WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
Puttin' out a yard sign and bloggin' on the Internets are nice - but they are not enough.
To truly change our country, to have elected officials who stand up for what we believe in, our candidates need your help making their case to the voters. Either by volunteering your time to make phone calls or knock on doors, or - at the minimum - by making a financial contribution to the campaign.
For a list of candidates who need help, I recommend checking the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's Red-to-Blue web page. This is a program which seeks to support Democrats who are running to turn red districts blue. You can find the DCCC link here.
For other than federal candidates, you can also visit the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee or the web page of this great guy running for president.I'll also make a personal plug for my friend Bev Perdue who is in a tough race to retain a Democratic Governor's seat in North Carolina. This is a state which hasn't elected a Republican Governor but twice in the past 100 years, but it hasn't been easy, either. Let's remind the voters that real Carolina Blue is the Democratic kind.
Yes, it's a rough economy - but it doesn't take much to make a big difference. You can donate anywhere from $1 on up to the legally allowed limit. I have given to a number of candidates already, will give a little bit more today and I encourage others to do the same.
In an age of Internet fundraising, even modest contributions make a big difference as evidenced by the millions of small contributions given to the campaign of Barack Obama.
Got a favorite candidate that you'd like others to consider contributing to today? Leave a message and a link to the candidate page in the comments section!
UPDATE: The deadline is today, September 30th and you have until midnight tonight (in your time zone) to make a contribution.
Peter Zenger 62p · 858 weeks ago
Donation page:
Web site:
tmess2 70p · 858 weeks ago
I would also urge considering donating to State Senate and Gubernatorial candidates in your state. The folks elected this time and next will be the folks doing Congressional redistriction in 2011. The Repubs got a good jump on us at the start of the decade due to controlling the redistricting in several key states.
Phil · 858 weeks ago
So you can pledge $1,000 today & the campaign can spend $1,000 today, but you can pay it off at $250 a month for 4 months. As long as you're done before the end of the calander year.
Some sites will let you spread it out over 2 months.
But whatever you pledge now the campaigns can spend.