WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
I wrote the post below, and then I came across the clip below. If you watch it, you'll suddenly understand the following:
1. Why the real reason McShame won't debate Senator Obama is NOT to avoid the debate, but to avoid letting Sarah debate Senator Biden.
2. Why we really DO want McBush to run on his record.
3. Why the campaign is hiding Sarah Palin from the press.
David · 859 weeks ago
Karen Anne · 859 weeks ago
I'll feel a little sad for her once Obama wins and we're safe. Not too sad though, a lot of animals are unnecessarily dead because of her.
SLCScott 74p · 859 weeks ago
What's the pin she's wearing?
Lately, she's been going for a "my flag pin is bigger than yours" look, with a gigantic and garish American flag. I can understand how she wouldn't want to do that when getting photo ops with world leaders, but she's replaced it with...something. It looks kind of like a Japanese flag, but that's obviously not it.
Presumably, there's political importance to whatever she chose. But what is it?
uplandpoet · 859 weeks ago
Chris in Texas · 859 weeks ago