Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Framing the House - ID-01 (yup, Idaho)

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Hard to imagine you’d find anything approaching a competitive House race in Idaho but the ID-1st is really interesting. (Hat tip to Marshall from Idaho.)

When we frame races, one of the things we look at is how the last Presidential race turned out. Regular race-framers would look at Idaho and say “Bush carried the state by 38%” and walk away. However, I looked at the numbers
and found out that Bush lost Blaine County to Kerry, (albeit in the ID-02), lost Latah County to Kerry plus the 3rd party candidates (ID-01) and barely won Shoshone County (ID-01). This indicates to me that there are cracks in the red brick wall. I couldn’t find any poll data I considered reliable, but I found an unreliable poll indicating McCain was beating Obama by 13% in March. I could find no current polling on the ID-1st.

Currently, the House seat is held by a first-termer named Bill Sali. He won in 2006 with 49.9% of the vote. A Club for Growth member, he was far from the favourite choice. In fact, back in '06 Mike Simpson, (ID-02) threatened to throw Sali out a window to solve a host of problems. Remember, 2006 was a very, very bad year for Idaho Democrats, losing every single statewide and Federal race since the days of Herbert Hoover. One of the reasons was that Karl Rove tactic of putting a gay marriage amendment on the ballot. ‘Nuf said.

In the 2008 primary, Sali was challenged by Matthew Salisbury, who ran his entire candidacy from his mother’s house, and who had about $4k a week before the election. Salisbury still managed to garner about 40% of the vote.

Sali is running against Walt Minnick, and before we get to Mr. Minnick, let’s take a look at Sali’s current situation. First, he’s got a financial debt problem from the 2006 campaign, and his prime consultant (and personal friend) has him on a cash-only basis. He’s got about half the cash Minnick does, and 86% of Sali’s cash on hand is equal to his current debt load.

Now, onto Mr. Minnick. First, he is one of the DCCC’s 14 candidates in the Red-to-Blue program. . He has both a Law Degree and an MBA from Harvard, in a year when smart candidates are running well. He is a successful businessman, and a Vietnam Vet. He’s got support from Act Blue and the Red State Rebels, a progressive group in Idaho. He’s got great stands on the issues, which I don’t need to repeat to you, because if you read DCW there is an astronomically high probability that you share the same stands.

So it always comes down to this: you have a great candidate running against an unpopular first-termer who supports the Iraq war, works well with Larry “too wide a stance” Craig, has a reactionary position on illegal immigration, and wants off-shore drilling. In fact, if you read Sali’s positions it becomes hard to consider voting for him; even though the issue frame is from HIS site, and not a left-interpretation of his views. But incumbents have an advantage if for no other reason than their name is better known.

Still, I think Minnick has a chance -- while it’s unlikely that Obama will take Idaho, he may capture just enough of the vote to put Minnick over the top.

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I don't know how to contact you guys, but you should also look at California CD-04. Since John Doolittle announced he wouldn't be seeking a new term (being another Abramoff casualty), the Democrat who scored big against him in '06, Charlie Brown, has a great chance of defeating Tom McClintock this Fall. McClintock doesn't reside in CD-04, has never resided in CD-04, and has been representing a constituency in SoCal for years in the State legislature. There's a lot of pride in CD-04, and a strong independent spirit. Many here don't like the idea of a SoCal transplant coming in. In my own particular area, most Republicans are fiscal conservatives, but have something of a "live and let live" attitude about social issues. I think Brown's got a great shot at turning a Red seat Blue.
1 reply · active 873 weeks ago
If you have Congressional picks, you can email me at DocJess at demconwatchblog dot com.

And I have received requests for so much of California that "I'm on it!"
Having lived in ID-01, I just thought I should note that I would be absolutely shocked if Sali lost. If a serious Democratic contender emerged, turnout of Republicans would probably increase to beat him. It's just an incredibly Republican area, despite Boise's leftward movement. And of course, Boise is all that really matters for ID-01. Ada County, last I checked is still a Republican stronghold, especially due to the suburbs of Boise. Actually, the North End of Boise is the only Democratic-voting part of the city.
3 replies · active 872 weeks ago
In the early 90's, Idaho had two Democratic reps -- LaRocco left in '93 to join the Clinton administration, and Stallings (who won every district in his '92 re-election bid) was ousted in the Gingrich purge of 1994. Therefore -- THE POSSIBILITY EXISTS. Remember that in the 90's the Clintons had the antithesis of coattails.

And NEVER believe that because "the North End of Boise is the only Democratic-voting part of the city" it means it always has to be that way.

Idahopotter's avatar

Idahopotter · 873 weeks ago

Having watched Idaho politics for more than 40 years, I would observe there are three issues with ID-01, which at one time was a traditional stronghold for Democrats. Union employment in the woods and mills has mostly disappeared in favor of Canadian softwood and southeast tree farms. Second, Republican gerrymandering has added a lot of red precincts in southwest Idaho to the district. Third, the Democratic party in Idaho has been weak (lacking critical mass) and out of touch with the rural, aging (and retiring with wealth from elsewhere) northern part of the district. Thus the three terms of conservative Helen Chenoweth, who beat LaRocco were just a precursor to an Idaho embarassment like Sali. The incumbent may be a bozo, but Minnick will have a hard row to hoe to beat him.
The north end is not the only dem stronghold. In fact, district 15 is the only district in Boiise without a democrat state legislator. And that too is about to change. Boise also makes up an overwhelming majority of Ada County. Additionally, Ada and Canyon County make up over 40 percent of the voting strength of the entire state. Do a little research next time. Idaho hasn't always been a red state nor will it stay that way. Remember the great Dems from Idaho like Frank Church, Cecil Adrus and John Evans and I'll try and forget the current emabaressment caused by Wide Stance Larry and Anti-Gravity Sali
Anyone else notice that the health care link on Sali's page goes to his Energy policy page? As far as I can tell the only place that mentions his vote against SCHIP is the immigration page, because as we all know, the only thing that bill would have done was raise taxes and give health care to illegal aliens.

Is Boise in ID-01? I'll bet I could get my grandma to go out and campaign against this clown.

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