Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Morning Polls

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com

COLORADO: Obama 49 – McCain 45
MICHIGAN: Obama 48 - McCain 44
MINNESOTA: Obama 47 - McCain 45
WISCONSIN: Obama 49 - McCain 42

FLORIDA: Obama 47, McCain 45

Those would all be nice numbers to see on election night.

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So - Is it the economy, or McCain/Palin bloopers, or both? Obama hasn't really changed his message...
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
"Obama hasn't really changed his message"

...and that's a plus! McCain has been all over the map. Sooner or later, that starts to erode people's trust and support. Obama has appeared steady and almost a little boring in a day-to-day sense.

That's good in a President--someone who possesses a broad vision that's exciting, but without distractions and drama. I'm going to go against Vicki's suggestion and suggest it's time to make that contrast explicit. Run a commercial showing McCain saying several contradictory, panic-driven things within a few days, and then a clip of Obama exuding confidence and control. It's even OK if--gasp--it's not some catchy line, but appears to be part of a larger speech laying out a real analysis and real plans.

If you really want to go for the jugular, put a new spin on the Obama campaign motto--from "change we can believe in" to "the change we need" to "the leadership we need". Hit McCain at his strength, and make it seem like Obama is stepping up to take charge.
"The leadership we need" -- is a really good transition of the change slogan over time. I hope that the Obama campaign uses it and that it's as effective as it should be.

Great slogan!
Karen Anne's avatar

Karen Anne · 859 weeks ago

Palin is tanking, DEMs are worked up about her and working harder to let people know about her, and yes, it's the economy - nation of whiners, privatizing Social Security, etc. Just IMHO.
many people I know are PISSED that zero-down loans, balloon interest rates, etc, were marketed all over the place, and now consumers (let's face it, not everyone is quick with a calculator) are stuck with a bad financial situation.

and let's not even get STARTED on the whole "golden parachute" idea. Hey, I could go net huge profits for myself and then bail out just as everything goes south too. for the right price! pissed doesn't even *begin* to cover what I hear of popular notions on this topic.

heard at least one strong Obama supported say this am, that he needs to be a little less cool - that this is a time for him to pound on the table and say, "we have a CRISIS people! Now, what are we gonna do about it??"
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I hear you -- more passion about a problem whose solution may feel immoral -- but in financial turmoil (and most intertational turmoil as well) the best solutions come from a consistent, calming message.

His economic plan speech (16-September): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlZt5iN96iM
And his speech from yesterday (22-September): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmTgpZ8X51I

Both speeches are really calming to watch if you're nervous about how our economy may be turning in the next year or two. We Americans have only ourselves to blame if we choose not to elect him, but for him to publicly "pound the table and exhort people to act" is neither his style, nor is it helpful in a crisis of any kind, even if it would help him get elected.

The goal is to change ourselves as a people, not just to choose new leadership.
Karen Anne's avatar

Karen Anne · 859 weeks ago


I think he has to stay cool, as George Will says, it's not Presidential to lose it like McShame.
uplandpoet's avatar

uplandpoet · 859 weeks ago

vicki, that is the trap the republicans are hoping obama falls into. they know that if they can ever make him look the "angry black man" he will scare off just enough voters that he CANNOT win. he is doing fine. this economic debacle is playing into his hands, though i am sure that he, like myself, would have just as well not had this "opportunity."

he is winning, the margins are getting bigger, palin looks more like an idiot everyday, and mccain is misstepping badly, and nobody wants to vote for herbert hoover in a economic meltdown!
look for 300+ ev win, and a ton of new senators and congressmen to come in with him. the campaign is doing well.

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