Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Yes Palin's Supreme Court answer was that bad

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Once again she lived up to the hype....

And Biden nailed it.

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I am literally shivering with fear of this woman taking office. But the worst part isn't even that she can't name a supreme court case besides Roe v. Wade, it's that she said her support for states rights meant she was a Federalist! D'oh! Scary that 40+% of Americans are considering a woman who literally has know idea how our national government is setup and the history and philosophy behind it. Has she taken a U.S. history class? I hope we don't have to find out.
1 reply · active 856 weeks ago
Karen Anne's avatar

Karen Anne · 856 weeks ago

That had me going What, What, too. Then I grubbed around and there's something called New Federalism, which, as far as I can tell, means "the opposite of federalism." It's a neocon thing, in their fine tradition of calling things what they aren't, apparently dating back to Reagan. Here's one glancing discussion of it, in the context of the Supreme Court:
I am trying to decide how much to fault her for not remembering her office's own press releases. I know that Alaska has one of the more expensive and wasteful governments per capita (paid for by the rest of the country), but I can't see her having that large a staff to not know what her spokesperson is releasing. Your state just got screwed over by the Supreme Court barely four months ago. How can anybody forget that?
1 reply · active 856 weeks ago
The supreme court case that she has spoken disappointment of in the past is Exxon v. Baker. She is even in old videos talking about her disappointment of the ruling. She seems to have lost all confidence in herself since the McCain Bush folks have gotten a hold of her and it seems like her brain doesn't work anymore when she is in front of a camera. Thank goodness that Obama and Biden don't have that problem ;)
Funny you should mention that...
I just posted about the case... including video of her disapproval.

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