WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
Rasmussen Tracking Poll: Obama 48, McCain 47 (Yesterday: Obama 48, McCain 48)
Hotline: Obama 45, McCain 44 (Yesterday: Obama 45, McCain 44).
Daily Kos: Obama 50, McCain 42 (Yesterday: Obama 49, McCain 42).
Gallup: Obama 50, McCain 44 (Yesterday: Obama 49, McCain 44).
Four poll average: Obama 48.25, McCain 44.25 (Obama 47.75, McCain 44.5).
Chad_Nielson 57p · 860 weeks ago
It is nice to see that people are getting their heads clear again after having Palinitis. Now that the horrendous effect of deregulation are hitting us, we have to move in a new direction.