as a political pawn in their web of deceit. It just proves to me that they are nothing more than bottom feeders that will do anything to win the election and destroy our nation, if not the planet.

Bob in Vancouver said...

Independant Voter:

What's going to happen?

Here we have Obama insisting that the Wall Street Bail-Out has to have protection for the tax payer, stops on CEO Payouts, Protection for the Homeoner, etc. (and rightly so).

Now if Pelosi and co. don't jump on board and pass this bail-out bill without the taxpayer protection needed because the Republicans wan't a "blank cheque". What is going to happen.

It seems to me that Obama gets nailed either way.

If it passes, then the whole matter of the economy gets resolved like the Iraq issues, and the Republicans claim they did it and they don't need taxpayer protection. Or the Democrats get nailed because they are called obsrtuctionist, and want to see the economy fail?

Bob in Vancouver said...

Independant Voter:

When it comes to the first debate, I hope that Georgia (the country in the middle east) comes up. Remember how MCain was those terrible Russians and we are all Georgians.

Just today, on CNN, a panel of former Secretaries of State, all agreed that it was Georgia who started the hostilities, and that the US should be talking to Syria (the Isralies are), Iran (Bush is) and other hostile states. Evan Sectretary Baker said "what are we afraid of?"

Independent Voter said...

Bob, if they allow the bill to pass without taxpayer protections the election is over and McShrub will win because the Dems will be painted as spineless....AGAIN!

If they do however get it passed WITH protections, then they will say, it was US that brought back regulation and protection to the American people on main street, and that the Repukes are responsible for the deregulation and lack of oversight that ran us into the ditch to begin with. If this is the case, the election will be over and Obama will have won it.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Daily Show got one!

Independent Voter said...

Bob, I have the feeling that Obama is going to mop the floor with McCain on Friday especially after seeing his interview on 60 minutes. He did a great job.

Independent Voter said...

Tina Fey just got "Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series".

Beryl said...

The Republicans were wrong to bring out Briscol "to dispel the rumors about Trig" because it was UNNECESSARY. They could have dispelled the rumors with a simple genetic test. They used that child for purely political reasons.

The RepubLIEcans are despicable!

Bob in Vancouver said...

Independant Voter:

I'm sorry about interupting your TV special. But did you hear that McCain is now also calling for Taxpayer Protection.

Sure, now. Where was he when he was calling for Wall Street management of Medical Insurance and Social Security.

The guy

Kujo said...

Obama web site should include a map with dots in each city/town/??? that they spoke in and if you click on it you can see the speech. Also the dots should be color coded for Biden/Michelle/Barak.

Kujo said...

I like daily show. I think Cobert could be really funny, but his show goes to lala land a few to many times.

Independent Voter said...

Transcript of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert presenting at the Emmy Awards (Yes I typed this out by myself. I'm really far behind on the Emmy's now):

JS: Thank you very much obviously tonight no politics, just doing the thing.

SC:I don't want to do politics Jon. Noone wants to see us talk about politics.

JS: Perfect. Alright lets do this thing. The mini-series is a 14 part window into the soul.....Stephen Colbert pulls out a small bag of something.....What are you doing?

SC: What? (As he's eating something.) I'm sorry Jon, I'm just enjoying these delicious prunes.

JS: You need to, you need to do that right now? You need to eat prunes?

SC: Yes Jon! I need to. And you know what? I think right now America needs a prune....It may not be a young, sexy plum. Granted it is shriveled and at times hard to swallow. But this dried up old prune has the experience we need.

JS: You know, after 8 years of prunes you would think....

SC: Never enough! What could possible go wrong?

JS: Here are the nominees for outstanding directing for a miniseries, movie or a dramatic special.

Independent Voter said...

Bob, no worries on the interruptions. I have DVR so I just pause it.

Ya, I did notice that he's calling for taxpayer protection, but it is too late for him on that aspect. Especially since just a couple days ago, he was defending his stance on privatizing social security and keeping health care 100% privatized.

McShrub is completely lost when it comes to economic issues. His campaign won't even say whether or not Lindsey Gramm will be a part of his administration, let alone Treasury Secretary.

Independent Voter said...

Kujo, I think that would be a great idea (the color coding on a map with links to the events.)

Aunt Jean said...

Hey everyone I'm headed for the bed Ihad to clean out my email box. I can't believe I had so much garbage in there. AJ

Kujo said...

More comments about the map:

Also it should have a list of interviews from people who should up to the event. This would personalize his campaign.

Bob in Vancouver said...

Could someone please tell Palin (in a very nice way) that ANWR is contiguous with a similar reserve in Canada. The Porcupine Caribou Herd doesn't recognize the border.

Could you also let her know that Polar Bears are circumpolar and can travel hundreds of miles. All the countries that touch upon the Artic (US, Canada, Russia, Filand, Norway, and Sweden, are all involved in protecting the Polar Bear by International Agreement.

I also want to somehow break it to Palin that her gas pipeline has little chance of being completed. We have several First Nations Land Claims along the route that have to be resolved first. Land Claim Settlements in Canada have been ongoing now for nearly a century. Could you let her know that it would be far better to compress the gas and ship it to the lower 48 by specially designed tankers.

I thought she was an expert in energy production.

tmess2 said...

Bob, assuming that most of the pipeline will be in Alaska, I can understand why Palin would not be too concerned about Native claims.

Even before she and McCain get their hands on our Supreme Court, it hasn't been particularly friendly to Native claims. With one or two more conservative justices, they will just award the Natives token compensation while letting the pipline be built.

Bob in Vancouver said...


No. Actually most of the pipeline will cross Canadian territory. The First Nations in Canada have an enormous amount of sway. Unlike in the US, the First Nations here have never signed treaties and the courts have found that they have special rights within Canada, and we have to preserver everything that they require to carry on their traditional ways, even though they may never use them. The Dene First Nations are particulaly powerful.

Mike in Maryland said...


The US Supreme Court has no say about Canadian First Nations Land Claims. Neither does the US President has no say about Canadian First Nations Land Claims.

Those are internal Canadian decisions on which the US has no jurisdiction.


Mike in Maryland said...

About McCain suddenly talking about protecting the citizens with a bailout, maybe he (or rather someone from his campaign staff) saw this article on CNN:

Mad as hell - taxpayers lash out
We asked you what you had to say about the bailout, and we heard you loud and clear: 'No way!'


The people quoted in the article do NOT want the taxpayer to have to pick up the tab for the financial failures of Wall Street.


Mike in Maryland said...


Regarding CNG (compressed natural gas), the problem is where would the facilities be located? Baltimore County in Maryland is in the middle of a huge battle over a planned CNG facility near the Chesapeake Bay, using old industrial land near a large number of homes. The problem is if something happens in the 'receiving' facility (where the CNG is unloaded off the ships), it is extremely explosive and extremely poisonous, and could be extremely dangerous to people living in the area. Not to mention the target such a facility would present to terrorists.

Alaskan gas would probably be sent to the West Coast. There would need to be a port facility capable of handling ocean-going vessels, near an existing pipeline for natural gas, or a pipeline would have to be built to an existing pipeline. How many sites on the West Coast meet those criteria, but are sufficiently distant from population and other facilities that need to be protected? Not many, if any.


Yamaka said...

Hello There:

I was very busy with my work, and was not paying much attention to the Electoral Politics. Houston got hit with Ike and now Wall Street is hit with a Hurricane Financial.

The Congress must act very fast to clean up the mess in WS. Any delay will be perceived by the Electorate as incompetent and the Democrats could lose both the White House and the Congress!

I see that with Nader and Barr in the mix, Sen McCain has a small lead in the polls (+ 0.5%, as per RCP). Sen Obama has a wonderful chance to break out of this losing situation. He must do very very well during the Debates against the veteran McCain. He must show to his followers and the country that he has the "fire in the belly" to connect really well with the voters during economic crisis.

I only wish Sen Obama did better during the previous Debates and interviews.

Democrats, now is the time to tell the world that we are really ready to do the hard job of moving into the White House and performing much better than the Republicans.

A mediocre Debate Performance by Sen Obama will not be sufficient to win this General Election, IMO.

I pray that Sen Obama rise up to meet the Challenge.


Vicki in Seattle said...

for those who missed last night (like me):


I see the dow is dropping again today (so far). And RCP has Obama up by 2.2%! phone banking on Wednesday night up here.

Doug said...

RE where does Alaskan Gas go?

While vacationing in Oregon this summer I noticed that there is a lot of local concern with building an LNG terminal there, too, as there has been along the coast here in BC (there was one planned just north of Vancouver at one point--never built).

I think the pipeline through Canada will eventually get built, because it is not only Alaskan NG but also northeast BC and Alberta where there are substantial NG reserves "along the route". Piping them south substantially increases the value.

The first nations issues will be worked out, with enough $$$ (probably some kind of revenue sharing agreement on the transport of the gas itself, a "toll" if you will--that is where many of the resource issues in first nations territory are headed these days).


tmess2 said...

Never mind my previous post, I had assumed that a pipeline being built by Alaska would be like the current oil pipeline from the North Slope to southern Alaska.

It will be fun seeing those conservatives who rail about how tough it is to get things done in the U.S. actually have to deal with another country's legal system that has just as many difficult steps to get through.

Doug said...

New ads out--have you seen them?


I LOVE the tag line in Obama's latest ad: "John McCain, a risk we can't afford to take." McRove's latest ad is a 'guilt by association' slag that brings up Rezko. I see the Keating 5 coming up soon...

Beryl said...

"McRove's latest ad is a 'guilt by association' slag that brings up Rezko. I see the Keating 5 coming up soon... "

Bring it! As they say in the legal world... "They've opened the door for this line of questioning." Both Obama & Biden are legal eagles (as were the Clinton/Gore and even Michelle) so they must be on the case.


Doug said...

Hey Jean, how is your day going? I see the DJIA is down over 200, and I hope we are not having a repeat of last Monday.

jean said...

Why would you vote for someone who will not answer questions.
This is so totally beyond making sense it is embarressing.
Are so many people really sheep in a herd?
Another thought is are people so down that they are afraid to ask and are more afraid of the answer?
Perhaps the best way to describe it is Ostriches with their heads in the sand?
I live in the USA and the citizens have a right and obligation to ask questions and to get answers.
Sarah Palin is a embarressment and a joke.
She just had a "SAFE" trip in Florida.
Last I looked the citizens of the USA are not safe from the economic situation, the costs and lost lives in Iraq in an unfounded war,
global warming causing dreadful consequences due to the lack of attention to correct it.
Palin gets a hallpass and does not answer any questions.


We say we wait for the debates.

My kid just called and got 96% on a major history test. She got there by asking questions and knowing her info. She also ANSWERED questions.
I guess after 7 years for Palin to get her degree she never learned.
Like I said previously.
It is just embarressing to some citizens of the USA that they accept this kind of behavior.
I am a citizen of the USA and I do
not accept Sarah Palin as a viable VP candidate.

jean said...

hey doug,
Today is good but mortgage rates have really jumped.
Nothing that I can do.
I deal with a lot of short sale purchases and they take forever.
Bonds really suck today.

Chargers are playing the Jets tonight and I am really looking forward to that:)

How are you doing?

Doug said...

LOL! Jean I am in a MNF club with my brother-in-law and I live for the football season! I did take the Chargers tonight too!

About the history thing, and the polls... I am a Canadian with ties to the US. My Dad was born in Virginia and still holds a US passport. I have always had a fascination with US history and have watched US politics closely, even as a kid.

I started to outline my thoughts about the impact of US history on the election but anything I could put in a post here would just be too trite... suffice to say there are powerful reasons why this election would be close even with such a lame Repub ticket.


Karen Anne said...

LNG just has real problems. Both RI and Mass have been fighting proposals to have terminals in their states. If they blew, they'd take out densely populated areas.

(Why, RI has 170% of the population of Alaska! In a 40x60 mile state.)

The more I hear about alternative energy, the better solar looks among the alternatives. I'm hoping to wedge solar hot water into my budget next year. I'd love to be off the grid, but the price tag for that is huge. I'm still looking into tax credits and so on, though, and wondering where the heck the batteries would go, do I worry about the freezing in the winter, etc.

Karen Anne said...

doug, I'd be interested to read your history ideas.

jean said...

I am taking the Chargers also but Favre really has something to prove
and the Charger's defense really has to step up.
Boy is this going to be fun;)

Karen Anne said...

The Times has a race editorial, in which there is this item which I had missed:

Representative Geoff Davis, Republican of Kentucky, succumbed to the old language earlier this year when describing what he viewed as Mr. Obama’s lack of preparedness to handle nuclear policy. “That boy’s finger does not need to be on the button,” he said.

Beryl said...

Woah. Geoff Davis is just like Westmoreland with the "uppity" comment. They are getting nastier and nastier as the polls shift towards Obama. I hope their nastiness backfires -- big time.

Beryl said...

Looks like Geoff Davis made that comment back in April. I missed it too.

It will be great when the majority of racists are dead and gone so we can spit on their graves.

Doug said...

Hey Karen Anne, just because you asked :)

I will apologize in advance if this is sounds too trivial. It feels like the start of a term paper with the question: identify and explain the historical influences on the 2008 Presidential election that help the Republican ticket.

Here is an outline of how I would respond... limit of three (!)

Warrior archetype: rooted in the War for Independence and its immediate aftermath, gave the US the model of the soldier/statesman and the patriot. McCain taps into that in a big way and would garner broad support on that basis alone, especially with a war going on.

The Frontier: the economic expansion and development of the US from independence to 1900 or so is closely associated with the exploitation of the frontier. Discovering and exploiting new frontiers is one way of viewing American expansion even after the internal “frontier” was “conquered”--global markets, space (remember the Star Trek opening?). Guess who taps into that? Drilling for oil offshore and exploiting Alaska's resources falls right into that. And the archetype of a self-reliant, root-tootin' moose skinnin' frontier hero has clearly been used in 2008 and has appeal.

The Civil War and the defeat of the South: why are the “Red states” red? Why is there such a distrust of Washington in the US, particularly in the South? The reasons are many and varied but start with the Civil War. The Republican message of “small government” (never mind the reality of their policies!) has direct appeal to those whose family roots include seeing Washington as 'the enemy'. McCain's 'maverick' image (and it is no more than an image now, let's be clear) appeals to those who see Washington as an enemy.

Note that all three of these work on an emotional level. People who have an emotional connection to a message are impervious to logic, and the size of this group is significant enough that this election will remain close right until the end, UNLESS the Dems can find their own emotional connection with a larger portion of the electorate.

I have mentioned in other posts why the New Deal has such power, and it is this same emotional pull, but in the Dems direction. The '30's depression had very nearly as much impact historically as the Civil War, and the impact of the New Deal throughout the US but particularly the South was such that wrapping up the Dems platform as a “New Deal for America” would have the potential of counteracting some of the Republican emotional appeal rooted in America's history.

FWIW! Cheers

Karen Anne said...

Hmm, that's interesting. I wonder how many of those dolts actually have the New Deal in their memory banks, tho, in any significant way. My impression is that people know something superficial about early US history but fade out after that.

We'd have to reintroduce that.

Karen Anne said...

The more I think of it, tho, the more I like it.

Doug said...

Take a look at the commentary on CNN's latest poll, with the lead for Dems on the question of who can best manage the economy. While the Clinton years are remember as the few good ones since 1990, there is also a historical memory that it was the Republicans (Hoover) who helped get America into the great depression and the Dems (FDR) who got it out.

The CNN poll is here if you haven't seen it:

jean said...

I always told you I would say you were the first with the New Deal;)

Just to clarify,
I am not only wondering what Palin will say to Karzai.

And flatly, I am scared.

I wonder if she can see Aphganistan
from Alaska? Yes I know, she would have to use binoculars he he he!:)

suzihussein22 said...

jean-Palin can see Afgans on the back of her couch, under all the polar bear skins. ;)

I heard about the guy hacking Palin's yahoo account from Knoxville, TN. It sounds to me like people will go to extremes when democracy is suppressed, kind of like Prohibition.

jean-I'm usually a wimp, but tonite I made chipotle Frito pie. The kids loved it. My son had to drink an extra glass of water.

leah-I liked the photo comparison between Obama and McCain. That's the kind of contrast I was thinking about, not so much many of McCain's fleet of cars were imports. He was emphatic though about literally buying American all his life.

I'm seeing what I can do to help with voters in bordering battleground states, but I think I convinced someone not to vote for McCain. He says he won't at all then because he has problems with Obama, because supertalk radio is still saying around Nashville that Obama is Muslim. Yes, I will be relaying that to the Obama campaign. Over a million people can hear that crap, so more of it needs to be the truth, not such a blatant lie!

Beryl said...

This is so funny - and addicting:


Here's the story. We got an Obama sign a few months ago and it was stolen off our lawn within five days. Just yesterday we got another one (after searching for some time) and put it up on the lawn again. This morning it was gone, so we decided we'd make our own homemade sign and set up a camera to catch the thief in the act."

Karen Anne said...

So I watched, thinking I'd see the sign being stolen, but it's a live feed :-)

I think they need to angle the camera up to be sure they catch the thief's face. Plus what about when it's dark.

Karen Anne said...

So someone on that cam link chat mentioned the palin baby name generator, and i got around to trying it. Say hello to
Fowl Overtime Palin

Beryl said...

It was angled up but they changed it to avoid having to black out the house across the street. Also, earlier they blacked out an area to avoid children being seen as they walked to/from schools.

I doubt that sign will get stolen again but I've heard that a lot of other Obama signs are being stolen. I'm still waiting to get mine to put up.

Kujo said...

The best thing for these signs would be an alarm if it is moved.

Vicki in Seattle said...

is today Opposite Day? because I was arguing w/ my mom about why it was a good idea to hold up on the financial bailout, at least to THINK for 30 frickin seconds before forking over billions and billions of dollars. later on listening to NPR, I heard NEWT GINGRICH say exactly the same thing.

and NOW, George WILL wrote this:


(he IS a conservative journalist, isn't he??)

apissedant said...

A picture tells a thousand words:


There is no way for a pipeline to be built that would not cross hundreds of miles of Canadian territory. This is also why it was important for Palin to work out a deal with a Canadian oil/gas company. She wasn't "standing up to the oil companies," she was working with the companies who had the power in the situation.

Vicki in Seattle said...

(btw, mom's a republican, and she was saying that the bill needed to go through asap, exactly as Paulson recommended, and she's fully prepared to blame the Democratic Party - all of us - if everything tanks in the next week or three)

(just to clarify)

Kujo said...

Karen Anne,

In reading your desire for an alternative energy, did you ever think of Geothermal Heating. I believe this to be a better source of energy for Heating and Air, but not electric of course.

apissedant said...

Holy crap Vicki!!! Thanks for the link! That is one hell of an opening from George Will! My dad always tries to tell me he is rational... and I always refuse to believe him. I should listen to my elders more often I guess. ;)

Kujo said...

Great article by George Will. (Thanks Vicki).

George repeats some of his comments his Sunday talk show (I think its This week in review or something). It is a powerful statement when conservative reporters are leaning/choosing Obama.

A great statement was that Obama acted/reacted presidential this week while McCain acted all over the map, inexperienced and down right dangerously.

Mike in Maryland said...


Here's something that might make your mother think:

Section 8 of the Paulson Plan:

Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.

Would she allow the Democrats to pass a bill with this language? An Education bill? A Defense bill? An Energy bill?

HuffingtonPost has a detailed analysis of the bill.


Kujo said...

Here is my current take on the electoral vote:

Here is my take on the current pools:

197 Solid Obama:
63 OK Obama:
13 Weak Obama:


13 TIE:

53 OK MC:

As you can see from this it is most important that Obama will keep the states in his OK catagory. These states have consistantly polled Obama (in fact they are above the 98%) but are still too close to call. These states are usually Democratic states. New Mexico is ready to be moved into the Strong category, but McCain had a good polling last week here and we need a couple more strong polls here before I move it back.

Obama really needs to be concerned about VA, CO, NH. He has polled consitantly ahead in CO and NH, but has some has some recent trouble that he has not recovered fully from yet. VA has been usually McCain but has moved to Obama recently. This could easily move back.

Normal in play states like Ohio and Florida are still considered in play but have polled consistantly to McCain, though close. NV is in McCains camp but is really close as well has Indiana.

Interesting fact. If the states remain the same except with VA going McCain and Co going Obama it will turn out to be a tie 269 269. So what next? Here is the answer. If the electoral vote is a tie, then the House of Reps vote for the president. But not this House, the new House which is yet to take shape. If the polls are correct, the Dems are most likely to pick up, not lose seats so this should be good for Obama. But there is still a catch. Each Rep does not get a vote, but his state gets a vote and it is one vote per state. Even in this category, Obama will win by projections.

Karen Anne said...


I believe geothermal is also very expensive, plus major ripping up of stuff.

A phone estimate for solar hot water, which would be a system mostly in my garage where the hot water heater is now, is $10,000. The state has a $1,500 grant and the feds have a $2,000 one but the fed grant program expires in December. I would have to have some building done in the garage, since it freezes here in the winter and the small insulated area is not big enough for the extra tank.

jean said...

Congrads on the new dish and it's success. That is not easy with kids;)

We won:) But I still think that our defense is nowhere where it should be.

Karen Anne,
The neighbor from across the street is doing solar for the entire house.
He is getting the most expensive due to the look and design of it.
The cost is $48,000 but after rebates and stuff it goes down to $35,000 and he said he could of easily gone with $25,000.
He is installing the instant electric water heater with no tank for $1500.
He will have 945kWh generated on the average of 12 months and more during the summer.
Due to the instant water heater it is projected he will save 30% on his water bill.
Yes, my neighbor is retired and he catches me in the driveway and I get all the updates 3-4 times a week. Getting a couple of bids may make sense for you. Just $10,000 for solar water sounds alot.

Aunt Jean said...

Hey here is an email that I got. Don't know if anyone has heard about it or not since I've been out of the loop for awhile.


Tremendous news. This morning, CNN finally reported on and confirmed that Wasilla, Alaska police charged rape victims for their own rape kits while Sarah Palin was mayor. This is a great victory for those of us who have been desperate to make the truth about this woman known. Her supporters may have been able to dispute the story when only bloggers were reporting it, but it can no longer be squelched, now that the MSM is on board.

From a woman named: Op Edna

Aunt Jean said...

Talk to everyone later have a lot to do today. AJ

Aunt Jean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen Anne said...

Jean, thanks. I will get at least two bids, I don't know of more than two companies doing solar out here in the boonies.

I'll look into instant hot water also. I am not sure how that folds into keeping pipes from the garage to the house unfrozen in the winter.

Of course, there's always the thought that this will all be underwater some day, hopefully not in my lifetime, but nearly so, which kind of takes the build for the future aspect out of it.

Doug said...

Hey Jean, yes we did! My b-i-l took the Jets (Farve fan) so for one week I have bragging rights :).

I am watching the hearing on the bailout with one eye... Paulson is not someone I would entrust with $700B!! Lots of good questions from the committee, both R and D. The mood is definitely in favor of oversight and "strings attached" to the money which is a good thing.

jean said...

Yes we won but I am a Favre Fan.
I was laughing because he looked so clean-cut, he usually has a scruff of a beard. I then realized his beard had gone totally WHITE and it was hard to see. I guess I like old guys, married to one LOL. Best friend is from Wisconsin:)

I wish they would get this thing approved soon. Being in CA there is a lot of hurt.
Read this today and thought it is quite amusing (Sarcastic) with McCain's temper.


jean said...

reposting article.


Doug said...

Yes I like George Will's article that starts off with the "off with her head" quote from the Queen of Hearts. This article


talks about the prospect of Obama baiting McBombIran into an major gaffe in the foreign policy debate on Friday. I think there is a real prospect of that. The debate on Friday will mean a lot of pressure on McCain to produce a win, which will also mean he will be more susceptible to 'losing it'.

As for the markets, I see the DJIA is down 1% after being up early, even with the short sellers leashed. This is not good news!

I have friends moving to Stockton who will be selling a townhouse here in Vancouver--they will be able to buy an executive home there. If I could move to California myself, I would!

Beryl said...


jean said...


jean said...

Here is another joy to read about McCain is cutting his own throat.



Beryl said...

Great video. Help it go viral:

Dilbuck said...

Just so you guys know, Michael Moore released his new movie called "Slacker Uprising" at midnight this morning. It follows a tour that Moore went on before the 2004 presidential election. I have watched the first 20 minutes or so and it seems pretty good.

Dilbuck said...

Oops forgot the link for the page.


jean said...

Like the youtube video.
Yep, forwarded it quite a bit:)

Beryl said...

Humane Society Legislative Fund Endorses Obama-Biden

This is the first time they've endorsed a presidential candidate.

UUbuntu said...

A conservative editor/writer, Wick Allison has just published an editorial in his magazine, endorsing Barack Obama.

A Conservative for Obama

It's worth a read, simply because so many of the reasons he supports Obama (caution and reasoned responses to situations, examination of problems from multiple angles, non-ideological nature) resonate with me -- a hard-core liberal.

Unlike George Will's recent attack on McCain, which I found to be self-serving and divisive, this article gives me some hope that conservatives and liberals may one day work together to find compromise-solutions to today's difficult problems.

jean said...

How can this stuff keeps being covered up.
Where is the IRS?


Mike in Maryland said...


It is VERY important to get multiple bids when you can.

I live in a Baltimore row house that was built in 1884. There is steam heat in the house now (originally heated by coal-insert stoves in fireplaces).

In 1996, we needed to replace the boiler (it was almost 50 years old, and was fueled by oil) and decided to get a gas boiler. The first estimate we got was $5,400, the second was $4,500, but the one we went with was $3,600. All three for the same work!

The boiler we now have has given us absolutely no problems and does a tremendous job of heating the house, even though it has 11 foot ceilings on the first floor, 10 foot on the second, and they are 9 foot on the third.


UUbuntu said...

Thank you for that YouTube link, Beryl. It does provide a nice, direct message about what McCain stands for.

It would need to be tightened and shortened (with some small text at the bottom pointing to details on each point), but it could work.

The only issue is that, on YouTube, it's likely to be seen only by folks who already support (and work for and contribute to) Barack Obama.

jean said...

Today has been a bit silly with McCain.

Didn't Obama say he wanted to check on what was to be done with
the bail out before he said anything?
Didn't he say that he had to make sure that the main street of middle america had to be looked after.


It is becoming McCain just copying Obama in many statements.
I wish there was a article that pointed that out.


Yamaka said...

Hello Democrats:

Is your Sen Obama ready for the Major League Debate?

Financial troubles of this week favor our candidate for now. But once Congress passes the bill that authorizes Paulson to deal with the financial mess, the leverage that Obama has will wither away on the wine! Then, the questions will revert back to

1. Who will be better suited to be the Commander-In-Chief?

2. Who has the knowledge and experience to be the POTUS at this time in our political history?

3. Who will break out in the match up in the critical States of PA, OH, MI, FL, IN etc.

Sen Obama must follow Bill Clinton's advice:

1. Go talk to all the PUMAs and convince them to vote for Obama.

2. Focus on the White Working Class America who has serious doubts about Obama's candidacy for the WH.

Folks, the time is running out. Sen Obama must sharpen his skills of oratory and debate and deliver them during the Debates.

Can he explain to America what are the SIVs (Structured Investment Vehicles), Swaps, CMOs, CDOs and other exotic vehicles that the Financial wizards of Wall Street used that wrecked the WS lately?

Sen Obama has a golden opportunity to convince America that he is the Man for the WH.

Will he convince the people in PA, OH, IN, FL etc?

I hope so.

Remember, in the past 40 years (10 Presidential Elections) Democrats won only three times. That's 30% - a very poor performance!

America is slightly conservative socially and fiscally. Democrats must realize this historical fact and move towards the Center, IMO. To win the Presidency.


jean said...

mike in maryland,
We have done a lot of work on the house and I always got 3 bids and then the husband and I talked.
It actually saves quite a bit of time and you can also get suggestions for what you want to do from professionals.
The 4th bid is the husband and see if he can do it. He is very good at homeimprovements :)

UUbuntu said...

Jean -- I'd like to second Mike's point on getting multiple bids. We had a 200-year old tree fall in our back yard last month, and our insurance would only cover $1500 for tree removal.

The first place we called came out and gave a price of $5400. They said that if they were to leave the wood, it would only be $4400.

I insisted that we call someone else, and the second place I called came out and said "$1200 and we chip the brush but we leave the wood, cut into 18-inch unsplit logs".

I asked why it was so inexpensive, and he said "It's all we do.". 2 days later, he came with equipment, a crew of 10 people and was done in 2 hours. We split and stacked the wood ourselves (rented a splitter) and now have some 3 cords of firewood (which we'll burn).

While the jobs weren't identical, the price difference was significant.

Good luck.

jean said...

It is karen anne who is looking into solar heating for her water that this was brought up and I suggested a few things.

It is so funny, I had a 60 foot pine tree that split and I found it just missed the house on Sunday morning.
I called and got bids from 800 to 1500 and it ended up being the Church of the 7th day adventist who did it for a contribution for the church and they split and stacked the wood for $400.
I of course made lunch and had plenty of drinks:)

UUbuntu said...

Jean -- good thinking on the 7th Day Adventists. And since they don't drink alcohol, the drinks might would have been cheaper too ;-)

Did anyone watch Bill Clinton on David Letterman last night (20 minute video link)? He was, as usual, intelligent, articulate, persuasive and canny. And he did a good job of endorsing Hillary's candidacy and the Democratic VP choice of Biden, whom he clearly likes.

And Chris Rock came on immediately afterwards and pointed out something obvious about that interview (3 minute video -- well worth watching, if a little crude).

Beryl said...

Bill was very good on Letterman. He was still more cagey than I'd like but he didn't say anything crazy.

I didn't catch Chris when the show was on but that clip was very funny. Actually, Chris just "plays stupid" but is a brilliant political commentator. Oddly, some professors reference "Rockisms" in college courses. They do it curtail the students who reference him too much. I'm definitely watching his HBO special.

tmess2 said...

The one thing that McCain has shown this week (which the Navy knew when they refused to give him flag rank) is that he is not fit for command in a crisis. While McCain will hold on to the hardcore neo-cons and Palin will hold on to the evangelical vote, the Wall Street crisis is going to peel a substantial number of business folks away from the McCain campaign.

jean said...

Yep, there was no booze.
The best part was when the husband came home with clients(he did not tell me)and the yard was full of Samoans (about 30 with the wives), that was the church, he looked and said it looked like he had to grill more hot dogs.
They went to the backyard and grilled more hotdogs and everyone was happy.

Karen Anne said...

Great video, Beryl, I am forwarding this. Every woman should see it.

Richard said...

IMO, there remain only a few states that are really in play: CO, FL, OH, VA, NH and NV. If Obama wins any of CO, FL, OH or VA or wins both NH and NV, he wins. McCain has to win CO, FL, OH, and VA plus either NH or NV. Even assuming 50-50 odds in each state, that gives Obama an 80%+ chance of victory. Go Barack!

Beryl said...

Yep, Karen-Anne.

The thing that chaps my butt the most is the he voted against insurance companies having to cover BC pills. Many men don't know that BC pills are used for more that birth control. They are used to regulate menes and save women's lives! Remember the bible story about the woman with the 12 year affliction healed by touching Jesus' hem? Same thing!

Sorry for the "TMI" post but I had that problem and passed out in public because of the loss of iron. I took BC pills because nothing else worked.

McStupid either didn't know what BC pills are for or just didn't care. I'm banking on the latter.

jean said...

My daughter had to start BC due to she started her period and never stopped.
She is young and had to start taking them because the doctor said he was afraid she was going to bleed out. The insurance company considers it BC which is not what she takes it for.
$50 co pay per month. Otherwise $15 co pay.

IRONY best friend's daughter who is married and trying to get pregnant.
She has a large cist on her ovary, they found through tests, and they are decreasing it with BC so she can get pregnant.
Yep, this is a touchy subject.

Mike in Maryland said...

Beryl and Jean,

My sister is on BC because if not, she has an extremely irregular period - it could go from 2 weeks to 10 to 4 to 8 to 2 .... - you get the picture.

Her doctors tell her if she isn't on BC, her probability of getting ovarian cancer is increased to almost 100%.

She's been on BC for more than 20 years now, and expects to be on BC for several more.

Oh, she is not married (never has been), and doesn't engage in premarital sex either.


UUbuntu said...

Rich -- I think you're a bit optimistic. I believe there are several Kerry states (other than NH) that are clearly in play:

PA(21), MI(17), WI(10) and MN(10).

Losing two of these states (or even just PA) can effectively end Obama's chances if he doesn't get OH and/or FL.

In 2000 and 2004, it came down to winning 2 of 3: PA/OH/FL. That is still true for McCain, but Obama needs to win hold down MI, WI and MN -- which aren't shoo-ins -- to allow for losing 2 of the "big state trifecta" by using VA, CO, IN and smaller states.

I still like Obama's chances, but I would never give 4:1 odds (80%) on his election. Right now, I believe it's about a 60% chance of his winning the presidency. And since the betting markets have the figure at about 52% for Obama, I consider myself an optimist in this regard.

Beryl said...

Mike in Maryland,

I totally relate to your sister.

When I heard McSogyny's non-response to the reporter's question, "if Viagra is covered, why not BC", I wanted to slap him. He has daughters and has had wives. He should know better and should have responded better.

There is a big difference between Viagra and BC pills. Both can save marriages/relationships but only BC pills can save lives.

Richard said...

Tyler, I don't believe there is much if any chance of Obama losing MI, WI, or PA short of a McCain landslide. Actually, I don't think there's any chance of Obama winning Florida short of a landslide (that state, regardless of polling, is so tightly in the grips of a Republican machine that I don't think Obama can win even if he gets more votes -- see 2000). I also doubt that Obama has quite a 50% chance in Ohio.

Karen Anne said...

I'm going to spit:

From the NYTimes: "Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in an month-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer."

As far as I can tell, this means that states have no voice, and drilling can take place any distance off shore.

I have really disagreed with Pelosi's apparent unwillingness to go to the mat on bills even if Bush would veto them. I find this incomprehensible. And spineless.

tmess2 said...

I understand Pelosi's position on letting the drilling provision expire. The U.S. is not a parliamentary democracy which means that Pelosi does not have any guarantees of a party-line vote on this issue. It only takes 20 members of the caucus telling her that if it goes to a vote they will have to vote against her to put the result in doubt.

Yes, there are democrats who would like to have this vote, but most of those don't face tough districts. First rule of legislative life is that you force your opponents to have to make the tough votes, not the members of your party.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

This is pretty good!


.... Sarah Palin, your worse than Michael Vick, you really make me sick.
Ain't got no love for a Canine Killer.

--------- Catchy tune!

Btw, my electric came on today around noon ;)

Leah Texas4Obama said...


The link you posted:


Is great!

Vicki in Seattle said...

Leah? you still up? you missed my moment last week. I was at a rally and got to touch Howard Dean.

truly and seriously!

Beryl said...

I'm glad you posted that video. I've been singing that song for a couple of hours now.

"Ain't Got No Love for a Canine Killer"

Mike in Maryland said...

Karen Anne,

One of the things to consider is that it will take time to draw up new rules (regulations) for drilling in new lands. One rule that must be observed is that regulations need to be proposed, then open to comment from the public. Then they can be finalized and published in the Federal Register, but do not go into effect until X number of days (I think it is 30) of Congress in session before the new regs can go into effect.

Let's say the regs are already written, ready to be published when the current ban expires (I think they expire on September 30. The new regs can't be submitted to the Federal Register until Wednesday, October 1, and probably won't be published until Friday, October 3. Then is the public comment period of at least 30 days - we're now at November 2. Then they have to be finalized - let's say they don't change them at all.

Now they have to published in the Federal Register again in final form. Submit them on Monday, November 3 and publish under a best scenario of November 5.

If Congress is not in session, Congressional days don't elapse. Congress, unless it is called back into a lame duck session by Bush, then won't meet again until January 3 per the Constitution, but since the 3rd is a Saturday, it won't meet until January 5. At that time, it will organize. On January 6 the Electoral College ballots will be opened and counted. If there is no need to stay in session (e.g., tied EC vote), Congress will adjourn until near or after the Inauguration, leaving 28 more Congressional session days still until the regs can go into effect. That means it probably won't be until mid-February. That is plenty of time for the regs to be withdrawn, or new comment period to be ordered.

And don't forget, if there are comments (and do not think there will not be), if the regs are shoved through without consideration of the comments, then it goes to court, and we know how long that can take.


Kujo said...

I have alway's been impressed with the speed (and accuracy) of information brought to this site. I am supprised that I could bring something myself. (Not that this one was difficult to find, most everyone knows to go to Huffington Post)

If you think it was bad last week for McCain, this could be as bad if not worse.


In a nut shell.

McCain campaign Manager, Rick Davis, was accused of doing work with Freddie Mac. McCain on Sunday said Davis "has had nothing to do with it since [2005], and I'll be glad to have his record examined by anybody who wants to look at it"

Well it was examined by New York Times and News Week and found McCains campaign Manager was recieving 15,000 / month since 2005 for access to a McCain White House.

Yes you have heard that correctly. McCains campain manager was receiving 15,000 / month since 2005 to give Freddie Mac access a to McCains White House.

Independent Voter said...


CNN is growing a spine - well at least Campbell Brown is growing one. She called out McCain on his SEXISM by NOT allowing Palin to face reporters.


apissedant said...

You know, I have always recognized George F. Will is smart, and I truly believe that he believes what he says, which is important to me. I still more than not disagree with him, obviously.

Even still, I can almost find several points of agreement in almost every single article he writes. Normally in the "problem" section of the article, and then I end up completely disagreeing with the "solution" portion. Still, for a Republican, his ability to recognize the problem is unmatched.

I bring this up because it appears he is all over the major newspapers right now. Here is his latest Washington Post article. Take of it what you will. My favorite line, "there is no education in the second kick of a mule."


apissedant said...

*almost always

Aunt Jean said...

Hey AP

you still on? AJ

Aunt Jean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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