Thursday, September 25, 2008

House - Florida 13th

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I've written before about the Christine Jennings - Vern Buchanan rematch in Florida. Now, EMILY's List has gotten in on the action. They have a website up, and a video.

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I am for all progressive groups - except Emily's List. The Nikki Tinker saga was something that I cannot condone or forget. I have e-mailed Emily's List several times asking for an "apology" for their actions in this affair. Rather than reply and admit they made a mistake, they continue to ignore my requests and continue to send me e-mails asking for money. __Emily's List bankrolled Nikki Tinker to run against a sitting liberal congressman who just happened to be a male. The sitting congressman, Steve Cohen, had an excellent record on all liberal causes including everything Emily's List believed in, and was supported by NOW, Planned Parenthood, Jesse Jackson Jr. etc. while, Nikki Tinker the candidate Emily's List backed had religious objections to abortions and gays. Also the candidate Emily's List bankrolled used her campaign funding to launch anti-Semitic attacks against the sitting progressive democratic candidate.__Emily's List did say it was shocked and did not support the ATTACK ADS but never condemned the candidate or apologized. Until there is an apology, I urge every progressive to shun Emily's list and not to give them any money.____Ben Spector, NYC
Ben -- I agree with your assessment of EMILY's List's involvement in the Steve Cohen race, and even made a reference to it here,

The problem is that EMILY's List (Early Money is Like Yeast) has really helped women candidates over the years. They can not be more wrong than to support gender over beliefs (for those races, they should just stay silent, if they cannot support the better candidate) -- but we still need to recognize when they DO do the right thing, as in helping Chris Jennings.
Karen Anne's avatar

Karen Anne · 859 weeks ago

It seems to be an accident when they support the right candidate, tho. Just when the right candidate happens to be female. I can understand they want to help women candidates, and I'm not saying they should help men, just not fund bad female candidates against good males.

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