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From HuffPost:
Barack Obama is committed to hosting a public, televised event Friday night in Mississippi even if John McCain does not show up, an official close to the Obama campaign tells the Huffington Post.
In McCain's absence, the Senator is willing to make the scheduled debate a townhall meeting, a one-on-one interview with NewsHour's Jim Lehrer, or the combination of the two, the official said.
Karen Anne · 859 weeks ago
Gee, John, thanks for the 90 minutes of free air time.
ej · 859 weeks ago
Chad_Nielson 57p · 859 weeks ago
Matt 75p · 859 weeks ago
Chad_Nielson 57p · 859 weeks ago
Mike in Maryland · 859 weeks ago
Montana has gone from toss-up to weak McCain.
As of now, the following states are classified as toss-ups by Pollster.com (which I consider deep in the tank for McCain):
New Hampshire
North Carolina
Notice that all of the above toss-ups (with the exception of New Hampshire, Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania [which almost all others consider at least 'lean' Obama]) went for Bush in 2004, and almost all by strong numbers.
Senator Obama has the advantage in all the Kerry states (except New Hampshire right now), but McCain is in serious trouble in several large Bush states.
And Karen Anne:
If McCain shows, it will be one moderator asking the questions and no audience participation. If McCain does NOT show, Senator Obama has stated that it could be the moderator asking questions, a town hall, or combination. Can you imagine Senator Obama playing off some of the questions if they come from a McCain audience? He'd SLAUGHTER the questioner!
Leah 85p · 859 weeks ago
McCain: Pressure On Us To Have Debate Tomorrow Is Obama's Fault
Nina Bravo · 859 weeks ago