Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Open Thread

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com

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greywolf said...

Vixx said...
and my last gripe today is (still) to the uncommited SDs, who are mostly politicians.

if you want US to vote, then by gosh, you should VOTE too. SDs should be required to pledge on the day of their states primary.

Its not shameful Vixx, it is a true sign of being a coward. They dont want to upset the clinton camp. They want her to beable to drop with grace and poise, they are afraid they will make her cry again and then they will be called bullies.

David McDonald said...


Well said keryl!!

Lets hope!

Beryl said...

Sorry to offend the die hard Democrats here but my favorite ticket is Obama/Hagel.

I can stomach Clinton as a VP only if Obama figures out a way to put Bill on a short leash (send him to Greenland) and find a respected mentor for Hillary. Otherwise, Obama will have little control in his administration and nothing will get done.

Dilbuck said...

Politico reporting that another Edwards pledged delegate(Fred K. Mcdowell) from FL has chosen Obama giving Obama another .5 pledged.

greywolf said...

jpsedona said...
I would suggest that Hillary as VP could be Obama's best life insurance policy...

I could argue this with you but I wont. It could also be Obama negative life insurance policy.
I can not imagine being the president, with hillary as the VP and bill clinton standing in the wings; never knowing when he will pop a cork and go crazy... that man is soooooo unpredictable much worse than Hillary. She is bad, yet bill is much worse..he is like a bull in a china cabinet.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

I don't think the Dems will let Hagel be VP.

If something happened to Obama then the Republicans would have control of the White House - that ain't gonna happen ;)

Peter said...

My guess is that Obama will be closer than 15 delegates away from 2118 before polls close in MT.
He will get something like 16-18 delegates from these states.

I will also guess that he will have something like 2250 delegates or more by the end of this week.

Clinton will not declear her defeat today, but take a couple of days of to think and probably give up by the end of the week. I think she will endorse Obama next week and that they will share the stage in a state where she is popular, Ohio!

One good reason the ARG poll i talked about earlier probably is way of target, is that Clinton is in NY tonight. If she tought she would win SD, she would have spent the night in SD...

Dilbuck said...

- DNC Jennifer DeChant (ME) for Obama.

Keep racking em up. I wonder if this is starting to count as a flood?

Random said...

keryl... you left out her ending

"Together, we will win the race for the WH, and as the strongest canidate, I will contiue to fight until everyone finally just gives up and votes for me"

i completly disagree, she needs to concede hard, not stay in soft. Obama needs a solid agreed upon victory to get unity and momentum, so we can swing fully into the GE phase. He cant afford to be shadow boxing Clinton over his back while trying to take on McCain.

if she stays in the race, she will NOT be offering support to Obama, but rather looking for every opportunity to poach SDs and give her some small chance to steal the nomination at the convention.

greywolf said...

obama needs enough SD's to take him at 10 to go befor or right after the last poll closes tonight. Meaning he needs another 23 full votes today .. that is just my opinion.

Keryl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stopOBAMAnow said...

Hello There:

To ALL Obamaniacs: Keep your Champagne in the cooler.

It's not over unless one of the Candidates concedes or at the Convention in late Aug.

Take it from me Hillary is NOT conceding tonight! Why?

Obama leads by 117 PDs and Hillary leads by 300K Popular Votes. There is dichotomy.

The SDs are allowed to wobble till their votes at the Convention. They can jump back and forth anytime for any reason, as per the Rule!

There is a new tape coming about Michelle's Anti-White Rantings. Beware, a potential Game Changer with the SDs.

When 36 million voters could NOT differentiate between the two Candidates, how in the world the SDs can do the job right?

The Dems are irrevocably divided, and the Party is split in the middle: Far Left Ideologues and the Moderates.

Obama = Far Left Liberal = Kerry = Lost GE 2004 = NOT Electable.

WBush = Inexperience = Incompetence = 9/11 = Disaster.

Obama = Inexperience = Disaster.

Stop OBama Now.

He is ObKerry and ObBush!

jpsedona said...

I think that given Bill's tactful speeches on the campaign trail, he wants to be a diplomat in the Obama administration.

Let's see, what posts would work for him?

= Did someone suggest ambassador to Greenland?
= Peace envoy to Iran?
= Ambassador of hope to poor, uneducated white people everywhere?
= Or maybe like JQ Adams, run for the House of Representatives from NY?
= Attempt another politivcal tag-team event by running for Hillary's seat?
= Or organize a cessation of Harlem from NYC?

There must be some position that he's qualified for?

Emit R Detsaw said...

Tonight 2 things will happen:

1) Obama will go over the 2117/8 mark and have enough delegates to win the nomination.

2) Clinton will "suspend" her campaign. (Just like Edwards did) That will allow her to stick around in case something happens, raise money to pay off her campaign debts, and maintain that glimmer of hope in the back of her head.


Keryl said...

Vixx, you're absolutely right. This statement needs to go in the middle somewhere...

"And so, tonight I endorse Barack Obama. Wholeheartedly. (crowd starts saying "nooooo").

You need to understand, this is not a politically motivated endorsement, I ask you to support Obama because it's the right thing for the country, the world, and for all the policies that I believe are most crucial to restoring the strength of the US of A.

Now some of you may say that you want to vote for McCain. I would consider that a personal insult. (long list of attacks against McCain goes here). If you supported me, you must now support our candidate for president, Barack Obama.

greywolf said...

I think the Clintons should buy a dairy farm, or become cattle ranchers. That way they can keep shoveling that S*** which they have become so well known for. Their legacy died a while ago, and needs to be buried in the south 40 of that dairy or cattle ranch.

Pablo said...

I would not mind an Obama/Hagel ticket. I think it would assure alot of people Barack is serious about uniting both sides.

I like Sebelius, Webb (but could see a few issues and as well), Napolitano(I'd hate to lose her governorship there though) and Edwards.

Yamobamma, McSame will never in your dreams choose a Pro-choice pick now. He's too deep in bed with promises to the far right on that.

RobH said...

I agree with you vixx - "she needs to concede hard". Her hanging around for a few days to "weigh her options" and "make her case" is a buzzkill.

Unfortunately, my ascendant inner cycnic is beginning to tell me that's exactly what's going to happen. Because she doesn't know how to say "I give up" It's as simple as that, she doesn''t know how to not be at the center.

Further, I agree with you Keryl. I would get dizzy from happiness if I heard her say those words tonight. (So would Yam and Aunt Jean because then they would have permission to actually answer my pleasantly posed question.)
I can only hope

greywolf said...

msnbc... obama picks up three more SD's. Just came in

Dave in NC said...

Here is a prediction:

After this week (and maybe after tonight) Clinton will disappear into the background just like Edwards and Richardson and all the other candidates from both parties did when they withdrew.

There will be a few newsworthy events and a cameo or two, but the limelight will be off of her for good.

This will happen whether she actually concedes or uses some bet-hedging double talk.

UUbuntu said...

Beryl -- Your comment here was really good. As a fellow former Clinton supporter, I appreciated it. Thank you.

Random said...

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton's is "absolutely not" prepared to concede the race for the Democratic presidential nomination to Sen. Barack Obama, her campaign chairman said.

Sen. Hillary Clinton trails Obama by 159 delegates and is 201 delegates shy of capturing the nomination.

Terry McAuliffe rejected as "100 percent" incorrect an Associated Press report that Clinton is preparing to acknowledge that Obama has the delegates to win the nomination Tuesday night

ed iglehart said...


You should apply for a speechwriting job! The brevity is commendable as well.

Sadly, I suspect yours will be the best we're likely to see tonight.


Yes, the sun is still up, but well over the yardarm. I also like the widget cans, even though the contents have never seen a natural brewing process...;-(

The other problem (which they share with a tap-drawn pint) is that the first one is little more than a swallow. When I visit a pub, I take care to buy the first round, because I can get two for myself. Otherwise, mine is empty before anyone else's is down more than an inch, and it's too long a wait for the next round.

Also, when it's poured properly, the wait means I can take everyone else's to the table and empty my first before finally sitting down with the second....


Kujo said...


Did Yamaka answer your question.

I have a Question for Yamaka too.

When Ken Star first approached you and asked you about an aledged afair with Bill, why did you not just walk away?

Yamaka = Monica

RobH said...


Ahhhh... that would be 'no.'

Doesn't really matter, soon the question will turn into an actual, not a hypothetical.

Dave in NC said...

Folks, I'm going to lunch now.

In honor of Yam/Nancy/stopCRYINGnow, I'm having a meatball sandwich.

I honored Aunt Jean with my breakfast selection this morning: a bowl of fruit loops and an old bag of nuts.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Pablo said...

I would not mind an Obama/Hagel ticket. I think it would assure alot of people Barack is serious about uniting both sides.


I believe that Obama will pick a Republican and Independent for a cabinet position or other important positions --- but it is beyond me why some people think that Obama or the Dems would be stupid enough to pick a Republican for VP. IF something were to happen to Obama then the REPUBLICANS would be in control of the White House. HAGEL is a bad choice only because of this reason. It ain't gonna happen!

The President, VP, and Speaker of the House ALL have to be Democrats.

The Democrats canNOT do anything that would put the White House back in the hands of the Repubs ;)

RobH said...


I used to brew my own beer.

Never tried a stout, but made some pretty passable Brown Ales (like Newcatle, just not as good.)

Am a big fan of Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. Yummy.

jean said...

I look at the electoral votes and HRC is much stronger.
If she gets the popular vote which it looks like it will be across the board, well, it just makes me sick.
Nobody wants to piss off the AA.
The Dems will lose and we will have McCain.
Everyone bad mouths the HRC supporters.
Could it be that such a liberal as Obama is not electable at this time?
Fortunatly there are enough Dems in the Senate and House that I feel the nominations to the Supreme Court are safe.
Everyone talks about the math.
If we do not beat McCain we lose.
This is the first time I feel my vote doesn't count.
I have talked to many HRC supporters. They are not going to vote for McCain. They are just not going to vote.
It is called total lack of confidence in the Dem Party.
jean(not Aunt Jean)

JayW said...


Newcatle? Is that milk based?

Dave in NC said...


I'll bet Clinton's campaign IS livid that word of her concession leaked out before the polls closed in MT and SD.

I remember like it was only yesterday (because it WAS) that they were saying that there WOULD NOT be any staff reductions or layoffs.

Timing is everything, and Clinton's campaign can't even get that right.

JayW said...


Its quite alright, Obama wins without your vote. See all the polls that have Obama vs. McCain... Obama wins. The margins will become even more in Obama's favor starting tonight and moving towards November.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

jean(not Aunt Jean)-

It is too soon to look at EVs. The campaign between Obama and McCain has not even started yet.

If the Clinton camp hadn't been putting out spin regarding EVs then no one would even be looking at them yet.

In two to three months times everything will look much differently than it does now.

JayW said...

Q. Bill and Hillary are on a sinking boat. Who gets saved?

A. The nation.

stopOBAMAnow said...

Hello There:

My bet for the Night:

SD goes to Hillary and MT goes to Obama.

No one clinches the Magic Number tonight.

He gives another teleprompter speech. Same old material, yawn..yawn.. yawn........go to sleep.

He is the richest Candidate ever in the History of the Union.

She gives a Speech, firing up her Base: women, working and older Whites and Latino Americans... She will remind them that she is the most Popular Candidate in America today, by winning the Most Votes cast ever in the History of the Union.

Yes, there are two distinct History made in America. One is Money and the other is Message.

Obamaniacs think they can buy the Nomination, by buying the SDs. Probably, they can.

Yes, they may win the Battle.

But they can NEVER ever buy the Presidency. Because Obama does NOT have the Message, which belongs to Hillary.

For a couple weeks there will be intense negotiation. She will try hard to convince the SDs to jump to her wagon which now needs about 200 SDs. Still she can pull it off!

Anything can happen between now and the Convention.

Yam wants her to just walk if she does not get SDs' help. W/O her help, the Democratic Party will recede into oblivion.

I agree with Yam: She will carry with her the formidable formula to win the Presidency to win the War.

She can win herself or if she wants REALLY she can be the King Maker.

She is the Most Powerful Leader in America today, Obamaniacs, whether you like it or not!

You can NEVER EVER underestimate the heart of Champions.

The Clintons.

They are God's Gift to America.

You! the Anti-Women/anti-Clinton Cowards!! Take a hike into the receding clouds of maniacal obsession, and the Thunderbolt will kiss you in the Fall.

Stop ObBush Now. He is dangerous.

jean said...

Remember it is not decided by the polls. It is decided by the polls.
It is by electoral votes.
And just that attitude will be the downfall of Obama.
Enjoy your brief moment.
It will only be brief.
One major battle does not win the war.

jean said...

skip the "It is decided by the polls". It is not decided by the polls.
Long Day. and it is only 10:40am

Dilbuck said...

DNC Joyce Beatty (OH) Obama

How you feeling Yammer?

This is happening earlier than even I expected. I figured most would wait until this evening around the time that the SD polls were closing.

jean said...

Re stopobamanow

Not so sure about the gift from god thing.
But you are correct.
I do not think the American people are going to vote for such a liberal with so little experience.
I guess we will learn the next four gosh darn years.

Beryl said...


We all understand typos. However, the "I/She was tired" excuse was used multiple times by Hillary and Bill for several of her bad comments. OTOH, she claimed to be the only one ready at 3 AM for some phone call in the WH.

This contradiction is telling.

stopOBAMAnow said...

"It will only be brief.
One major battle does not win the war."


Say it again and again.

Money can buy the Nomination.

Because, the SDs who make the call can be very corrupt and can be bought!

But Presidency is very different. No SDs... Just EVs.

By EV Method, Hillary is already the winner.

By Repubs Method she is already the Nominee.

It is the Artificial Metrics of the undemocratic Democratic Party, that she is lagging a little bit.

But by Popular Votes she is the winner already.

Random said...

lol, the fanatic Hillary/Republican posters make me laugh, the things they come up with are so wrong it makes me think your McCain posting.

stopOBAMAnow said...
"He is the richest Candidate ever in the History of the Union"

lets review.
a) Obama just paid off his student loans a few years ago
b) Clintons are worth 100 million and change
c) Obama has had 1.5 MILLION people donate, mostly average middle class people. He has raised the most ever. (its called support)
d) Clinton "borrowed" 11.5 MILLION from herself. She just pulled out a $10,000,000 bill and tossed it into her campain (and still came out millions in debt)

McCain is dust in Nov. He will need to skirt all the money rules of campaining its true just to keep up with millions of citizians dropping 20's into our future!

Leah Texas4Obama said...

stoPobaMANOW said: "They are God's Gift to America."

Bill has always thought HE was God's Gift to WOMEN --- but THEY are NOT God's gift to America.

Please take your meds and call the doctor in the morning ;)

greywolf said...

Rep James (Jim) spratt D. S.C. on obamas endorsed Obama.. this is located on Obama's blog

apissedant said...

I contend that the racist and sexist vote is pretty much one in the same. Those that belong to one camp, are quite likely to belong to the other as well. Also, from my experience and what I've read, women are as likely to be sexist and discriminate against women as men are. Seems odd, but they have done polls in the past, and women were often unwilling to vote for female presidential candidates.

My last thought on this point is that most of the racists and sexists will be, and always were, voting republican. We will lose some votes by having a black man, and we will lose some votes if we place a woman on the VP slot, but I feel it will be a small portion. Easily overcome, and will worth it if you ask me.

jean said...

Hey beryl,
2 kids during finals week,
freshman and a sophmore who just made varsity for the summer leagues and I am a frigging taxi driver.
Mom's tired because she went to Pat Benatar and had too much fun last night.
Give me a break.

greywolf said...

tim moore an edwards delegate is also on obama's blog

ed iglehart said...

Another endorsement!


apissedant said...

I am moving to the Netherlands in December. What part do you live in?

greywolf said...

msnbc.. 2 more to obama.. now 29.5 to go...

apissedant said...

You converted me to a Sebelius supporter too. Spreading your wisdom and cheer throughout the world. Good job. I still want to know more about her, but that will come with time. Six months ago I wanted to know more about Obama, and now I thing he is the best nominee possible.

I still love Bill Bradley though. He better at least get a cabinet post.

apissedant said...

Kilpatrick could have kept his endorsement. We don't need or want that one.

Dilbuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jpsedona said...


you said: "You can NEVER EVER underestimate the heart of Champions"

cholestrol clogged & bypassed... leading to serious brain damage.

you said: "She is the Most Powerful Leader in America today"

Nancy Pelosit is about to demonstrate which woman is the most powerful in the nation... "she can be the King Maker"

you said: "He is the richest Candidate ever in the History of the Union"

Rich as in personal wealth? Or, rich as in the level of participation of the electorate?

Al Gore should have instructed Bill, the Maestro, about the internet. Hillary should have learned from Howard Dean. They should have had a 50 "state" strategy.

So, today, the end is near...

Eight Belles is going to finish across the finish line... then be euthanized by the SD's...

Beryl said...

I'm not criticizing you at all. We all make mistakes.

My point is that HRC has lied (Bosnia sniper fire) and made inappropriate remarks (assassination reference) that she and Bill attributed to "tiredness". (Search on Youtube if you don't remember their comments) The irony is that she is the one who created a ad claiming that she was the only one ready to answer a phone call at 3 AM.

If she is too tired to speak appropriately during normal working hours, how would she respond at 3 AM?

She would have been better served by just graciously admitting a mistake (like you just did) instead of making excuses. This is the characteristic that caused me to be a FORMER Clinton supporter.

Believe me, I really wanted to continue to support HRC. I have her books and enjoyed listening to her via "audible". I just could not continue to support her because of my own integrity. At some point, I had to admit that I was backing the wrong horse.

jean said...

HRC did apologize for Bosnia and I still do not know what the big deal
is over that.
The Kennedy remark was taken out of context and she did apologize,
especially to the Kennedy family.
Obama stayed in his church and lied about that he did not know what was going on. He swore he could not disassociate with his pastor because he is like an "uncle". He left the church after 20 years because of politics.
That is not change.
"Lack of Confidence"
There will be no SD's to bail him out in november. Not everyone is afraid to piss off the AA's.
The Rep are going to have a field day.

Mug said...


As someone who lives in central Ohio, I think your assessment of Hillary's popularity here is grossly overestimated.

Auli Smedes said...


Thank you. And I'm right there with you. I got the feeling that Mrs Obama was referring to let's say a 'glimmer of a better future for the USA and the world in general'? Something like that. Like, we can do better than this and we will if we give ourselves a chance. Now I'm a blond by default, but I didn't get what was so terribly wrong about that statement of hers. Nor did I get this whole Rev. Wright thing. It's not that I agree with everything the man says or thinks, bottom line is, they were both saying something a lot of people think, but are not allowed to say because it's not PC. On this side of the ocean you can hear people say things like that about America all the time. Compared to some of the remarks that can be heard over here, Rev. Wright for example was being extremely subtle. So, let me get this straight, this freedom of speech thing is limited to non-critical reviews of American policy only? Hm, interesting.
Anyhow, why would you be ashamed of your country though? There's just some things that maybe could be done better. I mean, no country is perfect, right? Speaking for mine, The Netherlands isn't either though on the grand scale, it's probably one of the better parts of the world to be born in (we like to complain a lot over here when actually we don't really have all that much to nag about; but complaining about everything and everyone is, like, our national pastime). There's always things that can be improved. Starting with ourselves. Guess I agree with Mr. Obama here that change is something that's achieved from the bottom up?

By the way, if you guys decide in the end he's not going to be the next president after all… can we have him?

I love you back

greywolf said...

jean said...
HRC did apologize for Bosnia and I still do not know what the big deal

Jean, I am a retired US Army Viet Nam VET. I put nearly 22 years of my life into defending this country. I have been shot at many times, I have had to run across open fields, duck behind trees, crawl on my belly across open fields while advoiding bullets, rockets, grenades, motar rounds, and you name it. Trust me this IS NOT something you ever forget. It stays with you forever and at times haunts you in your sleep. So I personally have a problem with that. Her LIE about Bosnia; and yes I say LIE because she wrote a book about it and has talked about his incident many times correctly, only deminishes and devalues the lives of those lost in war, those that died by snipper fire, that ran dodging a hailstorm of bullets. That is my problem with it.

Uncle John said...

greywolf: 8 supers from Montana. One add-on.

7 supers from South Dakota. One add-on.

Keryl said...

Jean, you are so misguided. While he certainly got the AA vote, the majority of Obama's support still comes from white folks.

greywolf said...


Actually what Michelle was referring to when she said ... proud. She was referring to how far this country has come. How Americans are becoming so involved in the process. This was a first for America in a very long time. More registerd voters in history.. a female running for office, a black man that really has a chance of securing the nomination... ect.
And that AMerica is finally beginning to dream of a better tomorrow. yes your comment was right but it was not completely right.. just had to finish that for you.

greywolf said...

I searched for those 3 Edwards pledged delegates from florida and could not find who they were. I wish MSNBC would give the names of those that endorse or switch or what ever when they give the revised numbers.

Emit R Detsaw said...

Hi Jean,

Just to answer a couple of your questions or comments:

"HRC did apologize for Bosnia and I still do not know what the big deal is over that." The deal for me is two fold. 1) it was a bold face lie to make her look like she had dealt with a real crisis situation, and 2) as a prior military guy, I found using a staged "dog and pony" show as a chance to fabricate in poor taste.

"The Kennedy remark was taken out of context and she did apologize,
especially to the Kennedy family." This one had to do about taste in my opinion. She could have just as easily left it at, something along the lines of, "There have been several other campaings go into June and even to the Convention". She didn't need to plant the seed into some sicko's head that a candidate could be assasinated.

"Obama stayed in his church and lied about that he did not know what was going on. He swore he could not disassociate with his pastor because he is like an "uncle". He left the church after 20 years because of politics." Evidentually you have not listened to the 2 sermons that those now famous U-Tube sound bites (from ABC) caused all the controversy. I suggest you listen to the whole sermon because they were taken out of context (like Clinton's Kennedy item). The Trinity church has done GREAT things for the Chicago community. Obama had to sever ties to take them out of the spotlight. Politics do that.

Mug said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meg said...

Hi all! When I went to bed last night Obama had 1741.5 PD's. Today he has 1742. How did he pick up half of a pledged?

Anonymous said...

Long time viewer, first time poster. Just wanted to say thanks for the unique site; I will definitely miss checking it out every day. Oh how I loved watching that SD lead drop around FEB!

Mug said...


In a nutshell, the big deal about the Bosnia lie is that it illustrates her belief in her own weakness as a leader. If she truely believed that she was a stronger, more experienced leader than Barack Obama, she wouldn't need to embellish stories about herself.

Peter said...

Re emma

He got a Edwards pledged delegate from Florida

greywolf said...


Obama picked up one of edwards pledged delegates today..that was verified. there are three more that endorsed Obama but we have not been able to verify them.

florida and michigan are 1/2 votes

Uncle John said...


Edwards pledged delegate Fred McDowell from Florida (1/2 vote) switched to Obama.

Details on DCW front page.

Leah Texas4Obama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ed iglehart said...


"She was referring to how far this country has come."

And so was I, IN SPADES (if you'll pardon the expression) ;-)

I left America because of it's arrogant behaviour in bombing Cambodia (a non-combatant nation) during an ill-advised and ill-managed war (All due respect to you and all who served and did their duty), and found myself a voluntary exile in a country which (contrary to the wisdom of Harold Wilson) became America's poodle (or Bush's, if you prefer).

Yes, I've always been proud of my country, but deeply ashamed of its behaviour in recent decades. I am, for all I may seem a "lefty", a true believer in the principles upon which the USA was founded. I consider myself the philosophical heir of Jefferson and his colleagues, not omitting the "oldest revolutionary", Ben Franklin, who took Tom Paine under his wing and put a "dangerous radical" in charge of a printing press...

Yes I'm proud, BLOODY PROUD, and it's time we brought this country back on the rails.

</end rant>


Oh, and thanks again Paulina -xx

apissedant said...

I don't know if you have been reading this for awhile, but we have actually mentioned several things you say in here before. We agree with you. In fact, just yesterday we had a talk about how Europe also has "freedom of speech," and that there's is actually free. That when I was in the Netherlands, I could talk negatively about my country, about their country, about a lot of things, without being punched in the face or called unpatriotic.

I am proud of a lot of things in my country's history and in my country today, but I am also ashamed of a lot of things in my country's history and in my country today. I don't know if you saw the white preacher at that church, but everything he said was correct. Rev. Wright said a few things that went too far, but most of what he said was actually correct as well. Besides, every person in this forum, and probably every person in this world has at least 8 minutes worth of gaffes in their lives, so why are these two men not allowed?
In addition, why should their gaffes be attributed to Sen. Obama, who had nothing to do with the statements.
Someone here previously mentioned that Obama has not been in regular attendance to that church in more than 5 years, so odds are, he didn't see most of those speeches.

P.S. I am moving to Emmen in December. :)
I'm applying to the University of Groningen for graduate school starting the 2009-2010 year.

jean said...

HRC made a mistake. That is clear to everyone.
I do not feel it was her intention
and I guarentee it is not my intention to show ANY disrespect to those that have defended our country and have experienced these things.
I have a lot of military in my family. My father was in the core of engineers and was responsible to remove the corpses on the beach in WWII.
He never talked about it once.
My uncle lost his leg in Vietnam and my Uncle floated in shark infested waters for twelve hours when his ship went down.
He never talked about it either.
I am sorry you find it such a personal insult. I do not feel it was meant that way.
She had it in writing and she knows it can be research. She just screwed up. She did apologize.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Emma on another page it says:

Yousri said...

"Ultimate Delegate Summary" has been updated with 1 Edwards pledged delegate Fred McDowell from Florida has switched to Obama. We have added .5 for Obama and taken away .5 from Edwards; and today's superdelegate count with 11 endorsements (8.5 superdelegate votes) as of 6/3/2008 2:35 PM.


apissedant said...

It is funny that so many people from foreign countries know so much about our country, and we cannot even name the Queen of the Netherlands, or the Prime Minister of England.
We are a bit ignorant and self-indulgent as countries go. =/

I am unfortunately included in that by the way, though I am attempting to better myself.

greywolf said...

McCains newest official states the President has near dictorial powers

And people in here want this man to be our president?

jean said...
HRC did apologize for Bosnia and I still do not know what the big deal

greywolf said...

this is what the idiot said...

Mitchell's less than persuasive answer [to whether withdrawal timetables "somehow infringe on the president's powers as commander in chief?"]: "Congress is a coequal branch of government...the framers did not want to have one branch in charge of the government."

True enough, but they sought an energetic executive with near dictatorial power in pursuing foreign policy and war. So no, the Constitution does not put Congress on an equal footing with the executive in matters of national security.

Meg said...

Leah Uncle John: Must be McDowell, though I'm pretty sure Green Papers hasn't made that change since their total PD is 1741.5.

greywolf said...

Jimmy carter just endorse Obama... YEEEEEEEEE fricken HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

jean said...

So emit,
Why did he leave his church?
It seems spineless to me.
It doesn't look like change to me.

greywolf said...

28.5 and counting....

Mug said...


I have family members and friends that have opinions just as extreme as those of Rev. Wright, especially among those of his generation. I think most people can say the same. I don't disown someone just for having opinions that are radically different than my own. There is more to each person than just their opinion on one subject. Noone should throw the baby out with the bath water. If someone tried to disparage me because of the opinions of my friend, I would defend my relationship with my friend while disagreeing with his opinions, just as Obama did. However, if my friend then tried to disparage me by stating that I secretly agreed with his opinions, then I would end that friendship, just as Obama did. This is not political posturing. It's just common sense.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

MSNBC just now said

JIMMY CARTER has endorsed OBAMA!


JayW said...


Silly silly Jean.

He left his church because he is moving to Washington DC... to a big White House... he needs a local chruch.

Beryl said...


She did apologize about the Bosnia story she made MULTIPLE times. She admitted to having "mispoke". Without any sign of remorse, she shrugged, laughed and stated that she isn't perfect unlike many believe. Check youtube if you forgot how she "apologized".

Although you don't see her lying as a big deal, many of us do. Many of us hate lies and believe we are at war because of lies. Back in the 90s, I forgave Bill of his lying about sex but now I see it all differently based on how casual the Clintons are about truth-telling.

Her apology about the assassination comment was conditional ("if I offended") and personally, I hate conditional apologies. She offended many people who do not want to think about assassinations when referencing our leaders. She didn't even consider the public or (more importantly) Michelle and the girls in that comment she made MULTIPLE times.

It is OK if you don't see any of this as important. We all have different levels of moral tolerance. Barack Obama is not perfect (no one is) but he has not deliberately lied and has remained on a moral high ground that sets him above other candidates. He complimented Hillary consistently even when she has insulted him. Personally, I don't think I could be as kind as he has been but I'm trying -- very hard.

I don't hate Hillary at all. She is a woman who has faced things that bring out the best and worse in people. I just wish she reacted differently during this campaign. I wish she had targeted her venom against McCain instead of Obama thereby dividing the party.

greywolf said...


Obama left his church to take them out of the lime light. Those that attended the church were afraid to say anything..do anything.. or attend any kind of function.. in fear that it would adversely effect Obama. So Obama after the priest made his statments, felt it was best for the church as well as him self that he leave. The church will no longer be under the microscope and he will not have to answer or explain why anyone in that church says what they say. It is not right to have to explain or be accountable for words that do not come from your mouth. Think about it would you want to be responsible or accountable for what your friends do or do not say?

Leah Texas4Obama said...


Ausman in FL just endorsed Hillary.


Meg said...

The endorsements are flying in so fast, I hope Matt and Oreo have some back up. Maybe we should take some of that party food over to them.

vwis said...


I'm not sure it is about sexism or racism.

We are about to nominate a AA in a Dem yr. Even in 2000, we were hoping that Colin Powell would run at least for VP. That bridge has been past.

As far as sexism, an interesting point was raced. Geraldo as a Hillary supporter if he would support McCain. The fellow's response was that he wouldn't vote for a candidate that was past be sexually active. I thought it was funny at the time. Afterwards however I did question how many people do vote on appearance and sex appeal. Of course most males are not feeling that towards Obama. But, they definitely don't find her attractive. She come across as very cold. I'd even venture bitter cold.

greywolf said...

Clinton backer Feinstein says it's time to end

apissedant said...

I would put limitations on what you just said, personally. I believe there is some personal responsibility in those we choose to befriend, confide in, mentor, employ, or allow to mentor us. The article leah posted about Bill complained mostly about the company he chooses to keep.
We constantly complain about the company that Bush chooses to keep.

In this particular case, we went way, way too far. We now expect Obama to be responsible for every word that anyone that he has ever associated with says. That is an absolutely ridiculous standard. They said nothing illegal, they did not insight violence, they just spoke their personal opinions. Had his wife or his campaign staff expressed those opinions, I would be more inclined to place them under a microscope. I personally agree with almost all of the opinions, so it would still hold up in my book, but those complaining would have more of a right in their complaints.

Emit R Detsaw said...

Calm down Mug, I agree with you. I was answering Jean. Check it for the "" marks. I think from the research I have done that Trinity was a great church.

Loved the word verifier this time: mrlzy. Would make a great blog name.

vwis said...


Yeah, if your on a sinking ship you want an insurance policy. I don't feel that way and neither does Obama. She might, but she's been wrong throughout this campaign. There is now reason she didn't suspend her race before this. The writing was on the wall. She has more money and power than brains. I know she intelligent, but emotionally she is bankrupt. There is no real emotion left in her.
She will demonstrate that again tonight in believing this should be about her. She fractured a party and she is proud of it.

greywolf said...

I still cant find the names...

Delegate update: Obama 35 away
Posted: 12:47 PM ET
(CNN) — Barack Obama has picked up six additional superdelegate endorsements so far Tuesday: four from Michigan (each with a half-vote), one from Massachusetts, and one from Missouri.

CNN has also confirmed that six of the 13 Florida delegates pledged to John Edwards are now backing Obama, giving him three additional pledged delegate votes.

apissedant said...

Unattractive or unfriendly is always a problem. Bush was more appealing to more people than Kerry or Gore. This doesn't always mean sexually attractive, but at least someone you would look up to and want to have a beer with. Just like FDR hiding his handicap. However, Obama is the main one under the microscope, and most consider him attractive, respectable, and friendly. I don't find Sebelius unattractive or unfriendly. I think she can hold up a VP position no problem.

Voting on looks is stupid, but it is also common. Just like voting over race, sex, name, or some other silly irrelevant issue. I think Obama has more than enough spunk, integrity, and charm to overcome any issue that may present itself.

Also, our posting is out of control! It has to be at least 500 a day now. RIDICULOUS!

Meg said...

A CNN pundit (can't remember who) said that the SD's are waiting until after the polls close in deference to HRC. Like they respect her desire to be involved to the end and they don't want to hurt her feelings. I'm sure if HRC were a man, nobody would be thinking this. Stupid SD's if they are.

greywolf said...


You and I agree on many things... but this is one area we will not agree. I have had friends, and people that I have mentored and that have been my mentors. some of them for some reason along lifes road went off the way side and made some very ugly, racist, sexist and degrading comments that I completely did not agree with.
It would have been a bear to have to account for them and their words. I was completely embarassed and ashamed for them, I did not walk away from them, but warned them that if anything simular was ever said again..I would walk .. But I will never allow any one to hold me responsible for what someone else says, I have no control of their mouth, mind, words or vocabulary

apissedant said...

Clinton on the other hand, has recently made herself unlikeable to far too many people. She needs to go hide in the Senate for a few years before coming back in the spotlight.

vwis said...


I'm sure that that is part of it. But from what I've read its more about her being the better candidate. Everyone else is wrong. She, Ickes and Bill, maybe a few more in her camp, know better and will lead the SDs and even pledged delegates to see the error of their way. She didn't win, but she prevented him from winning without SDs. I believe that is why they held out. They wanted to see him come as close as possible without them.

apissedant said...

We actually agree to a larger degree than you realize. I too have had several friends say terrible things. Many I am still friends with today. I have a pair of a gay friends in New York that are constantly spewing racial slurs, and I have repeatedly spoken against it. They now calm it down a bit when I am around, but I still find it offensive.

However, what if all my friends were raging racists? Wouldn't that say something about my character, if everyone I befriended was that terrible? What if my wife was a thief, a liar, and racist? Would being with such an unscrupulous character not raise doubts about my own character? There has to be a point where you take responsibility for the friendships and relationships you make. The Obama church scandal is FAR, FAR from that point.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Emma said...

A CNN pundit (can't remember who) said that the SD's are waiting until after the polls close in deference to HRC. Like they respect her desire to be involved to the end and they don't want to hurt her feelings. I'm sure if HRC were a man, nobody would be thinking this. Stupid SD's if they are.


This is what makes me sooo mad! Hillary wants to be treated like any other candidate but only when it suits her.

I think the SDs should ALL come on out and Obama should be able to BEAT her fair and square in a wipe out and not have to worry about her feelings just because she is female.

I hope the next woman that runs for President will run as a 'candidate' and not a woman!

What Hillary has done in this campaign has HURT all women in America - it is sad that alot of the Hillary supporters do not realize it.

OBAMA/Sebelius '08

apissedant said...

I'll be back tonight for the victory party! My laptop battery is running low, and I have a classroom management test in an hour. Oh how I love education classes. "Don't insult your students, and always dress professionally in class."

Really? Is that what I am supposed to do? Darn, I was totally going to show up in daisy dukes and a sports bra 'til they said that. Good thing they mentioned it. Oh, I guess I won't call my students unteachable turds either. They're killing all my plans!!!

momo21 said...

Will Hillary graciously step down and support Barack Obama? The Oregonian today insinuated she might not support Obama. I don't want to believe she is that self centered.

RobH said...


I'm proud to say, this will definitely happen tonight. Not tomorrow, tonight.

By my count we're 30.5 SD's short, right now. We'll get 17 from MT & SD, and as soon as the polls close, you can book 5 from Montana and Jimmy Carter.

I'm completely confident we will get the other 8 between now and then, or immediately after the polls close.

In any event, here's the orchestration. Polls close at 10PM EDT. Obama looks to speak @ 11PM EST. Even if he's 14 short when the polls close, he'll get a windfall by 10:15, and when he speaks @11 he'll acknowlege those pickups and claim the nomination.

Tonight, Leah, tonight.

greywolf said...

green papers now show Edwards with 5.5 pledged delegates. I guess they have updated.

Leah Texas4Obama said...


Wes Clark floats Obama-Sebelius Ticket



Meg said...

I'll be back too. Gotta go correct essays written by students who are trying to learn English, and they still write better than Aunt Jean.

I have more or less concluded that the most up to date info here is the Superdelegate Endorsement List. It seems to get updated before the boxes. Good old Jon Ausman who explained the word "shall" to all of us has come out for the man.

ed iglehart said...

Please, all y'all saying you know folks with views "more extreme" than Rev Wright, Check him out! He ain't AT ALL extreme.

He's a preacher of Love, peace and non-violence, and if that's extreme, then you've been watching too much Faux News.

Peace, brothers and sisters!

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Wes Clark floats Obama-Sebelius

Wes Clark stopped out in Texas yesterday to drop by a fundraiser Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius headlined for Michael Skelly, a Democrat running for congress in Texas.

Clark introduced Sebelius and, according to a regular correspondent and reliable source who was there, said:

"The London odds-makers say that Kathleen Sebelius is the odds-on favorite to be the next vice
president. I can tell you, she'd make a great vice presidential choice."

He then introduced her as "The next vice president of the United States...."

Sebelius is typically considered for the slot only if Obama is the nominee.

A sign of the times from a Clinton loyalist.


Leah Texas4Obama said...

Supers that I am waiting for to come out today for Obama:

Rep. Sarbanes
Sen. Tom Harkin
Gov. Manchin (WY)
Gov. Schweitzer
Margaret Campbell
Dawson (NY)
Perez (CA)
Sen. Tester (MT)
Jimmy Carter

Those are the ones that should be endorsing today or after the polls close.

greywolf said...

ap now states that Clinton has said she is open to the VP poition.

Bull Schmitt said...

(With apologies to Hank, Jr.)

I got wingnuts on my blog here, I just hired a band.
Lord, its hard to be an Obama man.
I got friends that get scared, I got friends who are keen,
I got friends that will lean anywhere in between.
I got to get ready, make everything right,
’cause all my Superdel-e-gates are comin’ out tonight!

Do you wanna drink? Hey - do you want to parrr-ty?
Hey sweetie it's Bull here Ready to get the thing starrrr-ted.
We put Chicken Lit-tle in the ground, got some beer on ice
And all my Superdel-e-gates are comin’ out tonight!

That’s riiiight…

greywolf said...

June 3, 2008, 12:06 pm
The Superdelegate Tally
By Julie Bosman

Updated | 3:23 p.m.: Former President Jimmy Carter has signaled that he will endorse Senator Barack Obama tonight after the polls close in the final two primary contests in Montana and South Dakota.
“The fact is, the Obama people already know they have my vote when the polls close tonight,” Mr. Carter told the Associated Press today after making a speech in Atlanta.
Mr. Carter is only one of the many big fish still swimming in the officially-uncommitted delegate pool. Dozens of senators and House members have yet to endorse, including Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa. Former Vice President Al Gore, Donna Brazile, Rahm Emanuel and Howard Dean are all still neutral. Even Senator Jim Webb, rumored to be a possible running mate for Mr. Obama, has not made an endorsement.

greywolf said...

that came from the NY TIMES

Dr. in Ann Arbor said...

greywolf said...
ap now states that Clinton has said she is open to the VP position.
I wasn't aware it had been offered.. ;)

Last I checked, the NOMINEE gets to CHOOSE his VP candidate...

Peter said...

I think Obama will ask Clinton if she wants to join the ticket. I didn`t think that two weeks ago, but the way Obama has "talked up" Clinton the last week, is to me a sign that he will have her on the ticket if she wants.

I`m not sure if i like it since she has said and done some strange things. But on the other hand, a record number of people have voted for both Obama and Clinton, so maybe a joint ticket is a good solution?

Anyway, she will be offered something. I have NO doubt about it, Obama needs Clinton to work hard for him in the GE and Clinton need it to. If Obama lose, Clinton could get blamed if she doesn`t work hard enough.

Mug said...

ed iglehart,

Thats my point! With the exception of those publicized comments he's a very kind congenial person. Everyone can have an off day. The phrase "The greatest purveyor of violence is my own government." came from Dr. Martin Luther King. One of the last speeches Dr. King gave was entitled "Why America can go to hell."

Rev. Wright may have a paranoid fear of white society after seeing the government turn a blind eye to, and often participate in, the injustices that he and other blacks suffered prior to the civil rights movement. It's easy enough today for those who haven't spent 20 years associating with Reverend Wright to condemn him for some poor qualities he may have while turning that same blind eye to any good qualities he may have.

ed iglehart said...

Since we're warming up for the fat lady, here's another song,

It's time I'm talkin' to bin Laden
I'm talkin' to bin Laden
I'm going to sing a new kinda Blues
When I get through talkin' to you
When I finally find bin Laden

I've got my RPG in my hand
Through with trashin' other folks' land
I'm leavin' Iraq today
Yes, I'm goin' back home to stay
Yes, I'm talkin' to bin Laden

Y'all used to be his honey
Till Shrub spent all your money
No use for you to cry
I'll see you bye and bye
Cause I'm talkin' to bin Laden

I've got no time for walkin'
I've got to keep on talkin'
New Orleans ain't my home
That's the reason why I'm goin'
Yes, I'm talkin' to bin Laden
I'm talkin' to bin Laden
I'm talkin' to bin Laden
I'm talkin' to bin Laden

(With apologies to Fats Domino)

(Posted on a thread titled
"Talking to bin Laden"
, and I couldn't get the scansion out of my head...)


Leah Texas4Obama said...



EMMA said: "Good old Jon Ausman who explained the word "shall" to all of us has come out for the man."

Ausman endorsed HILLARY!


Larry Parker said...

greywolf said...
ap now states that Clinton has said she is open to the VP poition.
Is that a variation of the doggy style position?

Leah Texas4Obama said...

The evening when Senator Obama gives his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention - it will be the 45th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's 'Dream' speech :)

It gives me goose pimples to even think about it!!!

OBAMA/Kathleen Sebelius '08

ed iglehart said...

Ausman must be trying for my aforementioned dubious honour - The last Clinton Endorser!


Unknown said...

With Hillary indicating she is open to being VP, Obama now is forced to ask her.

If he doesn't ask her, he has no chance of getting her voters.

McCain 2008 Hillary 2012

Dave in NC said...

My afternoon snack was in honor of Bill Clinton.

I had a cracker.

Actually, to honor Dick Cheney, I made it a cracker sandwich.

That is when your cracker is in bread.

I'm now going to the liquor store to stock up for tonight.

Yam, I'm your trumpet, blow me!

ed iglehart said...

"Is that a variation of the doggy style position?"

Taking lessons from Shrub and al Poodle, who managed to change forever the image which springs to mind upon hearing the phrase, "shoulder to shoulder"!

Rubbing shoulders, eh?


Bull Schmitt said...

Lee (and anyone else worried now that HRC has announced her willingness to "save the party" by accepting VP) -

I've got two words for 'ya:

"Vetting process."

And congrats to Jon Ausman for stepping aboard the S.S. Clintanic just as the last lifeboat shoves off ;)

B said...

Yamaka/StopObamanow and Aunt Jean

Clinton says she's open to being Obama's VP.

Does that mean that she is going to concede.......or open her pant suit and bend over the table in the White House with Obama. Hillary to Bill, "I will do the same to Obama what you did to Monica". You know what???

Kujo said...


I know nothing about Sebelius. (I am from Indiana). You know she won't be just in Kansas anymore (couldn't resist). Why do you think she could pull votes for more then just Kansas?

I think Sam Nun would be a great VP. He would also make a great Secretary of State or Defense Secretary. He also would pull Georgia and maybe surounding states (not sure on this but they do like southerners (Texas is in its own world, they don't think the same))

apissedant said...

He still has a choice. Sebelius is still the best option. She is a woman, and she has not said tons of negative things about him.

On another note, I would remind people that George H. W. Bush ran for president in 1980. He was very critical of Reaganomics and said many negative things about the silly idea. He then became the VP candidate and started touting Reaganomics. It is not uncommon for two people to fight bitterly in the primary, and then end up on the ticket together in November. They also have been able to win using this theory in the past. I hope not this time, but it is possible.

Hillary should bring up Sebelius as an option for Obama, that would give Obama a way out.

Dave in NC said...

I don't know if Jim is still around, but if he is,


Emit R Detsaw said...

Leah will probably beat me to it, but

Sebielus is not only a two term Dem Governor running the Republican State of Kansas, but she is from Ohio, and her Father was a very respected Governor there. She was one of the 8 females being looked at by both parties as having legitimate shots at the President run in 2008. There are lots more qualifications.

Even my Republican folks in Kansas would vote for an Obama/Sebielus ticket, and they are bigots.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Kujo said: "Leah,

I know nothing about Sebelius. (I am from Indiana). You know she won't be just in Kansas anymore (couldn't resist). Why do you think she could pull votes for more then just Kansas?"


I believe that Obama will not use the same ol' way to pick his VP. He will pick someone that can do the job well. Sebelius has roots in Ohio. Sebelius is a 'woman' which will stop all of this sexist talk that is now out there. Sebelius doesn't have alot of baggage like Hillary does. Sebelius is a Governor and knows what it takes to run a state efficiently, etc., etc., etc.

I just like her. She seems like she is honest and has integrity.

She also looks good on stage with Senator Obama :)

Here ya go:


OBAMA/Sebelius '08

Unknown said...

Dr. in Ann Arbor:

You are half-right.

The nominee can pick the running mate.

However, the delegates have to vote and approve it.

If someone nominates Hillary at the convention for VP, she has over 1900 delegates. She would need 2118.

I believe there are enough delegates with ties to the Clintons and who think the joint ticket is a good idea to have Hillary win the VP election.

It won't be Sebelius.

Hillary runs and gets the most delegates ever for a woman and Obama is going to give the opportunity to be the first woman VP to another woman who didn't run.

It would look like an attack against Hillary plus it would look like Obama was patronizing women.

Meg said...

Leah......Well, how could I see that word "Clinton" in a sea of "Obamas"? My bad. Anyway, the SD's are comin' on down!!!

GP now showing 1742 PD's for Obama.

He just can't pick HRC for VP. It's not his style to do the wrong thing for someone else's right reason. People need to get off this idea that we have to feel sorry for her.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Here is why Ausman endorsed Hillary:

Surprise: FL superdelegate to Clinton

By Michael C. Bender | Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 02:32 PM

Ausman, the Florida superdelegate who helped convince the DNC to return Democratic delegates to the state, just said he was supporting Hillary Clinton.

Ausman said he was trying to send a message to the Barack Obama campaign.

“This is not about personal animosity, its about bringing the country together,” said Ausman, who wants to see an Obama-Clinton ticket in the fall.

Ausman said he was leaning toward Obama until a call from Clinton this morning. “She has hundreds of thousands of supporters he needs and we need to work together,” Ausman said.

Ausman said he asked Clinton whether she’d take the VP slot. “She said she’d think about it.”

Karen Anne said...

Aagh. Clinton wants the VP slot.

This is like one of those horror movies, where just when you think you're safe, a hand sticks up from the grave.

Don't do it, Obama. We can't take eight more years like this last year.

Beryl said...

"It would look like an attack against Hillary plus it would look like Obama was patronizing women. "

This is pitiful. Obama praises Clinton every day of the week, endures her frequently hurled insults, follows the rules to win the nomination and still can't pick his own running mate without certain women getting bent out of shape.

Dr. in Ann Arbor said...

Thanks, Lee - didn't realize that.

As for Obama picking HRC for VP, can you already see the endless loop of video clips of her dimnishing his abilities during the primary contrasted with them on stage together as a GOP attack ad??

Unknown said...


Flip the scenario.

If Hillary won on the last day of the primaries and Obama had 1900+ delegates, do you think African-Americans would be upset? Do you think African-Americans would want him on the ticket if he wanted to be?

Yeah. The same African-Americans who are racially voting 90+% in each state for the African-American candidate.

Would it not look like an attack against Obama and patronizing if Hillary won and bypassed him for another African-American politician? I need the African-American vote so I will pick one just as long as it is not Obama.

McCain 2008 Hillary 2012

Bull Schmitt said...

Any Chicken Littles worried now that HRC has announced her willingness to "save the party" by accepting VP -

I've got two words for 'ya:

"Vetting process."

Thanks to Oreo and his team for keeping us up to date on a very challenging day - Cheers!

Keryl said...

Interesting. We talk about respecting Obama, but when there are rumors about Clinton as VP, suddenly we think he can't think for himself.

If Obama picks Clinton, and he might, it will be (as is typical of Obama) because he has taken a cold, hard look at the facts and come to the conclusion that a Clinton VP would be best for the country. Let's remember, Obama is a not the bitter, immature type. He's a realist. And he wants the dems to win. He has steadfastly shown that compromise and coordination work better than divisiveness. He has kept his eye on the objective, and I expect his VP pick will be no different.

I don't like Hillary much anymore, but if Obama says she's the right VP, I'm right there with him.

And I will assume he will expect his VP to adhere to his "no drama" policy. Now that might be tough for the Cs.

Keryl said...

Or maybe, this is the plan.

Hillary asks for VP, Obama offers, she declines. Thereby placating her supporters.

I don't think it's in her, but it would be nice.

Mug said...


Not giving Hillary the VP won't look like an attack. It will look like consistancy. After the things Hillary has said about Obama in the last few months (not policies but rather about the man, himself)having her as the VP would seem dishonest. Besides, McCain has video of Hillary saying that she and McCain have enough experience to lead the country but Obama doesn't. I'm sure he'd use that during the campaign to make it appear that Obama's VP has more confidence in McCain as a leader than Obama himself. Clinton burned her bridges at the end of the campaign. She has noone to blame but herself.

Dilbuck said...

DNC Tina Abott (MI) for Obama. They are endorsing so quick that Matt and Oreo cannot keep up. Obama will be able to declare victory tonight it sure looks like. With however many that are going to endorse after the polls close and the MT delegates that will join the winner, it should be all over. Time to bust out the beer and excitement. I better make sure to DVR Obama tonight.

What is up with Fox already having Obama at 2111?

Bull Schmitt said...

If Sen. Clinton is at all committed to making sure a Democrat is elected in the fall, she will work with Sen. Obama to find a gracious way for her to withdraw from the campaign, and from a potential VP spot on the ticket. If she's determined to take Obama down with her, she can make this election much harder than it should be. But it's all on her.

Squirrel said...

Interesting, the quote from Ausmen says 'she has hundreds ofthousands of supporters', not 17 million but just 'hundreds of thousands'......

That means she is still a negative asset on the ticket as their will be millions of independants and Republicans who will not vote for a Clinton in the White House ever again, and especially for one who has descredited herself as Senator Clinton has in this nomination process. Add to this the fact the the GOP would love to be able to hammer home there attacks on her.

Clinton is not VP material.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

The GOP already has an ad out today using all the bashing Hillary said against Obama.

Hillary will NOT be VP.

Also on MSNBC they said HE CAN NOT let everyone push him into taking Hillary as VP because the Leader of the World cannot look like he can be pushed around.

A month from now no one will talking about the Clintons.

OBAMA/Sebelius '08

RobH said...

For those of you who've been following math in Yam's universe, check this...apparently the equation no longer closes.

Presently HRC has 1917 delegates and requires 200 more to secure the nod.

She'll win 14 tonight, meaning she needs 186 of the remaining SD's.

Oops, there's only 183 left.

Yam, care to share with us an ammended equation? Thanks.

Beryl said...

"If Hillary won on the last day of the primaries and Obama had 1900+ delegates, do you think African-Americans would be upset? Do you think African-Americans would want him on the ticket if he wanted to be?"

Nope. In fact if the scenario was reversed and Obama had hurled insults at HRC throughout the campaign, I wouldn't expect her to select him. Further, if he had accepted the offer, I wouldn't respect him and wouldn't vote for the ticket.

"Yeah. The same African-Americans who are racially voting 90+% in each state for the African-American candidate."

You are inaccurately projecting your own voting patterns and practices. AAs are not racially voting at all. In fact, Hillary had the majority of the AA vote until her supporters (mainly Bill) started with the negative racially-based attacks. If Hillary had shut that down, she would still have AA support and she'd have the nomination. The AA vote was Hillary's to lose and she was successful in that regard.

It is sad that people still don't understand AAs. Bill Clinton underestimated AAs and that was his fatal flaw. He let that comment about him being the first AA president go to his head.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

At this moment there are

226 delegates left (don't forget the Edwards' ones)


Clinton 200

Leah Texas4Obama said...

- Switched DNC Ben Johnson
(DC) from Clinton to Obama

- Switched DNC Kamil Hasan (CA) from Clinton to Obama

OBAMA needs only 25 now!!!

Kujo said...

Wow, did you see the flood that is occuring on the delegates count.

Its like last SD to committe must say good-bye to Clinton.

I love looking at the activity for the day. Joh Ausman of Fl got to feel he is driving down the wrong way of the Autobahn!

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Now they are jumping ship and boarding the OBAMA train - the train is fixin' to pull out of the station on the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

OBAMA/Sebelius '08

Kujo said...

Future quote for Ausman:

"Did I say Clinton, I ment to say..."

Leah Texas4Obama said...

DCW says on the front page of this website:

Update: The Obama Campaign has just issued a press release with 10 additional Edwards delegates that have switched their vote to Obama. We are working with Green Papers to make an update.


RobH said...


Very funny. Both of 'em...

Peter said...

It looks like this will be over before we see the results from SD and MT:).

I think this shows how much control the Obama campaign has had the last couple of weeks. These endorsements are not a "surprise" for Obama camp. These switches could probably have happen`t at least a week ago, but they have probably waited until today..

Leah Texas4Obama said...


I posted Ausman's quote up-thread as to why he come out for Obama today. He said he was sending a message to Obama that Hillary and her supporters shouldn't be ignored and it was his way to promote an Obama/Clinton ticket.

The whole accurate quote is up there - I post an hour so so ago - you can do a Control F and find it if you wish.

RobH said...


if that's true:

a) it'll be an interesting count.
Presently he's got 12 total, equalling 9.5 delegates (5 FL, 5 IA, 1 SC, 1 NH). Should be interesting which ones they are.

b) it's perfect timing. Bringing him w/in 20 to go. 17 from the contests, 5 from the post contest Montana 5, etc, etc.

Another example of a perfectly orchestrated, well executed, event.
This is one astute EXECUTIVE!

Leah Texas4Obama said...


Maxine Waters switches to Obama.

Meg said...

OK. Picky question. GP has 5 delegates for Edwards in Iowa. This site has 4 listed. The Press release mentions 4.

It's hard to correctly calculate from the press release. When they say 10 of the 13, does that mean not including the 3 that already switched? Seems logical, but it mentions 8 in South Carolina and 7 of them already switched. I'm sure the guys here will get it all straightened out.

I think it would be MAHHVELOUS if Obama reached 2117 or 2118 before the vote is in!!

RobH said...


Just looked up that announcement. Right behind it is a list of expected endorsements upcoming, in cluding the Montana 5 plus Sen. Kohl (WI), Gov. Ritter (CO), Se. Salazar (CO),Rep. McNerney (CA), and DNC Dawson (NY).

If these five and the Edwards 10 go before 10PM, that means it's 10 to go.

Hip Hip Hooray.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Obama's website has listed MORE supers....

Obama now needs 12 to win!!!

Leah Texas4Obama said...

They are coming in TOO fast to keep up!!!

This is awesome!!!


RobH said...

This is one smooth operation.

I'm ashamed of my hand-wringing in the run-up to this.

I'm thoroughly impressed at the EXECUTIVE ability here.

Very, very gratifying.

Naiomi said...

Hey all you California voters...don't forget there are important propositions on our ballot today. Go to the polls and vote against prop 98 and for prop 99. Don't let them slip this one through due to low voter turnout!!!!!!!!!

RobH said...

I'll repeat what I said the other day:

This guy took out the Clintons.

Is it possible that Repub nation is sitting there going: "Uh Oh."

Auli Smedes said...

Thanks Greywolf, for explaining. That was indeed missing in my comment. And it's how we (me & my friends) feel about this whole thing. For us it was very exciting to learn that Mrs Clinton and later on Mr Obama were running for president. I mean, how unique is that! We were vicariously proud of America.

You know, at first it wasn't all that important to me who would win the democratic nomination, both Clinton and Obama were fine by me, I was gonna wait 'till November and cheer on the Dems Team from a distance. But somewhere along the line I got caught up in all the excitement of these primaries and now I find myself keeping delegate score just as you guys do. It's really great to see how involved people have gotten in this, and how passionate they are (though maybe some get carried away a tad too much at times? I personally don't like fanatics too much, they tend to scare me. But that's just me).
Anyhow, the European Soccer Championships are about to start, this weekend if I'm not mistaken, but these primaries they're way more exciting. History in the making.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

I bet the Clintons are having a fit today. Earlier today the Clinton campaign said that they thought that if (IF) Obama reached the magic number it wouldn't be until at least the end of the week!


This is GREAT !!!

Dilbuck said...

Let the party begin!!

Keryl said...

OMG...I have so much work to do today and I haven't gotten anything done because I'm glued to refreshing the page to see if the delegate shower is still going.

More by the minute. Yeeeeeehah!

RobH said...

I gotta go coach soccer, and I'm afraid it's gonna end while I'm gone.

Man oh man, I was hoping to have tis wrap up in the 10 - 11 time frame, now it looks like it's a tsunami...

November Politics said...

Superdelegates needed for Sen. Clinton is officially 10 to 1 now :)

Leah Texas4Obama said...

It's party time!

The fat lady is singing!


I can't jump up and down and type at the same time ;(

Time to get the strawberries ready for Daiquiris!!!


This is the first time in a really long time in my adult life that I am REALLY happy to be an American!!!

I am glad that I have lived long enough to see this day!

Uncle John said...


I hear ya! Voted early.

Looks like light turnout so far in Berkeley, so everybody in CA listen to naiomi and Uncle John. Vote, then celebrate.

greywolf said...

Fyi everyone these are the names of edwards pledged delegates that have come out to endorse Obama.
So you can add 9.5 in your minds to Obama's pleged delegates. that takes us down to less than 12

CHICAGO, IL—The Obama Campaign today announced that the following delegates pledged to former Senator John Edwards have committed to vote for Senator Obama at the Democratic National Convention. The updated roster adds ten delegates today to

Below is the full, current list of Edwards delegates committed to Senator Obama. In accordance with the decision of the Democratic National Committee’s Rules Committee, the Florida delegates each will cast one-half vote for their presidential choice at the Democratic National Convention.


Joseph Beuttenmuller, Lake Mary

Barry Birdwell, Melbourne Beach

E. Alan Brock, Crawfordville

Deborah Courtney, Jacksonville

Rita Ferrandino, Sarasota

Fred McDowell, Leesburg

Mary Mooney, Crawfordville

Linda Spisak, Hobe Sound

Gregory Shimkaveg, Oviedo

Bill Vincent, Gulf Breeze


Machelle Crum, Newton

Arlene Prather-Kane, Cedar Falls

David Relawsk, Iowa City

Merci Wolff, Sioux City


Lauren Bilton, Columbia

Daniel Boan, Kershaw

Christine Brennan-Bond, Moore

Michael Evatt, Seneca (birthplace of Senator Edwards)

Robert Groce, Summerville

Marilyn Hemingway, Georgetown

Tim Moore, Barnwell

Susan Smith, Pawley’s Island


Deborah Bacon-Nelson, Hanover

Senator Peter Burling, Cornish

Rep. Sharon Nordgren, Hanover

Joshua Denton, Portsmouth

Uncle John said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
suzihussein22 said...

Afternoon fellow Americans-

I can't believe we're finally coming to a close of sorts. BTW, are you guys starting the party without me?! :)) The storms didn't come in, so we're still on for grilling. There is this-


and this-


and this-


I wonder if Byrd's lapel pin has the Constitution or the Declaration on it?

Let's get it started in here!

Kujo said...

Hey Party at Leah's,

I will bring the Salsa and Chips. Leah has the Champain.


Meg said...

All I can say to Hillary is:
Tonight, don't you DARE rain on his parade!!!

This is Barack's night!!

Hell, this is my night!! For the first time in my life I am supporting a great guy and he's going to win!!!

BillP said...

I'm thinking you'd better get ready to expand the graph showing Obama's lead in superdelegates! Go OBAMA! The champagne is in the bucket and chilled, it'll be a great night.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Hillary IS raining on Obama's parade by pushing all of this VP talk crap! She has no class or grace.

Tonight the focus should be on Obama and NOT the Clintons.

One more reason I detest that woman!

OBAMA/Sebelius '08

greywolf said...


This is a great day. I have been stressed to the max since this race began and now I feel a sense of calm. The next race is going to be a cake walk compared to the way it has gone with the democrats.

It is my hope that he will not take Hillary with him. For me it is a matter of trust, and unfortunately I have not one sliver of trust for her in me. No matter how hard I try, I just can not find any.

greywolf said...


You are very welcome. Glad to help make it clearer. It is fantastic to see that so many people from around the world are keeping an eyes on this nomination.
Good to see you here.

Larry Parker said...

Hillary Clinton...
Ready on day NONE!!!!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha

greywolf said...

Hillary states ...

Just a minute, I have 17,000,000 votes, they do not go any where unless I say so. Can you believe that? Wow..

telling Obama he needs to heal the party, and you to that by taking me with you.

I have some choice words but I am a gentle man, my momma taught me to be nice and not say any vile and ugly things about people.

Beryl said...

"Hillary IS raining on Obama's parade by pushing all of this VP talk crap! She has no class or grace."

You are right but are you surprised? As much as I've been wanting to see her change and be the classy woman I thought she was, it has not happened. December 2007, I removed my rose colored glasses and recognize that she is what she is. She is Bill's soul-mate.

On a positive note, Hillary has paved the way for woman leaders who will learn from her mistakes. I thank her for that.

greywolf said...

She is the major cause of all this rift..turmoil... ugliness.. ect.
Obama needs to heal the party?
He never said any thing mean, ugly, or distasteful to or about hillary. So it is awful bold to say that HE needs to heal the party.

suzihussein22 said...

Here's some news from across the pond-


This is from down under-


Have we gotten as much of a concession as we're going to get from HRC? Her tone has not been very unifying so far.

suzihussein22 said...



Leah Texas4Obama said...

I thank Hillary for her Bosnia lies, all her baggage, her RFK remark, her husband that always puts his foot in his mouth, and for making it easier for Obama to win all of those caucuses since she didn't have any plan for those states!

Thank you Hillary :)



Bull Schmitt said...

softspoken -

Clinton Rules: Never admit defeat, or a mistake.

Sen. Clinton will congratulate Sen. Obama and suspend her campaign. That's as good as you're going to get from her.

Leah Texas4Obama said...


There isn't anything about Bredesen on the link you posted.

Leah Texas4Obama said...


jpsedona said...

Since everyone has rummaged around in hillary's baggage for years, has anyone found an opera-like pants suit for her solo tonight?

suzihussein22 said...

bull schmitt-I can see that. I haven't been holding my breath. Didn't we think she was giving her valedictory speech after the 17th? debate?

suzihussein22 said...


Let's try this again-Take 2-


Meg said...

I went over to the HRC site to check the blog. They are screaming about 3 things:

1. Sue the FCC over the erroneous AP report saying Hillary will concede.

2. Please don't be bitter and vote for McCain. I need my husband to come home (sad, very sad).

3. She can't be VP. It's the top spot or nothing.

Maybe she will listen to her supporters and not ask.

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