WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
This is round three of the veepstakes, the four highest percentage choices from the 10 names in Round 2. Next round will be the final two.
WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
This is round three of the veepstakes, the four highest percentage choices from the 10 names in Round 2. Next round will be the final two.
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Comments by IntenseDebate
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SarahLawrence Scott · 871 weeks ago
Jim Webb seems to me like it would be a real thumb in the eye of Clinton supporters. Fair or not, there are questions about his views on women in the military and it will send a bad message.
Bill Richardson can be goofy, but Obama seems to give him focus and make him a better candidate.
I'm still not convinced Clark is a heavyweight, but there are claims he's gotten to be a better politician since his Presidential run.
That leaves Sebelius. A bold ticket, certainly. Vulnerable to charges of inexperience, especially in foreign policy. Centrist without being bland or diluting the "change" brand.
Karen Anne · 871 weeks ago
RS · 871 weeks ago
I still think Napolitano's the way to go - take the fight right to McCain's homeground:
DocJess 71p · 871 weeks ago
I found it interesting that the outcomes here were in fact different from the outcomes in other veepstakes polls. But the numbers are what they are.
I think the two real questions for Carolyn Kennedy's committee are military vs non-military, and male vs female. There are arguments to be made for each position.
Does picking someone from the military make Obama more attractive to independents who want to see more "war" experience for the troop pull-out, or would such a selection scream "inexperience" when the reality is "experience brought us war where none should have been, and where smarts would have prevented it"?
Does adding a woman who is NOT HRC further wound the feelings of her supporters, no matter how qualified that woman?
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
Does anyone else here have the same problem ?
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
Leah2 · 871 weeks ago
Jacob · 871 weeks ago
Are you sure you have JavaScript enabled?
SarahLawrence Scott · 871 weeks ago
Picking Webb, on the other hand, does cause some problems, as Karen Anne's post suggests.
Leah 85p · 871 weeks ago
Thad · 871 weeks ago
* He is Hispanic and can draw Latino voters, which represent the fastest-growing voting bloc, to Obama's side.
* He is the governor of New Mexico, a key swing state, and is well-liked in the state. The primary purpose of a running mate in the campaign, after all, is to win their home state.
* Foreign policy experience is a moot point this campaign, and with Richardson's extensice experience, he can quell concerns of Obama's inexperience.
* Richardson's Hispanic background helps solidify the one-America image, a key theme in the campiagn.
* If nothing else, he endorsed early.
Leah · 871 weeks ago
If I come to this page and my font size is decreased too small the poll will not appear, but once I increase my veiw size then it shows up. Once the poll shows up I can decrease and increase my view size up and down and the polls stays where it is supposed to be. Thought I'd post that in case anyone was wondering.
RS · 871 weeks ago
Zinni has a great answer to McCain's Surge (MTP 2007):
"What has disappointed me is there hasn’t been this debate on the strategy, on the policy, a regional strategy and policy, let alone an Iraq policy. We’re, we’re debating the tactics. The surge is a tactic. In what context is the surge? You can make an argument for a surge if you were going to withdraw, to cover the withdrawal, for example, or to contain, to reposition forces or to re-engage in a different way and a stronger way. And why we got caught up in the tactical debate, in my mind, is an indication that we don’t understand what we want to do. What should our Middle East policy be? What should our policy be in terms of Iraq and, and the war against the extremists out there or the conflict against extremists? We seem to be strategically adrift, in my view."
Chad_Nielson 57p · 871 weeks ago
Peter Zenger · 871 weeks ago
"I love Kathleen Sebelius. I think she is as talented a public official as there is right now. Integrity. Competence. She can work with all people of all walks of life, but I promised that I am not going to say anything about my vice president until I actually introduce my vice president."
Leah 85p · 870 weeks ago
Leah 85p · 870 weeks ago
The overall favorites for the Democrats' VP slot according to INTRADE,
translated loosely to Vegas-style odds, are as follows:
Clinton 9-2
Sebelius 9-1
Bayh 10-1
Hagel 10-1
Rendell 12-1
Richardson 12-1
Biden 12-1
McCaskill 15-1
Edwards 15-1
Kaine 15-1
Reed (RI) 20-1
Schweitzer 20-1
Clark 20-1
Gephardt 20-1
Gore 20-1
Nunn 20-1
Bloomberg 25-1
Webb 30-1
Zinni 30-1
Warner 35-1
Reid (NV) 50-1
Jones 60-1
Wexler 80-1
Nelson 100-1
Napolitano 100-1
Daschle 100-1
Easley 100-1