WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
This is the DemConWatch Presidential Forecast, a summary of the best election projections on the web. Please also check out our Senate Forecast, and the House Forecast will be introduced later this month.
Update 6/28: Latest projection: Obama leads 301-237, up 2 from the last forecast of 299-239. 538.com made another major change to its algorithm, assuming that the race will naturally tighten. This had the effect of bringing Obama's state numbers down across the board and changed their estimate of Obama's EVs from 344 to 310, and 538.com is no longer an outlier on the Obama side. But this was balanced out and more by movement towards Obama in a number of states in different projections, especially in GA, MI, MN, TX and WI, giving Obama an overall +2 EVs on average. A history chart is at the bottom of this post.
Map showing consensus of sources. This table will show a state Blue or Red if a majority of the sources show it Leaning or Solid for that candidate. Changes: MI moves to Obama, NC moves to McCain.
DCW General Election Tracker | |||||||||||
State | EVs | Elect. Proj. | Open Left | EV. com | 538.com | RCP | RM | CNN | NBC | FHQ | .... |
Date | 6/27 | 6/28 | 6/28 | 6/28 | 6/28 | 6/28 | 6/27 | 6/5 | 6/25 | ||
Obama (O) | 207 | 194 | 172 | 203 | 146 | 200 | 153 | 153 | 153 | ||
Obama-Lean (OL) | 77 | 99 | 57 | 90 | 92 | 84 | 78 | 47 | 54 | ||
Tossup (T) | 95 | 77 | 153 | 29 | 137 | 14 | 113 | 138 | 129 | ||
McCain-Lean (ML) | 89 | 83 | 85 | 86 | 70 | 66 | 69 | 84 | 71 | ||
McCain (M) | 70 | 85 | 71 | 127 | 93 | 174 | 125 | 116 | 131 | ||
Obama Total | 284 | 293 | 229 | 293 | 238 | 284 | 231 | 200 | 207 | ||
McCain Total | 159 | 168 | 156 | 213 | 163 | 240 | 194 | 200 | 202 | ||
Obama Est. | 334 | 328 | 311 | 310 | 302 | 287 | 286 | 276 | 275 | ||
Texas | 34 | ML | ML | ML | M | ML | M | M | M | M | |
Florida | 27 | T | T | T | ML | T | ML | T | T | ML | |
Pennsylvania | 21 | OL | OL | T | OL | OL | OL | OL | T | T | |
Ohio | 20 | OL | OL | T | OL | T | OL | T | T | T | |
Michigan | 17 | OL | OL | OL | OL | T | OL | T | T | T | |
Georgia | 15 | T | ML | T | ML | ML | M | ML | ML | ML | |
New Jersey | 15 | O | O | OL | O | OL | O | OL | OL | OL | |
N. Carolina | 15 | T | T | T | ML | T | ML | ML | ML | ML | |
Virginia | 13 | T | T | T | T | T | ML | T | T | T | |
Massachusetts | 12 | O | O | O | O | O | O | O | O | OL | |
Indiana | 11 | ML | ML | ML | T | T | M | ML | ML | T | |
Missouri | 11 | T | T | T | ML | T | ML | T | ML | T | |
Washington | 11 | O | O | O | O | OL | O | OL | OL | O | |
Arizona | 10 | ML | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | |
Minnesota | 10 | O | O | OL | O | OL | O | OL | OL | OL | |
Wisconsin | 10 | O | OL | O | O | OL | OL | OL | T | T | |
Colorado | 9 | T | OL | T | OL | T | T | T | T | T | |
Louisiana | 9 | ML | M | ML | ML | ML | M | ML | ML | M | |
S. Carolina | 8 | ML | ML | ML | M | M | M | M | M | ML | |
Conn. | 7 | O | O | T | O | OL | O | O | O | O | |
Iowa | 7 | OL | OL | OL | OL | OL | OL | T | T | OL | |
Oregon | 7 | OL | OL | T | OL | OL | O | OL | OL | OL | |
Arkansas | 6 | ML | M | ML | M | M | M | ML | ML | M | |
Kansas | 6 | M | ML | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | |
Mississippi | 6 | ML | ML | ML | M | ML | M | M | ML | M | |
Nebraska | 5 | M | M | M | M | M | M | M | ML | M | |
Nevada | 5 | T | T | T | T | T | T | T | T | T | |
New Mexico | 5 | OL | OL | OL | OL | T | OL | ML | T | T | |
W. Virginia | 5 | ML | M | ML | M | M | M | ML | M | M | |
Maine | 4 | O | O | O | O | OL | O | OL | OL | O | |
NH | 4 | O | O | O | OL | T | OL | T | T | T | |
Alaska | 3 | M | T | T | ML | ML | M | M | M | ML | |
Delaware | 3 | O | OL | OL | O | O | O | O | O | OL | |
Montana | 3 | M | ML | ML | M | ML | M | ML | ML | ML | |
N. Dakota | 3 | M | T | ML | ML | M | M | M | ML | T | |
S. Dakota | 3 | M | M | M | ML | M | M | M | M | M | |
Elect. Proj. | Open Left | EV. com | 538.com | RCP | RM | CNN | NBC | FHQ | .... |
538 - FiveThirtyEight - Safe and Likely mapped to Strong (O or M), Lean to Lean (OL or ML), Tossup to Tossup (T)
CNN - Safe mapped to Strong, Leaning to Lean, Tossup to Tossup
Elect. Proj. - Election Projection - Solid and Strong mapped to Strong, Moderate to Lean, Weak to Tossup
EV.com - Electoral-Vote.com - Strong mapped to Strong, Weak to Lean, Barely and Tossup to Tossup
FHQ - FrontLoading HQ - Solid mapped to Strong, Lean to Lean, Tossup (Dem and Rep) to Tossup
NBC - Base mapped to strong, Lean to Lean, Tossup to Tossup
OpenLeft - Solid mapped to Strong, Lean to Lean, Tossup to Tossup
RM - Rasmussen - Safe and Likely mapped to Strong, Lean to Lean, Tossup to Tossup
RCP - RealClearPolitics - Solid mapped to Strong, Lean to Lean, Tossup to Tossup
Here are the states that span 3 categories.
- Alaska: 2 at Tossup, 4 at McCain-Strong. Rasmussen's own poll shows McCain only up by 4, yet they still have AK as Likely-Republican, which we convert to McCain-Strong.
- Connecticut: Only Electoral-vote.com having it as a toss-up - that likely won't last. The only poll in the last 3 months showed Obama at +3 in late May.
- Georgia: 2 at Tossup, Rasmussen still has it as McCain-Strong.
- Indiana: Rasmussen again the holdout at McCain-Strong.
Minnesota: With Survey USA out on June 16 with a poll showing Obama only up by 1, CNN's projection of a Tossup doesn't look like as much of an outlier.CNN moves to Obama-Lean.Montana: 538 now has it as a Tossup. 2 Projections have it as Strong-McCain. Last poll was in April.- New Hampshire: Three projections have this former? battleground state at Obama-Strong.
- New Mexico: Five projections have it as Obama-Lean, CNN has it at McCain-Lean. Two recent polls show Obama up by 3 and 8 points.
- North Dakota - Two have it as tossup - that won't last. Or will it? There hasn't been a state poll in ND since April.
- Oregon - One of the few Obama states that seems to be closing, with Obama only up by 3 in the latest SurveyUSA poll. 1 Tossup, 1 Obama-Strong.
South Dakota: 538 has it as Tossup.Virgina (New): 538 has it as Obama-Lean, Rasmussen at McCain-LeanWest Virginia: 538 has it as Tossup.- Wisconsin: Electoral-Vote.com is the first to move this former battleground state to Obama-Strong.
The overall projection is just a straight average of each projections' estimate of Electoral Votes (EVs) for each candidate. For each projection other than FiveThirtyEight, we give Obama 100% of the EVs in a state that is solid for him, 80% of the EVs for a leaner, 50% of the EVs for a Tossup, 20% of the EVs for state that is McCain-Lean, and 0% of the Solid McCain states. Exact opposite for McCain. For FiveThirtyEight, we use their overall estimate of Obama's EVs, not the state-by-state categories.

Chad_Nielson 57p · 871 weeks ago
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
Over three weeks without them updating is a bit ridiculous!
Chad_Nielson 57p · 871 weeks ago
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
Matt · 871 weeks ago
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
Presidential Forecast sounds like it has something to do with the weather! LOL.
SarahLawrence Scott · 871 weeks ago
1) In many cases they don't have enough polls to create an average. They won't, for instance, create an average until they have three different pollsters.
2) They don't use the averages for some states even when they have created them. It looks to me like these are states that they didn't expect to be competitive, so they didn't put them on the list underneath their map. But as far as I can tell, Arizona and Kansas should be leaning McCain by their criteria, but they have them as solid.
I've emailed their webmaster about point 2. We'll see if they fix it. (I'm not suggesting DCW overrule their own rankings! I just thought some readers might want to be aware that some of their projections are kind of arbitrary.)
Point 1 just has to be lived with, I think. Those are states that most of the sources are just guessing on anyway.
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
What's up with that?
Matt 75p · 871 weeks ago
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
at http://dailykos.com/
on the front page.
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
Is DCW updating tonight? :)
SarahLawrence Scott · 871 weeks ago
Will · 871 weeks ago
BTW, it looks like Obama has brought Florida back into play. Based on my use of RCP polling data, Obama has 272 EVs (solid and leaning) before you even consider the seven tossups (NV, MO, MI, IN, NH, VA FL - 88 EVs). That is a strong map for my man!
Thanks for the history graph!
DocJess 71p · 871 weeks ago
Also -- general comment -- an individual poll in and of itself is not all that meaningful. Besides only using land lines, there are issues with leaners, how far the poll pushes, where they acquired their call lists, whether the answers were rotated, the order of the questions, what lead-ins were used, AND WHO PAID FOR THE POLL.
We're something like 16 weeks out from the election, and Obama is still defining himself to the parts of America who haven't "met" him yet, either because they had another pony in the D race, or they were not yet paying attention to ANY race. ALL the numbers will be more reliable once we hit Labour Day. For now, they are too fluid to depend on because most people outside the political junkies and party faithful have not yet made up their minds.
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
SarahLawrence Scott · 871 weeks ago
Matt 75p · 871 weeks ago