WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
High Democratic precincts were doing well this morning in Dallas. I was out and about early putting up signs and promoting down ballot races at the polls. You can follow me on Twitter today at http://twitter.com/jeffstrater
Dallas County went blue the last election cycle. Looking for it to become a darker shade of blue. Very cool since the W Library will be here and the Bush's are moving back. Cheney's also rumored to have purchased a condo in Dallas.
EDIT from Mr Super: It seems to be a good idea if we can keep track of any problem precincts around the country. We have a fair amount of media who visit this site, and reporting these lines can be a way for them to report on issues all around the country.
If you know of extremely long lines - anywhere in America - report them here in the comments section. Be sure to include the 1) city, 2) state and when possible the 3) precinct location or nearest cross streets.
So far this morning I have received reports of long lines in California, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Nevada and North Carolina.
I have specifically received word that a precinct at Pico and Fairfax in Los Angeles saw a line 3 blocks long at 7:30 AM this morning. If you haven't voted yet, please allow plenty of time today.