WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
Here's a list of all the key information DemConWatch posted on the 2008 Democratic Primary:
- Superdelegate Endorsement List - The first, and most accurate, list of superdelegate endorsements available on the web. Frozen June 6, 20008.
- No Endorse List - Who's left - which superdelegates never made up their mind. Frozen June 6, 2008.
- Endorsement List by Date - A complete list of when each superdelegate was added to the DCW superdelegate post. Frozen June 6, 2008.
- Add-on List and Schedule - A complete list of the selected add-on superdelegates and the schedule for future selections. This will be updated until complete.
- Superdelegate History Tracker - Charts and graphs of endorsements by week since mid-January. Frozen June 6, 2008.
- Superdelegates by Position - Breakdown by Governors, Senators, etc. Frozen June 6, 2008.
- Superdelegate Ups and Downs - Changes in the number of superdelegates since December.
- Ultimate Delegate Summary - where the race for the nomination stood on June 6, 2008.
- Ultimate Delegate Tracker - Pledged delegates by state and media organization, all on one page, as of June 6, 2008.
- Edwards' Delegates Status - February
- Edwards' Delegates Status - May
- Florida and Michigan By The Numbers - what were the delegate count options for Florida and Michigan options before the RBC decision on May 31.
Al · 873 weeks ago
DocJess · 873 weeks ago
In addition, you can call your local voter services center (usually in the blue pages of the phone book) and they can help you.
While there may be some informal collection of nationwide data, because of how the Constitution views states rights in setting up just about everything related to voting EXCEPT the presidential election date, there is no single Federal source for nationwide data.
Jackass · 873 weeks ago
R.M. Hensley Studen · 863 weeks ago
Deligates, Democrates, anybody???
R.M. Hensley · 863 weeks ago
Lorene · 862 weeks ago
Leah 85p · 862 weeks ago
They said something on CNN yesterday and I think it was close to 60 million for the Republicans!
Beryl 51p · 862 weeks ago
There are charities to which I donate to help the homeless and at risk mothers and children. I suggest you do the same since you are concerned about how other people's money is spent..
SLCScott 74p · 862 weeks ago
The conventions are like that. They keep the spirits up of many people who are politically involved.
cᴜstom essay service · 501 weeks ago