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According to the McCain campaign:
Senator Obama phoned Senator McCain at 8:30 am this morning but did not reach him. The topic of Senator Obama’s call to Senator McCain was never discussed. Senator McCain was meeting with economic advisers and talking to leaders in Congress throughout the day prior to calling Senator Obama.But they left one meeting out:
He made it to his scheduled morning meeting with Lady Lynn de Rothschild, a Clinton backer who recently came out in support of him.All while Obama was waiting by the phone for a returned call. - Politico
Pedro de Azevedo Per · 859 weeks ago
And at the end of the frist day the front runner is… Barack Obama.
Until November 1st you can watch the way to victory (for Obama of course) at:
“The Global Electoral College”. is an iniciative from “The Economist”, from now until November 1st, addressed to the rest of the world, to vote for the next American president in a mock global election.
Votes are cast on a country-wide level. Each country is assigned a number of votes according to the size of its population (they call these "electoral-college votes" on the model of America's actual electoral-college system).
The candidate with the most electoral-college votes will win the worldwide election.
Of course the winner may not be the actual winner in the real election though it will be interesting to see who The Economist's readers choose.
Orlando · 859 weeks ago
"– September 24, 1864: The nation is literally at risk of collapse, mengaged in a large-scale civil war: “Yet the campaign for the presidency was “now being prosecuted with the utmost vigor,” as one could read in the New York Times.”
– September 24, 1932: The nation is mired in Depression, coping with it a full time job, “Yet Herbert Hoover prepared to give a large speech in Iowa and Franklin Roosevelt had just given what became a famous address to the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco.”
– September 24, 1944: World War II well under way, with the United States engaged in fierce fighting, “Yet President Roosevelt had just officially launched his campaign for a fourth term, while Thomas Dewey took his turn speaking in San Francisco, challenging Roosevelt’s supremacy.”"
Via http://www.guerraeterna.com/
Orlando · 859 weeks ago
Orlando · 859 weeks ago
"Why $700 billion?
“It’s not based on any particular data point,” a Treasury spokeswoman told Forbes.com Tuesday. “We just wanted to choose a really large number.”"