WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
This is the DemConWatch General Election Tracker, a summary of the best election projections on the web.
We will be introducing House and Senate trackers later this month.
Update 6/11: Updated OpenLeft, Frontloading and Electoral-Vote.com
Obama Average: 275.2 (was 277.8), due in large part to 3 projections moving South Carolina from Tossup to McCain-Lean, which was due to a new Rasmussen Poll showing McCain with a 48-39 lead. As we expected, the tossups didn't hold.Which removes South Carolina from the list of states spanning 3 categories. We still have:
Connecticut: Electoral-vote.com has it as a toss-up - that won't last.
Florida: NBC and CNN have it as a tossup, but Electoral-vote.com has it as Strong McCain. Expect everybody to move to McCain-Lean for now.
Indiana: Three have it as a toss-up, but NPR has it as Strong McCain. If Obama can keep this state in McCain-Lean, that's a good sign in a state that Kerry lost by 21%.
New Mexico: OpenLeft has it as Obama-Lean, CNN at McCain-Lean
North Dakota - Two have it as tossup - that won't last.
Map showing consensus of sources. Wisconsin moves from Obama to Tossup, as the last Obama-Lean ranking goes away. (But late update: A new poll just came out giving Obama a 13 point lead - expect WI to move quickly to Obama-Lean across the board).
DCW General Election Tracker |
| EVs | OpenLeft | Electoral- Vote.com | NBC | CNN | 538.com | Front Loaded | NPR | ....
| 6/10 | 6/11 | 6/5 | 6/9 | 6/7 | 6/11 | 6/9 |
Obama (O)
| 185 | 175 | 153 | 153 | 178 | 142 | 143 |
Obama-Lean (OL)
| 57 | 59 | 47 | 37 | 50 | 65 | 57 |
Tossup (T)
| 89 | 94 | 138 | 154 | 94 | 129 | 111 |
McCain-Lean (ML)
| 61 | 57 | 84 | 69 | 78 | 56 | 110 |
McCain (M)
| 146 | 153 | 116 | 125 | 138 | 146 | 117 |
Obama Total
| 242 | 234 | 200 | 190 | 228 | 207 | 200 |
McCain Total
| 207 | 210 | 200 | 194 | 216 | 202 | 227 |
Obama Est
| 287.3 | 280.6 | 276.4 | 273.4 | 273.1 | 269.7 | 266.1 |
| 27 | ML | M | T | T | ML | ML | ML |
| 21 | OL | OL | T | T | OL | T | T |
| 20 | T | T | T | T | T | T | T |
| 17 | T | T | T | T | T | T | T |
| 15 | M | M | ML | ML | M | M | ML |
New Jersey
| 15 | O | OL | OL | OL | OL | OL | OL |
N. Carolina
| 15 | ML | ML | ML | ML | ML | ML | ML |
| 13 | T | T | T | T | T | T | T |
| 12 | OL | O | O | O | O | OL | O |
| 11 | T | T | ML | ML | ML | T | M |
| 11 | T | T | ML | T | T | T | ML |
| 11 | M | M | M | M | M | M | ML |
| 11 | O | O | OL | OL | O | OL | OL |
| 10 | O | O | OL | T | O | OL | OL |
| 10 | T | T | T | T | T | T | T |
| 9 | OL | OL | T | T | T | T | T |
| 9 | M | ML | ML | ML | M | M | ML |
| 8 | M | M | M | M | M | M | ML |
S. Carolina
| 8 | ML | ML | M | M | ML | ML | M |
| 7 | O | T | O | O | OL | O | OL |
| 7 | OL | OL | T | T | OL | OL | T |
| 7 | O | O | OL | OL | O | OL | OL |
| 6 | M | M | ML | ML | M | M | ML |
| 6 | M | ML | ML | M | M | M | M |
| 5 | M | M | ML | M | M | M | M |
| 5 | ML | ML | T | T | T | T | T |
New Mexico
| 5 | OL | T | T | ML | T | T | T |
W. Virginia
| 5 | M | ML | M | ML | ML | M | ML |
| 4 | O | O | OL | OL | O | O | OL |
| 4 | T | OL | T | T | T | T | T |
| 3 | ML | ML | M | M | ML | ML | M |
| 3 | OL | OL | O | O | O | OL | OL |
| 3 | ML | ML | ML | ML | ML | ML | ML |
N. Dakota
| 3 | T | ML | ML | M | ML | T | M |
S. Dakota
| 3 | M | M | M | M | ML | M | M |
Notes:We're purposely ignoring Maine and Nebraska CD splits for now to keep things simple. We'll add them in later if we need to.
The Obama estimate gives Obama 100% of the EVs in a state that is solid for them, 80% of the EVs for a leaner, 50% of the EVs for a Tossup, and 20% of the EVs for state that is McCain-Lean.
538.com state projections determined from state winning percentage (>90%: Strong, 65-90%: Lean, 50-65%: Tossup). Overall number based on 538.com simulation.
Leah · 874 weeks ago
Leah · 874 weeks ago
Leah · 874 weeks ago
Leah · 874 weeks ago
James 0p · 874 weeks ago
My point is... saying electoral-vote has this state barely democrat and it should be strong democrat really isn't being fare to the site its all methodology and not actual analysis.
antigravity · 874 weeks ago
aren't all these sites just using polling data to make projections? what other analysis do they do? (i am genuinely not familiar with some of these..)
i know each site/blogger chooses which polls to use (which pollsters, how recent, etc.) differently. E-V.com in fact averages the polls taken within the last week: http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2008/Info/pollin...(scroll to the bottom), which is an analytical choice that is used in part because of the relative success in tracking the 2004 election....
i agree though - either way we can't simply consider these as equally footed opinions...
James · 874 weeks ago
Michael · 874 weeks ago
Michael · 874 weeks ago
1) including RCP would definitely be interesting
2) do you consider your pollsters leaning to one side? it's quite typical at least in austria that pollsters are known to lean a bit towards one of the large parties... would be interesting to get some insight
JayZed · 874 weeks ago
Anonymous · 874 weeks ago
Ezequiel Martin Cama 0p · 874 weeks ago
tmess2 · 873 weeks ago
Michael, we do have some polling companies that have historically tilted slightly one (mostly based on their assumptions about likely voters) way or the other. In addition, we do have polling companies that actually work for candidates. The different sites take those factors into account in determining how much weight to give each poll.