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One theme over the summer is that whatever happens in the election, it's always "bad news" for Obama. Here's some more. From The Page and Quinnipac University:
Palin Boosts McCain In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds; But Obama Leads In Two Of Three Battlegrounds --- FLORIDA: McCain 50 - Obama 43; OHIO: Obama 49 - McCain 44; PENNSYLVANIA: Obama 48 - McCain 45Here are the August numbers:
FLORIDA: McCain 47 - Obama 43; OHIO: Obama 44 - McCain 43; PENNSYLVANIA: Obama 49 - McCain 42So, sure, McCain did improve his numbers in FL and PA. But lets look at Ohio:
August: Obama 44 - McCain 43;
Today: Obama 49 - McCain 44;
That is the largest lead Obama has had in Ohio since mid-July. And he's still ahead in PA. All in the face of the McCain/Palin national convention bounce. But "Palin boosted McCain's numbers". That's the headline. We'll take that "bad news" any day of the week.
Vicki 51p · 861 weeks ago
Matthew · 861 weeks ago
RMG 22p · 861 weeks ago
The numbers you cite look more like the percent of people that like each candidate or think the candidate will do the right thing, since 111% makes no sense for the "who would you vote for" sort of poll.
Vicki 51p · 861 weeks ago
Karen Anne · 861 weeks ago
Meanwhile, in that video of Linc Chafee that someone posted on the Open Thread, he said people were coming into his office in droves after Palin’s speech, asking how they could help Obama. Fold in the big increase in donations to Obama then, and I think McCain may have made a grave error.
tmess2 70p · 861 weeks ago
So the bottom line is that, in covering an election, any new development indicates a problem for the leader (even if the development actually is a that a previous problem has all but disappeared).
Karen Anne · 861 weeks ago
Finally someone who tells it like it is, and doesn't apologize afterwards.
Matthew · 861 weeks ago
Leah 85p · 861 weeks ago
McCain campaign admits mailing 1 Million bad ballots to voters in Ohio
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