Friday, September 26, 2008

How much will McCain's pandering hurt him tonight?

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As Jess just announced John McCain will attend tonight's debate in Mississippi.
The campaign is so confident that they're already running the following ad on several websites.

Get the popcorn ready because it sounds like McCain has been so busy pandering that he forgot to prepare for tonight. He was scheduled to focus on the debate yesterday but decided a little political attention whoring would be better.

Big questions for tonight:
- Will McCain have time to get a nap in before the debate?
- Will the Obama team's focus on ways to make McCain get visibly angry pay off?
- Will the debate focus on the economy instead of foreign policy as previously scheduled?
- Will McCain's ridiculous ploy backfire on him by bringing in even more viewers?
- What can the McCain campaign do next to try to delay the VP Debate next week?

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My proposed debate question: Senator McCain, you are running as a 'maverick, bi-partisan' candidate. While you were in Washington for 24 hrs name one Democrat you reached out to before or after the failed bailout.
Question for McCain: Why did you release an ad (while your campaign was laughably in a fake suspension) saying you won the debate more than 10 hours before the debate began?
obamagirl68's avatar

obamagirl68 · 859 weeks ago

this is utterly ridiculous!! before yesterday, he had not spoken to ANY democrats involved yet alone his own party. what was he doing all lthis week, being advised by FORMER CEOs, thats what! he had not introduced a single housing or finance bill in this current congress, he hasn't set foot inthe senate since March so he has absolutely NO IDEA what is going on....and he tries to call Obama out on political posturing?
Report: McCain Aides Complain That Palin Is "Clueless"
The chuzpa/hypocrisy of Republicans never ceases to amaze me. All summer long McCain's campaign and designated talking heads have been trying to claim that Senator Obama is arrogant. Yet who is the one putting out ads the day before the debate announcing that he won the debate.

You know Senator, you might want to actually show up and like debate before you declare victory.
"- Will McCain's ridiculous ploy backfire on him by bringing in even more viewers?"

Yes. I had no intention of watching this debate even three days ago. But now I feel like I have to see this.

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