Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Open Thread

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com

Who's going to win, who has a better chance against McCain, or whatever else is on your mind.

We have decided to stop allowing anonymous comments. Not because we don't like reading what people have to say but because Blogger has introduced a new "feature" that makes you go to a second page when the number of comments go over 200.

It's very easy to set up a Google account so that you can continue commenting.

And please be excellent to one another. We do not accept name calling or any attacks on our commenters. Any objectionable comments will be deleted. Try to be civil.


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New Open Thread here


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Aunt Jean said...

countjellybean now do you really think that rebublicans are going to vote for Hillary since polls show that McCain can beat obama but not Hillary. that's to funny. lol lol !!!Plus I don't know what polls you are looking at but the polls I've seen is Hillary winning Indiana and obama winning nc. Jean

Pablo said...

I think the demographics in Indiana make it pretty safe for her, and NC may be close.

I would ask the people this question though.

If Hillary actually thinks the gas tax holdiday is some real help for people and not just a political posturing to conjur votes, why hasn't she written a bill and just proposed it?

She's a senator isn't she, she can introduce a bill. I would hope most people see through this.

countjellybean said...

Aunt Jean,

Internal polling refers to polls conducted by the campaign staff. The results generally are not made public. The results I mentioned were somehow leaked to Drudge or Limbaugh.

The day before the Pennsylvania primary, Limbaugh reported that Clinton's internal polling had her up by 10 points. This is is why I attach some reliability to that source.

In terms of polls that I am "looking at", I note that Zogby also has Obama ahead in Indiana. Zogby's last poll in Pennsylvania also called a 10 point victory for Clinton.


Btw, no changes in the electoral vote numbers from electoral-vote.com. However, McCain's leads over Obama in Montana and other western states have dropped close to "in play" level.


Also, on the night of the Pennsylvania primary, Jim predicted that Clinton would win by 11 points. If you round before subtracting, it is impossible to get 11.

jpsedona said...


I am guessing that Hillary needs to reserve her anticipated SD endorsements until after NC & IN. If the results are a relative split then additional SD's are going to jump on the Obama bandwagon. She will want to show that she's appealing to SD's based on tomorrow's results.

She is likely to pick up Heath Shuler tomorrow (said he'd endorse whoever wins his district; likely to be Hillary by a good margin).

The add-on schedule favors Hillary over the next week with MA (2) & OH (2) coming up.

jpsedona said...


Today's Gallop Daily Tracking Poll shows a continuation of Obama's upward trend since hethrew Rev. Wright under the bus:

4/30: Obama 46 Clinton 47
5/1: Obama 45 Clinton 49
5/2: Obama 46 Clinton 48
5/3 Obama 47 Clinton 47
5/4: Obama 49 Clinton 45
5/5: Obama 50 Clinton 45

The poll released 4/30 was conducted April 27-29. The poll released on 5/1 was conducted April 28-30. Both of these included data prior to Obama's denunciation of Wright at the Washington Press Club.

The polls beginning 5/2 show results after Obama's denouncing Wright. The 5/2 poll was conducted April 30-May 2.

Gallop Tracking Polls

So, what insights can we gain from Clinton being ahead by 4% to Obama now being ahead by 5%?

First, this is not a one day abboration. There's a steady trend showing renewed strength by Obama and declining support for Clinton.

It would seem that the negative impact of Wright's statements have been offset by Obama's speech or the debate over the gas tax issue.

Interestingly, the undecided across all the polls between 5/1-5/4 showed a 6% undecided. The undecided in now down to 5%.

Is the trend likely to change again? probably. But this tracking poll may bode well for Obama in NC where his support has been fairly constant but Hillary appears to have been winning over undecideds.

Aunt Jean said...

countjellybean then I would say that rush doesn't know what the heck he's talking about.Oh by the way I do know what internal polls. Believe it or not hillary supporters don't have their head stuck in the sand [like some we know]. Jean

Pablo said...

But did they say their heads were in the sand.....because of the sniper-fire? :)

Yamaka said...


I just heard from a TV station in NC: it seems BHO is spending tons of "Street Money" there - he fears both Whites and Blacks are fleeing him. Panic is hitting Hyde Park!

Blacks realize that now Wright is not there to protect/vouch for BHO - they think he is NOT "One of Them" - he is a biracial kid grew up in a comfortable White family, a historical fact!

The TV anchor says there may be an Upset Victory for Hillary: she may bag both IN AND NC.

By Wed the Game may be over, for good.

Cheers. :-)

UUbuntu said...

I wouldn't count on anything that Limbaugh says to be true. His motivation arises from wanting to to claim some influence in the primary outcome and to make the Democratic race nastier than it already is. As I've said before, I suspect that that's the motivation of some regular posters on this site too.

Historically, internal polling has been no more accurate or reliable than public polling, though it often uses different methodology.

Right now, most polls indicate a small (3-7 point) Clinton victory in IN, which will net her between 2 and 5 delegates. She will probably lose NC by 6-10 points, which will lose her some 7-12 delegates, depending on the local results.

It's hard to tell what direction current momentum's running, so I won't speculate.

For better or for worse, I don't see any significant changes occurring tomorrow (Obama will probably gain 4-6 delegates overall), which is bad news for both camps (and the Democratic Party), but is probably a little worse for Clinton. After some 8 weeks of the nastiest trench-war infighting, we've seen essentially no change in outcome. We've only seen two candidates become easier targets for the McCain campaign to tar and feather on it's way to a Republican victory. A continuation of the Bush Administration policies for another 4 years will be a tragic outcome of this process.

Aunt Jean said...


I looked up the gallup poll and national it's got Clinton 51% and Obama 44% as of may 5th 9.36 am. Jean

Aunt Jean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leah Texas4Obama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jpsedona said...

Aunt Jean,

Sorry, you're looking at the wrong poll. The daily tracking poll is different than the USA Today / Gallup. You need to go to Gallup to see the polls and the graphs.

The totals from the daily tracking poll are probably less imprtant than the general trend. The trend shows recovery by Obama over the last week.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Gallup Tracking

Obama 50
Clinton 45

CBS News / NY Times

Obama 50
Clinton 38

For info regarding ALL polls look here:


UUbuntu said...

jpsedona -- is the tracking poll you refer to? Essentially while it indicates a slight trend toward Obama, but it remains within the margin of error. In fact, from the article's text, it represents 12 straight days of statistical ties between the candidates! Also, the tracking poll shows national preferences, not predictions specific to NC or IN, which is what's important right now.

I wouldn't put very much stock into any national polls at this time. With regard to the Democratic nomination, only three things matter right now: (1) the remaining primary states' results, (2) the superdelegate preferences, and (3) some resolvement of the FL/MI mess in one direction or another.

Hopefully, it'll all be settled by the end of the first week of June. Only 4 more weeks of this.

In the meantime, keep noting that stories like this get no press.

jpsedona said...


"By Wed the Game may be over, for good."

You may be right. It's just a question of which candidate that may be finished.

With almost 1/2 of the remaining pledged delegates up for grabs tomorrow, there's a chance that some SD's will stop being fence sitters. Those who have been waiting for the winner in pledged delegates will have their answer if it's anywhere near a draw in the delegates won tomorrow.

After tomorrow, Obama will be within 200. He continues to rack up SD's at almost a 2-1 pace. So, the pressure will be on her after tomorrow.

Aunt Jean said...

Sorry to me someone must be padding the polls [like obama] wonder how much it cost him? Jean

jpsedona said...


Yes, that's the poll. The only thing of importance is that there seems to be a recovery since Obama jettisoned Wright.

I agree, the national polls (and even the state polls against McCain) are really meaningless at this time.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean said: "Sorry to me someone must be padding the polls [like obama] wonder how much it cost him?"

Jean you are TOO funny. You consider the polls that favor Clinton to be correct but the ones that favor Obama to be 'padded'.

The fact is that Obama IS winning this nomination race and soon it will be over. He will be the Democratic Party nominee and it is too late for HRC to turn it around.

Btw: Obama just picked up TWO more superdelegates in MD. He will pick up THREE more from IL later today - so that will make a total of at least FIVE for today :)


Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona it also has a 5 point margin error so they could both be the same right [just as I thought] no comment. Also they have McCain beating Obama by 47% to 43% and Hillary 46% to McCain 46%. How about that sounds like a winner to me . Jean

jpsedona said...


Take heart that in the first WV poll in a while, Clinton is up by 29% (Clinton 56 Obama 27). Obama picked up a mayroal endorsement today but he's likely to take a butt kicking there and in KY.

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona obama hasn't been racking up as you call it 2-1 for a while Jean

jpsedona said...


After today, it will be 22-11 since PA. That seems like 2:1 to me.

Leah Texas4Obama said...


Obama (+6)
DNC Kalyn Free (OK)
Michael Cryor (MD)
Lauren Dugas Glover (MD)
Mayor Richard Daley (IL)
Barbara Flynn Currie (IL)
Todd Stroger (IL)

Theresa Morelli (DA) * 1/2

So today it will be
Clinton + one-half vote

Gotta LOVE it!

Obama '08

Aunt Jean said...

Leah I never said the polls was correct just obama supporter are the ones that only look for the ones where obama is ahead but of course the margin of error in them could have Hillary winning or they both have the same [go figure]As far as this race being over NOT BY A LONG SHOT! All the votes hasn't been counted yet kind of premature of you to assume it's over BY no means has the FAT LADY SANG!!!!!Even though you obama supporter would love it if she did.lol lol lol dream on!!! Jean

Pablo said...

Miss Aunt Jean,

Please don't feel the need to retype your post for me. Whatever it was I'm sure I will still be confused. It's my problem, I know.

jpsedona said...


I've seen her in pink pants suits, but I didn't know Hillary could sing?

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona I guess you don't know how to count it's 16 for hillary [now got that] 16 for hillary NOT 11. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Leah I guess you need to take it up with this sits because they only have him 1 repeat 1 today and Hillary 1 today. Jean

jpsedona said...


The totals on MNBC as of aminute ago show:

- Since the Pennsylvania primary: It's Obama +21, Clinton +11.
- Since Super Tuesday, Feb. 5: It's Obama +88, Clinton +13.
- Since Junior Super Tuesday, March 4: It's Obama +45, Clinton +20.

jpsedona said...


Who would the 16 new SD's for Hillary since PA be exactly?

MKSinSA said...

Hey folks, it's been a while since I've holla'd in on ya. Remember my mantra: "By their works ye shall know them." Luke 13:26

What part of "Dear Democrats" or "Good Morning Democrats" are you not understanding? Would someone from within the Party refer to you as such? Wake the f**k up! Why are you wasting your time?

Yamaka said...
Dear Democrats:

As per the last left box of DCW, BHO has barely 12 more Total delegates than HRC, at this minute.

As per RealClearPolitics ...(incredibly right-wing, Anne Coulter rant rag)
May 01, 2008 8:34 PM

Yamaka said...
Good morning Democrats:

Very cloudy in Houston - we may get a good downpour! Good for my pool, I need more water!!
May 02, 2008 11:18 AM

Yamaka said...
To ALL the FAR LEFT Liberal Democrats:

Your liberalphilosophy will keep low/middle income people dependent on Govt eternally. That is a way of destroying them for the sake of them voting for you
May 02, 2008 4:39 PM

So stupidly Tokyo Rose, do you not get it?

Mike Ruth said...

It will be interesting to see how Democrats respond tomorrow to Obama's attempts to recover his campaign from the Wright and "bitter" battering.

SD Jim Andrews' point is interesting - that Obama has distinguished himself by dealing with these distortions and innuendo from the McCain-Clintons honorably without going strongly negative in reply. And without pandering with pseudo-issues like the gas tax holiday and when to bomb Iran into obliteration.

The NC and IN primaries are the latest test of the Clintons to see whether Hillary can improve her delegate counts by imitating a McCain style Republican.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean said: "Leah I guess you need to take it up with this sits because they only have him 1 repeat 1 today and Hillary 1 today."

Hillary's SD today is from Dems Abroad - it count's as 1/2 (one-half = .5) not 1.

All the names for Obama's 6 SDs will be added by DCW today. Just keep your eye on the list.


Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona I guess msnbc doesn't know how to count either. This site has added 16 SD's to Hillary since the 23rd the day after Pa. go look if you want the names. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Leah to begin Free was there a day or two ago I guess they deleted her name and put it on today.Now why would they to make obama look better because where he would get 6 today because Hillary got 5 the other day? It just makes me wonder. Jean

UUbuntu said...

Hey, MKSinSA - Haven't seen you in a while! Your "Indian friend" remains here, entertaining as ever, though resisting the impulse to engage can be difficult sometimes.

jpsedona said...


Some of the DCW endorsements were from earlier than PA. They didn't have a quote so they weren't added. The "NEW" endorsements for Obama are running about 2-1 vs. Clinton. Since she needs to be winning SD's 2-1, the handwriting may be on the wall after tomorrow. We'll just have to see.

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona if you think Hillary is fat you must be a bean pole LOL LOL LOL Jean

May 05, 2008 4:02 PM

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona you said that some of them was from before Pa. so was obama's but see you really cant't say as to when they endorsed her because it didn't have a date so was it a week a month or exactly when was it since you are such a mind reader when was it? so with that no he has not gotten 2 to 1 on Hillary.It's wishful thinking on your part Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean said: "Leah to begin Free was there a day or two ago I guess they deleted her name and put it on today.Now why would they to make obama look better because where he would get 6 today because Hillary got 5 the other day? It just makes me wonder."


Free was not on the DCW list until today.

You can click on her name link and see that she endorsed TODAY. She endorsed TODAY.

RobH said...

Wow, Jean, your last few posts have really advanced the dialogue.

Excellently thought out, well constructed...what else...

UUbuntu said...

For the latest in SD endorsements

It looks like, since 1-May, Clinton has picked up 9 SDs (or 8.5? 9.5? -- which SD is that .5?), She's lost one to Obama, and Obama's picked up 7. So far, it looks like a wash for May, and that the current SD trend is even, with a difference of about 20. However, several SDs may announce preferences on Wednesday, after the results of NC and IN. We won't see a discernible trend in May SD endorsements until then.

Aunt Jean said...

Leah I'm not saying for myself that I couldn't be wrong it just that YOU can't tell me that I'm wrong.All I know is that I had her name written down for obama already not sure as to when I wrote it. Jean

RobH said...

John Edwards to be a Kingmaker - but not at the convention, rather on June 4. Here's how it works:

Obama at 1490 pledged today.
Picks up approx 195 of the remaining 404, taking him to 1685 pledged.

Obama's at 255 SD after today's pickups. Remaining Add-ons to be picked between now and June 4 are 20 total, he'll get approx 12 (based on state performances.)Other SD's endorsing between now an Jun 3 approx 60 (this is the only weak point in my fantasy.)

So he's at approx 327 SD's and 1685 pledged when Montana and South Dakota finish on June 3.

Meanwhile Edwards has been meeting w/ his 19 SD's from Iowa, SC, and NH.

He announces his SD's switch as a block on June 4 - giving Obama approx 2030.

Ta da!

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean,

Now you are attacking the credibility of THIS website (DCW) and that is just a wrong thing to do. DCW does not add people, delete them, and then re-add them to make one or the other of the candidates look good or bad. DCW just does not do that.

You are free to believe whatever you want but please don't say untruths about the DCW website. Matt and Oreo do a great job here and the work they do should not be put into question.

Aunt Jean said...

Leah did I once say that matt and oreo didn't do a good job don't be putting words in my mouth. All I'm saying is mistakes happen. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

the .5 SD endorsement came from DNC Theresa Morelli DA. They only get 1/2 vote. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Tyler it's 9.5 for Hillary and 7 for Obama so far so since may 1st she's 2.5 SD's ahead so far. Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean said: "Leah to begin Free was there a day or two ago I guess they deleted her name and put it on today.Now why would they to make obama look better because where he would get 6 today because Hillary got 5 the other day? It just makes me wonder."

Aunt Jean you DID infer that they were trying to make Obama look better. Read what you said.

Anyway now on to the next topic :)

Aunt Jean said...

Leah I was just questioning it not saying that it was a fact. See how words make people think. Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean,

You have forgotten to add the 2 MD and 3 Illinois super-delegates that Obama picked up today in your total.

Obama is leading in SDs for May.

jpsedona said...


The day's not over... Obama since 5/1 will have 12; Clinton will have 7.5

5-1-08 John Patrick (TX), Joe Andrew (IN) add one Obama; subtract 1 from Clinton.
5-3-08 Brian Colon (NM), Inez Tenenbaum (SC), Jaime Paulino (GU), Parris Glendening (MD)
5-5-08 Kalyn Free (OK), Michael Cryor (MD), Lauren Dugas Glover (MD), Richard Daley (IL), Barbara Flynn Currie (IL), and Todd Stroger (IL)


5-1-08 Joe Andrew (IN) add one Obama; SUBTRACT 1 from Clinton.
5-1-08 Andrew Cuomo (NY), Tom DiNapoli (NY), Virginia Fields (NY), Carmen Arroyo (NY), John Olsen (CT)
5-2-08 Jaime Gonzalez Jr. (TX)
5-3-08 Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (MD)
5-4-08 Robert Martinez (TX)
5-5-08 Theresa Morelli (DA) 1/2 vote.

jpsedona said...

MSNBC, who's superdelegate counts differ from CDW, indicate that since Super Tuesday, Obama has trounced Hillary in SD endorsemenets:

Since Super Tuesday, Feb. 5: It's Obama +88, Clinton +13

Their numbers may not be 100% accurate but he's gotten more than 5 endorsements for each of hers.

Hillary's lead in SD's falls week after week. Not a good pattern when Hillary's only chance is to win the majority of the SD's that are remaining...

jpsedona said...

Btw, Politico shows Hillary's lead in superdelegates is down to 12.

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona you forgot Farrell Jr. for Clinton so that makes the 9.5. and obama 7.He doesn't have 12 yet so don't count the chickens before they hatch. Jean

May 05, 2008 5:11 PM

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Farrell endorsed in 2007.

The chickens have hatched so they can be counted.
Obama has FIVE more today that DCW has not added to the list - but they count!

OBAMA / Kathleen Sebelius '08

Yamaka said...


Good Afternoon. What's your point?

Another FAR LEFT Liberal? Haven't you been in the desert of Opposition for the past 30 long summers and winters?

Let us debate.

I am for the First Woman POTUS.

Vote for Hillary for REAL POSITIVE CHANGE.


jpsedona said...


I didn't forget Farrell. Farell endorsed last year and isn't a new endorsement. That DCW didn't have him listed doesn't make him a new endorsement.

So, yes, it will be 12 - 7.5 since May 1 as soon as IL SD's are announced within the next few hours.

Aunt Jean said...

I just looked politico they have Hillary at 1603 it should be 1609 and they have obama at 1738 it should be 1739.5. That is only 1.5 and 6. Hillary would still have 16 more SD's than obama. Jean

Yamaka said...


As of this minute, BHO is leading HRC barely 9.5 total delegates.

You all know, she definitely leads BHO by about 122K popular votes.

So, hold your horse on SDs, for now.

Things have NOT changed that much for all most 2 weeks!

Wed will be another important day.

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona he wasn't on her list until this month so he still counts does he not but I forgot you are an obama supporter you think to the real far left. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona you had better recount because not counting Farrell there are still 8.5. Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Obama is leading with a total delegate lead.

Obama +134.5

OBAMA / Kathleen Sebelius '08


jpsedona said...


Try this link:


This is showing Clinton 268 Obama 256. Granted all the sites that track SD's are different... but certainly Hillary's lead is disappearing.. drip... drip... drip...

Aunt Jean said...

Leah they not there so they don't count yet sorry to bust your bubble. Jean

jpsedona said...


I am interested in what happened since May 1, not what was reported since May 1.

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona so they are idiots because one politico site says one thing than enough says something else real reliable source. What a joke. Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

I understand that many Hillary supporters have not been able to embrace the reality regarding the facts concerning the numbers and the fact that there is no way that HRC can overtake the lead in delegates. BUT once Hillary has conceded the race and supports Senator Obama, I for one will embrace the Hillary supporters and hold no ill feelings towards them. We should all realize that it is not the fault of the Hillary supporters that they have fallen for the Clinton machine spin. We can lay that blame at the feet of Hillary.


Leah Texas4Obama said...


- Added DNC Michael Cryor (MD) and DNC Lauren Glover (MD) for Obama

- Added IL add-on Richard Daley (IL)# for Obama.

jpsedona said...


Anytime you disagree with someone, you always resort to name calling. This reduces one's respect for any of your arguments.

The fact is that Farrell endorsed well before May. If you check the link to Farell, you'll see a reference from Feb.

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona it's because that is the only thing that you understand. Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean,

You might want to read the rules at the top of this page.

It says:
"And please be excellent to one another. We do not accept name calling or any attacks on our commenters. Any objectionable comments will be deleted. Try to be civil."

Name calling is against the rules on this website.

Anonymous said...

would you fine ladies desist this incessant diatribe on SD’s and delegate count and talk about an issue.

Just a little Nasty remark for you to chew on I am quite sure most Obama supporters have a bill of sale for the Brooklyn Bridge, some swampland in LA and ocean front property in Arizona.
Not to mention one way tickets to the old Jim Jones retreat for a cool-aid party.

Aunt Jean said...


that made me laugh thanks Jean

jpsedona said...

Lee / Jean,

I could be wrong, but I believe this is the link you've been looking for:

Dontate Now

Anonymous said...

Glad for that, but honestly some of us Clinton supporters probably
some dubious "Deeds" we've been sold too.
That's politics

Yamaka said...


Welcome. Don't give up.

Keep writing.

DCW parrots mostly the official position of the Democratic Party, which is slowly becoming Czarist!

They want only 48 States to participate in the General Election, not the ALL 50. They don't want FL and MI.

This means already we have lost the General Election, which these morons don't understand in their fury of saving/protecting some bogus, ill-implemented arcane moribund Date Rule.

Cheer and Vote for Hillary the First Woman POTUS.


Aunt Jean said...

Leah I don't believe that they matt and oreo have a direct quote from Glover and Cryor saying that they endorse Obama.Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Lee said: "Check out the polls. Hillary wins Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania versus McCain and Obama doesn't."

According to the RPC avg polls OBAMA is beating McCain in PA.



Pablo said...

Jean, you mostly ammuse me, but you resort to name calling often and it is getting old very fast. I realize you are passionate about Hillary as most of her supporters are. I respect that.

For the Clinton supporters, I would love to hear logical arguments why she is a better candidate. I open to hear it. So far I am dissapointed. At least Yam tries from time to time between the make believe conversations. :)

If you say you will vote McCain because your preferred choice of Hillary is not the nominee, that is your choice. Good riddance, I think you will be dissagppointed twice. But I can conclude it was never about Clintons's issues that she stood for that mattered at all. Since BHO's and HRC's policy stances are near identical. Again, if your only reason is because she is a woman, he is half black, she is shorter, whatever, it's still your choice.

I think both sides want to be treated civilly, if that's even a word.

Naiomi said...

Dear Site administrators, Why must we continue to listen to the flaming diatribes of this Aunt Jean person. She is constantly cursing at other posters and doesn't seem to lend anything to the discussion. While I appreciate the fact that people are invested in their candidate of choice it has been disturbing for me that we don't see the necessity to subscribe to a general higher ground as democrats in common. Is there a way that I can block her comments since it seems obvious that she will continue to spew her vitriol?

To all posters on this site, I have been reading for quite a while and feel that many of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I believe we all have a common goal of righting the ship that is our country before she capsizes completely. Before you agree of disagree with me maybe it might be a good time to remember that we are real people and deserve some common courtesy as such.

RobH said...

Gas tax holiday - it disappears from the discussion on Weds. Check this:

"There is some polling suggesting the universal condemnation the gas tax holiday has received from economists and editorialists has penetrated to the voters' level. Seventy percent of likely voters in a NYT/CBS poll say that politicians pushing the gas tax are doing so because it helps them politically. McCain's reputation for straight talk obviously inoculates him on this issue: 62 percent believe Hillary Clinton says what she thinks people what to hear, compared to 43 percent for Obama and 41 percent for McCain.

Obama has made hay out of the situation, hammering the idea that Clinton's willingness to pander on an issue as important as the energy crisis is emblematic of the race as a whole. The refrain is familiar by now: She is the same old politics, he represents a fresh start."


Ouch. Yes, Jean/Jim/Yamaka, I did cut and past this from the Communist Daily Herald News Journal Review.

Anonymous said...

Naiomi said...
Dear Site administrators, Why must we continue to listen to the flaming diatribes of this Aunt Jean person.
Try scrolling past, censorship is not a solution.

Anonymous said...

I doubt it disapears.
Obama and surrogates say it would cost 10 billion because Bush would not sign windfall profits tax bill. DUH!
It would all be in the same bill.
I would sure like to see who would vote against that bill in an election year.

Naiomi said...

Dear Jim, Some self-censorship might be in order by some. Swearing at people is against the rules stated at the top of the page. I am just wondering why these posts aren't deleted as it says they will be.

Dave in NC said...

I just pulled out my guitar and got to thinking about our friends Yamaka and Aunt Jean; the Republican terrorist and the trailer park philosopher.

Because after tomorrow, like my guitar, they will gently weap.

And Jim, how's that Guam recount working out for ya?

Happy judgement day Hellary fans!

RobH said...


Disappears. She can read polling, now she knows the majority know she's just sucking up for votes.

She'll turn a page on Weds, don't know where.

But here's more from a known and reputable blame-America-first, third world suck-up, anti-patriot league rag:

" “the most irresponsible policy idea of the year.” As Clinton and McCain surely know, a gas-tax holiday would do nothing to address America’s genuine energy problems. It also would not alleviate the country’s economic problems. What it would do is encourage oil consumption—just about the last thing we need.

Unknown said...

Many of the uncommitted superdelegates have announced that they will "wait and see" what the total popular vote is before deciding who to vote for. The best source I know for determining the popular vote is http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2008/president/democratic_vote_count.html Real Clear Politics counts the voting tally from the states and territories and uses an "estimate" for caucuses in IA, NV, ME, and WA. My question is: What source do you suppose I should use to get estimates these results? (I can't find where RCP gets its source).
Also, what is the best source for an estimate of the TX caucuses (I'm of the opinion they should be included in the pop vote total.)

Anonymous said...

Robh, stays.
Address the proposed bill and shoot down my logic

please say Copulating or procreating Jerk

UUbuntu said...

Changing the subject somewhat, I have an open question to any and all of you:

Who do you believe to be the greatest 3-5 human beings in the world today who are still alive, and what made them great?

There's no conspiracy in this question. I'm just curious about your the people you admire. And I'd like us to think about and talk about people we admire outside of this election cycle for a change of pace.

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Obama actually speaks from ignorance of senate rules when he says it would not be payed for. I would say Lie, but I believe he speaks out of ignorance more than he Lies.
Also he is weak when he says the gas companies would automatically raise their prices to slurp up the reduction.
Hillary would be on them like stink
on dung.

Nella said...

well, I see it's been a nasty day in the nursery. oh, well.

"If the stuff you postulate were true,"

to which "stuff" do you refer? sorry, I cannot be sure what you are referencing, so please elucidate.

as to the "majority of elected officials,” there are several reasons, none of which have to do with Kool-Aid (although that’s not a bad call). The main reasons in my opinion, in short form, are:

1. They sincerely believe in Obama's abilities and character, regardless of his "negatives"; I think this is misplaced optimism.

2. They bought into Obama's "line" without first having vetted him sufficiently, and now they refuse to face the facts that have surfaced. I think this demonstrates an ego problem.

3. They have anger towards the Clintons (more Bill than H, but it's personal); I think this behavior is self-absorbed and foolhardy.

4. They have been intimidated by their local constituencies; this is the most egregious situation, but I do not, cannot in good conscience, fault the officials. I fault the Obama campaign.

5. I actually do believe that we have plenty of elected officials that are just plain dumb.

UUbuntu said...

To Pablo (May 05, 2008 6:59 PM)--
I'm a Hillary Clinton supporter. I also admire Barack Obama a great deal. I believe that both of them will make excellent presidents, though both have different strengths.

I wrote up my reasons for supporting Senator Clinton and posted them last month. You will need to go to my site to read them though. While I have been disappointed in the quality of her campaign, I remain quite supportive of her presidential ambitions.

I hope my posting helps explain my stance. I encouraged people to comment on my posts there, but there was only one taker (thank you Ed), who respectfully disagreed.

Please note that I will support Barack Obama's presidential bid when he clinches the nomination, but not before then. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe Barack is a weak Strawman who thinks ooo, ah, and uh are
transitionary words.
He looked like a deer caught in the headlights in most eye to eye confrontations.
He just think fast on his feet.

Anonymous said...

make that just CAN'T think fast on his feet

Nella said...

Oh, yes, two more:

tit-for-tat deals have been made, and . . . along the same lines:


Naiomi said...

"Who do you believe to be the greatest 3-5 human beings in the world today who are still alive, and what made them great?"

Well my grandmothers would top the list for all the love and pain they have endured in their lives seems to have just made them stronger. Their children made their way away from them when they came of age but that the survivors choose to live near them again and support them as they grow older speaks to me of the kind of women that they are.

Although I believe the great people in the world you mean are grander than these simple, wonderful women I will stick to the simple concept.

I know many teachers and they work hard every day trying to make the world a better place. Trying to give young people the tools they need to go forward in life. These teachers are many times looked down on by the consumerist society that we have created because they don't make a lot of money, especially in relation to how educated they are. They have limited resources, many of which are paid for out of their own pockets. They are the greatest public servants I can think of.

I will have to think about this question as I can think of no great living leaders who have risked to inspire and lead as leaders in the past have. This doesn't mean that they don't, just that they aren't readily available in my brain at present. ;)

Yamaka said...

"Since BHO's and HRC's policy stances are near identical."--pablo

Here is the difference which matters a lot to me:

1. He wants to give drivers' license to illegals. She does NOT.

2. He wants to lift the cap on income for SS taxation. She does NOT.

3. He is fiscally very insane; she is very prudent. He wants tax tax and tax more to spend, spend and spend more even during a recession. She wants to give tax break however small it is. This is the instinct of a fiscal conservative -like myself.

4. He does NOT want to deal with US Govt Bureaucracies/Agencies. He has no aptitude for it. She has the guts to do the job done by shaking them up. For POTUS means CEO of US Govt also, besides the Leader of the Free World and a Policy Visionary.

5. He does not have National Experience. His name recognition is poor comparing to Clinton Brand Name, a name to be reckoned with.


Dave nc:

I like the humor. Play your guitar. Have good time, till late Tuesday Night!

Do you really mean to say I am a Republican Terrorist?

I told you I am an FOB, Friend of Bill Clinton!

Cheers. Smile and Vote for Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Are you searching senate rules on reduction in revenue requiring revenue production to pay for them?

Anonymous said...

Nearly beer time

Yamaka said...

"I truly believe Barack is a weak Strawman who thinks ooo, ah, and uh are transitionary words.
He looked like a deer caught in the headlights in most eye to eye confrontations."--Jim

Amen. Well said. Keep writing, Jim.

You are the best.

God Bless You.


Anonymous said...

Guess I invented a new word

Yamaka said...

"While I have been disappointed in the quality of her campaign, I remain quite supportive of her presidential ambitions".


I am disappointed.

What's your stand on the 48 State Strategy of the Democratic Party (that is disenfranchising FL and MI, where voters did NOT violate any Rule/Law) in the Primary, to win eventually the 50 States in the GE?

My stand is, already the Party has buried itself in the graveyard! We have already lost the GE even in the Spring 2008!

We must count ALL votes cast, and seat ALL delegates to gain any life in the GE, IMHO.

Cheers. Smile and Vote for Hillary.

Yamaka said...

"5. I actually do believe that we have plenty of elected officials that are just plain dumb."

Amen. Say it again and again!


Emit R Detsaw said...

"Who do you believe to be the greatest 3-5 human beings in the world today who are still alive, and what made them great?"

Does Me, Myself, and I count?


Guess that rules out Hillary. ;o)

3) Since I'm in the theme of helping others, the number 3 nod goes to Ohpra. Her giving and work of real issues is commendable.

2) Al Gore - Advances or even attention to global warming would be years behind the ultimate destruction of the world without his efforts.

1) Unknown (but know there has to be at least one of these people out there). The greatest human being would be a very wealthy person, that lives like a normal person, and secretly gives to enable others to live well. This person would do this in complete anonymity as to the Unknown for the #1 human.

Yamaka said...


We are in a political season.

Satire, Parody and Acid Criticism of the Opponent is an accepted Art in this country for over 200 years.

After the Primary, we will all be good friends, as always.

Please let me know if I hurt your gentle feelings, finer sensitivities and sensibilities

Cheer, Smile and Vote for Hillary.


Anonymous said...

It is really 50 states and that will come about May 31.
Our FL and MI brothers and sisters
shall be restored to the Democratic family.
I predict Florida stands as per primary and Mich. the same with Obama getting uncommitted

Yamaka said...

"Who do you believe to be the greatest 3-5 human beings in the world today who are still alive, and what made them great?"

Yamaka, the Emerging New Star in the Eastern Horizon!!

Bill Clinton: Visionary

Hillary Clinton: Genuine American Classic.

Jim, Nella, Nancy, Jean and other good people here; I can include my friend dave, nc also. Because they are all original thinkers, unlike some parrots here!

Cheer, Smile and Vote for Hillary.

We Need ALL 50 States for the Primary and the GE.


Aunt Jean said...

to begin with I didn't get ugly first so before you start trying to get me booted off maybe I should try and get you booted off. I don't like getting ugly but there seems to be people that are really jerks and insult me but I guess that's ok right because like you they are Obama supporters. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

robh you are silly lol lol Jean

UUbuntu said...

To Yamaka, regarding the "48 state strategy" --
I don't have an opinion on that issue. I expect that the Clinton campaign, the Obama campaign, the DNC and the Florida/Michigan delegations will work some form of compromise whereby everyone can claim some credit. Or they won't. Whatever. The only thing that matters in the nominating process is the delegate count.


To Naiomi, Emit and Yamaka -- thank you for your thoughtful posts on the people you believe to be great examples of humanity in our world. Naiomi and Emit, I especially liked your examples of "anonymous/unknown" (though it is a bit of a cheat), as they do represent the ideal of the person who changes the world without ever knowing that they've done so or expecting to receive credit.

I realize that this question is a bit different for the "open thread" on DemConWatch, but it is nice to think about (and talk about) the best people in the world as we enter another round of voting in this endless process.

Thanks again. I'm headed to sleep and I'll read responses tomorrow :-)

Aunt Jean said...

Leah this is just for you. I guess you have a hard time looking at the insulting remarks the obama supporters say. I will concede that I shouldn't lower myself to their level but I do have a problem that you only see my faults and not theirs are yours as far as that matters. Now if they want to be fair and polite I will be fair and polite. I'm not saying that they can't defend their choise just but be fair about it.I don't think that is asking to much. Jean

Pablo said...

Nice to hear it....I'll have to search for your earlier posts I suppose. I myself will still back Hillary if she's nominated....I actually backed her up until she said only her and McCain were qualified by her made up imaginary thresh-hold. I felt at that point she threw her own party under the bus.

1. He wants to give drivers' license to illegals. She does NOT.
Actually she did ....then changed her mind....who knows tomorrow.
2. He wants to lift the cap on income for SS taxation. She does NOT.
I cannot comment, you may be right, I don't know her position or if she even knows....I know she said she's going to save it, and not raise taxes. Other choices would be to reduce benefits or to raise the age.
3.4.5 is the usual BS non issue stuff we've discussed

As per your May 04, 11:17 p.m.
Somehow I've missed those reports. Links please.

"There was a time when opponents in a campaign could expect respect and some courtesy from the opposing side. But I guess this is one of those wonderful “change” tactics: making an opponent the enemy."
One thing Clinton might be reminded of, they are on the SAME side. It's understandable though to get confused which side she is on, when seeing fear mongering adds, brands of elitism, and claiming only herself and the republican opponent have passed some imaginary qualification thresh-hold. Respect and courtesy indeed.

Yamaka said...

"The only thing that matters in the nominating process is the delegate count"--tyler.


But remember, so far the Primary is very very close:

BHO leads by merely 11 total delegates and she leads by 122K popular votes.

At this point, I believe you need to ask hundred other questions in addition to the total delegate; some are:

1. Who is really Electable against vastly experienced McCain?

2. Who can really get about 66 million votes in the GE to win by 271-350 Electoral Votes?

3. Who has a very visible Brand Name throughout America?

4. Who has less Scandals over the other person?

5. Who has knowledge and experience to do the Job from Day One?

The answer to me is clear: HRC.

Therefore, Smile and Vote for Hillary, the First Woman POTUS.

Keryl said...

Greatest 3-5 living people in the WORLD and the Clinton's make the list?

Don't get me wrong, I love Bill Clinton, I'd vote for him again if it was constitutional, but if you looked at it with any honesty at all, Hillary's most notable accomplishment has been being married to Bill Clinton. I actually like Hillary, but that's ridiculous. Even if we just kept it to world leaders, wouldn't Mandela be just a notch above here? Oooh, and now I've gone and answered one of Yamaka's emails, so I'm completely off the deep end.

Yamaka said...


Are you really pro-Obama or anti-Bill Clinton or anti-Hillary or What?

Just open up and discuss for me.

Some times you are reasonable (e,g You want to include FL and MI because you did not want to disenfranchise the innocent voters).

Other times, you are like one of the "Children" that the Piper talks in my Satire.

Smile and vote for Hillary.


Yamaka said...


You are funny. Welcome.

Did I send you an e-mail? No.

Maybe, you meant my post here!

Smile and vote for Hillary.


Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona Clinton has 14.5 SD's since the day after Pa. Obama has 20 SD's even with the other to SD's that still doesn't make it 2 to 1. Things are slowing down for Obama.Jean

May 05, 2008 9:56 PM

Keryl said...

Ok, as long as I'm in the deep end. Who has less scandals? Are you kidding me? Let's see...are we only counting current scandals because we're so sure the Republicans aren't going to bringing up Whitewater, Travelgate, and every other Bill Clinton scandal ever? Because if we're counting actual scandals, they're about even in this race. But then there's all the baggage Hillary keeps talking about. In this race let's see there's

1) Hsu or Rezko. But since Hsu was actually convicted, perhaps the Clinton's win on that one.

2) Snipers vs Wright. Tough call here, but since Snipers was as Hillary called it "something I said knowing it was untrue", I'd give her the edge on that one too see it's her actions vs. someone else's.
3) Dirty campaigning. The Clinton's have as they're campaign has said "thrown the kitchen sink". Obama has not brought up any of the Clinton's past scandals.

I was out with one of my fairly frightening super right wing friends over the weekend, and he admitted that he is dying for Clinton to win because NO OTHER HUMAN BEING IN THE WORLD could energize the demoralized right like Hillary Clinton. He said, "We may not like Obama, but we HATE Clinton."

Leah Texas4Obama said...


I agree with you.
The Republicans desperately want Clinton to go up against McCain. They are scared to death of Obama. The repubs will dish so much dirt on Hillary that she won't even be able to go back to the senate when they are done with her.

Don't listen to Rush Limbaugh - VOTE OBAMA!


Obama is the only sane choice in this race!

ed iglehart said...

Coutn JB,
"Jim predicted that Clinton would win by 11 points. If you round before subtracting, it is impossible to get 11. " WELL SPOTTED, Your Grace.

"Meanwhile Edwards has been meeting w/ his 19 SD's from Iowa, SC, and NH.
He announces his SD's switch as a block on June 4 - giving Obama approx 2030."

I think Edwards has pledged delegates. not SDs.

Mandela, Tutu, and Carter

""The only thing that matters in the nominating process is the delegate count"--tyler.


But remember, so far the Primary is very very close:

BHO leads by merely 11 total delegates and she leads by 122K popular votes." BUT YOU NJUST AGREED IT DOESN'T COUNT!

Jean, Stop digging.
知 者 不 言。 言 者 不 知。


Leah Texas4Obama said...

Obama is leading with the most total delegates.

Obama +134.5

OBAMA / Kathleen Sebelius '08

p.s. www.CNN.com has a link to the Obama rally in Indianapolis, Indiana right now streaming live :)

Yamaka said...



In Full Inclusive Democracy ALL votes and ALL delegates are counted, for your information.

All 50 States are needed in the Primary and in GE.

Only in the current Democratic Party dominated by the FAR LEFT Liberals Partial Democracy matters.


Leah Texas4Obama said...

The only thing that counts in this Democratic Party nomination race is what the DNC says counts. Ya gotta play by the rules and the rules and bylaws are those of the DNC.

Obama +134.5

OBAMA / Kathleen Sebelius '08


Yamaka said...

Oooooooooooo..bsa..ma Who ?

Kathle...............en Who?

In Full Inclusive Democracy ALL 50 States matter for the Primary and GE.


RobH said...


"Robh, stays.
Address the proposed bill and shoot down my logic"

Ah, no thanks, a) I don't respond well to 'orders', only invitations, and b)waste of time. It's like shouting down a well with you guys, I couldn't convince you of my arguments in a million years. Your mind is made up already, so it would be pointless. And if you need to say "ooh I got ya' good on this one" go right ahead, it fits your profile.

Are you searching senate rules on reduction in revenue requiring revenue production to pay for them?"

Nope, see first answer.

GTG, have a great night.

Jean (9:26) thx, thought you'd enjoy that.

Bye now.

ed iglehart said...

Yamaka agreed:,
""The only thing that matters in the nominating process is the delegate count"--tyler.


But thrn went on to claim a spurious popular vote lead. I say spurious because almost everyone else reckons Obama leads the popular vote (including Fl & MI) by something like 700,000, which rounds up to a million.


RobH said...


Thanks for your reply at 8:08. While I don't necessarily agree with your reasoning on points 1-5, it is the most level-headed critique I've read from a Clinton supporter/Obama detractor on this thread. Most of the others are essentially hysterical, and lose relevance due to their nature.

Your positions are well reasoned and fairly articulated. Don't agree with the conclusions, but I like the tone. That's the way it ought to be here.

suzihussein22 said...

Hello fellow Americans. I have been observing your blog for a couple of months now. I appreciate how most of you try to post facts and show loyalty to your candidate. Somebody asked about "role models." They are harder now to find but I think of Dalai Lama and Margaret Thatcher. He continues to struggle for peace and she has always seemed to be a woman of character. I am not a political pundit so I can't keep up with your statistics but I will try to use common sense and common courtesy. It's been great to hear from people from across the country. I am from TN. I am working class, from middle class parents, and my family goes back to the beginnings of this state. It(the state) doesn't get mentioned much but that's okay.
As far as issues go I support healthcare reform but have a lot of concerns about government(universal) involvement. It sounds socialistic to me. Environmently, my husband and I have made our house as green as we can. We're saving up for our next vehicle to be hybrid. We also carpool. Our town doesn't have mass transit. It's pop. is about 35,ooo. On foreign policy, I don't think we should still be on the ground in Iraq. I do think we should go back to concentrating on Afghanistan(sp.?). On immigration, I believe the laws already on the books should be more actively enforced. I know this is a bad day to say that. My husband even says sinkin' the mayo sometimes. I know that's not politically correct, but we both get frustrated sometimes. At least my job hasn't been taken across the border, but some of my family's has. Well, I hope this hasn't been TMI. I just thought I'd introduce myself and hope you don't think I've been a peeping tom. This is the most I've kept up with politics but this won't be the first election I'll be voting in. I've always used that constitutional right. I don't believe we should sit it out because our first choice doesn't get nominated. If anything, write-in Morgan Freeman. :)

Leah Texas4Obama said...

ed iglehart said: "... which rounds up to a million."

ROTFLMO ... I loved that!

RobH said...

Hey Nella,

To take the discussion along it's good-will trajectory, let me try a couple of responses, specific to your points.

1) They believe in him, but for you, it's misplaced. So your read on the situation weighs more than theirs?

2) Now he's been vetted, they've (probably) weighed his baggage as less than hers, but their reasoned choice is an ego problem? No a reasoned choice?

3) They have anger towards Bill? That's stunning. Almost all true Democrats think he's the best President in living memory (count me (almost completely) in.) From what stems their anger?

4) 'Intimidated' seems like a loaded word. How about if you use the words "representing the will of thier constituents". And even if you side with the idea of their independent judgement (vs. simply representing the majority (and I take no position on that one)) why would you fault the Obama campaing?? THat seem a real stretch. You think the "underdog until four months ago weilds the ability to intimidate? You think elected officials take well to intimidations?

5) I couldn't agree with you more. But I hope they aren't the majority. ha ha

Hey, I really hope you'll write back. Thx.

RobH said...


At 10:16 ya' got me with a technicality - they are indeed pledged, not SD's.

But wait a sec, hasn't here Empress advised us that "really, wink, wink, evend pledddgged delagates aren't reallly pledged, don't ya' know?"

Pablo said...

I thought Bill Clinton was the best President of my lifetime. He did benefit from some good economic times, but he was zero'd in on the economy from the start and deserves alot of credit too. When I discuss his time with anyone that is anti-clinton, the first question I ask is which of his policies were you against? I usually get no answer.
I do not equate his Presidency though, for more her experience.....she was not elected, she did not answer to anyone, and the lone big task she was given for health care reform could have passed but she blundered it badly. I still like her but I think she could have worked with others to have helped passed that.

As for Florida and Michigan, voters did nothing wrong. But I would never believe that we should count votes that we told the voters from the beginning would not be counted. That is abusurd, it makes no sense at all. I think the party leaders, state and national, should have handled it better, now we have a real mess.

Aunt Jean said...

pablo you are right . This is the reason I backing Hillary. Ever since she got out of college[just about] has been pushing help for children. She could have went to work for a big law firm but no she choose to do things that were to help women and children. She has always fought for the under dog [meaning women and children] She doesn't believe in sitting on her tush but getting out there and doing what it takes to do to get things done. Has she been fair about everything heck no.Has she done everything she has ever promised no but it not because of lack of trying. I do believe that a lot of things goes on in the white house that shouldn't [people padding or promising things but it's the end results if it was worth those things that count.She has pushed so many things for the good of the people and people only see her mistakes. When I decide on a person.It's not for the reasons of if they are a good speaker or how much money they have it's the things that they do in their life. Yes I know that she has stretched the truth and lied but I try and look at the whole picture the pro's and cons of the person themseves. I realize that obama is younger than Hillary so she would be able to do many more things. But from what I have read [I don't go to just one site. I don't believe that for his age he [obama] has done very much. Plus the fact that when somehas a picture of him with a bad person he will not answer the question he will not give a direct answer even though the day before he will say he didn't. May be he forgot or whatever. But he should look you in the eye and say I'm sorry but I just forgot was wrong or something. I do feel he has an agenda what it is I don't know but it doesn't set well with me. I've always been good about judging people and so far I've never been wrong about someone. Yes there always can be the first time and I pray to God if he gets to be President that I will be proven wrong because if not America will never be the same.When Hillary said thather and McCain I feel that also because he needs to wait and let the people get to know him better. Maybe in 8 years[not trying to be insulting] and he really works to prove that he will make a good President he will have it easier because Clinton will have things on the up side and he will be able to keep it going. It is a win win.But if it's proven that he can't be trusted the people will still benefit because they will put someone esle that will hopefully do a great job. Like I said it's a win win. Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Everyone duck and run ....

in coming SNIPER FIRE - - - -

* * * * *

It is time for a change in Washington!

No more lies, no more lobbyists, no more scandals, no more CIGARS!


Aunt Jean said...

softspoken I lived in tn. for 17 years loved it. I lived in a small town east of lebanon off I240. Had 2 farms there. Idon't know where you live but I lived in a very small town pop. maybe 350. But Al gore home was only about 15 miles from where I lived. Tenn, is a very beautiful state and I miss it something terrible.Not only that the people there are one of a kind very friendly and helpful. Jean

suzihussein22 said...

I just remembered someone else. I believe that would be Paul Harvey, who just suffered a tremendous loss with the passing of his wife. I believe he is trying to keep us thinking. May God be with him and his family during this season of passing.

Aunt Jean said...

softspoken 22 I lived off I 240 exit 258 [not 1240]. The town was Hickman. Carthage where Al Gores home is really just outside Carthage across the river. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Leah these comments are exactly what I'm talking about. I guess you are not above them just willing to woller in the mud with them.I'm talking about the 10.58 pm post. Jean

suzihussein22 said...

In response to Aunt Jean, my family used to, with permission, hunt on the Gore property. Al Gore's father was well respected with my father. I hope the son can be a voice of reason at the convention. I actually grew up in Nashville though. I've never been too much on the big city though. When, as a concerned citizen, you almost get in trouble for trying to speak up for children in a store that are being verbally abused in public, something is wrong with our society.

Aunt Jean said...

leah see you are no better than anyone else and have the nerve to say you are better.Sure sounds like it doesn't it [NO]
Everyone duck and run....

in coming SNIPER FIRE - - - -

* * * * *

It is time for a change in Washington!

No more lies, no more lobbyists, no more scandals, no more CIGARS!

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean,

I think that it is very important for everyone to remember the SNIPER FIRE issue. The media hasn't been talking about it much lately and as Americans we have an obligation to make sure that people don't forget that there are things regarding Hillary's character that are alarming.

Things to keep in mind before voting:

Bosnia - sniper fire
Peter Paul vs. Clintons
'obliterate' Iran
$109,000,000 (elitist)


Aunt Jean said...

softspoken22 then you know exactly where I'n talking about. It's it pretty there and very peaceful. Yes it's terrible when anyone speaks terrible to a child and you try and defend them and get in trouble. What has happened to this world? Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean said: "leah see you are no better than anyone else and have the nerve to say you are better."

Please do not make things up about me. I have NEVER ever said that I am better or worse than anyone else.

If you have seen a 'quote' from me that can prove that you are correct then please do post it. Otherwise please stop trying to smear me. Thank you.

Yamaka said...

"As for Florida and Michigan, voters did nothing wrong"--publo.

If you believe in this statement, then your following one DOES NOT make any sense to me.

Why do you want to punish the Voters, anyway? If your above statement has any value, then you logically must count their votes, seat their delegates. Why not?

How do you propose to solve this "mess"? Is 48 State Strategy the sound one to go to the GE?

I think already the Party is royally buried in the graveyard! Proof: McCain is surging in the polls! DNC's coffer is nearly empty. No one wants to donate!

Regarding why she failed in Healthcare reform 15 years ago? she was opposed by the BigBusiness, who spent nearly 150 million in running Ads all over America. American people were confused, thus not much of emotion among Americans for the UHC!

You didn't say why you are for Obama?


Emit R Detsaw said...

Ok, now I have seen a few of you commenting that Bill Clinton was the greatest President of your life time, so I can guess the age frame of some of you. For me the greatest would have been JFK and even Eisenhower.

I have several problems with Clinton, but can acknowledge that he had some good points. I happened to be in the military during his 8 years and he did a lot of damage to the military. Had a lot of buddies that extended their careers just so they wouldn't have his name on their retirement certificate.

Aunt Jean said...

Leah let me ask you something does lieing about the sniper fire do damage to anyone. You say that things should be kept in the open about a person ok. How about obama
Rezko backed his senate.
he has been at a party at his home
bought million + home from rezko didn't make that kind of money.said his and michelle's college just got paid off a couple of years ago
been friends witha couple more unsavory guys [the bomber] remember him.
He will be called on the rezko case.
Michelle is only proud of america now.
Wright sat there for 16 to 20 years listening to hate filled sermons. Shall I go on? What I'm trying to get through to you is Obama has a lot more things that are very questionable than Hillary at least her's happened years ago his has been [or most] in the last 3 or 4 years. Jean

Emit R Detsaw said...

Question for the Hillary fans. If she is such a fighter, and has such a great Health Care plan, and really cares about Americans, then why hasn't she been fighting in Congress the past 6 years trying to get it moved forward?

Just wondering.

suzihussein22 said...

I do believe there have been issues about both of the candidates that have been humerous but also sad when it relates to their character. I couldn't help but laugh when someone said HRC has testicular fortitude. I just chuckled again when I typed it. I don't think she should have joked about sniper fire on Jay Leno though. A lot of my family is/has been in the military and I think she showed a lack of sensitivity towards the people that are sacrificing for the freedoms we take for granted in this country. Obama is a charismatic speaker but I think he does have a stutter. Again, I'll have to confess I'm not being politically correct.

Yamaka said...

"But thrn went on to claim a spurious popular vote lead. I say spurious because almost everyone else reckons Obama leads the popular vote (including Fl & MI) by something like 700,000, which rounds up to a million."


Whether your 1 million for BHO is spurious or my 122K for HRC is spurious can be checked if you visit realclearpolitics.com and read the popular vote counts.

I stand by my claim that HRC is leading in popular vote if you include FL and MI.


Aunt Jean said...

someone just mention that JFK was one of the best president that we had. Well he was pretty good but he did have an on going affair with marilyn monroe and also there are a lot of people that think he had something to do with her suicide. Personally I think Clinton did one heck of a job. People don't give him enough credit. Jean

Emit R Detsaw said...

And you would rather have an affair with Monica than Miss Monroe?

If you are going to fool around, and least do it with a cutie and don't lie about it to a congressional hearing so you end up getting impeached.

Plus, JFK and MM were just rumors. ;o)

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean said: "Leah let me ask you something does lieing about the sniper fire do damage to anyone."

Aunt Jean,

YES, her lying did do damage. It angered the country of Bosnia. It angered the American troops that were there that day protecting her, Sinbad, and Chelsea. It angered the American people that were offended by the fact that she lied continuously about what happened.

We have a liar in the White House right now that got us into a war based on a lie and we don't need another President in the White House that can lie with such ease.

Lying is a character flaw that should not be over looked.

Yamaka said...

"Obama is a charismatic speaker but I think he does have a stutter. Again, I'll have to confess I'm not being politically correct".



I call BHO a man with rhetorical eloquence with teleprompter, w/o which he stammers and stutters.

How do you judge his character, judgment and credibility knowing that he was in the pews of Rev Wright clapping for 20 long years, and now he saying he does not really know him?

Is it not very fishy to you?

To me it is a calculated political move. Wright has been a firebrand pastor preaching anti-White, anti-American slogans for a long time. BHO went to him to get baptized, to get his mentoring and help among Blacks, since he is biracial. Blacks usually don't "believe" light skinned people with White parents or White wife! In order to get some Street Credibility as Black, BHO took Wright as his mentor, friend and Guru. That is the historical fact.
Now, since the kitchen is hot, he wants to throw Wright under the bus. His style of doing things.
In Philly Speech, he threw his grandmother Toot under the bus to save his own skin and the scalp.
Again, his style of doing politics.

I need to hear from you on this.


Aunt Jean said...

emit probably for the simple fact she knew that she was going to run for the WH and thought that she might get it through quicker if she was president. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Leah you are wrong. So obama hasn't lied come on get real. Do you really want me to name the many lies that has rolled out of his mouth. Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean you are spinning and stating untruths.

Senator Obama DID NOT buy his house from Rezko. Rezko owned the LOT next door to Obama's house.

Bill Clinton 'pardoned' two members of the Weathermen before he left office.

Senator Obama did not 'sit' in the church 'everyday' for twenty years. There were big chunks of time that he didn't even go to church. There has been enough said about Obama's church already go look up some facts.

What is the name of Hillary's pastor?

How often does Hillary go to church?

What is the name of Hillary's church?

Here is some info on the cult/church that Hillary belongs to:


You can bet your boots the Republicans are just itching to start talking about the CULT that Hillary belongs to!

Emit R Detsaw said...

Jean, more than likely, she just pulled it out to spin on the campaign trail. She has found that she can't get anything meaningful passed, so she left it alone while she was in position to do something about it. Shameful.

Hillary (and Bill) are professional liars. They will say and spin anything to dupe the public. The 24 hour news cycle started catching some of them, but the media needs to keep the race close so they have something to talk about.

Aunt Jean said...

softspoken 22 you do know that in the last debate that Hillary admited that she lied and said that it was wrong and sorry that she said that.. These obama supporter which is their right to support if they choose but he has lied over and over and they are not willing to admit that he has ever lied.Plus they have the nerve to say that she never said that she was wrong or sorry in the last debate. Well I watched the whole thing and she did so either they are lieing are when she was talking they didn't bother listening to her. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

emit you must have obama mixed up with Hillary on most things. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Leah excuse me he did the lot next door belonged was bought by his wife for $685000.00 then turned around and sold part of it to obama for $300000.00. Jean

Emit R Detsaw said...

Was it Obama or Clinton that promised Up-State New York that she would create 300,000 jobs for them if she was elected to Senate, then once elected helped get legislation passed that actually took jobs away from UNY?

That would be just one example of a Hillary empty campaign promise that turned into a lie. She had no intention of helping them.

Aunt Jean said...

Leah I do believe that you have Hillary and obama mixed up matter of fact I know you do. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

emit get real who has been in office for 7 almost eight years. Then ask why the jobs didn't appear .Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Aunt Jean said: "Leah I do believe that you have Hillary and obama mixed up matter of fact I know you do."

aunt jean-
Mixed up what? What are you talking about?

Aunt Jean said...

Leah I didn't know that you knew the troops personal or the people of bosnia lol lol.What a gal! lol lol Jean

suzihussein22 said...

Please don't ask me to judge another person even if I know them. We will all be deciding on their credibility and character when we go into the voting booth in November. It is a personal decision that I will not try to change anybody's mind on even though it will affect this whole country. I believe things have come to a critical point on the world stage and the next 4 years could make or break us.

Aunt Jean said...

Yamaka you can forget about them telling you why they like obama I don't think they know. Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...

aunt jean said: emit get real who has been in office for 7 almost eight years. Then ask why the jobs didn't appear "

It was Hillary that promised the jobs to HER state of New York. She did not deliver.

Senator Obama was not obligated to bring jobs to New York. Hillary was the one that promised the jobs for HER state.

Senator Obama's state is Illinois.

We really are in 'silly season' now LOL!

suzihussein22 said...

Superficially, why do I like them? HRC is intelligent. Obama says we more than me. That is quid pro quo to be fair one aspect at a time. HRC didn't let the media harrass her daughter as a child. Obama is intelligent. That makes 2 now. Now I've got to get ready to go to bat for my son on the personal, local front. He is tested gifted, but the school system is letting him coast through. We've done our fair share of challenges at home but the professionals need to step up to bat. We've even been able to utilize the No Child Left Behind a little bit.

Aunt Jean said...

Leah before you get on a high and mighty what I was talking about was you telling me not to say ugly things . Well you set there and smear Hillary with that trash and it is trash. Hillary really didn't approve of nafta but she was married to the person who wanted it. She has said that it needs to be looked at and changed. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

emit Obama has that title [professional lia] that is.Emit you keep decribing obama and here I thought you were for him you must be a planted republican. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Leah I'm really sorry you must be really confused. You keep getting Hillary mixed up with Obama lol lol Jean

Aunt Jean said...

leah I never said it was obama's job to bring jobs to NY now who is the one being silly !!! Jean

Leah Texas4Obama said...


I have no idea what you are talking about when you say that Obama and Hillary have been mixed up. If you wish to make a point then perhaps you could be a bit more specific about what you are trying to say.

Aunt Jean said...

Emit sorry to bust your bubble but clinton didn't get empeached. Besides it was more than just rumors and you know it.Plus at least didn't have monica commit sucide like maybe JFK maybe had his fingers in it. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Leah let me make it very plain for you all the uglyness you say about Hillary doesn't compare to the uglyness to Obama. Is that clearer. Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Well Leah and Emit I'm tired of your silly little games. I'm going to enjoy time with an adult now so I will let you children keep playing the game. Maybe you can play it with each other. Who knows maybe you will see your errors about Hillary our next POTUS.!!! Jean

Aunt Jean said...

Leah sorry obama only got 4SD's for may 5th. Maybe tomorrow.Night Jean

Pablo said...

""As for Florida and Michigan, voters did nothing wrong"

If you believe in this statement, then your following one DOES NOT make any sense to me."

Just because I don't believe they did anything wrong....does not equate to counting their votes must be counted. Every person went to the polls with FULL KNOWLEDGE that their votes would be invalid. No one should have been under any illusions . So it was never a real vote. IMO they should not have ever released the results.

I am pro Hillary and pro Obama...both seem to have similar goals and stances on the policies they would like to see pushed.
I believe both have made mistakes during this campaign, no one is without flaws. Hillary has suprised me the most with her tactics. But she is in the hole because of a poor campaign early.

The health care reform may have been battling interest groups and big business, but committee leaders like Bradley and Dole at the time were willing to push a working bipartisan health care reform through. Knowing it was one of Clinton's major platforms he ran on, it had a great shot. But Hillary took little to no advice,input,construction on it at all, it was her baby alone. Congress shot it down in a big way. It was a huge blow. I think she's much wiser now knowing how things work. Better to have those who did very little get credit for it and push the plan thru, then to take sole credit and get nothing passed.

Leah Texas4Obama said...

Even though DCW did not add the other two Illinois super-delegates to their website on May 5th - Obama still picked up a total of 6 SDs for the day :)

We have less than 18 hours to go until the polls close - thank goodness - maybe this will all be over finally and then Senator Obama can start focusing all of his time on beating John McCain!

Anonymous said...

Pre Primary (Indiana North Carolina) Preview



ed iglehart said...


Real Clear Politics says...
"Democrats Obama-Clinton Spread
Total Delegates 1747 - 1608 Obama + 139
Super Delegates 256 - 271 Clinton + 15
Pledged Delegates 1491 - 1337 Obama + 154
Popular Vote 49.2 - 47.5 Obama +1.7
Popular Vote (w/FL) 48.3 - 47.6 Obama +0.7...."
From just where does your supposed 122k Clinton advantage come? Is it Michigan? If so, that's spurious indeed.


Dave in NC said...

Clinton could convince the Supers to vote for her if she wins in NC and IN by more than 10% in each.

She could accomplish the same goal if she were a good, honest person and not married to Bill.

Both scenarios are equally likely to happen.

...and the morphine drip goes up another notch at the Clinton Hospice.

Dave in NC said...


How's that recount in Guam working out for ya?

Hills ahead yet?

Dave in NC said...

Yamaka said he will be around shortly, he is still trying to count all those supers that Clinton picked up yesterday.

Emit R Detsaw said...

Ok, it's Issue time. I'll start on the Economy since most others are tied to it.

I feel that so many factors are tied to the economy that is hurting the majority of the American citizens.

1) The War. The shear amount of money that is being spent or given to Iraq and Bush’s buddies Companies through no-bid contracts has taken $$$ that should be used in the USA. Let alone the fact that they have been borrowing $$$ from programs like Social Security as well as from other countries that puts this country further in debt. (Let alone the wasted lives of thousands of Americans and who knows how many millions of Iraqis.)

2) Oil Prices. Bush planned to be able to lower the price of oil by invading Iraq, which has backfired when he didn’t plan on how to reconstruct the country. Even without the Iraq oil helping, measures should have been made to work with OPEC and even open up the Oil Reserves if the supply was down – it hasn’t been. Plus the Oil companies should have been required to increase production. They held down production to keep the prices and profits up.

3) Foreign Trade. Most of the trade deals, including NAFTA were written to help other countries, which in turn were supposed to provide us with cheaper goods. In the short and long run, it has taken jobs away from the US worker and weakened the economy.

4) Illegal Immigrants. Bush states that we need them because they are willing to do the jobs that Americans are not willing to do. I say enforce Immigration Laws that are on the books. If there are jobs that Americans won’t do, then you apply for workers through work visa programs. They come in legally, and the US gets tax revenue.

5) American Spending Habits. Personal Debt has played a large part in the economic problems of this country. People work hard for a little money and then blow it on items they don’t truly need (High Def TVs for example), on vacations that don’t serve a purpose, or things like eating out all of the time. Just how much gas is wasted in Drive Thru Window lanes?

There are more reasons why the economy is hurting, but need to save room in the blog for others. ;o)

Aunt Jean said...

Leah obama only got 4 SD's yesterday sorry he will probably get them today so don't let it bother you. Someone on here said that if they had a revote in florida that the poll had obama at a higher % than Hillary. If Florida decides to have a second Presidential Primary this year, Hillary Clinton will begin the race with a sixteen-percentage point lead over Barack Obama. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows that Clinton attracts 55% of the Sunshine State Primary Vote while Obama earns 39%.

Well this is a rasmussen report: Jean dave in nc when they get through yes Hillary just might be ahead but of course there are missing ballots? go figure as to why! . Hey Ed this site has Hillary at 269.5 sd's and obama at 252 sd's are you saying that they are wrong?

Aunt Jean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aunt Jean said...

Dave in NC Hillary is more honest than obama and Bill is her husband.. Marriage vows says thru the good and bad thru sickness and in health. What part of marriage vows do you not understand. If two people can work out their problems in a marriage what is so wrong with that? I think she should get a pat on the back and be proud that she could get beyond the fact that BIll cheated on her and the whole world knew about. That tells me that she is a very strong person and someone that doesn't run from bad times.I'm sorry that you take marriage vows so lightly. Jean

May 06, 2008 9:43 AM

Anonymous said...

"How's that recount in Guam working out for ya?"
I guess it will occur.

Pacific News Center Staff Reporter 06.MAY.08
8:10 p.m. Guam - A candidate in the recent Democratic Party caucus is contesting the results of the voting and is requesting that a recount and an inventory be undertaken for the elections held on April 26 and May 3.

Of course it will not affect delegate count no matter what the outcome. Bragging rights are at stake.

ed iglehart said...


You're spot on. I would just add that as log as we're tied to the idea of continuous growth in our demonstrably finite system, we're on a loser.

Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a

finite world is either a madman or an economist.

--Kenneth Boulding

We have made "The Economy" (or "The Global Economy") into our ultimate Diety, and, as Jesus said,
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." {Matt 6:19-24 RSV}


Unknown said...

More Lies from B. Hussein OBAMA

46.) I Have Always Supported Universal Health Care - LIAR, your plan leaves us all to pay the 15,000,000 who don’t have to buy it.

47.) I Only Found Out About My Investment Conflicts Via Mail - LIAR, both companies you site as having sent you letters about this conflict have no record of any such letter ever being created or sent.

48.) I Am As Patriotic As Anyone - LIAR, you won’t wear a flag pin and you don’t put your hand over your heart during the Anthem.

49.) My Wife Didn’t Mean What She Said About Pride In Country - LIAR, your wife’s words follow lock-step in the vein of Wright and Farrahkan, in relation to their contempt and hatred of America.

50.) Wal-Mart Is A Company I Wouldn’t Support - LIAR, your wife has received nearly a quater of a million dollars through Treehouse, which is connected to Wal-Mart.

51.) Treehouse Is A Small Company - LIAR, the CEO of Treehouse last year, made more than the CEO of Wal-Mart, according to public records.

52.) University Of Chicago Hospital Pay Is Fair - LIAR, your wife’s pay raise was nearly 150% her already bloated rate and the hospital is a Non-Profit Hospital, which made $100,000,000 in the last 3 years. They overcharge blacks VS whites for services, and overcharge everyone in general by 538%!

53.)I Barely Know Rezko - Only 5 Billed Hours - LIAR, you have known him for 17 years, and decided to do a real estate deal with him during a time when he was proven to be under investigation. Despite this, you divided your property and had them take off $300K before the mortgage problems started. Then Rezko’s wife buys the lot beside it that you can’t afford, saving you $625,000.
54.) My Donations Have Been Checked Thoroughly - LIAR, you only gave back Hsu ($72K) and Rezko (first $66K, then when caught lying $86K, then when caught lying again $150K and now caught lying YET AGAIN OBAMA, it’s $250k) their money when publically called on their involvement in your campaigns.
55.) My Church Is Like Any Other Christian Church - LIAR, your church is so extreme, the pastor who married you, Rev. Wright, just got done blaming the US for 9/11 and named Louis Farrahkan their person of the year.
56.) I Disagree With My Church All The Time - LIAR, you still have yet to repudiate Wright, who married you and your wife, and you still donate large sums of money to assist the church in furthering its message - hatred and revenge. You donated in 2006 alone, $22,500 to the church that you so terribly disagree with. That is nearly $500 PER WEEK - that sure is disagreement, Senator Obama.
57.) I Have Clean Connections Despite Rezko - LIAR, you are not only connected to Exelon and Rezko, you are also connected to Hillary PAC supporter Mr. Hsu, AND an Iraqi Billionaire of ill repute, Nadhmi Auchi, who ripped off people in the Food For Oil, Iraqi deal. Seems Mr. Auchi may have helped Obama buy his million dollar property long before Obama had millions of dollars. Wonder what favors Mr. Auchi expects, when Obama leaves Iraq free to be taken over by special interests such as him.
58.) I never heard sermons like Rev. Wright’s, that have been in videos all day, You Tube - LIAR! 3 days later during your Mea Culpa BS speech you said “Did I hear controversial statements while I sat in that church? Yes I did.”
59.) The Passport Invasion is a conspiracy to find dirt on me! - LIAR. Your own Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor is the CEO of the company that looked into your records. PS - You had them look into yours to hide the fact you looked into Clinton’s and McCain’s more than a year before!
60.) Rev. Meeks has nothing to do with my campaigning - LIAR. Rev. Meeks appeared in ads for your Senate Campaign, donated to you, and helped raise money, then AND NOW. PS - He also seems to despise America.
61.) My wife didn’t mean America is ignorant, she was just using a phrase - LIAR. Again, MicHELLe’s comments perfectly sync with Wright’s, Meeks’, and Farrakhans, both in language, anger, and direction.
62.) I am very Anti-Terror - LIAR. [03/30/2008] One of your good pals is long time radical and terrorist William Ayers, with whom you have been seen in the last 12 months and who has helped the now jailed khalidi, Professor at Columbia who invited Ahmadinejad to the University, to raise money for Palestinian terrorism attacks against Israel. PS - Your church published a pro Hamas Manifesto - guess you weren’t there on THAT Sunday either? How lucky for you.
63.) I have the best plan to cure the Mortgage Crisis - LIAR. [03/30/2008] You and your campaign buddy Penny SubPrime Bank Collapse Prizker have had your little fingers full of subprime cash - Obama has taken $1,180,103 from the top issuers of subprime loans: Obama received $266,907 from Lehman, $5395 from GMAC, $150,850 from Credit Suisse First Boston, $11,250 from Countrywide, $9052 from Washington Mutual, $161,850 from Citigroup, $4600 from CBASS, $170,050 from Morgan Stanley, $1150 from Centex, and last but certainly NOT LEAST - Obama received $351,900 from Goldman Sachs. I am sure that cash all came from folks who knew the subprime loan they had was a dream, eh?
64) I played greater role in crafting liberal stands on gun control, the death penalty and abortion - LIAR - [03/31/2008] It was found that Obama — the day after sitting for the interview — filed an amended version of the questionnaire, which appears to contain Obama’s own handwritten notes added to one answer. Read Obama had greater role on liberal survey
65) I did NOT play the race card: - LIAR - [03/31/2008] Obama was the first to play the race card. According to Phialdelphia Inquirer, Quietly, the storm over the hateful views expressed by Sen. Barack Obama’s pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has blown away the most insidious myth of the Democratic primary campaign. Obama and his surrogates have charged that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has deliberately and cleverly played the race card in order to label Obama the “black” candidate. Read more here
66) I did not take money from oil companies: - LIAR - [03/31/2008]
THE FACTS: True enough, Obama does not take money from oil companies. No candidate does. It is illegal for corporations to give money to politicians.
Corporations, however, do have political action committees that collect voluntary donations from employees and then donate them to candidates.
Obama doesn’t take money from PACs. He also doesn’t take money from lobbyists.
But he does accept money from executives and other employees of oil companies and two of his fundraisers are oil company executives. As of Feb. 29, Obama’s presidential campaign had received nearly $214,000 from oil and gas industry employees and their families, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
Clinton had received nearly $307,000 from industry workers and their families and Republican Sen. John McCain, the likely GOP presidential nominee, received nearly $394,000, according to the center’s totals.
Two of Obama’s fundraisers are Robert Cavnar, the chairman and chief executive of Houston-based Mission Resources Corp., and George Kaiser, the president and CEO of Tulsa-based Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. Source: Associated press via Yahoo News
67) “I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial,” Obama said at a community meeting in Nelsonville, Ohio, earlier this month. - LIAR - But yesterday, he told a different story. “Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes,” he said in his speech yesterday in Philadelphia.
68) Look at my education record in Illinois - LIAR - In reality, Obama never really championed the local councils. He supported them behind the scenes and only eventually came out publicly on their behalf. When he did weigh in, he came down on the wrong side of the debate—against protecting principals from unwarranted dismissals and in favor of keeping councils independent, no matter what.

ed iglehart said...


There's a call for you.

I'll listen on the other line.


Aunt Jean said...

Nancy you are one smart woman the post was great keep up the good work.. Hillary our next POTUS.!!! Jean

Pablo said...

Hi Nancy

Thank god your grandkids can cut and paste for you.

Come on back by when you get a thought of your own.

jpsedona said...

Aunt Jean,

A couple items for you:

1) Politico.com has Clinton's lead in Superdelegates down to 12.

2) Bill Clinton WAS IMPEACHED. A Presidential impeachment is when the House of Representatives finds cause that the President should stand trial in the Senate. They found cause and he was impeached. The Senate did not convict.

ed iglehart said...

Yamaka sent me to Real Clear Politics, where I found this, leading the headlines.

" This contrast between combat and composure defines the Democratic race. The implicit Clinton argument is that politics is an inherently nasty business. Human nature, as she said Sunday, means that progress comes only through conquest. You’d better elect a leader who can intimidate. You’d better elect someone who has given herself permission to be brutal."

"Obama’s campaign grows out of the longstanding reform tradition. His implicit argument is that politics doesn’t have to be this way. Dishonesty and brutality aren’t inevitable; they’re what gets in the way. Obama’s friend and supporter Cass Sunstein described the Obama ideal in The New Republic: “Obama believes that real change usually requires consensus, learning and accommodation." .....”

Just about says it all, doesn't it?

Don't forget to vote, if you're in Indiana or North Carolina.

Aunt Jean said...

ipsedona yes they thought about empeaching Clinton but decided NOT TO don't really care what you say I see it one way and you see it the wrong way. Jean

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