Friday, June 13, 2008

Michigan Delegate Update

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

We're finally getting some answers on the pledged delegates from Michigan. After the RBC gave the Obama campaign 59 of Michigan's delegates (worth 29.5 votes), the question was, what did this do to the 36 already selected Uncommitted delegates? Somewhere between 22 and 36 of the 36 Uncommitted delegates had endorsed Obama. Would those delegates keep their positions? Would the others be replaced? We have an answer:

All of the uncommitted delegates chosen so far have agreed to support Obama now that he is the presumptive nominee, said state party spokeswoman Liz Kerr.
And then to meet the final RBC requirements:
The Democratic State Central Committee will choose 23 delegates Saturday for Obama and 22 delegates for Clinton, who has suspended her campaign and thrown her support behind Obama.
And we have the likely names of the Michigan add-ons:
When two more superdelegates are elected Saturday, they're also expected to be union leaders: Teamsters President James Hoffa Jr. and UAW official Richard Long.
A little closure for all the former delegate trackers out there.

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So I assume all the 'doubtful cases' have been talked to. Me, I haven't heard a peep from the campaign, although there was no need, since I was one of the Michigan for Obama endorsed candidates.

In other news, the Obama website now has a delegates area:
Mark Miller's avatar

Mark Miller · 873 weeks ago

Here are all the rest of the Michigan delegates, elected this morning in Lansing:

Add-on unpledged: James Hoffa, Dick Long

PLEO, Clinton: Joan Robinson Cheeks, David Coulter, Danny Craig, Lee Gonzales, Cheryl Hadsall, Gilda Jacobs, Faylene Owen, Leonard page

PLEO, Obama: Andy Dillon, Barry Goodman, Tupac Hunter, Sally Shaheen Joseph, Sue Levy, Nancy Melke, Kevin Moore, Taleb Salhab, Buzz Thomas

At-large, Clinton: Jill Alper, Kelly Bernero, Janet Blanchard, Carolyn Clark, Rhonda Hennessey, Abena Hogan, Cathy McAttee, Deborah McNeil, Dan Mulhern, Linda Myers, Elva Revilla, Barbara Rom, Iris Salters, Jack Wurm

At-large Obama: Dennis Archer, Edna Bell, Fay Beydoun, Rick Blocker, David Bonior, Michelle DeBeaussaert, Ron Gettlefinger, Sigrid Grace, Mel Grieshaber, Gloria McDonald, Benny Napoleon, Joe Peters, Liz Thomas, Karen Acker

At-Large Alternates Clinton: Jeanette Di Florio, Norwood Jewell, Sue Maturkanich

At-large Alternates Obama: Sarah Gonzales-Triplett, Bert Johnson, Doug Kelley

Rules Committee Clinton: Ismael Ahmed, Catherine Frederick, Judy Gettelfinger, Russell Williams

Rules Committee Obama: Mike Fikes, Jayashree Komareddi

Platform Committee Clinton: Deb Blair, Jay Blanchard, Greg Morris

Platform Committee Obama: Brenda Clack, Rickman Jackson, Thomasina Lentz

Credentials Committee Clinton: Emma Bell, Denise Brooks, Larry Roehrig

Credentials Committee Obama: Curtis Blessing, Nicols Lamb-Hale, Marvin Russow

Honorary Delegation Chair: Jennifer Granholm

Delegation Chair: Mark Brewer

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