Friday, September 19, 2008

The Other Palin Question

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Last night I was watching the news. And I saw the candidates speaking. If you ever watch "the news" you know that they only show a snippet. And then they show the same snippet again. And again. But I digress.

There was Obama speaking. Alone with his crowd.

And there was John McShame, with current wife and former adultery partner Cindy.

And finally, there were Todd and Sarah.

Seems simple on its face, but it really got me to thinking.

Back when Sarah was chosen as veep choice, we were all told to "BACK OFF" from asking any questions, or making any comments, about her personal life. It was bad, we left wing progressive bloggers were told, to bring up anything about the lawsuits, criminal charges, underage drinking and pregnancy, any of it. And we've been good. (Although, usually the National Enquirer has something new every few days).

And when anyone even whispered about the baby, Trig, born in April of this year although there is no birth certificate, we were told to stand down and not mention it. The decision to have a special needs child was nobody's business but the Palin's. And as for that question of could Sarah juggle work and family? DON'T WORRY "they" said -- the baby has two parents.

So back to last night's screen shots. I know Todd has refused to show up in Juneau today to honour his subpoena. And I know he's out on the trail with Sarah, John and Cindy. Does this guy still collect a paycheck? OK, that was an unacceptable question. But this is not:

WHO is home with the baby?

And why is no one asking this? The baby is 5 months old, special needs, and has no parent in residence. How do YOU spell "r-e-s-p-o-n-si-b-i-l-i-t-y"?

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Karen Anne's avatar

Karen Anne · 860 weeks ago

Down in the dirt:

You don't spell responsibility getting on a long commercial flight in labor.

However, given that Bristol was carrying the baby around previously (is there even a photo of either adult Palin holding that baby?), maybe Bristol is the one taking care of him now.

(I am a little disgusted that I am on a first name basis with this family :-)

Which brings us to, is Bristol graduating from high school?

I am still not convinced he is not her baby, we have only the Bristol is five months pregnant claim to say he is not. Although the Downs leans things in the other direction.

I will go beyond the pale here and say that it is a lot easier to commit to having a high needs baby if you plan on being cavalier about those needs. I won't say the dark thought that crossed my mind about that risky plane trip.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
suzihussein22's avatar

suzihussein22 · 860 weeks ago

Ooh, KA. That hadn't even crossed my mind.

Palin is a weak enough VP choice that there are plenty of legit ways to discredit her. I'd argue that has been done already - the palin bubble has burst. Only the partisans still stand by her at this point. So there's no need to push the unfounded and thoroughly discredited mommy-switch conspiracy. It is nonsense that is only still given any weight by lowest mud slingers. Hypothetically, lets assume its true; so what? My grandparents did the same for my mother when she was very young and had her first child. It allowed here to grow up and have a normal life.

The dem's have so much high ground in this election. Don't slog into the gutter unnecessarily. The mommy-swap theory is universally accepted as lacking any hint of truth. Lets not let the issue make the left look any worse than it did when the rumour started.
Sarah Palin reminds me of the old tale "The Emperor's New Clothes". I am astonished that McCain has gotten away with the appointment of an utterly unqualified and malevolent running mate. When will this artifice be exposed?
I hate to say anything in defense of folks I now think of as The Enemy, but even Republicans can hire nannies. Even Republicans can leave their kids with grandma and grandpa, or take grandma and grandpa along to help look after the wee ones. Every kid is precious and all that, but maybe after having five of 'em you realize they can survive without your constant attention. It takes a village.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
That's worked so well for the Palin's so far. (Said with dripping sarcasm).

As for a special needs baby – the baby is FIVE MONTHS OLD – many babies are still being breast fed at that time. Certainly, I understand that there are parents who must go back to work a few weeks after the baby is born for financial reasons, but usually they come home at night. We’re talking here about being out of state for weeks at a time – which is INCREDIBLY LONG when one is FIVE MONTHS OLD. Special needs babies need their parents MORE than other babies – this is the time they need stability, and substance, to help them develop to the fullest of their potential.

Sure, lots of kids have nannies and governesses and au pairs – but that does not make it optimal.
Karen Anne's avatar

Karen Anne · 860 weeks ago

It's different for a handicapped child, I think. Esp. since this one was left by both parents on day three.

p.s. Mark, "universally" means 100%. I always enjoy people claiming that their views are 100% accepted.
I have to say that the part about this whole thing that pisses me off is I heard some people talking about bad it was for Obama to make news out of Sarah Palin's child being pregnant. SARAH PALIN IS THE ONE THAT DECIDED TO MAKE IT NEWS, but Obama gets the blame.

as far as credible arguments against the Palin's I want to know how we in America became so ok with people ignoring subpeona's... Karl Rove, for instance.
suzihussein22's avatar

suzihussein22 · 860 weeks ago

DocJess, I am with ya. People have said all kinds of things about how Chelsea was raised. She wasn't an infant in the WH. A special needs infant needs one parent at least part of the day. After seeing the photos on Meghan McCain' blog, I only saw Bristol holding Trig. I guess Pops needed his hands free during Palin's acceptance speech to clap proudly for his wife.(sarcasm, couldn't help it)

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