WE'VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at http://www.DemocraticConventionWatch.com
Rasmussen Tracking Poll: Obama 49, McCain 47 (Yesterday: Obama 48, McCain 48)
Hotline: Obama 48, McCain 42 (Yesterday: Obama 47, McCain 43).
Daily Kos: Obama 48, McCain 44 (Yesterday: Obama 49, McCain 43).
Gallup: Obama 47, McCain 44 (Yesterday: Obama 47, McCain 44).
Four poll average: Obama 48 , McCain 44.25 (Obama 47.75, McCain 44.5).
Here's the overall trend from Pollster.com (9/23)
SLCScott 74p · 859 weeks ago
--Obama leads 49 to 47. That's a heckuva lot better than, say, 47 to 45
--41% have a "very favorable" opinion of Obama. Compare to, say, California at 36%.
--Only 41% have any kind of unfavorable opinion of Obama.
--58% of moderates have a very favorable opinion of Obama; only 16% have any kind of unfavorable. For McCain;, only 37% of moderates have an opinion that at is at all favorable.
I don't know what's been going on there, but poll after poll has now shown North Carolina close. It's becoming increasingly plausible that Obama could win North Carolina and lose, say, Ohio. And if he wins North Carolina's electoral votes, he doesn't need Ohio's...