Thursday, September 25, 2008

Polling Update - September 25th

WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

Rasmussen Tracking Poll: Obama 49, McCain 46 (Yesterday: Obama 49, McCain 47)
Hotline: Obama 47, McCain 43 (Yesterday: Obama 48, McCain 42).
Daily Kos: Obama 49, McCain 43 (Yesterday: Obama 48, McCain 44).
Gallup: Obama 46, McCain 46 (Yesterday: Obama 47, McCain 44).

Four poll average: Obama 47.75 , McCain 44.5 (Obama 48 , McCain 44.25).

Here's the overall trend from (9/24)

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Bipartisan agreement on $700bn reached AHEAD of the WH meeting! So where was the hurry, Sen. McCain?
hmmm...Gallup has it even!?

Orlando, now that they got the "Bipartisan" deal done without him..don't be surprised if McCain seeks/gets a photo opportunity today. I'm sure thats what the WH meeting is all about.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
its about the post-op and trying to delay the VP debate b/c Paln's gonna get slaughtered.
On the Debate: McCain did not want to cancel the Friday event, but he just wanted to postpone it. As Bill Clinton said, calling this as a weakness of McCain is laughable, because he wanted Town Hall Meetings with Obama every week. We knew who did not want to do that!

On the Bipartisan agreement: It appears that most of the Democrats are for the $700 billion bail out of Wall Stree, but the Republicans are very reluctant. Watch out! Speaker Pelosi may lose her position after the Election.

The Presidential Election is nearly tied. Debates will give either candidate the edge. Stay tuned.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
And what day did he choose to delay it to? October 2nd? The date of the VP debate?
He's trying to delay the VP debates because he saw this:
Karen Anne's avatar

Karen Anne · 859 weeks ago

There's a 16 minute video of Obama's press conference at
has principles for the bailout at the beginning, like taxpayers get their money back, cheering up stuff at the end. I came away from this feeling the situation was in good hands. God help us if wheels coming off the wagon McShame gets in tho.

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