WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
You may remember the Vito Fossella saga. And how after a lot of difficulty, the Republicans FINALLY were able to tap Frank Powers to run for Vito's seat. (There's a not-part-of-the-party Republican who wants to run, but as of yesterday afternoon, still didn't have enough signatures to file.)
I'm not saying this is a bad year for Republicans, but Sunday afternoon, Frank Powers died.
Blame · 872 weeks ago
Godheval 6p · 872 weeks ago
Pooling resources for another viable candidate: X-thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours
Viable candidate DIES before the election: PRICELESS
Death isn't funny, but the irony of this situation is hilarious.
bear 0p · 872 weeks ago
THink McCain can write off Oregon.