Sunday, June 15, 2008

Democratic Primary Information

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

Here's a list of all the key information DemConWatch posted on the 2008 Democratic Primary:

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Is there any way to find out how many of the registered voters vote in each state?
1 reply · active 873 weeks ago
Yes. Each state keeps those records, which they collect from the counties. Here in PA, the data is kept by the Department of State, but the actual agency may vary by state. You can do an internet search for "voter registration Pennsylvania" (or whatever your state is) and then you should be able to find the data.

In addition, you can call your local voter services center (usually in the blue pages of the phone book) and they can help you.

While there may be some informal collection of nationwide data, because of how the Constitution views states rights in setting up just about everything related to voting EXCEPT the presidential election date, there is no single Federal source for nationwide data.
hey this is some great info you got here. I need to get a hold of some stuff like this.
R.M. Hensley Studen's avatar

R.M. Hensley Studen · 863 weeks ago

the System of who gets to go or decide at the Democratic Convention?
Deligates, Democrates, anybody???
R.M. Hensley's avatar

R.M. Hensley · 863 weeks ago

Email me
In a time when people are losing homes, jobs and health care I would be very interested in knowing how much was the total cost of the grandiose event called the Deomcratic convention of 2008? I can't help but think that money could have gone for a much better use.
1 reply · active 862 weeks ago
Lorene - the GOP will be spending MILLIONS on the REPUBLICAN convention of 2008.
They said something on CNN yesterday and I think it was close to 60 million for the Republicans!
We, the people, paid for that convention out of own pockets. I'm quite satisfied that MY money was used that way even though I don't get a tax-deduction.

There are charities to which I donate to help the homeless and at risk mothers and children. I suggest you do the same since you are concerned about how other people's money is spent..
As Beryl pointed out, conventions aren't funded with taxpayer money (well, their are some indirect costs to the host city and state, but they think they're making it up in increased business and PR). Every luxury and piece of entertainment can be criticized the same way: a Hollywood movie, say. But even people who are in financial trouble usually try to leave themselves a little treat now and then. It keeps their spirits up.

The conventions are like that. They keep the spirits up of many people who are politically involved.
At higher level of studies, one cannot randomly opt the subject of one’s interest. One must possess appropriate educational background of the subject. This criteria is made due to some appropriate and well justified reasons.

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